Malikul Ashtar

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:33 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:Arrives in Houston followed by the herd of sheep ready to be slaughtered at his grand bungalow.

[img] ... 3/0xqs.jpg[/img]

[img] ... 3/b6xp.jpg[/img]
GM, honestly.. how big of an idiot are you? Grand bungalow? You call this grand.. And that too in Houston? Have you ever stepped out of the four walls you call a home?

Any person who is staying in the United States can verify that owning a house like this that too in the state of Texas is no big achievement.. So please learn to confirm with your sources before you make a fool of yourself. I myself own a larger house than this so called "Grand Bungalow" of yours with a decent income if not high..

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by true_bohra » Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:11 am

rational_guy wrote:Juzer shakir is Qaid johar bhaisab secretary. true_bohra since you admit that you have paid the salaam of mazoon and muqasir, you now realize that the kothar has eaten the amount, bcoz no such amounts were received by the office of the Mazoon and Muqasir.

thank you for making the point of the corrupt Kothar

Have you read all my posts directed to gulam mohammed.

Are you the secretary of KQ that you know that the amount was eaten by kothar.

I have explicitly mentioned that a draft is preapred in favour of khuzeima qutbuddin.

Do you know how a draft works. It cannot be encashed by anyone except the person whose name is mnetioned on it. When draft was sent to KQ then it would be deposited into his account.

Thank you for making fool of yourself

ghulam muhammed
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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:08 pm

james wrote:It is getting really easy to pick holes in the statements made by the 10% wannabe fiction writer.
Your utter inability to counter the issues on other threads like "Kothar is worth More then 2 Lakh crores" and "The Fitnah behind the present turmoil in Bohra Community" where you prefer to run away with your tails between your legs you vent out your frustrations here !! Beware, you are about to lose your job with hazrate aliyah, haq na sahib, haqiqi kaaba and imamiyah qudsaniyah.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by wise_guy » Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:34 am

yes, its quite easy to own such a house in houston but its not easy to own such a house if you don't work a single hour. How many hours of real work did this Bhai saheb put in to earn the income.. Real work is not flying to n from India on Emirates first class or visiting cities for ziyafat.
juzrang wrote:
GM, honestly.. how big of an idiot are you? Grand bungalow? You call this grand.. And that too in Houston? Have you ever stepped out of the four walls you call a home?

Any person who is staying in the United States can verify that owning a house like this that too in the state of Texas is no big achievement.. So please learn to confirm with your sources before you make a fool of yourself. I myself own a larger house than this so called "Grand Bungalow" of yours with a decent income if not high..

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:19 am

Wow wise_guy, I wonder who gave you the right to judge how much a person works and how much he doesn't. Who are you to judge what real work is? Alhamdulillah my work is not that strenuous, so does that mean that any laborer who slogs for 16 hours everyday in India and earns just enough for 2 meals will call my work as not being real? You're not so wise now are you?

Secondly, I would like to say that if anyone paid me a hatful of money and asked me to sit for hours on a seat without moving, I would bail out. No human who cares about himself would do this for money as you guys put up; and all your silly conspiracy theories aside, what worldly pleasures does Aqa Maula TUS derive from all this money? None, nil, nada, zilch! Maula goes only on hunting trips and you guys make an issue out of it. Hell, if I had this much money or if you had this much money, it sure would be a different scenario, wouldn't it? Ask yourself first, argue with yourself first on these points and then come over here and argue with me.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by ARB » Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:27 am

Maula goes only on hunting trips and you guys make an issue out of it. Hell, if I had this much money or if you had this much money, it sure would be a different scenario, wouldn't it?
Wow, an educated person defending rich arab sheikhs going on hunting sprees. Oh wait rich Indian sheikhs. My bad, not just any sheikh, the true followers of sunnah and ahl-e-bait who love to kill cheetahs for fun. And your defense is that you would do it too if you could afford it?

There are alot of other pleasures Aqa Maula TUS derives from our money. Private jets, VIP treatment, people touching his feet, expensive clothes and cars. People pay him lakhs for eating free food at ziyafat. If you argue that you and I would be doing the same things if we had the money you are right. But we are just mere mortals. If Aqa Maula TUS behaves just like mere mortals then he is not any different from us.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:05 am

Free food: When do you get the full advantage of free tasty food? When you eat your fill.. Right? Which is what you and I would do.. I have personally seen Aqa Burhanuddin Maula RA and Aqa Mufaddal Maula TUS eat such minuscule amounts of food that it is really hard to imagine how can they survive.. Just small bites out of every dish for the sake of tasting..! THAT'S IT!

Expensive Cars: When do you get the full advantage of expensive cars is when you drive them. Otherwise it's absolutely no use. Most of the cars Maula TUS uses are gifts from people. If I could afford to gift Maula TUS a Rolls Royce, I definitely would, because I would obviously want my Maula to have the best of things; and mere mortal? Who taught you everything about our deen? Who had continued the line of knowledge of our deen? All the answers point towards Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA & the current flagbearer of the Dawoodi Bohra faith i.e. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS. This entire charade by you reformists reminds me of a joke (more of a reality these days) which I'm gonna share with you..

In the future, mankind and technology had advanced to unimaginable heights. Humans were able to clone other humans with ease. So the scientists decided that they don't need God anymore. The chief scientist tells God:

Man: God, we don't need you anymore. We are self sufficient and we don't even require you for furthering our race.

God: Oh really. If that's the case, let's have a competition to see who makes a better human being.

Man: Sure (bends down to pick up a fistful of dirt)

God: No No.. Get your own dirt..!

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by wise_guy » Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:09 am

so r u meaning to compare Maula to me... ??? :shock: ok tell me what businesses (not the ones funded with public money), job etc does the Bhai sahebs have ??

juzrang wrote:Wow wise_guy, I wonder who gave you the right to judge how much a person works and how much he doesn't. Who are you to judge what real work is? Alhamdulillah my work is not that strenuous, so does that mean that any laborer who slogs for 16 hours everyday in India and earns just enough for 2 meals will call my work as not being real? You're not so wise now are you?

Secondly, I would like to say that if anyone paid me a hatful of money and asked me to sit for hours on a seat without moving, I would bail out. No human who cares about himself would do this for money as you guys put up; and all your silly conspiracy theories aside, what worldly pleasures does Aqa Maula TUS derive from all this money? None, nil, nada, zilch! Maula goes only on hunting trips and you guys make an issue out of it. Hell, if I had this much money or if you had this much money, it sure would be a different scenario, wouldn't it? Ask yourself first, argue with yourself first on these points and then come over here and argue with me.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:29 am

Funded by public money? I honestly don't know where do you idiots get this concept of public money. This is not an effin government that you term the Wajebaat as a "tax". You're cleansing your soul by giving Wajebaat or any kind of money. If it would have been easy to give money without any questions, then everyone would be going to heaven. The problem with you guys is that you always expect something in return IN THIS WORLD after giving Maula TUS anything (if you do give). If you get anything in return in this world, alhamdulillah. If not, my faith prompts me to believe that my akherat is safe.

This is like you giving me a box of chocolates as a gift and then grumpily expecting me to share it with you. If in the first place you wanted the chocolate, then you shouldn't have given it to me..

I really pity you guys for stressing so much on money. You're blinded by the hatred that all the times you go on harping that how much money do we have to pay. That single thought cancels out whatever barakat you are supposed to get. The same way if you are descending Mt. Arafat and if you get a sliver of doubt in your mind about your sins being forgiven, nothing is a bigger sin than that.

The niyat of a mumin precedes his amal.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by ARB » Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:39 am

juzrang, we might agree that being a saint, SMS, SMB and their family derive no pleasure from the extreme wealth they have inherited. Whatever lexus and rolls royces they are gifted, they have to use, unfortunately. Fine. If they dont use this wealth why not distribute it to poor mumineens? We all have seen extremely poor mumineens, who dont earn a pittance, yet still are expected to pay upto 20% of their yearly income. Yet the King comes down flying a learjet, strolls in his lexus protocol while the rest of the public is trampling each other. And you have the nerve to claim SMS doesnot derive any pleasure out of this? He comes to my city walks down the main street like Pharaoh must have done, with the poorest of the poor riyaya begging at his feet for mercy. Some saint huh.

SMS might have some deeni knowledge, but I wont put him on any pedestal, or compare him to the Imam. Isnt it blasphemy according to dawoodi bohri faith to attribute anyone to be equal or higher to the maqam of the Imam? And yet the blind followers have been misguided so much that the belief in the Imam is on the sidelines and belief in the Dai is everything. The actual hierarchy is Allah - Prophet - Ahle Bait - Imams - Duat. All our people know unfortunately, is only 51-52-53. They arenot interested in anything else.

Its not all about the money mate. Read the other threads on here, there is a lot to be worried about.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:59 am

ARB, let me tell you one thing. There were many saa'ils in the zamaan of Rasulallah (SAW). You don't think the prophet could have given them wealth if he wanted? Again, you guys make fun of Maula TUS saying crap like if he is gaib na jaankar then why did he do this and why did he do that.. Maula does everything with the ilhaam of Imam uz Zaman (AS) which is the basic Bohra belief and theology. If you don't believe this and you want reforms in the religion, then you are not believing in the Imam himself and your basic tenet of Dawoodi Bohra faith ceases to exist.

And again your false assumptions and hatred come to the fore when you say that Imam uz Zaman (AS) is on the sidelines. If he was ever on the sidelines, Maula TUS wouldn't ever refer to himself as Mamluk e Aale Mohammed (AS).

If you people want reforms in the current religion, then you cease to exist as Dawoodi Bohras because you have challenged the decision making of Imam uz Zaman (AS) which is nothing short of blasphemy.

Another thing.. People who are sitting on the outskirts of Dawoodi Bohra faith and commenting on the issues like voyeurs, will know nothing of the faith as you explained 51-52-53. For us people, who follow the Dawoodi Bohra faith like it's supposed to be followed, are satisfied and at peace with our soul. And yea.. I have a pretty comprehensible knowledge of my entire faith. Guess from whom did I get that?

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by think » Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:05 am

The human brain is an amazing organ. It keeps working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year from before you leave the womb, right upto the day you find yourself in the bohri religion.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by wise_guy » Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:26 pm

Would Maula or any bhai saheb come to my house for the amount of money I wish to pay or not pay at all ??? Who stresses more on money ?? In Houston, a large number of families are not registered or registering in the jamat as a very high amount is demanded compulsorily (with high means, in 10s of thousands of dollars) for masjid and mawaid constructions costs. These costs are due at time of registration with the jamaat. Because of this, several people are not able to come to miqats and unable to fulfill their deen. Now tell me, what do you have to say about this Mr. Juzrang ?
juzrang wrote:.

I really pity you guys for stressing so much on money. You're blinded by the hatred that all the times you go on harping that how much money do we have to pay. That single thought cancels out whatever barakat you are supposed to get. The same way if you are descending Mt. Arafat and if you get a sliver of doubt in your mind about your sins being forgiven, nothing is a bigger sin than that.

The niyat of a mumin precedes his amal.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by Maqbool » Wed Mar 26, 2014 1:27 am

juzrang wrote:Any person who is staying in the United States can verify that owning a house like this that too in the state of Texas is no big achievement..
Yes you may be right, but it must be from their hard earned money.
juzrang wrote:I myself own a larger house than this so called "Grand Bungalow" of yours with a decent income if not high..
Jujarbhai the bungalow you are having must be of your halal money, This BS is buying it with others money that is the point.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by Maqbool » Wed Mar 26, 2014 1:45 am

juzrang wrote:This is like you giving me a box of chocolates as a gift and then grumpily expecting me to share it with you. If in the first place you wanted the chocolate, then you shouldn't have given it to me..
The vazebat is not a gift. It is given to give to them who deserve it. Hear you are enjoying some one else money and you refuse to give accounts. The vajebat is collected by force and this is the reason many right thinking bohras are giving minimum to avoid action from Amil, and they give the vajib to the deserving bohras.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by alam » Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:13 am

Malik ashter is master of narcissism and suffers from delusion of being a farishta on earth. Within that belief, everything he does is in the service of gibraeeel. Every step he takes, every town or city he enters, mumin nu Dil dukhaawey, with his demands for ziyafat or snobbery toward the less endowed. Isn't it about time this Shehzada takes a pause in between his footprints that he leaves behind and look at the damage he has done to the mumineens. And take a look at his delusion of being a saint.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:34 am

Let me ask all of you guys just one question: What is the basic Dawoodi Bohras theology and belief?
Isn't it that the Dai is appointed by the Imam and he does everything by the instructions and ilhaam of Imam uz Zamaan (AS).
If you people question the Dai, doesn't it mean that you are questioning the decision making ability of the Imam himself?

If you don't believe the above, then you're not part of the Dawoodi Bohra faith anymore.. You're free to follow any other schism you want; but the Dawoodi Bohra school of thought propagates that the Dai does everything by the ilhaam of Imam uz Zamaan (AS)

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by monginis » Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:14 am

juzrang wrote:Let me ask all of you guys just one question: What is the basic Dawoodi Bohras theology and belief?
Isn't it that the Dai is appointed by the Imam and he does everything by the instructions and ilhaam of Imam uz Zamaan (AS).
If you people question the Dai, doesn't it mean that you are questioning the decision making ability of the Imam himself?

If you don't believe the above, then you're not part of the Dawoodi Bohra faith anymore.. You're free to follow any other schism you want; but the Dawoodi Bohra school of thought propagates that the Dai does everything by the ilhaam of Imam uz Zamaan (AS)
hello juzrang

all your comrades has fled already, so may be you would like to post at least 10 qualities of your master which makes him qualified for "DAI" position.
comment on following link.


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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:12 am

monginis wrote:
juzrang wrote:Let me ask all of you guys just one question: What is the basic Dawoodi Bohras theology and belief?
Isn't it that the Dai is appointed by the Imam and he does everything by the instructions and ilhaam of Imam uz Zamaan (AS).
If you people question the Dai, doesn't it mean that you are questioning the decision making ability of the Imam himself?

If you don't believe the above, then you're not part of the Dawoodi Bohra faith anymore.. You're free to follow any other schism you want; but the Dawoodi Bohra school of thought propagates that the Dai does everything by the ilhaam of Imam uz Zamaan (AS)
hello juzrang

all your comrades has fled already, so may be you would like to post at least 10 qualities of your master which makes him qualified for "DAI" position.
comment on following link.

Just one reason is enough:

The Dai is chosen by the Imam uz Zaman (AS)

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by monginis » Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:17 am

juzrang wrote:
monginis wrote: hello juzrang

all your comrades has fled already, so may be you would like to post at least 10 qualities of your master which makes him qualified for "DAI" position.
comment on following link.

Just one reason is enough:

The Dai is chosen by the Imam uz Zaman (AS)
when how and how do you know it? who told you?

Imam was present in London or at raudat tahera?

and why you think SKQ is not chosen by IMAM? infact he was rutba naa saheb for 50 years, he deserved to be DAI more than any one else?

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:23 am

Are you really that retarded? Or are you just pretending?

This is the Dawoodi Bohra theology!! The Dai is chosen by the Imam (AS) himself and does everything with the ilhaam of Imam uz Zamaan (AS). Repeating the same again: If you question the Dai, it is questioning the decision making ability of the Imam uz Zaman (AS) which is as close to blasphemy as you can get..

And since you question the Dai and Imam uz Zaman (AS), you have ceased to exist as a Dawoodi Bohra. Simple as that. You can't stay a Dawoodi Bohra if you question the Dai. He defines this religion. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Last edited by juzrang on Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:31 am

Replying to you after you changed your question:

I have been around long enough to see who Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Aqa (RA) preferred as his mansoos. Secondly, there is enough proof out there to see that the Nass was done on Syedna Mufaddal. And thirdly, do you know anything about Dawoodi Bohra ideals at all? If someone is a Mazoon for 50 years, then is it absolutely necessary for him to become a Dai? What bullcrap..

Like I again say.. It is in the hands of the predecessor to choose his successor..

Read the history of Syedi Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (AQ) who was one of the most eminent Mazoons of Dawoodi Bohra history. Hopefully by then you will stop arguing that the Mazoon is the next in line to become Dai by default!

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by monginis » Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:45 am

even 3 year old knows about bohra theology about chosing DAI.

can you read again?

tell me how do you know muffy is chosen by Imam? and how can you say SKQ is not chosen by Imam? what is your dalil?

there is no solid proof SMB ever did any nass on muffy, even when they tried to twist it nothing came out, on other hand SKQ remain in rutba of dawat till the last breath of SMB, how do you presume Imam chose Muffy over rutba naa saheb?

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by true_bohra » Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:18 am

An imbecile person like you is talkin about proofs and evidences.

Atleast we know that Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS was in khidmat of Maula for all his life while KQ was hidin back in US. For proof we all know that if you cant accept the nass in london then what do you have to say about Syedna RA testifying the mass with his own hand in 1388.

What proof your KQ has regarding nass. Nass was done to me without any witness in secret, even a 3 year old child will laugh on you if you say that. Can you enlist any khidmat that your KQ did of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA despite sitting with his clan and planning fitnah.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by true_bohra » Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:19 am

true_bohra wrote:@mongy:
An imbecile person like you is talkin about proofs and evidences.

Atleast we know that Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS was in khidmat of Maula for all his life while KQ was hidin back in US. For proof we all know that if you cant accept the nass in london then what do you have to say about Syedna RA testifying the nass with his own hand in 1388.

What proof your KQ has regarding nass. Nass was done to me without any witness in secret, even a 3 year old child will laugh on you if you say that. Can you enlist any khidmat that your KQ did of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA despite sitting with his clan and planning fitnah.

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:42 am

monginis wrote:even 3 year old knows about bohra theology about chosing DAI.

can you read again?

tell me how do you know muffy is chosen by Imam? and how can you say SKQ is not chosen by Imam? what is your dalil?

there is no solid proof SMB ever did any nass on muffy, even when they tried to twist it nothing came out, on other hand SKQ remain in rutba of dawat till the last breath of SMB, how do you presume Imam chose Muffy over rutba naa saheb?
Okay so it has been proved now that you're not only retarded but blind as well.. My sympathies..

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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by Fateh » Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:29 am

juzrang wrote:Let me ask all of you guys just one question: What is the basic Dawoodi Bohras theology and belief?
Isn't it that the Dai is appointed by the Imam and he does everything by the instructions and ilhaam of Imam uz Zamaan (AS).
If you people question the Dai, doesn't it mean that you are questioning the decision making ability of the Imam himself?

If you don't believe the above, then you're not part of the Dawoodi Bohra faith anymore.. You're free to follow any other schism you want; but the Dawoodi Bohra school of thought propagates that the Dai does everything by the ilhaam of Imam uz Zamaan (AS)
Bhai i am 100% agree with you that Dai is appointed by the Imam and he does everything by the instructions and ilhaam of Imam uz Zamaan (AS).
Now please clarify which Dai is choosen?
1)Sulemani dai
2)Alavi dai
3)Jaferi Dai
4)48er Dai
5)Dawoodi bohara has two dai at a time(A)Mufaddal maula (B)khozaima saheb
All followers strongly believe that only & only their Dai is chosen by Immam then how to judge ?As you born in Dawoodi bohara family so you believe that Burhanuddin maula is choosen by Immam but at the same time all other bohara never agree with you.So bhai lets we all wait till the rightful Immam comes out of parda & say to all firka of bohara which one is chosen by them.

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:48 am

Juzrang please read carefully what your Muffadal Saab has written for Syedna Khozema Qutubuddin Moula (TUS)

20-01-1384hijri 06/01/1964gregorian Day Monday


Ae Valiyul-llah – ae do jahaan na aqa ane maula!

Sajdo bajavi ne haath jori ne araz karu chhu ke aap be (2) maula nu haneen ane shafaqat ghanu ane ghanu yaad aave chhe hum ghulaamo ne – yahaan Kakaji Saheb Khuzaima Bhaisaheb hum ghulaamo ne ghanu haneen ane shafaqat na saathe paale chhe. Jivaare bhi hum ghulaamo Kakaji Saheb ne salaam kariye chhe, te waqat Kakaji Saheb hum ghulaamo na upar shafaqat no haath firaavi ne pishaani choombe chhe.

Indore ma Ashura na din Kakaji Saheb ye ajab josh bukaa ane maatam karaayo. Hum ghulaamo ne em-aj laagtu hatu ke aa toh Taher Saifuddin Maula TUS hum ghulaamo na darmiyaan waaz farmaavi rahya chhe ane em laagtu hatu ke aa toh Burhanuddin Maula TUS hum ghulaamo na darmiyaan waaz farmaavi rahya chhe. Bija sagla ayyaamo ma bhi ajab shaan si Husain A.S. no maatam karaawta hata ane Panjetan no ajab shaan si maatam karaayo. Jivaare bhi logo araz karta, ya hum ghulaamo karta, ke aap ye ajab shaan si waaz farmaavi toh Kakaji Saheb em-aj farmaawta ke aa toh Huzur Aala TUS ane Mazoon Maula TUS ni doa ni barakat si-j chhe. Logo ane bairavo no tahaafut ghanu rahay chhe ane tafaadi bhi ghani rahay chhe. Yahaan Ujjain ma bhi Kakaji Saheb ye ajab josh na saath waaz farmaavi hati, bukaa ane maatam bhi ghano thayo, majma’ bhi ghano mohto hato ane bairaao sagla jagah naa hova na sabab, sagla sakht dhoop ma chhele tak chup-chaap betha rahya. Yahaan Shabaab qaim thai gayu chhe, yahaan bhi ghana logo ane bairaao bethak ma aave chhe. Jivaare Kakaji Saheb ziyarat vaaste padhaare chhe, te waqat ghanu izdehaam thai jaai chhe ane sagla Maula Maula pukaari ne shifa bolaave chhe. Ujjain si 20 mi taareekh Kakaji Saheb Indore tashreef lai jaase ane vahaan si Mandvi tashreef lai jaase. Ghulaam naseem ne kahu chhu ke jivaare Saif-ul-Huda ane Burhan-ul-Huda ni hazrat ma pohche, tivaare ae be (2) Maula ni khaake qadam choombi ne hum ghulaamo no khuzu ane khushu na saathe salaam pohchaauje. Khuda Ta’ala aap beve Maula ni umra shareef ne qayaamat na din lag daraaz kare ane hum ghulaamo ne aap be (2) Maula na thanda saaya ma aabaad raakhe. Aap beve dua farmaaujo ke aap be (2) Maula no daaman hum ghulaamo ghano ane ghano mazboot pakri raakhiye ane aap be (2) Maula ni khidmat ghani ane ghani kariye ane duniya ane aakheraat ma sa’aadat-mand thai jaiye.

Saglu araz toh nathi kari sakto magar em araz karu chhu ke Kakaji Saheb nu har cheez aap be (2) Maula si ghanu miltu aave chhe ane sagli jagah logo bhi em-aj kahe chhe ke aa toh Taher Saifuddin Maula TUS ya Burhanuddin Maula TUS padhaara chhe. Kakaji Saheb Qutbuddin Saheb ane Bhai al-Qaid Johar Bhai aap beve Maula ne sajadaat ane dua ni araz kare chhe. Koi qusoor hoi to ma’aafi talab karu chhu.
Ghulaam Mufaddal

Akhtiar Wahid
Posts: 804
Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:22 am

Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:56 am

I know you will not believe it still so here is the exact written document, word to word written by Muffadal Saab to syedna Qutbuddin Moula (TUS)
you can do a forensic for the handwriting


Posts: 21
Joined: Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:27 am

Re: look at this rascal


Unread post by juzrang » Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:09 am

Doesn't this letter show the affection Mufaddal Maula TUS had for KQ? And he is still ready to forgive him for all his misdemeanors.

Also, this showed how much Mufaddal Maula cared for the rutba of the Mazoon ud Dawat..

The same way you can go from being consigned to Hellfire to being an angel of the Paradise in the blink of an eye (Maulana Hurr AS, Raja Bharmal); the same way you can go complete opposite (Iblees LA)

If in the past when he was in the rutba, he was given appropriate respect.. The moment he decided to go against the Dai, he consigned himself to be unworthy of all the respect and affection.

And before you start saying that why did Mohammed Burhanuddin Aqa keep him as the Mazoon for 50 years; the real reason currently is known only to Allah TA, Imam uz Zaman AS and the Dai Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS. We can just afford a few guesses.

P.S: Didn't Allah TA The Creator of every being know that Iblees LA was going to revolt? Then why was he afforded the status of being as good as an angel??