muffy is applying chuna on the two graves

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Re: muffy is applying chuna on the two graves


Unread post by monginis » Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:26 pm

salaar wrote:for ghulam mohammad Imam Hussain and his family did say laanat to yazeed and his army in karbala for instance when shimar offered peace to shahzada Ali Akbar he said " There is no amaan for the grandson of RasoolAllah and you are offering me amaan, LAANAT on you and your amaan"
I would like to read this, you are quoting from which book?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: muffy is applying chuna on the two graves


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:37 pm

monginis wrote:I would like to read this, you are quoting from which book?
How dare you ask this ?? It is 'taawil nu bayan' which will be revealed by Muffy in due course of time like the 'taawil' of Imam Hussain's Ghoda nu bayan, his brother's bayan from qabr etc etc, these are pearls of wisdom which will be revealed at the right time i.e. after completely brain washing the abdes !!

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Re: muffy is applying chuna on the two graves


Unread post by Nameless » Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:30 am

Following circulating on whatsapp
Quote -
Making My Moula’s Qabr
The qabr of a Dai is no ordinary mound of earth. It is none other than ‘inaayat’ - divine providence which goes about designating and preparing the precise spot where a Dai will be laid to rest. For Burhanuddin Moula, a Dai whose brilliance eclipsed a thousand suns, that process began over many millennia ago.
In Kerbala on Ashura Day, divine fate had carefully picked every grain of dust that was present that day to be there. As the sun rose on Ashura, this dust comprised of ordinary, insignificant particles of earth, but before the sun set on Ashura, this ‘khaak’ had become ‘khaak e shifa’. It had become unified with the blood and tears of the most purest and noble seventy-two souls that time and space had brought into being. These particles of dust had absorbed the drops of water that emptied from the slit flask of Moulana Abbas just as they had the tears of Moulatena Sakina on learning of Moulana Abbas’ sacrifice. This same earth enveloped the tiny corpse of Moulana Aliasger as Imam Hussain dug a small grave with the sheath of his sword and turned red as the blood poured from the speared chest of Moulana Aliakber.
As Imam Hussain rested against that date-tree, he knew what was to become of this khaak. He ensured that all the barakat of his ‘badan e at’har’ would be forever fused with this khaak. He knew that this khaak would become khaake shifa and heal humanity from all its ills till the end of time. He knew that his Dai, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin would weep for him for more than a century and mumineen would weep at his feet as they envisioned Kerbala within him. Thus, he would gift him with the ultimate gift – a gift which would be worthy of such enduring sacrifice and devotion. In his final moments he remembered our Moula, Burhanuddin Moula, and uttered a ‘dua’ that would traverse the length and breadth of time to create a Dai whose entire person and being composed of becoming a teardrop infused with the gham of Imam Hussain. This was a Dai who would embody the meaning of ‘khaake shifa’. As Imam Hussain did sajda, his blood ebbed and flowed on to the scorched earth of Kerbala, infusing it completely with an untold barakat and turning it into khaake shifa. This was the gift of Imam Hussain to our Moula, Burhanuddin Moula.
Today, as Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin returned from his historic travels to Kerbala, Najaf and Yemen, he brought with him this khaake shifa. This khaak was prepared not just by fate or fortune, but by design; by Imam Hussain himself. Finally, after 1400 years in the making, his gift to his Dai would reach its destination with no less than Mufaddal Moula being the harbinger of this barakat. Mufaddal Moula would often mention on the eve of Ashura, “Mumineen! Tomorrow look not with your eyes, but with your hearts at Burhanuddin Moula and you will see Khaake Shifa on his forehead.” That shaan became ever more paramount today - khaake shifa covered his entire jism mubarak. As mere mortals, we are but inadequate to even try to comprehend what happened today.
Since the day of wafaat Mufaddal Moula has quite literally poured gallons of ‘agar’ onto Moula’s grave, just as he did today. It reminded us of the time when Burhanuddin Moula doused Moulatena Fatema’s qabr mubarak with ‘agar’ twenty two years ago. He said at the time that so much had been poured that the ittar had reached right till the core of the qabr. The son, born on the night of Moulatena Fatema, has done nothing less. He has shown to every mumin and mumina how this qabr of Burhanuddin Moula is like that vessel which contains the teardrops of Moulatena Fatema. Burhanuddin Moula was, is and will always be Fatemi shafa’at epitomized.
Mufaddal Moula, with his trademark humility, knelt slowly next to the qabr of Burhanuddin Moula in Raudat Tahera today. The upper level had been exposed and Mufaddal Moula gingerly placed a brick carefully against another near the raas mubarak. A bhaisaheb mentioned that these bricks had been formed with the water of Zamzam and the clay from khaake shifa. Each time Moula laid a brick, it was as if his heavy heart was bidding a final farewell, slowly laying his father and the father of us all, to rest. Moula then layered the bricks with cement, again made from khaake shifa, and layered them one on top of the other. It was as if he was cementing firm the foundation of his Dawat on the qabr, nay – on his deep and undying mohabbat for Burhanuddin Moula. Quakes immeasurable in magnitude have and will come, but Mufaddal Moula’s Dawat would remain solid, concrete and unwavering as this was the foundation on which he has built it.
Then the unthinkable happened. A few hundred of us were seated in the sehen of Raudat Tahera. One by one, each was called inside the qubba. Chattering amongst ourselves, we assumed we would get the sharaf of doing ziyarat before Moula went onto Saifee Masjid for maqdam majlis and Jumoa namaaz. As soon as we reached the doors of the qubba, we were handed boxes of khaake shifa and we were told to empty them on top of the qabr. Eyes welled with tears. We – Moula’s ‘khaaki ghulaamo’, no more significant than a particle of dust – who were we to even take part in making Moula’s qabr? It was with tears alongside the khaake shifa, that with as much as humility and piety that we could muster, we placed the khaake shifa near the qadam mubarak side of Moula’s qabr and we prayed. We prayed that may we always always always remain, the khaaki ghulaamo of both Moulas, residing forever in the Jannat of his qadam mubarak. Silently, quietly, with no aspiration to fame or recognition, remain just as dust in his khidmat. A tiny grain, but always at his feet.
As mumineen came one by one, the air became thick and clouded with khaake shifa. It was as if we were in Kerbala, on Ashura, as the dust swirled in the battlefield. Why not? Was this not that very place, that very sanctified ground on which the zarihs of Moulana Ali and Imam Hussain were made? The dust – the khaake shifa – rose up and up until no crevice or corner of Raudat Tahera remained that had not been enveloped in this fine dust. Anyone will tell you that when normal dust blows, we cover our mouths so we don’t suffocate. I swear by the qabr of Burhanuddin Moula, that every mumin there was breathing this khaake shifa by the lungful. We were consumed by it, for this was khaake shifa, drifting upwards from Burhanuddin Moula’s qabr. This was not a dust that would suffocate; it was breathing life into us. It was Burhanuddin Moula giving us ‘Shifa’ from below where he lay.
I stood on the edge, mesmerized and inconsolable all at once, at what has happening just a couple of feet away. Soon, it seemed a ‘ghilaaf’ of khaake shifa had enshrouded the qabr. For all the thousands of ghilaafs which were laid on Moula’s qabr, this was by far the most precious. Those ghilaafs were hand stitched by fingers of mumineen, but this…….this was the very khaake shifa which Hussain Imam himself had prepared. Every particle was drenched in his drops of blood and infused with his barakat. It was as if Burhanuddin Moula had become one with Imam Hussain, joined for eternity.
I realized then the magnitude of what Mufaddal Moula had done. He had brought Kerbala to Moula and in doing so he showed us who Burhanuddin Moula was…….and is.
Imam Hussain’s ziyarat is one which is a mumin would never tire of it. But not all of us have the means to keep going to Kerbala. But if we were to come here, come to Burhanuddin Moula’s qabr, then we would receive the barakaat of Imam Hussain’s ziyarat for the khaak of Kerbala lies within it. Each grain of dust encompasses the history, heroism and heartache of Kerbala. Moula’s qabr now has become, as Rasulullah said of Imam Hussain’s qabr, the ‘tur’at’ (hill) of Jannat.
As I continued to kneel at the edge of Moula’s qabr, I remembered Syedna Hatim. This was Mansoor ul Yemen Moula’s qabr and Aqeequl Yemen Moula had just returned from Yemen. If Syedna Hatim could turn that fistful of dust from his own qabr into gold for a humble mumin, could not Mansoor ul Yemen Moula do the same for his own mumineen? I called out nervously to one of the sahebo – one who had always stood by Moula day and night - near his qabr as he continued to build it and asked him to give me his hand. For a moment he looked baffled, but then he looked at his own hands, understood what I was asking for and then graciously reached out. I took his khaake shifa laiden hands into mine and took what I could. As I did, I silently whispered to Moula from my heart, to turn this adna adna adna khaadim into that piece of gold which would be impervious to every fire and pure in devotion to him and his Mansoos and asked Moula to turn every one of us into what he always wanted us to become. Burhanuddin Moula’s ziyarat is not just of a Dai, but of all the Panjatan, Aimmat and Duat.
22 Mar 2014 Friday 20th Jamadil Ula 1435H
- end of quote -

Does this therefore imply that Raudat Tahera is a substitute for Karbala?

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Re: muffy is applying chuna on the two graves


Unread post by AMAFHH » Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:40 am

james wrote:A relevant part of Sermon of Zainab AS ( Follower of Imam Husain AS )
"O Yazid! If you had heart enough to take account of your nefarious deeds, you
yourself would surely wish your arms to be paralysed and severed from your elbow
and you would wish that your parents had not given birth to you because you
would know that Allah has become displeased with you. Allah, Grant us our
rights. Avenge those who have oppressed us."

"O Yazid! you did what you wished, but remember that you have cut your own skin
and your own flesh to pieces. Soon you will be brought before the Holy Prophet.
You will be overburdened with the weight of your sins committed by shedding the
blood of his progeny and by dishonouring his family. The place to which you will
be taken will be before all the members of his family. The oppressed will be
avenged and the enemies will be punished."

"O Yazid ! It is not seeming for you to swell with joy after slaying the
Prophet’s progeny. ‘Reckon not those who are killed in Allah’s way as dead; nay,
they are alive and are provided sustenance from their Lord; rejoicing in what
Allah has given them out of His grace’ [3:169-170]."

"Allah is sufficient to deal with you. The Messenger of Allah is your antagonist
and Hadrat Jibra’il is our support and help against you."

"Those who have made you the head of state and burdened the Muslims with your
leadership will soon find out what awaits them. The end of all tyrants is

"O Yazid. I speak not to you thus to warn you of the severe chastisement in
store for you so that you should be regretful for you are one of those whose
hearts are hardened, souls are rebellious and whose bodies are busy in Allah’s
disobedience while they are under the curse of the Prophet of Allah.
You are
from among those in whose heart Shaytan has made his abode and has been breeding
young ones."

"How amazing it is that the virtuous people, sons of the divine prophets and
vicegerents are killed at the hands of liberated slaves, evil-doers and sinners.
Our blood is shed by their hands and our flesh serves as food for them. We feel
grieved for those whose bodies are lying unshrouded and unburied in the
battlefield, wounded with arrows."

"O Yazid, if you consider our defeat as your achievement then you will have to
pay its price."

"Allah commits not injustice to His servants. Our reliance is on Allah. He alone
is our Relief and place of Protection, and in Him alone do we repose our hope."

"You may contrive and try however much you can. By Him who honoured us with
revelation, the Book and Prophethood, you cannot achieve our status, nor reach
our position, nor can you effect our mention, nor remove from yourself that
shame and dishonour that is now your lot because of perpetrating excess and
oppression on us. Your word now is weak and your days are counted. Beware of the
day when the announcer would announce the curse of Allah on the oppressors and
the unjust."

"Praise be to Allah who gave good end to His friends and granted them success in
their aims, and thereafter called them back to His Mercy, Pleasure and Bliss,
while you hurled yourself into evil and mischief by committing injustice against
them. We pray to Allah to favour us with full recompense through them and grant
us the good of Khilafat and Imamat. Surely Allah is Kind and the Most Merciful
over His creatures." ... -of-yazid/

James brother
Have you got Raza from your 53rd dai to visit any Non bohra website's ,and read the articles
i am sure you are doing this without Raza and Khushi of your 53rd dai

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: muffy is applying chuna on the two graves


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:44 am

Muffy has gone nuts, this crazy son of 52nd Dai-ul-Mutlaq is not even letting his father rest in peace, he time and time again digs up his qabr mubarak and does all this useless stunts to impress monkey brains abde and they go ooooh aaaah Moula Muffadal Moula.

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Re: muffy is applying chuna on the two graves


Unread post by think » Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:24 am

do not believe a word by nameless. this is all rhetoric and use of words. Cannot and never compare imam Hussain with anyone. burhanuddin may call himself Hussain's Dai but does Hussain call burhanuddin my dai? If smb had no fear of death and his deeds were to be rewarded there was no need for all this khake shifa and holy water etc etc. This is all a drama of muffi . Many a good humans have come and gone and many a bad humans have come and gone. All this hocus poccus about khake shifaa smoke in the room and breathing khake shifa is not going to undo the punishment smb is handed out because of his sins or the goodness from the deeds he has done. May be Muffi already knows the suffering of his father in the grave and therefore is lining bricks of khake shifaa and holy water to ease his father's pain.