The state of Bohras today

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: law against misuse of faith


Post by Rebel » Sat May 10, 2014 9:59 am

Correct, ex-communication is most lethal weapon used by the mullahs, it is very unhealthy practice to control the community and has destructive effect not only on the ex-communicated individual or family but their relatives as well. The mullahs propagate the dogmas of "age of Jahlat".
The laws against religious blackmailing could be there, however, are they applicable against these mullahs? Dawat has so much money that they can buy lawyers and in even laws against them seem to be useless.

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: law against misuse of faith


Post by Akhtiar Wahid » Sat May 10, 2014 10:18 am

Takfir is an Arabic word that literally means "pronouncement of unbelief against someone," and can be translated as "excommunication."
Takfir is the notion that an unbeliever, even a Muslim, may be excommunicated the moment that individual does not follow Sharia, or Islamic law, in its strictest sense. Merely fulfilling Islam's five pillars isn't enough, and may well be a cover for otherwise un-Islamic behavior if the individual is still susceptible to Western, Christian, Jewish, "Zionist" influences. Such susceptibility is equated with a return to jahiliyah, or the "state of ignorance" that prevailed before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad and Islam in the 7th century. Modern jahiliyah is considered even worse by believers in takfir, because Muslims today have the means to differentiate between true belief and ignorance. When they choose the latter, their crime is greater even than that of non-Muslims.

Excommunication for Muslims is the equivalent of apostasy--itself a justification for capital punishment in extremist interpretations of Islamic purity.

The notion of takfir has been used by al-Qaeda and similarly militant and terrorist Islamist organizations to justify the killing of innocent people, Muslims as well as non-Muslims.

But takfir is a controversial concept in Islam. Most Muslims, including most clerics and fundamentalist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, reject the concept as un-Islamic, deviant and dangerously divisive, as it is more likely to tear apart the ummah, or Islamic community than bring it together.

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Re: law against misuse of faith


Post by Rebel » Sun May 11, 2014 11:35 pm

Correct, the fear of excommunication shakes the family to their bones. It is a cruel practice and I have literally heard an Amil say to a community member not to come to masjid and sit in front if he doesn't have long beard. From that day that individual started to sit very far away from the front rows in masjid. Who would want to be insulted and who has right to tell people not to come to masjid because individuals trims the beard?

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you be the one


Post by think » Tue May 13, 2014 12:29 pm

If you are one, be brave, boycott your mosque, avoid the amil and bhaisaheb and tell your traditional community leadership and goonda committee, "you suck in every respect. you piece of medieval crap".
Theologies are degenerative inherently and bohra religion is no exception. People become curious with time and begin to question equations that were forbidden because they had no answer to them to begin with.
Our bohra mumineen have reached a stage in these past 50 years that they are beginning to ask questions. It won't be long before the truth will stare at them and then only Allah knows what would be the treatment metted out to these so called fake dai's and zadas and their entire family.
The hypocrite mullas, bhaisahebs and amils who are not part of the family will change sides at the flip of a coin when it comes time to saving their own life and limbs.

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Allayhis salaato, Allayhis salam


Post by questions » Tue May 13, 2014 2:27 pm

My last visit to the JK was Jan 18 and I was so disgusted by the idolatory mataam of 'Ya Muhamad' that I decided never to go again.

This weekend though was a tasbih by invitation for 13 Rajab and and so I went. So now there are more madehs - one for 53 and one for 52 and another one that laments his departing at the ripe old age of 102 ! The crap doesn't end there though. I wish I could upload the phone recording, so you could hear the chorus for the late syedna - Allayhis salaato, Allayhis salam!!!

I hope to God that the Bohra leaders are exposed and persecuted far and wide for what they have morphed the community into : an idol worshipping, shirk filled cult.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Rebel » Tue May 13, 2014 2:34 pm

One individual boycotting will have no affect on kothar. They will insult and degrade that individual and say to the community that the dirt and filth has himself/herself moved away and out from the good community like ours. No one will ever of the take notice or speak to that individual who has boycotted and stood up against the kothar. There are only a few handful of people who have stood up against them and I seen their families suffer at the hands of bhaisahebs and also by the community members. Their children were not able to marry in the community and they were thrown out the Bohri mohalla as people would insult them in every aspect of their lives. No one ever bothered to think or speak about them.
Bhaisahebs are ruthless criminals, if someone stands up against them they will root that individual out of existence with might of money and wealth they possess. The only way to stop their cruelty is to rise against them enmasse, they will come to their senses with the strength of unity of oppressed people. When hundreds and thousands of people stand up against them, they will run away from their luxurious homes and hide themselves from us. We need a rebellion, a coup and a revolution to make changes in the kothar setup. Nothing less than revolution will resolve the problems we face in the community.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by hello52 » Tue May 13, 2014 2:45 pm

Ya unless and untill U people stop talking and start doing . U have a descent strenght get all ur people together and rise against the oppressor if you can . I know you people can't do any thing because the person who start is no more and there is no leadership to guide you without which nothing can happen.
Similarly every thing needs a leader to guide on the path of truth or FALSE whatsoever be it so first do that.
We have are Dai as the leader and we know he is the TRUE one and the chossen by the imam in seclusion so there no point of any other thing.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by SBM » Tue May 13, 2014 2:48 pm

hello52 wrote:Ya unless and untill U people stop talking and start doing . U have a descent strenght get all ur people together and rise against the oppressor if you can . I know you people can't do any thing because the person who start is no more and there is no leadership to guide you without which nothing can happen.
Similarly every thing needs a leader to guide on the path of truth or FALSE whatsoever be it so first do that.
We have are Dai as the leader and we know he is the TRUE one and the chossen by the imam in seclusion so there no point of any other thing.
It is better to have NO LEADER then a leader who guides you to the wrong path

Bohra spring
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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Bohra spring » Tue May 13, 2014 4:39 pm

bohri wrote:
Saeed al Khair wrote:I will send it definitely to all leading Islamic institutions, but someone should edit it first, for the great cause

I fail to see your objective. Why do the Bohras need an outside party to help liberate them? The answer is so simple. STOP financing the bullies. No matter how many fatwas or threats the Kothar receives from the Ulema or any other body, they will continue to prosper and rule as long as the Abdes allow themselves to be enslaved.
External intervention helps but should not be the only option

External intervention will complement internal agitation where most of the heavy lifting is done internally. To date only PDB or SKQ has done the heavy lifting , while most liberal minded Bohras have sat on the fence as spectators

So any external party will not be convinced there is case for their involvement unless they are directly affected

Until then revolution is an aspiration we can probably try evolution

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by humanbeing » Wed May 14, 2014 1:48 am

A revolution requires sacrifices. Kothar is a tricky enemy. They need to be tackled in their own ways. They cut with sweet knife, similar approach shall be reverted to them. The bottomline of all their jazz is money. Cut the supply politely, steadily, smoothly. Frustrate them but do not anger them.

In times where they force the monies out on funerals, marriages other events. Be ready to opt out for alternative. But without much fuss and drama. To accept alternative we need to open our minds and social circles. Don’t talk of revolution amongst bunch of abdes.

I do not agree to idol worshipping practices in abdes. But I don’t go out all blasting and shouting from the rooftop crying “shirk” !

Before going out all against your abde family and friends. Branch out to make a social support circle of like minded people, be it amongst bohras or non bohras. Open your heart and mind to whole world rather then just bohra community. The whole world is a big bad place, stand up to opressors in every walk of life, not only amongst bohra community. But stand smart !

There are no free lunch ! don’t expect to be served all the time in name of religion from the Dai or his staff. One needs to pay for the service they desire to get ! Only Allah can grant your wishes for free.. In fact even that is not free ! you need to pay back with your deeds to deserve better.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Humsafar » Wed May 14, 2014 10:38 am

Agree with you "humangbieng', I've been advocating "civil disobedience" for long. But the question is, do Bohras have the sagacity and subtlety to operate like this. All their human and intellectual faculties are blunted by indoctrination. All they are capable of is following the herd. Increasingly, but reluctantly, I feel there is little hope for this unfortunate community. The few who can act and stir up things are too few and far in between to make any difference. Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but the thing is that if this split in the "royal" family has not stirred them then I fail to see what will. Not to speak of Muffy's backward and antiquated rulings and his regime's renewed attempt to part Bohras with their money and whatever scraps of dignity they are left with. It's amazing how human material can be turned into such dummies, they are primed for any kind of exploitation. No matter what you do to them, they will say nothing, do nothing.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Rebel » Wed May 14, 2014 1:05 pm

Until people wake up from their slumber and en masse create a revolution, dawat will continue to thrive and kothar will continue to prosper by exploiting the community. They have been thriving and living lavishly on our money for over one hundred years from TS, MB and now MS. Mere dents like KQ, other court cases, Progressive Bohras, or this forum will not create much of a difference to them. We have had court cases against TS but still he considered himself "God on Earth" and build an empire and organization to exploit, extort, oppress and subjugate the community members.
We have seen divisions after divisions of the community for power and wealth and people believe it the Nass and Haq drama. Imam is no where to be seen to save the community from inculcating un-Islamic practices in the system by the spiritual heads and saving the community from further disintegration and divisions. The spiritual heads have created class and caste system so they are considered to be superior from other members of the community.
The clergy considers the followers as their ghulams. Ghulams for their income, lavaish life styles and for their benefit. These ghulams have to be kept in check so they do not rise against them by brain washing them and if they were to raise voice against their deviant practices the spiritual heads would outcast and excommunicate them. This drama of exploitation and loot will continue by kothar until thousands of people walk hand in hand to their mahals and breaks the kothar chains and shackles forever. Freedom from kothar will require sacrifices from a sizeable population of the community not just a few dozen.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by JC » Wed May 14, 2014 2:39 pm

The Fatemi Daidom of Bohradesh zinda bad... you can even call it Taheristan, Bilad-e-Burhania or Al-Qahera-al-Muffadialia .......... national anthem is Ghanu Jeevo, flag is red/green background with Raudat Tahera in centre, the currency is called 'Barkat', Capital city is Joharabad and its airport is known as Malek-ul-Ushtr Imami Airport. The citizens are commonly referred as Abd-e-Dai.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by humanbeing » Thu May 15, 2014 2:00 am

Humsafar wrote: I've been advocating "civil disobedience" for long..
Civil disobedience ! that’s the word and that shall be the strategy for a simple bohra to come out of kothar clutches.

Why are you upset about the community ! If it is not all fine, it is not that all bad ! Morever progressives, reformist, liberal minded people are there in the community. There are still people who question and oppose and instill some sanity at local jamaats.

The plunder and opulence that we see in Royals is majorly due to support from few rich abdes. Middleclass and poor of the community does not have the scope of supporting such ayyashi. Even kothar knows, not much can be squeezed out of them. Although they try so that they look equal in propagating their measurement of walayat with wealth.

The ones who get oppressed are addicted to their fear of salvation and comfort of intercession for life after. I strive to have a dialogue and instill a sense of questioning in them. Responses are complacent to violent. Why worry about those who don’t wish to be rescued. Be it from bohra clergy or ponga pundits !

The resistance created by progressive jamaat and their struggle since last 40 years is commendable. It is an effective strategy to stand against oppression. Kothar is an evolving monster ! the way they keep changing their strategies, victims of their oppression too needs to change their approach.

Taking recourse of Corrupt and lethargic Indian judicial system is not the solution. To check kothar’s oppression we all need to establish a set of many strategies at individual levels. These are advanced times of mental games, no more on- field, face to face battles with ethics and chivalry !

We are all now standing divided and Kothari being a shrewd opportunist is thriving on divide and rule, they will keep the plum rich abdes as their slaves to sponsor their lavish lifestyles !

It would be effective to come together be it SKQ, PDB and SMS, extend a hand of cooperation and submission to begin with get mixed into crowd and propogate the idea of accountability, Transparency and responsibility of actions into grass root levels.

Change the strategy, change the approach, focus can remain the same.

Sufi monk
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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Sufi monk » Thu May 15, 2014 2:04 am

just came to know local amil took salaam for 40 days jaman of SMB death, when people asked him atleast wave off these salaam he clearly denied and forced everyone to do jaman, also came to my dad for doing these jaman but he denied clearly and kept condition he won't do any salaam, finally amil didn't agreed and no jaman was done from our side. :roll:

my dad is a good fighter....respect

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Misaq Fees Decleared in Mathern INR 100000/-


Post by suleman » Thu May 15, 2014 7:50 am

with Dua and Raza of our beloved SMS Misaq fees will be charged INR Rs 100000/- , if you are willing to take misaq with the mubarak hands of SMS.

Sufi monk
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Re: Misaq Fees Decleared in Mathern INR 100000/-


Post by Sufi monk » Thu May 15, 2014 8:08 am


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Re: Misaq Fees Decleared in Mathern INR 100000/-


Post by Rebel » Thu May 15, 2014 8:24 am

This is senseless, request anyone who intends to throw away so much money only on misaq to divert that amount towards welfare of the unprivileged members of the community, help someone setup a small business, sponsor a few children's education for several years, assist someone in medical care, provide someone assistance in marriage setup, there are countless other ways to move the community members out of poverty and render help to members in their financial problems. People should not throw away so much money over misaq.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Rebel » Thu May 15, 2014 9:02 am

wow, that is great, your dad has guts to argue and stand up against the amil...very few people are like your dad. he deserves to be saluted for his bravery to face amil and not to agree to amils terms and conditions. My salams to your dad.

Sufi monk
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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Sufi monk » Thu May 15, 2014 9:15 am

Rebel wrote:wow, that is great, your dad has guts to argue and stand up against the amil...very few people are like your dad. he deserves to be saluted for his bravery to face amil and not to agree to amils terms and conditions. My salams to your dad.
will convey it...

ghulam muhammed
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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by ghulam muhammed » Thu May 15, 2014 5:29 pm


This is reportedly based on an actual experiment conducted in the U.K.

Put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room there is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from the hook on the ceiling.

Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, all the monkeys are sprayed with ice water, which makes them miserable. Soon enough, whenever a monkey attempts to climb the ladder, all of the other monkeys, not wanting to be sprayed, set upon him and beat him up. Soon, none of the eight monkeys ever attempts to climb the ladder.

One of the original monkeys is then removed and a new monkey is put in the room. Seeing the bananas and the ladder, he wonders why none of the other monkeys are doing the obvious. But undaunted, he immediately begins to climb the ladder.

All the other monkeys fall upon him and beat him silly. He has no idea why.

However he no longer attempts to climb the ladder.

A second original monkey is removed and replaced. The newcomer again attempts to climb the ladder, but all the other monkeys hammer the crap out of him.

This includes the previous new monkey, who, grateful that he's not on the receiving end this time, participates in the beating because all the other monkeys are doing it. However, he has no idea why he's attacking the new monkey.

One by one, all the original monkeys are replaced. Eight new monkeys are now in the room. None of them have ever been sprayed by ice water. None of them attempt to climb the ladder. All of them will enthusiastically beat up any new monkey who tries, without having any idea why.

And this is how all religious traditions get established and are followed !!

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by think » Thu May 15, 2014 6:11 pm

if you can find the time, watch the lecture" roshan khyaali kia hai" by Dr. Mehdi Hassan. You can then very well relate to the bohra doctrine. The clergy wants to make certain that the abdes be ignorant as that is the only way they can save their throne. sooner or later, as more and more bohras become educated and learned , they will raise questions to the clergy and when there is no sensible answer then downfall of this clergy is certain.
There was a time in this world when the printing press was invented and people started writing and education was spreading that the King of the time used to hang people who wrote. He knew that if the people found out then his days were numbered.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Rebel » Thu May 15, 2014 6:45 pm

think wrote:if you can find the time, watch the lecture" roshan khyaali kia hai" by Dr. Mehdi Hassan. You can then very well relate to the bohra doctrine. The clergy wants to make certain that the abdes be ignorant as that is the only way they can save their throne. sooner or later, as more and more bohras become educated and learned , they will raise questions to the clergy and when there is no sensible answer then downfall of this clergy is certain.
There was a time in this world when the printing press was invented and people started writing and education was spreading that the King of the time used to hang people who wrote. He knew that if the people found out then his days were numbered.
True, clergy does not want the community to be educated and enlighten their souls with knowledge, once educated people won't tolerate subjugation and oppression. Enlightened minds will understand the hypocrisy of the kothar. But I fail to understand why so many educated people who are in field of medicine and science and technology act like zombies and do sajdas to kothar. What has happened to them? Why can't they raise their voice against them?

Sufi monk
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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Sufi monk » Thu May 15, 2014 10:25 pm

Rebel wrote:
think wrote:if you can find the time, watch the lecture" roshan khyaali kia hai" by Dr. Mehdi Hassan. You can then very well relate to the bohra doctrine. The clergy wants to make certain that the abdes be ignorant as that is the only way they can save their throne. sooner or later, as more and more bohras become educated and learned , they will raise questions to the clergy and when there is no sensible answer then downfall of this clergy is certain.
There was a time in this world when the printing press was invented and people started writing and education was spreading that the King of the time used to hang people who wrote. He knew that if the people found out then his days were numbered.
True, clergy does not want the community to be educated and enlighten their souls with knowledge, once educated people won't tolerate subjugation and oppression. Enlightened minds will understand the hypocrisy of the kothar. But I fail to understand why so many educated people who are in field of medicine and science and technology act like zombies and do sajdas to kothar. What has happened to them? Why can't they raise their voice against them?
Because education does not guarantee common sense, and all these so called educated are idiots who holds degrees and masters in particular areas, but knows nothing out of that area.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Rebel » Fri May 16, 2014 1:05 pm

I agree, education should have made difference in their outlook on how kothar feeds on them - with their immoral behavior and oppressive methods - so in essence, it is not necessary to have degrees to think rationally and logically - we all need common sense to see through the machinations of kothar and avoid their crafty tactics to make fools of us.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by ghulam muhammed » Fri May 16, 2014 5:17 pm

Rebel wrote:But I fail to understand why so many educated people who are in field of medicine and science and technology act like zombies and do sajdas to kothar. What has happened to them? Why can't they raise their voice against them?
You will find the so called educated and intelligent people doing weird things in every religion. Ambanis, Birlas and Narayan Murthy worship the elephant god and snake god, Vijay Mallya offers a diamond studded crown worth Rs.7 crores to the idol of Lord Venkateshwara at Balaji temple and one of the most eminent lawyers of India, Nani Palkhiwala would fall at the feet of the fraud Satya Sai Baba. So its a matter of "Tauhfiq" and not intelligence when it comes to believing the Supreme Creator.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by humanbeing » Sat May 17, 2014 1:51 am

Rebel wrote: But I fail to understand why so many educated people who are in field of medicine and science and technology act like zombies and do sajdas to kothar. What has happened to them? Why can't they raise their voice against them?
Educated abdes are a weird kinds. Thier submission to Clergy is more out of convenience and guilt. Having spent their life pursuing the professional qualification for a better living (Duniya), they need some avenue to express their religiosity (Deen), kothar provides these services to them at premium price. Kothar starts with flattery and end with subjugation! A remarkable transformation or technique of handling people.

Sabaks are the most effective tool in hands of kothar through which they inject abde brains with submission and slavery. I have observed many educated friends and relatives in field of medicine, engineering and science submit to kothar machinery like slaves.

When a silly mojiza is out and I debate with them over its possibilities, they are embarrassed to defend their idols, shying away or respond violently to any truth in those mojiza.

Many a times, they don’t event want to discuss such matters, as they fear that, their inner conscience and common sense will reform them and do not wish to go through the struggle of awakening to truth. They are happy in the make-believe slumber of being rescued on convenient intercession and access to heaven. They have the money and time to dedicate their piety to convenient rituals which are more entertaining as compared to hardship that one has to go through physically and mentally to achieve salvation or spirituality.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Rebel » Sat May 17, 2014 10:51 am

I agree, many people submit out of convenience although they know that it is all incorrect to do it. Convenient to stay in the fold of the community rather than move out. Yes, sabak is a brain washing tool and many educated fell victim to this strategy.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by alam » Sat May 17, 2014 12:00 pm

Humanbeing wrote: Sabaks are the most effective tool in hands of kothar through which they inject abde brains with submission and slavery. I have observed many educated friends and relatives in field of medicine, engineering and science submit to kothar machinery like slaves.
In sabaks when someone's questions cannot be answered or won't be answered, the standard reply was "Aa baatil chey, ahno jawaab Pachii milsey, aney ehma Hiqmat chey". This is their standard Modus Operandi

But the real kicker came when I reached an aal'aa daraja in Dawat naa qutub haqiqat - when not once, but repeatedly, we are advised - that when someone questions us, who appears to be more knowledgeable than us, and we don't have the capacity to answer them with our logic and knowledge (aka - brainwashing concepts that we have been fed) then we must say to them "Aa baatil chey, ahno jawaab Pachii milsey, aney ahma Hiqmat chey". They say you must say this to them, and withdraw from the discussion, and that way our imaan is saved and we don't fall under their trap of logical reasoning. They said this is what they are taught in Jameaa Saifiyah.

This strategy is in full force today, and due to decades and generations of constant hammering, people fall into the trap of not questioning.

Just another tool to thought manipulation.

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Re: The state of Bohras today


Post by Rebel » Sat May 17, 2014 12:42 pm

Very true, we can't ask questions, they say something is wrong with our iman, I once asked about zakat money and how it is used my groups of acquaintances were unhappy with me and I was bitterly attacked by them. They said something was wrong with my head, they said that my iman was at stake.
They said who are you to ask questions only dai knows and only he has right to disperse zakat wherever he in essence any questions pertaining to dawat you can't ask or you will be branded heretic.