Dawoodi Bohras in the media

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Mon May 26, 2014 10:33 pm

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras on YouTube


Unread post by bohrabhai » Tue May 27, 2014 10:41 pm

Ghosts of Godhra Show - Dawoodi Bohras in Gujarat

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras on YouTube


Unread post by bohrabhai » Tue May 27, 2014 10:49 pm

Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS Conducts 76th imteehan

listen last line about women education !!

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras on YouTube


Unread post by bohrabhai » Tue May 27, 2014 10:52 pm

Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS arriving in Surat (Part 1)
who is on front seat without jungli dari ?? MOla e travelling ma kai farmyu na ??

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras on YouTube


Unread post by bohrabhai » Tue May 27, 2014 11:16 pm

Sufi monk
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Re: Dawoodi Bohras on YouTube


Unread post by Sufi monk » Wed May 28, 2014 12:48 am

Dadima in Surat for Aqa Maula Deedar.mp4


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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:25 am

http://naidunia.jagran.com/madhya-prade ... day-103356
मौला की झलक पाने को उमड़े अनुयायी
Published: Sat, 31 May 2014 11:26 PM (IST) | Updated: Sat, 31 May 2014 11:26 PM (IST)By: Editorial Teamshare
और जानें : Dawoodi Bohra community | spiritual leader of the 53 th | attended the inauguration of the mosque | on Saturday |
संबंधित खबरें
'वतन से मोहब्बत करो, ईमान पर कायम रहो'
सैयदना साहब का बुरहानपुर से नजदीकी नाता
गौतमपुरा में शोक की लहर
धर्मगुरूओं और विभिन्‍न संगठनों ने दी सैयदना साहब को श्रद्धांजलि
प्रभारी मंत्री ने किया ई अस्पताल का शुभारंभ
राजोद/धार। दाऊदी बोहरा समाज के 53वें धर्मगुरु सैयदना आलीकदर मुफद्दल सैफुद्दीन (तउश) ने शनिवार को मस्जिद के लोकार्पण कार्यक्रम में शिरकत की। दोपहर साढ़े 12 बजे जैसे ही उनका काफिला राजोद पहुंचा तो गांधी चौक स्थित बोहरा बाखल में उनके अनुयायी मुफ द्दल मौला की एक झलक पाने के लिए उमड़ पड़े।

सैयदना के सम्मान में स्थानीय जमात के स्काउट बैंड ने सुमधुर धुन बजाई। इसके बाद सैयदना साहब सीधे नवनिर्मित मस्जिद पहुंचे जहां समाजिक रिवाज के मुताबिक लोकार्पण किया। नवनिर्मित मस्जिद में उन्होंने नमाज अता की। राजोद अंजुमने बद्री जमात द्वारा धर्मगुरु का जोरदार स्वागत किया गया। बड़ी संख्या में समाजजन पहुंचे थे। अंदर प्रवेश नहीं मिलने पर लोगों ने धूप में खड़े रहकर कार्यक्रम का प्रसारण बड़ी स्क्रीन पर देखा।

किसी का दिल मत दुखाओ

सैयदना सा. ने कहा कि शैतान को पहचानो और उसकी शैतानी से दूर रहो। भाई-भाई आपस में मिलकर रहें। अपने पड़ोसियों का ख्याल रखें। साथ ही किसी का कभी दिल मत दुखाना वर्ना खुदा नाराज हो जाएगा। नशे से हमेशा दूर रहो। घर-आंगन की सफाई रखने के साथ ग्राम में भी सफाई को बढ़ावा दें। बच्चों को अच्छी तालीम दें। बच्चियों की शिक्षा पर ध्यान देना चाहिए। सैयदना सा. ने कहा कि हमेशा धन के पीछे भागने के चक्कर में अपने ईमान को मत छोड़ना। जिसने दीन-दुखियों की सेवा की है उसे अवश्य ही जन्नात नसीब हुआ है।

दादाजी व पिताजी भी आ चुके हैं राजोद

सैयदना आलीकदर मुफद्दल सैफुद्दीन राजोद आने वाले दूसरे धर्मगुरु हैं। इनसे पूर्व इनके दादाजी 51वें धर्मगुरु डॉ. सैयदना ताहेर अली सैफुद्दीन का आगमन हो चुका है। इस मौके पर शनिवार को आए धर्मगुरु ने पूर्व धर्मगुरु को याद करते हुए कहा कि राजोद की इस सरजमीं पर आकर उन्हें फक्र महसूस हो रहा है। जबकि पूर्व में 52वें दाई डॉ. सैयदना मोहम्मद बुरहानुद्दीन छोटी उम्र में राजोद तशरीफ ला चुके हैं।

ट्रस्ट को दिया दान

सैयदना आलीकदर मुफद्दल सैफुद्दीन ने अपनी इस यात्रा को यादगार बनाने के लिए बुरहानी करजन हसना ट्रस्ट को चौदह लाख बावन हजार रुपए का दान दिया। इस मौके पर तीन जोड़ों का निकाह भी सैयदना सा. ने पढ़वाया। शाम चार बजे सैयदना का काफि ला उज्जैन के लिए रवाना हो गया।

सवा दो करोड़ की मस्जिद

पुरानी मस्जिद की शहादत के बाद बोहरा बाखल में जिस नई मस्जिद का नवनिर्माण किया गया है उसमें शेख कौशर भाई अयामनी मुंबई ने व्यक्तिगत रुचि ली है। इसकी लागत सवा दो करोड़ रुपए है। आभार राजोद के अंजुमने बद्री जमात के सेक्रेटरी जौहरभाई ने माना।

- See more at: http://naidunia.jagran.com/madhya-prade ... db8Gc.dpuf

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:28 am

http://naidunia.jagran.com/madhya-prade ... ust-102098
'वतन से मोहब्बत करो, ईमान पर कायम रहो'
Published: Fri, 30 May 2014 02:55 AM (IST) | Updated: Fri, 30 May 2014 09:18 AM (IST)By: Editorial Teamshare
और जानें : dawoodi bohra Religion | 53rd Syedna alikadar Mufaddal Saifuddin |

संबंधित खबरें
सैयदना मुफद्दल सैफुद्दीन साहब ने कहा, प्रेम और सद्भाव का व्यवहार करें
लाइव प्रसारण देख नम हुईं आंखें
भगदड़ में मृत रतलाम के नजमुद्दीन भाई सुपुर्दे खाक
डॉ. सैयदना का बुरहानपुर से रहा है नजदीकी रिश्ता
धर्मगुरूओं और विभिन्‍न संगठनों ने दी सैयदना साहब को श्रद्धांजलि
इंदौर। आप सबकी मोहब्बत देखकर खुशी हो रही है। आप सब मोमिन अच्छे शहरी बनो और हमेशा खुश रहो। इंदौर बहुत अच्छी जगह है। सैयदना साहब भी यहां दो मर्तबा आए और हम भी आ चुके हैं। वतन से मोहब्बत करो और ईमान पर कायम रहो।

ये बात दाऊदी बोहरा समाज के 53वें धर्मगुरु सैयदना आलीकदर मुफद्दल सैफुद्दीन मौला साहब ने गुरुवार को सुपर कॉरिडोर पर समाजजन से कही। उज्जैन जाने से पहले धर्मगुरु करीब 20 मिनट इंदौर के समाजजन से मुखातिब हुए। इस दौरान 52वें धर्मगुरु सैयदना मोहम्मद बुरहानुद्दीन साहब को याद कर उनकी आंखें भर आईं। उन्होंने कहा कि सैयदना साहब दो मर्तबा मोहर्रम की नौ दिनी अशरा मुबारक वाअज फरमाने इंदौर आ चुके हैं।

इसके अलावा भी वे कई बार इंदौर आए। उन्होंने सभी को हिदायत दी कि देश के प्रति वफादार रहें। देश की तरक्की और खुशहाली के लिए काम करें और अमन बनाए रखें। अंजुमन-ए-सैफी दावते बोहरा जमात के आमिल मोहम्मद भाई नोमानी व मुआविन आमिल मुस्तफा भाई नोमानी ने सैयदना साहब का इकराम किया। साथ ही उनसे इस बार मोहर्रम की नौ दिनी वाअज इंदौर में फरमाने का निवेदन किया। कार्यक्रम के बाद वे उज्जैन रवाना हुए।

इससे पहले वे चार्टर्ड प्लेन के जरिये मुबंई से शाम 7.05 बजे इंदौर पहुंचे। एयरपोर्ट पर उन्होंने मगरिब व ईशा की नमाज अदा की। इसके बाद वे सुपर कॉरिडर स्थित आयोजन स्थल पहुंचे। बुरहानुद्दीन शकरूवाला और मजहर हुसैन सेठजीवाला ने बताया कि वे 30 मई को मजारे-नजमी स्थित सैयदना हिब्तुलाइल मौलाउद्दीन के उर्स पर वाअज फरमाएंगे। इस मौके पर जौहर मानपुरवाला, हैदरभाई महूवाला भी मौजूद थे।

मीडिया का मंच टूटा

मीडिया के लिए बनाया गया मंच उस समय टूट गया, जब सैयदना साहब मंच से आगे रैंप पर आए। नजदीक से झलक के लिए समाजजन मंच की ओर आने के लिए कोशिश करने लगे। इसके चलते कई लोग मीडिया के लिए बने मंच पर चढ़ गए और वह टूट गया।

चिलचिलाती धूप में जुटे हजारों लोग

धर्मगुरु के आने का निर्धारित समय शाम 5 बजे का था, लेकिन हजारों समाजजन दोपहर 3 बजे से ही चिलचिलाती धूप में सुपर कॉरिडोर स्थित आयोजन स्थल पर जुट गए। धर्मगुरु के दीदार के लिए उन्हें लंबा इंतजार करना पड़ा, लेकिन उनके चेहरे पर कोई शिकन नहीं थी। शाम 7.40 बजे धर्मगुरु जब मंच पर सफेद लिबास में पहुंचे, तो 'मौला मेरे मौला मुफद्दल मौला' की सदा गूंजने लगी। समाजजन उनकी अगवानी के लिए 'सैयदना जिंदाबाद' की तख्तियां लिए खड़े थे।

गाड़ी के करीब पहुंचे समाजजन

जैसे ही सैयदना साहब उज्जैन रवाना होने के लिए अपने वाहन में बैठे, तो नजदीक से झलक पाने के लिए समाजजन गाड़ी के पास खड़े हो गए। बुरहानी गार्ड्स ने बड़ी मुश्किल से लोगों को हटाया। सैयदना साहब के इस्तकबाल के लिए इंदौर एयरपोर्ट से सुपर कॉरिडोर तक दोनों ओर समाजजन कतार लगाए खड़े थे।

पढ़ी इमाम हुसैन की शहादत

इस मौके पर सैयदना साहब ने इमाम हुसैन की शहादत भी पढ़ी। पुरजोर मातम हुआ। 'या हुसैन...या हुसैन' गूंजा। आयोजन की व्यवस्था बुरहानी गार्ड्स ने संभाली। इस दौरान मदेही धुनें भी बजाई गईं। -नप्र

- See more at: http://naidunia.jagran.com/madhya-prade ... 4n9US.dpuf

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:22 am

Muslim cleric jets in for private visit
WORLD-RENOWNED ambassador of peace :D and religious leader of the Dawoodi Bohra community his holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin arrived in Zambia on Saturday for a three-day private visit.

The Dawoodi Bohra is a sub-group within the Mustaali, Ismaili Shia branch of Islam.
Coordinator of the religious leader’s visit to Zambia Yusuf Akberali said in an interview that the visit of his holiness Saifuddin is a privilege because it comes at a time when Zambia is commemorating 50 years of independence.
“Zambia is a very peaceful country in Africa and the visit by his holiness this year calls for prayer requests for our leaders and for the peace we have been enjoying,” Mr Akberali said.
He said his holiness Saifuddin is respected and recognised worldwide as an ambassador and promoter of peace.
Mr Akberali said his holiness Saifuddin believes in harmony and he is also known for his work in health, medicine, education, :mrgreen: :mrgreen: uplifting of the underprivileged, and beautification programmes for a clean and healthy environment.
“One of the main messages of his holiness is for his followers all over the world to be faithful and loyal to their country and help in developing it as a way of promoting peace in all parts of the world,” Mr Akberali said.
He said his holiness Saifuddin has visited countries such as the United States of America (USA), United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates (UAE), countries on the African continent and the Middle East to spread the word of peace and harmony.
“His personality expresses piety, devotion, sincerity and service to the cause of humanity,” he said.
Mr Akberali, who is also managing director of Linkage International Limited Zambia, said his holiness Saifuddin is on his way to Zimbabwe from India through Zambia on a working holiday in the company of the Yemeni royal family.
http://www.daily-mail.co.zm/index.php/c ... vate-visit
http://daily-mail.co.zm/media/k2/items/ ... ac4_XL.jpg

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:33 am

drama at mayor office.
bohra talking in english instead of dawat ni zaban

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:15 am

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:15 pm

http://www.bhaskar.com/article/RAJ-OTH- ... 4-NOR.html

गिरफ्तार १८ पाकि. ...

गौरतलब है कि चितरी पुलिस ने शनिवार रात करीब 2.30 बजे गलियाकोट दरगाह जियारत करने आ रहे 18 पाकिस्तानी नागरिकों को पकड़ा। पकड़े गए पाकिस्तानी नागरिकों के पास मुनाबाव से मुंबई व सुरत तक का वीजा था, लेकिन वे गलियाकोट (डूंगरपुर) तक आ गए। ये सभी पाकिस्तान के हैदराबाद और कराची शहर के रहने वाले हैं। उनके पास पाक वापसी के लिए 14 जून का टिकट भी था।

खुफिया विभाग की भी नजर

इन नागरिकों के पकड़े जाने के बाद खुफिया विभाग भी सतर्क हो गया है। सोमवार को खुफिया विभाग के अधिकारियों ने भी मामले में जानकारी जुटाई और इसकी रिपोर्ट तैयार की गई है।

http://www.bhaskar.com/article/RAJ-OTH- ... 6-NOR.html

डूंगरपुर जिले के गलियाकोट बडग़ी चौराहे से पकड़े गए 18 पाकिस्तानी नागरिक फिलहाल पुलिस हिरासत में रहेंगे। उनके बारे में डूंगरपुर जिला पुलिस ने गृह विभाग जयपुर को रिपोर्ट भेज दी है। इस दौरान पुलिस थाने में पाकिस्तानी लोगों से गहनता से पूछताछ की जा रही है। गृह विभाग के निर्देशों के बाद उन्हें वापस पाकिस्तान भेज दिया जाएगा। इसके बाद उनका पासपोर्ट ब्लैक लिस्टेड कर दिया जाएगा, जिससे वे कभी भी फिर से भारतीय सीमा में प्रवेश नहीं कर पाएंगे।

एसपी डॉ. गगनदीप सिंगला ने बताया कि पकड़े गए बोहरा समाज के 18 पाकिस्तानी नागरिकों से पूछताछ की जा रही है। इसकी एक रिपोर्ट तैयार कर गृह विभाग को भेज दी गई है। इस बीच वे चितरी थाने में ही पुलिस निगरानी में रहेंगे। वे किसी भी जगह पर आ-जा नहीं सकेंगे। गृह विभाग के निर्देश मिलने पर ही उन्हें पुलिस निगरानी में पाकिस्तान के लिए रवाना किया जाएगा। इधर, इनका वीजा ब्लैक लिस्टेड कर दिया जाएगा। जिससे वे फिर से भारत में नहीं आ सकेंगे। इस बारे में कार्रवाई शुरू कर दी गई है। शेष | पेज ६

ब्लैक लिस्टेड होगा पासपोर्ट, पुलिस कस्टडी में रहेंगे, गृह विभाग को रिपोर्ट

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:43 pm

Progressive Bohras likely to move court against 'oppressive' practices
Tuesday, 17 June 2014 - 8:00am IST | Agency: DNA
Ashtuosh Shukla

The community began the boycott after Progressive Bohras challenged policies of the then Syedna
The Progressive Bohras, a group that is being boycotted by a vast majority of the million-strong Dawoodi Bohra community, are likely to file a suit in the Bombay high court against what they call "oppressive traditions/customs that have crept into the community lately."

This follows a succession suit filed by the uncle of the present Syedna.

"We actually wanted to intervene in the present matter. But our lawyer advised us against it saying the present case is with respect to succession. Our plea will be with respect to some oppressive practices, which were never followed by the community, but have lately become prevalent," said Saifuddin Insaaf, general secretary, Central Board of Dawoodi Bohras (Progressive Bohras).

The Progressive Bohras are already fighting a case against the Dawoodi Bohra leadership in the Supreme Court. They had filed a review petition in 1996 and are still awaiting ruling. That is with respect to them being socially boycotted (or ex-communicated) by the community. The community began the boycott after the Progressive Bohras challenged some of the policies of the then Syedna.

"There are certain practices in the community like not giving entry into mosques if one does not have an e-Jamaat card or does not sport a beard. Practices like keeping a beard, imposing taxes like sabeel and wajefaat were never present in the community, and have been added of late. These are against the tenets of the religion and should not be imposed," added Insaaf. He said that according to their lawyer, they would have to prove that these practices now existed even though they are not supposed to.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:59 am

Food poison in indore

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:13 am

http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opi ... 258511.ece

Why condemn the ISIS alone? India’s prosperous Dawoodi Bohra community also practises female genital mutilation

There has been worldwide furore on the ISIS — which has declared an Islamic state in parts of Syria and Northern Iraq — supposedly issuing a fatwa on female genital mutilation in the areas under its occupation, particularly Mosul in Iraq.

This was first revealed last week, after some murmurs appeared in the Iraqi media, by the UN’s deputy humanitarian coordinator in Iraq, Jacqueline Badcock. She told mediapersons that up to four million women and girls (aged 11-46 years) faced the risk of genital mutilation, particularly in Mosul. Calling it an ISIS fatwa, she said, “This is not the will of Iraqi people.”

As outrage erupted in both traditional and social media, some analysts said the wording of the edict, in Arabic, did not sound like the ISIS and contained grammatical errors. Later the ISIS dismissed the said fatwa as “false propaganda” but local media and some Mosul residents and Kurdish officials were reported by the western media to be confirming the shocking edict. However, the fact remains that this barbaric practice, against all medical and human principles, continues to be followed in many African and Asian countries, including India.

In India, what is shocking is that while other Muslim sects — both Sunni and Shia — do not engage in this horrendous practice known as khatna (circumcision), the supposedly liberal, educated and financially better off Dawoodi Bohra community still torture their little daughters by subjecting them to it. This is a Shia subsect and trading community from Gujarat which has branched out all over India and overseas.

Bohras continue FGM

While the affluent take their daughters (aged 7-8 years) to five-star private hospitals where local anaesthesia is given before the torment is inflicted, the common folk get it done by “experienced” practitioners. But wait, there has been some progress: earlier while some black paste was applied after the mutilation, apparently these days the child is made to sit in a tub of hot water after scarring her for life!

Female genital mutilation practices range from clipping or removal of the clitoris to mutilating and removing other female genitalia. It is done to curb the woman’s sexual appetite and keep her on the straight and narrow path of morality. This would be hilarious, if it weren’t so tragic.

Not Islamic

Let’s get one thing clear. The much maligned religion of Islam does not propagate khatna or make it mandatory. That is why in countries like Iraq and Iraq, FGM is not prevalent. But it is common in African countries — Somalia (98 per cent), Egypt (91), Mali (89) and Sudan (88) — as depicted in a map of African countries carried with this data in a BBC news report, which also lists the associated medical complications.

An Indian daily last week quoted a Deoband spokesman saying categorically that khatna is not practised in India. He needs to check his facts: Dawoodi Bohras continue the practice even today. This community — my community — loves to torture its women. Here the iddat (complete seclusion of the widow after her husband’s death) extends to over four months compared to only 40 days for other Muslims. And during this period, her torture chamber has no mirror, television, music system…

To recheck that other Shia sects in India don’t practise khatna, I call two friends in Lucknow. Hussain Afsar, an Urdu journalist, a staunch Shia, and father of three girls, categorically rules out its prevalence. “This might have happened in pre-literacy days, but I haven’t heard of any family in Lucknow following this terrible practice. The Sunnis don’t do it either. I know for sure that in my family, for many generations nobody has heard of any such thing happening.”

Worldwide, it is estimated that about 130 million women have undergone such mutilation.

Britain bans FGM

With the ISIS’ diktat, true or false, raising the issue all over again, at the Girl Summit in London last week, British Prime Minister David Cameron called for a worldwide ban on female genital mutilation and child marriage.

He announced that parents in Britain would face prosecution for subjecting their daughters to FGM, and said this, along with child marriage, should be outlawed in the developing world as well. On Sunday, a 72-year-old Ugandan man who landed at Heathrow airport with an 11-year-old girl was arrested, along with another woman living in London, under Section 2 of the FGM Act 2003, for aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring a girl to carry out FGM on herself. The girl, a UK national, is now under the care of social services.

Former CBI Director RK Raghavan says FGM is not banned by law in India. But the crime is punishable; if a minor girl subjected to FMG protests against it or suffers from pain/injury, and complains to the police, it is obliged to register a case under the Indian Penal Code (Section 326 — causing grievous hurt) against the parents and the person performing the mutilation.

If a girl above 18 is subjected to this form of mutilation on the direction of her parents and she complains, “the private individual or medical practitioner who performs FGM is liable under the IPC”. So, legal remedies are available to girls subjected to this savagery. Raghavan agrees that “a major movement against FGM is required in India and pressure should be built on the Government to bring a special legislation. Of course there are religious implications.”

It is high time the Modi government followed suit. If a uniform civil code is required, then this scarring of the second gender for life in the Bohra community should be brought under the scanner as well.

Hopefully the Prime Minister’s bonhomie with the Bohra community top guns, as well as some community leaders in Gujarat (Surat houses the plush Jamia Milia, a state-of-the-art educational institute where Bohra priests of the future are trained), will not prevent the Government from introducing the harshest punishment for this torture of the girl child.

The Dawoodi Bohra community prides itself on saying how peace-loving it is and does not encourage or breed any terrorist activity.

A business community, it is focused more on money-making — but isn’t female genital mutilation as horrendous as a terrorist activity?

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by AmmarHussaini » Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:39 am

who is editor of this news paper?

it looks like he has some personal grudges against dawoodi bohras, running a news paper and if he thinks bohras are like ISIL then he is in wrong profession.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:02 am

http://www.thenational.ae/world/south-a ... bohra-sect

Leadership dispute divides India’s Dawoodi Bohra sect
Samanth Subramanian

August 5, 2014 Updated: August 5, 2014 10:42 PM

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Topics: India
NEW DELHI // India’s community of Dawoodi Bohra Muslims has become a house fiercely divided – by a succession battle over leadership, but also by competing visions of its place in the modern age.

Since April, the dispute over who should be the “Dai Al Mutlaq”– the spiritual leader of the Bohras – has been fought in the Mumbai High Court. After the earlier Dai, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, passed away in January at the age of 102, his son Mufaddal Saifuddin claimed that his father had nominated him as his successor.

A Dai always names the next in line to the title. It is not always the son who inherits the title, although some sons have succeeded their fathers.

But Burhanuddin’s half-brother, Khuzaima Qutbuddin – at 73 only three years older than his nephew – challenged this transition of leadership.

Meanwhile, Saifuddin — the 53rd person to hold the title of Dai — has thrown the community into ferment, calling for its women to dress more conservatively and to stay away from higher education and employment outside the home.

“It’s a huge setback to the community,” Irfan Engineer, a Dawoodi Bohra lawyer who runs the Center for Study of Society and Secularism in Mumbai, told The National.

Dawoodi Bohras – Shiites who trace their lineage to Yemen – number nearly a million across the world. Roughly half that population lives in India, their ancestors having arrived in the state of Gujarat in the early 1500s after fleeing Sunni persecution.

The word “Bohra” evolved from the Gujarati “vehru”, which means trade, the traditional profession of the community.

Mr Engineer said India’s Dawoodi Bohras have been relatively progressive. “The proof is there for everybody to see. Despite whatever Saifuddin has been saying, Bohra women aren’t wearing hijabs unless they’re going to the mosque. They aren’t quitting their jobs to sit at home.”

Qutbuddin has alleged that Saifuddin and his family “took advantage of a severe debilitating stroke that affected Burhanuddin following his 100th birthday in London” to declare Saifuddin the successor. In a statement issued in February, Qutbuddin also said his objections said had earned him “abuse, intimidation and even violence” from Saifuddin’s family.

Qutbuddin claimed that Burhanuddin “had privately appointed him as his successor … A private appointment is valid according to Bohra doctrine.”

Supporters of Qutbuddin have also alleged that Saifuddin is a coercive leader, a charge that Mr Engineer corroborated.

“They’re known to pressure people,” he said. “When you get into their bad books, any information about you is good enough to harass you and settle scores.”

Saifuddin is supported only by “a tiny, tiny section” of the community, Mr Engineer said – mostly a coterie that derives some benefit from being close to the Dai.

As community leader, Saifuddin controls the mosques and religious institutions affiliated to the Dawoodi Bohras.

Saifuddin’s sermons have been disturbing, said a Mumbai-based Bohra woman in her mid-30s, who wished to remain anonymous because she did not want to be seen speaking publicly against her community’s leader.

“If he had his way, he would want us to just stay at home and tend to our families, and nothing else,” she said. “And this is causing a real division within the community. Disagreeing with the Dai on such fundamental matters is regarded as some sort of betrayal.”

India’s Dawoodi Bohras had to change with the times, she said. “Otherwise we’ll be stuck in the same regressive customs while the rest of the country moves ahead.”

Videos of Saifuddin’s sermons, in which he reportedly urged men to throw women out of the house if they did not wear the hijab, have recently been taken down from YouTube.

In contrast, Qutbuddin has, on his website, emphasised the need for “secular learning” and to educate women.

Although women should maintain modesty “in dress and behaviour”, they should also “strive for the best possible education, become accomplished homemakers, and also doctors, teachers, engineers and business leaders, break the glass ceiling”, Qutbuddin wrote in a post spelling out his vision for the community.

But Saifuddin has his champions as well.

On the religious forum Patheos, a US-based Dawoodi Bohra named Aziz Poonawalla has vigorously defended Saifuddin against his critics, some of whom have blogged on the same website.

Mr Poonawalla wrote that Saifuddin only had a “legitimate concern … for the physical safety and cultural identity” of young women who worked in firms such as call centres.

“He has never discouraged Bohra women from higher education or professional careers, though he has rightly encouraged women and men alike to uphold their cultural values, and not neglect their responsibilities to their spouses and their families,” Mr Poonawalla wrote.

The dispute is not good for India’s Dawoodi Bohras, Mr Engineer said. “But there is a great resentment against Saifuddin.

“The community will not take his messages lying down.”

Read more: http://www.thenational.ae/world/south-a ... z39aaw6ZWp
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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by zinger » Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:03 am

bohrabhai wrote:http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opi ... 258511.ece

Why condemn the ISIS alone? India’s prosperous Dawoodi Bohra community also practises female genital mutilation

There has been worldwide furore on the ISIS — which has declared an Islamic state in parts of Syria and Northern Iraq — supposedly issuing a fatwa on female genital mutilation in the areas under its occupation, particularly Mosul in Iraq.

This was first revealed last week, after some murmurs appeared in the Iraqi media, by the UN’s deputy humanitarian coordinator in Iraq, Jacqueline Badcock. She told mediapersons that up to four million women and girls (aged 11-46 years) faced the risk of genital mutilation, particularly in Mosul. Calling it an ISIS fatwa, she said, “This is not the will of Iraqi people.”

As outrage erupted in both traditional and social media, some analysts said the wording of the edict, in Arabic, did not sound like the ISIS and contained grammatical errors. Later the ISIS dismissed the said fatwa as “false propaganda” but local media and some Mosul residents and Kurdish officials were reported by the western media to be confirming the shocking edict. However, the fact remains that this barbaric practice, against all medical and human principles, continues to be followed in many African and Asian countries, including India.

In India, what is shocking is that while other Muslim sects — both Sunni and Shia — do not engage in this horrendous practice known as khatna (circumcision), the supposedly liberal, educated and financially better off Dawoodi Bohra community still torture their little daughters by subjecting them to it. This is a Shia subsect and trading community from Gujarat which has branched out all over India and overseas.

Bohras continue FGM

While the affluent take their daughters (aged 7-8 years) to five-star private hospitals where local anaesthesia is given before the torment is inflicted, the common folk get it done by “experienced” practitioners. But wait, there has been some progress: earlier while some black paste was applied after the mutilation, apparently these days the child is made to sit in a tub of hot water after scarring her for life!

Female genital mutilation practices range from clipping or removal of the clitoris to mutilating and removing other female genitalia. It is done to curb the woman’s sexual appetite and keep her on the straight and narrow path of morality. This would be hilarious, if it weren’t so tragic.

Not Islamic

Let’s get one thing clear. The much maligned religion of Islam does not propagate khatna or make it mandatory. That is why in countries like Iraq and Iraq, FGM is not prevalent. But it is common in African countries — Somalia (98 per cent), Egypt (91), Mali (89) and Sudan (88) — as depicted in a map of African countries carried with this data in a BBC news report, which also lists the associated medical complications.

An Indian daily last week quoted a Deoband spokesman saying categorically that khatna is not practised in India. He needs to check his facts: Dawoodi Bohras continue the practice even today. This community — my community — loves to torture its women. Here the iddat (complete seclusion of the widow after her husband’s death) extends to over four months compared to only 40 days for other Muslims. And during this period, her torture chamber has no mirror, television, music system…

To recheck that other Shia sects in India don’t practise khatna, I call two friends in Lucknow. Hussain Afsar, an Urdu journalist, a staunch Shia, and father of three girls, categorically rules out its prevalence. “This might have happened in pre-literacy days, but I haven’t heard of any family in Lucknow following this terrible practice. The Sunnis don’t do it either. I know for sure that in my family, for many generations nobody has heard of any such thing happening.”

Worldwide, it is estimated that about 130 million women have undergone such mutilation.

Britain bans FGM

With the ISIS’ diktat, true or false, raising the issue all over again, at the Girl Summit in London last week, British Prime Minister David Cameron called for a worldwide ban on female genital mutilation and child marriage.

He announced that parents in Britain would face prosecution for subjecting their daughters to FGM, and said this, along with child marriage, should be outlawed in the developing world as well. On Sunday, a 72-year-old Ugandan man who landed at Heathrow airport with an 11-year-old girl was arrested, along with another woman living in London, under Section 2 of the FGM Act 2003, for aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring a girl to carry out FGM on herself. The girl, a UK national, is now under the care of social services.

Former CBI Director RK Raghavan says FGM is not banned by law in India. But the crime is punishable; if a minor girl subjected to FMG protests against it or suffers from pain/injury, and complains to the police, it is obliged to register a case under the Indian Penal Code (Section 326 — causing grievous hurt) against the parents and the person performing the mutilation.

If a girl above 18 is subjected to this form of mutilation on the direction of her parents and she complains, “the private individual or medical practitioner who performs FGM is liable under the IPC”. So, legal remedies are available to girls subjected to this savagery. Raghavan agrees that “a major movement against FGM is required in India and pressure should be built on the Government to bring a special legislation. Of course there are religious implications.”

It is high time the Modi government followed suit. If a uniform civil code is required, then this scarring of the second gender for life in the Bohra community should be brought under the scanner as well.

Hopefully the Prime Minister’s bonhomie with the Bohra community top guns, as well as some community leaders in Gujarat (Surat houses the plush Jamia Milia, a state-of-the-art educational institute where Bohra priests of the future are trained), will not prevent the Government from introducing the harshest punishment for this torture of the girl child.

The Dawoodi Bohra community prides itself on saying how peace-loving it is and does not encourage or breed any terrorist activity.

A business community, it is focused more on money-making — but isn’t female genital mutilation as horrendous as a terrorist activity?

the authors name is Rasheeda Bhagat.

So seems to be a Bohra woman who has gone through this, so her anger and rage is understandable although her writing skills need to be less biased and judgemental

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by saminaben » Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:40 am

Where is the bias here? Even Zingerbhai's highlighted version speaks to the facts and common perceptions of bohra self- description as peace loving. I don't see anything judgmental or biased - except a slant toward facts and perhaps truth. Truth hurts, that's true.

I think this is a very well written article, pointing out exactly the inconsistencies and exposing the double standards of a peace-loving community while propagating fgm in the name of religion.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by zinger » Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:35 pm

Saminaben, kindly relook at the original post. i have not highlighted it. it is highlighted on its own.

and i have said "LESS" biased and judgemental. i am saying she needs to tone down a "LITTLE", not denying what she has said is untrue, am accepting it

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by bohrabhai » Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:07 am

http://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/report-k ... al-2008633

Khuzaima Qutbuddin's sons planning to move into Saifee Mahal

Thursday, 7 August 2014 - 7:05am IST | Agency: DNA
Ashutosh Shukla

Saifee Mahal Salman Ansari DNA
Sons of Khuzaima Qutbuddin, the challenger to the title of spiritual head of the million-strong Dawoodi Bohras, are likely to move into Saifee Mahal – the home to the Syedna. Currently, Khuzaima's nephew Mufaddal Saifuddin, who had been declared as the 53 Dai ul Mutlaq by his late father, lives in the Malabar Hill property.

The Qutbuddins used to live there but had left the premises citing security reasons, shortly before Khuzaima declared himself to be the rightful successor and challenged his nephew's succession as the community head.

As per media reports, one of the sons had recently visited the Saifee Mahal amid police protection. The Qutbuddins hold a flat in Al Azhar building, one of the two buildings in the expansive compound of Saifee Mahal.

"We are currently living in Thane. We want to move there because it is the place where we have grown up and lived all our lives. As of now, we are making the place liveable because there was some damage done. Once it is done, we will take stock of the situation and decide again," said Aziz Qutbuddin, one of the sons.

Recently Aziz along with his brothers were roughed up by when the went to pay their obeisance at the Raudat Tahera – the mausoleum where graves of the late 52 Dai ul Mutlaq, Mohammed Burhanuddin and their grand father (also the 51st Dai of the community) exist. They had been there during the month of Ramzan. The Qutbuddins complained that they were roughed up despite police being present at the place.

Khuzaima has moved the Bombay High Court, seeking to restrain the incumbent from using the property of the community in any ways. The court has asked both parties to list their claims. The next hearing is scheduled for September 9.

Additional Commissioner of Police Krushna Prakash said, "If someone asks for protection and is needed it can be given. So far as we know as per their (Mufaddal group) submission is that inmates (followers) are always welcome at Raudat Tahera. They are never obstructed. We do not feel they are in need of any protection. They should not worry about that. If they feel like they require protection, they can go to police station."

Public relations officer of the Dawoodi Bohra community did not answer his calls.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by SBM » Sat Aug 23, 2014 10:52 pm

HasmiNoor wrote:
so you are editor of this page?
Another Moronic post from SMS abde.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:54 am

Shameless means doing an act against some one who has done favor to us or play with the emotions of someones feeling who loves/believes you more than himself or more than his close family members.

Now you make out who is more shameless we or someone whom you are favoring.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by humanbeing » Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:35 am

HasmiNoor wrote:shameless is one who wants to call himself dawoodi bohra, one who wants to wear dress of community when in need, he wants to eat and keep relation with bohras, one who wants to marry his children in dawoodi bohras, one who wants to attend namaaz in bohra mosque, one who wants to keep bohra identity, but yet keeps hypocrisy in heart and wants to stab community when ever he can.:

Bohra priesthood is stabbing and kicking abdes on the back and backside respectively every day !!
shame on them :

To become invincible or invisible conveniently

To become powerful or helpless conveniently

To demand accountability and deny accountability

To preach but not practice

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Aug 24, 2014 7:06 am

bro hasminoor
i agree 200 percent with ur views
shameless is the one who keeps hypocrisy in heart.
from what i see normal common people are not hypocrytic at all
but when i see amil and kothar,--i see full hypocrisy in their eyes and attitude.
simple eg---amil while doing bayaan in waaz--says something different, while in office he is totally different
man. split personality if u may say

ponga bhori
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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by ponga bhori » Sun Aug 24, 2014 7:43 am

HasmiNoor wrote:shameless is one who wants to call himself dawoodi bohra, one who wants to wear dress of community when in need, he wants to eat and keep relation with bohras, one who wants to marry his children in dawoodi bohras, one who wants to attend namaaz in bohra mosque, one who wants to keep bohra identity, but yet keeps hypocrisy in heart and wants to stab community when ever he can.

any ways I heard about this forum so I came to check it out, but it looks like only hypocrites and jobless people are wasting time barking against community.

this was my last post, this place is not worth of my valuable time :wink:
Short lived dawa of the Dawedar. He needs to appoint people with more patience .
There are other people on this forum who have jobs and are not hypocrites, jobless and not hypocrites. It is good that a hypocrite like you is not going to post and WASTE our time BARKING.