The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
Khurshid Ali D K
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The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Khurshid Ali D K » Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:34 pm

Although it may be a little short of generalization, it would not, however, be out of place to state that a day in a normal Dawoodi Bohra’s house would not be spent without a discussion over the creation of two power centers of spiritual leadership of Dawoodi Bohra Community. With each side staking claim over the 53rd Daai’ul-zamaan’s position, the tug of war would only intensify with the passage of time. In this no-holds-barred fight for power, there would unfold events and situation never imagined and seen in the history of entire Daai lineage. Battle lines are drawn with the son (Mufaddal bhai sahib) and the brother (Khozem Qutbuddin) of late sayedna Burhanuddin, thumping thighs and sounding clarions. Both are indulging into every possible trick and strategy available in a war book to garner support of every Bohri on earth. It was only expected when the seeds of discontent were sown when late Sayedna had declared Khozema Qutbuddine his deputy “mazoon” in the public way back in 60’s but had some other plans in private, which manifested in his discourses and actions in recent past; hoisting his own son (Mufaddal Bhaisaheb) to the exalted position. It was a volte-face by late Sayedna on his own commitment for his brother to succeed him after his departure.
Udaipur being the citadel of reformists’ movement holds balance of power and each side would go any length to woo the hitherto condemned followers of Bohra Youth. Now looking from the perspective of Reformists, the unfolding drama of power politics could not be more comical and course of great entertainment with vindictive slant. The so called Dharam Guru, who had consigned the Reformists’ Movement into the dustbin of the history as the rag-tag army of disgruntled goons, now find themselves exposed as being power hungry ordinary mortals trying to stick to power by hook or by crook. Sending curses on the Reformists find themselves being cursed by their own family members. This could not have come too soon. It was in the making, for the lie and manipulations do not have legs, they require crutches to move. It basically boils down to acquiring the maximum amount of power and privileges with enormous political clout and financial benefits that accrue only on having the cult-like status with superstitious and gullible followers numbering in millions. The blind submission to the powers of Sayyedna by the unquestioning masses has been the boon for the Kothaars and “Qasre-Ali”, which have raised the Sayyedna’s status beyond the reach of ordinary mortals.
Nothing comes easier to exploit the gullible masses than raising the religious fears of after-life repercussions if not toeing the line drawn by the religious leaders, who ultimately turn out to be a fraud. These quacks have traded the path for centuries and their façade has been unmasked many times over but when there are people prepared to take non-sense, there would be such swindlers available dime a dozen. This applies to Bohras as well.
With Two Da’ais baying for each other’s blood would make things still worse for the community at large. It would, however, be stupidity to expect any kind of rebellious action from any of the factions in terms of shunning these power hungry ordinary mortals. The followers of each claimant would shout at the top of their voice to pledge their allegiance to the chosen Da’ai. With the enormous muscle and money power together with political clout at their disposal, each claimant would go whole hog to retain his supremacy and attract as many followers as it is practically possible. In this context the Reformist Bohras assume a very significant position. For whosoever gains trust of Reformist Bohras will rule the roost. And in the bargain both the sides would be more than willing to accede to all the demands of Bohra Youth. It is a question of to be seen with maximum number of followings.
The bigger question facing the Reformist Movement at this historical juncture is, are we prepared to sit and have a dialogue with any of the willing candidate putting across our terms and conditions for joining the main stream? And even if open a channel of negotiation, how would it guarantee that we are talking to the right person who has genuine claim to succeed 52nd Da’ai! Who would decide who is genuine!! Given the situation evolving, each side appears to be digging heels deeper and deeper with likelihood of any compromise appearing to be very bleak. More importantly the fact is that having enjoyed freedom from religious constraints and straitjacketing, would Reformists be prepared to follow the code of conduct, dressing and identity required maintain its distinction for political reasons!!
In this fluid situation of claim and counter claims, Reformist Movement can play a significant by initiating a public interest litigation to prevent both the claimants from using community funds and annexing properties to their names until such time that a just solution is obtained. It might seem little too farfetched but it is a historic moment beckoning the leaders of Reformist movement to take unprecedented steps, which could change the course and complexion of Dawoodi Bohra Community.
It is a question of now or never. Reformist Movement should be seen to be taking action and providing direction to the people gone astray. Watching the drama like mute spectators at this time would make us appear like a ship without a sail; a caravan sans direction.
This appears rather uphill task. But we need to take the tiny steps to climb it, if we really wish to reach up there. It’s time to act now otherwise we would only rue the moment for being just mute spectators watching the sand storm while caravan passed away.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Humsafar » Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:04 pm

Nice write-up Khurshid DK. But as I mentioned elsewhere, reformists are too small a number to to make much dent to this grab for power. Their agenda is take control, not to give it away to the people. Even so, there is no harm sending out feelers, and as far as I know it is being done.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by phorendude » Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:12 pm

Why would Reformists be interested in this power struggle? They are not gaining anything by inclining on either side currently. Yes they would definitely gain the same chains they so steadfastly broke out of years back.

On the other hand as I'd mentioned earlier in another thread that this is a great opportunity for SKQ to acknowledge the wrongs of the past and have a dialogue with the Reformists because his views on the community as per his website do point to a modern understanding of our religion and culture. The so called reformed approach.

As far as SMS is concerned he still believes in the old school of thought. Same dramas of barat, culture of 'ji hazoori', and unrelenting thirst for money. So this side is out of question for an average reformist.

As far as PIL is concerned, under what right would reformist claim all that? They didn't 'earn' the properties, the money is not theirs, and that holds ground as there is no accountability of anything anyways.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by alam » Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:20 pm

Khurshid Ali D K wrote:
In this fluid situation of claim and counter claims, Reformist Movement can play a significant by initiating a public interest litigation to prevent both the claimants from using community funds and annexing properties to their names until such time that a just solution is obtained. It might seem little too farfetched but it is a historic moment beckoning the leaders of Reformist movement to take unprecedented steps, which could change the course and complexion of Dawoodi Bohra Community.
Welcome to this forum Brother Khurshid Ali D K

You have great points to make. 40-50 yrs ago, I said laanat to NC ASghar Ali, etc.
Now I reserved my precious laanaats to Yazid, OBL, Murderers, rapists, child molesters . . . You get the drift.
Allah no Laakh Shukr, that over the decades my imaan has less to do with Others Aql, bureaucracy, words,. It has more to do with the spirit of the words (aka bayaans, doas, from syedna TS, SMB), reading between the lines and the Context and spirit rather than literal meanings. I am proud to say now that when I close my eyes each night - I have a good awareness of my deeds and misdeeds of the day, and I hope to have a better day tomorrrow, should Allah grant me another beautiful day.

Only reservation I have from what you suggest is "annexing properties" to reformist movement. Now we would have a 3rd Player claiming funds and being after money.

If a decision has to be made, the funds would need to go back to the original contributors to Dawate Hadiyah. That to me is the only ethically sound and fair approach, nobody need to accuse anyone else for hijacking their faith and imaan.

Kaka Akela
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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Kaka Akela » Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:56 pm

Kurshid Ali D K :

What big fight are you talking about?? There is no match. it is a small tempest in tea pot. KQ camp is entering the ring with their hands tied in the back.
Claiming the Nass was done 50 years ago, verbally and in private, these are 3 strikes against him. If these kinds of Nass happened in History is not proof enough in court of law that it did happen in his case as there are no witnesses except the claimant.

in the other corner of the ring is the 52 nd Dai who always preached for us to have a written vassiyat (Will), you think he didn't have one for himself ?? it is not only written but witnessed and signed and will be produced when the matter gets to court. There is no need to put it on the internet as that is his ace in the hole.

On another thread, some one has posted the pages from the diary of diwan e azam of the 52nd, Shk. Ebrahim Yamani in which the Nass done on Muffy is documented and authenticated by the 52nd by his signature, This Nass was done in 1968 AD, so it was pretty early in the Dai-ship of 52nd, KQ claims Secret Nass done on him was 1965. You don't think that 52nd was so forgetful to do two Nass in a matter of 3 years??? After 1968 AD Nass; he had done Nass on Muffy 3 other times, one of which was again secret (in 2006) but the last two in 2012 were in public, The last one being in Raudat Tahera in front of thousands of people.

Muffy the 53 rd Dai Mufaddal Saifuddin is like putting up with the empty yapping of small chihuah for now and giving time to tire himself out, but when he lowers the boom, KQ camp better watch out because by then they will be out of all their money & energy and all his followers will abandon him and would want to come back to the legitimate Dai.

PDB is not a factor to either side because they have demands that are not acceptable to either side that are battling,

In all this I am hoping that the Muffy camp will give up the love of money and constant demands of money under a thin veneer of religion.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by layman » Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:55 am

Muffy has always run a money making business by taking covers twice a week, then the thali system, how is it free when each and everyone has to pay an amount decided by the Amil minimum being, Rs.5200/-?
Now theyre asking everyone abroad to donate for Gilaaf, come on, just see the muffy camps lifestyle, private jets, hunting in africa, clothes and take a dig at their purchases (LV bags, shoes, lavish furniture and show glasses, ets). Does a priest, monk, dastur, etc. carry such luxury lifestyles?
If muffy has so much money for himself then why the hell would you extort from people in the name of donation for everything?

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by sumi » Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:34 am

Excellent article , the reformists now should not remain in hiding, come out in open and take them to courts and get a stay order issued on the functioning of Bohra properties . This is a very good time to get the power over these properties back to the common bohra people to which it rightly belongs. This AAP wave is spreading every where!.
Similar case happened with the Khawaja ajmeri shrine in Ajmer 50 yrs back as the filthy Mujawars of the dargah were bitterly fighting to get the donation money donated to the dargah for personal use. Then the central govt had to intervene and a Parliamentary act was passed DURGAH KHAWAJA SAHEB ACT, 1955 taking the dargah under central control and to be spent on welfare of Muslims. A significant dent was made in their earnings. I hope a similar parliamentary act passes on this issue for the interest of all. But these reformists should come out of just writing things in a closet and do some real groundlevel activism and need to get this problem discussed in the Indian parliament.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Fakhruddinsuratwala » Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:15 am

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday said Waqf assets have the potential of generating considerable returns which could be used for socio-economic development of the community.
Launching the National Waqf Development Corporation Limited (NAWADCO) here, he said it will help facilitate and mobilise financial resources for starting schools, colleges and hospitals on Waqf properties in a transparent manner.
"Today we take another step forward in our efforts to promote the interests of minorities in our country," the Prime Minister said.
"Waqf assets have the potential of generating considerable returns which could be used for socio-economic development of the community," he said.
UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi was also present at the inauguration of NAWADCO, a new central public sector enterprise under the minority affairs ministry.
The corporation is one of the several initiatives that the minority affairs ministry has taken since its inception in 2006. Government has recently enacted the Waqf (Amendment) Act, 2013.
Highlighting the minority card, Singh said, "UPA government has been unwavering in its commitment for promotion and protection of minorities."
The corporation is expected to play a crucial role in the development of Waqf properties for welfare of the community.
Singh also noted that the government has implemented most of the recommendations of the Sachchar Committee. The establishment of NAWADCO is a follow up of Sachchar Committee recommendation.
India has the largest number of Waqf properties in the world. There are more than 4.9 lakh registered waqf properties in the country and the current annual income from these properties is about Rs 163 crores.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Fakhruddinsuratwala » Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:16 am

I think he is not counting the Bohra trust as the returns would have been 16000 crores. ;-)

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Qutbi-Hero » Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:01 pm

Khurshid Ali D K wrote:Udaipur being the citadel of reformists’ movement holds balance of power

Khurshid Ali D K wrote:and each side would go any length to woo the hitherto condemned followers of Bohra Youth

Khurshid Ali D K wrote:In this context the Reformist Bohras assume a very significant position

Khurshid Ali D K wrote:For whosoever gains trust of Reformist Bohras will rule the roost

Khurshid Ali D K wrote:And in the bargain both the sides would be more than willing to accede to all the demands of Bohra Youth

I swear, what planet do you people live on LOL! The Kothar suffers from delusions of grandeur... and this place keeps proving that Reformists do too!

Shall I give you a dose of reality my friend... alrighty then! :wink:

Firstly... there are only 5,000 Reformists in Udaipur - whereas there are 1 to 5 million Bohras worldwide... although lets take the commonly quoted figure of 1.2 million. This means, you guys represent less than one percent... that's right, only a fraction of ONE PERCENT LOL! Trust me dude, you guys do not hold the balance of power, you wacky funster you lol! :mrgreen:

Secondly... we would all agree that the Kothar has turned our faith in to a money-making business - therefore Udaipur is a loss of revenue for them which any business would like to recover. However how much income are we talking about? Lets see shall we...

Is Udaipur a small town or a big city? How developed are it's resources and infrastructure? Are the 5,000 Reformists highly educated? Do they earn good money? Are they generous or tight-fisted lol? Do you have any rich Industrialists who could finance major projects? Do you have any powerful Professionals who could influence local politics and the judiciary? Etc etc etc...

The truth is that Udaipur would generate only a tiny amount of money for the Kothar... which is why they only give a tiny amount of a damn about you! In fact just 50 members of London Jamaat could raise more cash for them than the entire Reformist Jamaat - simply due to the currency rate! Ya see, the Kothar are international players now... and they only deal in Rupees if you have Lakhs and Crores... otherwise they are chasing after Pounds, Euros, Dollars and Dinars etc!

Still, Udaipur does have one major thing in it's favour... the fact you are an embarrassment to the Kothar and a thorn in their side - unfortunately you guys aren't bothered about capitalising on this aspect at all! You have hardly any exposure to the outside world and have done little to engage with other Bohras. On the rare occasion that you do actually raise your voice, you become sitting ducks for the Kothari Propaganda Machine, who out manoeuvre and outsmart you at every turn... so making anything you say dismissed by everyone.

Outside of Updaipur, the average Bohra sitting on a thaal anywhere in the world... doesn't have a clue what you guys are doing, or even care... indeed many don't even know you guys still exist!

Why is this so? Let me tell you...

It's due to so little effort coming from you guys! Where is the platform for your message? What exactly are your beliefs? Who represents you? What have you achieved in the past? What are your plans for the future? Even the most basic thing like having an official Udaipur Jamaat website and spokesman, has not been put in place! You don't even have a Youtube Channel to show the world who you are are what you are doing! All you have is this pokey little forum which after 14 long years, has amassed a Kothar-destroying number of... 34 posters lol! (I wish it was 47, then at least we could be like the 47 Ronin lol!)

The Kickass Qutbis have shown just how powerful the internet can be if used properly, yet you guys are stuck in the past, still talking about the 1970's and fantasising about how feared and all-powerful you are... lol!

Anyway, I look forward to your future posts Kurshid... perhaps you could throw in some tabloid-style conspiracy theories like Mr Insaf, to make things even more entertaining lol!

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Humsafar » Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:11 pm

Qutbi fanboy, that was funny I must say.
Perhaps you should have looked at my response, you wouldn't have laughed so much. Or perhaps you did and still laughed. :-)

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Free_Spirit » Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:13 pm

Q boy a little bit of respect wouldn't go amiss, mate. You are patronising everyone as well. Just like Quothar :)

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by AgnosticTheist » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:43 am

Like it or not - Qutbi-Londoner is correct! Not a single brick (rather dust) of kothar has been affected in 30-40 years of revolt.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:28 am

Actually, the number of reformists doesn't really matter. If there is a full page ad in one of the big newspapers that the reformists are with one party or the other, it would be a big boost for that particular party. After all, the bohra Dai's have been saying that numbers do not matter while giving the example of the shahid of karbala don't they? The key thing to note is that every single bohra is aware of the reformist movement and their fight for justice. If one party gives them hope for justice, then that party proves to be one which is just. That in itself will be a major win for both!!

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by maxthemature » Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:51 am

There is no big fight! We have few bunch of lunaatics sitting in thaane who have
Totally lost it and actually had lost it when syedna taher saifuddin mola
Did nas on burhanuddin aqa ra! So many clear crystal clear proofs
That burhanuddin aqa did nas on muffadal mola tus
Most clear his letter n open nas where thrice mola kept his hands
On his own on muffadal mola tus and shaal mola wit his own hands on his
We were quiet close! And most important..these lunatics talkin abt molas speech totally gone since london...
In ahemdabad chehlum night (after stroke 2012) we were 10 meters away and mola said clearly mumineen tamhare ghani barakat aape loudlyy and 2nd muharram whole waaz that year with muffadal mola on side
Rasulillah did nas on molana ali in front of 70000 people but fitnati and enemies never accepted
So history repeating itself! Just can't do anything abt such morons!

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:06 pm

Maxthemature......please give evidence even i can wake up and write anything i like to write.....what if the nass drama which happened for SMS was actually potrayed as Muffadal BS Ziyafat to Aqa Moula, because all the shakelats are of Ziyafat when a Qasre Ali saheb gives Ziyafat to Aqa Moula. And if it was such a big event why didnt they put it on youtube or world media, that would have been a big exposure and now they're wasting crores of rupees in media to prove that SMS is 53rd Dai. think about all this, do not just come here and say whatever you feel like!

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by AgnosticTheist » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:01 pm

The kothar has photos for each and every moment of SMB RA. We see photos circulating like wild fire in the bohra circles. Why not a single photo of the London nass? It was one of the most important events and no one cared to even use their phones to take a pic? If not at that moment, then at least when they claim that SMB gave sharbat to SMS a few hours later? They could have easily arranged a camera/phone in that period.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:04 pm

Don't you wish that the bohra 52nd Dai was more like Rasulullah who did Nass to Molana Ali in front of 70,000 people well before he was bed-ridden about to depart this world?

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by maxthemature » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:11 pm

Nas letter huzurala read out and those letter handwritten of his and signed
And mola wanted to travel to mumbai on his own wish and wanted to make it public
At the earliest! Dr moiz bsb and abdulkadir bsb was not up for it so soon
But aqa mola just wanted to get it done and do zyarat!
What nonsense r u talking abt?in which zyafat does huzurala reads out whole thing
And it was repeated by moiz bsb! And molas hearing capacity in mike had absolutely no
Issues he could have jus did ishara with hands not to go ahead instead
Put hands on muffadal mola tus with shafak not once twice but thrice
And his own letter of nas years back...twice informing 2 of his closest khidmat guzaar
And then both his shehzadas and then in front of 5 people thrice he repeated
Bhai muffadl and repeated did everyone hear? We personally in zyafat after stroke heard mola sayin us slowly
Aap logo ne khuda barakat aape in khandala and said aap kitna logo aava cho zyafat ma
Huh rubbbish upar rubbish u bring it here completely laughable!
And you tube???only lunatic like khuzema can do such a shitty drama
Nobody needs to proove the world through youtube facebook etc!
Grow up guys stop this stupidity....haq everybody knows what is!
Muffadal mola tus zindabad! Khuda sagla ne kuwwat aape to choose the right path and increase the love of our beloved mola day by day!one million mumineen would only grow as time passes by
Inni yohibokka wa molaya!!

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by AgnosticTheist » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:22 pm

maxthemature wrote: And you tube???only lunatic like khuzema can do such a shitty drama
Nobody needs to proove the world through youtube facebook etc!
Oh great. Then why are we shown video clips of different sahebs confirming the Nass in Masjids daily? Aren't they trying to prove?

Now a days our masjids have become youtube.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by maxthemature » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:24 pm

And somebody wakes up after continously troubling burhanuddin aqa
For 50 years and says I m the new daai! He has become a laughing stock
And gonna be beaten black and blue if he ever comes to bhindi bazaar
For cursing one million followers and aqa mola tus on you tube!
A clear example it explains and sums up the story
Ek Nabi ye hawariyeen ne umbi ugawanu farmayu to jiware umbi ugaavi to dushmano ema kharab weeds nakhi gaya taake umbi kharab thai jai, to logo ye apne araz kidi hame weeds ukhari daiye toe, Nabi ye na kidu ke hamna nai, pachi,
je waqat umbi ane weeds beve mazboot thai gaya toe, Nabi ye hukum kido ke have weeds ukhaari dau, logo ye weeds ukhaari dida magar ghni mehnat laagi to sawal kido ke aap pehle farmauta to bhi ukhari nakhte magar hamna aap ye farmayu to mehnat bhi zyada thai aam sukaam, to Nabi ye jawab dido ke pelle apni umbi kamzor hati tiware weeds ukharte to apni umbi ne nuksaan thate magar have apni umbi mazboot che to weeds ukharwa ma mehnat thai magar umbi ne kai nuksaan na thayu.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by white_pigeon » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:38 pm

maxthemature wrote:And somebody wakes up after continously troubling burhanuddin aqa
For 50 years and says I m the new daai! He has become a laughing stock
And gonna be beaten black and blue if he ever comes to bhindi bazaar
Subhanallah brother!

You need to come out of bhindi bazaar too to see what the real world looks like too brother.

But ofcourse I pray that

Allah aapne nek taufeeq aape ane bhindi bazaar maaj rakhe.


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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by godmoney » Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:59 pm

who are u gonna beat

son of taher safuddin wow

he have been to bhendi bazar and did zirahat not even one person from muffy side touch him...

if u dare just slap him and see u wud be behind bar and muffy side wont protect you as muffy him self have to say he is not a mumiin or else he wud behind bar

when he came for ziharat that time u didnt got the sms saying koi haath naa lagave khali naara lagave...

seriously i feel pitty you

may god give u power to understand good and bad

god bless you maxthemature

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Qutbi-Hero » Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:50 pm

Humsafar wrote:Qutbi fanboy, that was funny I must say.
Perhaps you should have looked at my response, you wouldn't have laughed so much. Or perhaps you did and still laughed. :-)
Of course I saw your post dude - however I was replying to the super-human hero, Khurshid... aka "Mr Balance Of Power" lol!

Who is this guy? Do you know him personally? Is he anybody important in the Reformist Jamaat?

PS: Why aren't you a Qutbi Fanboy? Are you Muffy Maniac instead! :mrgreen:

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Mkenya » Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:14 pm

Khurshid Ali D K:

Kudos to you for starting a new, very timely, thread. I have read through the responses and must say I felt deflated. Apart from a few most of them were way off-target. Anyway, I hope I do not receive an earfull for my comments.

DBF is, for all intents and purposes, a sounding board. Individuals like myself can vent on on this site communal issues. I am sure many here do 'missionery' work in enlightening Bohras and others; undertake charity and social work, raise funds for deserving causes, and so on. That is all we can and are able to do. If we are hoping for a mass movement, like a fifth column, to be born out of that is wishful thinking. MB is firmly entrenched in the driving seat: control of all monies, properties, mosques, worldwide jamaats and so on. Whereas QB has virtually nothing in his armament. "Je takht upar, eni pase loudspeaker".

Bohras have, and will always be used as pawns; as it is so evident now. Both sides are calling out to the masses for support. Today Bohras are in a unique position; the Dais are asking for their support. BUT will and can the Bohras use this chance to unshackel the Dais. Bohras fate is sealed. Whether it is MB or QB Bohras will continue to wallow in their own misery.

Many years ago when late Asgherali Engineer visited Toronto he related a very poignant story which I would like to share with you:
He was with a large group of prominent Hindu and Muslim mediators visiting a slum in Mumbai in the aftermath of the Babri Masjid riots. As they were surveying the damage around them a very old 'budhia' approached them and with folded hands addressed them:

"Mai Baap, Chalo jo hua wo hua. Yahan yato ek alishan Masjid ban jayegi, aur ya to ek bara Mandir banjayega. Lekin, mera kya kusur. Meri Jhopdi kaun banwa dega"!

It is a very shameful period for Bohras to live through. How can we justify to ourselves, no less to others, that this is our religion (Din). A Din that tells Bohras that they have a choice between MB and QB. Both promise us heaven in the hereafter but are bent on making hell for us in this world.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by maxthemature » Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:15 pm

Time will tell it all I don't need to proove anything to anybody I don't live in bhindi bazaar
I live in england and dubai is my 2nd home! So I don't need to come out of bhindi bazaar...
Just wait and see what happens! Peerbaai na chokraavo taher saifuddin mola na zamana ma
Bhikari banigaya tha and to go in the tram had no money as did enemity against dawat
Now wait and see what happens to this people
And my friend what r u talkin abt??comparing you tube and our masjid as the same??
Its our duty to let know every single mumin the reality so ppl don't go astray
In crystal clear words I have prooved every word I have said is true
And I was there personally during nas and in ahemdabad in chehlum
Where our beloved mola so clearly spoke and in our zyafat..I can put my hands on kuran and swear on anthing And allah knows
And mola knows about the nas and who is on haq!
And u can disrespect a dai and mumineen by calling muffadalis ,abdes and what u like...
We don't care! Time will tell everything here and in life here after!: )
Syedna Muffadal mola tus zindabad!may allah gives u all taufeeq to understand and come to the right path
And inshallah one day all of u will....can swear as much as u like for now!
Fi amanillah!

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by maxthemature » Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:33 pm

And after wafaat khuzema has not come once for zyarat! He doesn't have that in him nor anybody
In his family to come and face anybody infact nobody turned in burhanuddin aqas janaza or dafan or anything
They were waiting for molas demise so they could start the fitnat
Everybody knew this since last 2 the way white pigeon and god money from your language its quite clear you guy are not dawoodi bhoras and may b sunni like gulaam mohammed
I personally have no benefit in guiding ppl here in the right path nor I wud gain anything personally
By trying to proove something here...but I still wud b the happiest man on earth (even if one mumeen frm this very few people here who r misguided and have had bad expereinces)comes back to us with clean intentions,I can promise u things won't b the same for u!
Cursing here 24/7 and commenting each other since more than a decade is not a solution!
Disrespectful language,swearing on dai zamaan and making fun of one million stronghold community is insane...
Consequences are unimaginable! May allah guide all of u to the right path!

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by SBM » Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:47 pm

I personally have no benefit in guiding ppl here in the right path nor I wud gain anything personally
What makes you think that you are on the right path :roll:

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by JC » Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:54 pm

Bro SBM .... Janat is 'exclusively' for Muffadali bohras ............ :lol: ooopppssss sorry PAYING ABDES ...!! to Dai, ofcourse.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by alam » Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:55 pm

It strikes me as odd that the entire corporation of Dawat and the masses have proclaimed SMS as our 53rd, but so far only SKQ seems to have claimed it, and calling all mumineen to answer his call. SMS stays quiet in all this. let's others do his haggling.. . That may be a good sign - or a sign of . .

Hmm. . . Is SMS considering jumping the fence?

Or SKQ begging to come back in the fold?