Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Mufaddal is still a claimant \Dawedar according to Wikip


Unread post by morela » Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:16 am

Many abdes are now attacking wiki pages to add "syedna" "dai" and many praises but wiki policies ensure prompt removal

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Moiz_Dhaanu » Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:01 am

Here are some very poignant things to think about..

SHz.MS: Male chauvinistic
SKQ: Equalistic

SHz.MS: Short tempered
SKQ: Patient

SHz.MS: My-Way or the Highway
SKQ: Middle path(Same as moulana Ali's teaching)

SHz.MS: Hate Monger
SKQ: Peace-loving and Dialogue-centric

SHz.MS: Indulges in False Testimony under oath (claimed in court that they never showered lanats on SKQ)
SKQ: Pledged on the holy Quraan (Shz.MS has yet to do that to prove his claim)

SHz.MS: Goes on hunting Trips even before 'cho maasiyu' (six month lament period of Syedna Burhanuddin(RA))
SKQ: Continues somber acts to remember the benevolence of 52nd Dai(RA)

SHz.MS: Alienates mumin with his belligerent bayaans
SKQ: Starts with very few followers but has more and more mumin want to join him by his compassionate rendering of Aal-e-mohammed's ilm

SHz.MS: His abdes want us to believe that he(SMS) is unaware of the corruption and mafia-work-style of kasre-aali and kothar, hence he is not at fault for all the vices in current day dawat.
SKQ: His philosophy "Islam is a religion of Rehmat, kindness, compassion and mercy. Coercion and extortion of any kind are NOT tolerated"

SHz.MS: Corrupt Amils in his reign get no punishment in his realm and infact continue in better posts.
SKQ: His philosophy "No one has immunity: every person in the Dai’s administration is accountable to the Dai, and needs to explain his/her actions when questioned. There will be no discrimination."

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by humanbeing » Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:52 am

SKQ: His philosophy "No one has immunity: every person in the Dai’s administration is accountable to the Dai, and needs to explain his/her actions when questioned. There will be no discrimination."
Who is SKQ accountable to….. Hidden Imam and Allah right ? is SKQ mgmt displaying audited income and expense statements of the trusts and institutions on his websites !

Is Zakat and other taxes payable to SKQ paid against receipts. Are these donations reviewed with tax laws of the land. Exempt or taxable as donations (eg ; under 80C of income tax in India)

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by haqniwaat » Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:46 pm

Eventually, people with intelligence and logic will realize that there is something missing in muffadal bs - compassion. He never had it and never will. The more people get to know him, the more they will realize that he is no more than Osama; he hates the West, cannot comprehend the modern world, and is too busy repeating himself instead of having any vision for the faithful. Pouring money down the drain is his answer to everything. And worst of all, he has destroyed the very basis of Fatimid belief in Da'i and his zere dast mazoon and mukasir by adding 'mansoos' into the misaaq, then calling mazoon defunct by his venom of zahir batin, and finally declaring lanat on the very person whose name he and millions swore by in misaaq for over 50 years. Total destruction of Dawat Fatimiyya.

Kaka Akela
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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Kaka Akela » Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:12 pm

Pope Francis had a 10 minutes meeting with his bishops who are in charge of finances, and gave them some directions and instructions and told them to invest properly so the church is making profit and not running in loss as it was happening in previous Pope's times.

Mufaddal Mola has a nice office in Badri Mahal, it would be an envy to Bill Gates office. but has he ever entered it? has ever had a meeting with the mucky mucks of Kothar to see what is going on? how is the money handled and invested and distributed to various charities?? They claim that wherever Maola is thats where his office is. That is a lot of BS. He should spend a few hours a day like every body else does in kothar in his own office and try running other non-religious affairs of Dawat in a smooth fashion, instead of giving raza for the undelings to run the dawat, while he is busy galavanting around the world collecting money.
My father used to say making big money doesn't make you rich but saving a little does now I say managing your finances is what makes you rich.

Mufaddal Mola needs to stay home and mind his office to remove the ills that kothar is doing on his back with his raza. Learn from Catholic Pope.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by haqniwaat » Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:22 pm

Kaka Akela wrote:Pope Francis had a 10 minutes meeting with his bishops who are in charge of finances, and gave them some directions and instructions and told them to invest properly so the church is making profit and not running in loss as it was happening in previous Pope's times.

Mufaddal Mola has a nice office in Badri Mahal, it would be an envy to Bill Gates office. but has he ever entered it? has ever had a meeting with the mucky mucks of Kothar to see what is going on? how is the money handled and invested and distributed to various charities?? They claim that wherever Maola is thats where his office is. That is a lot of BS. He should spend a few hours a day like every body else does in kothar in his own office and try running other non-religious affairs of Dawat in a smooth fashion, instead of giving raza for the undelings to run the dawat, while he is busy galavanting around the world collecting money.
My father used to say making big money doesn't make you rich but saving a little does now I say managing your finances is what makes you rich.

Mufaddal Mola needs to stay home and mind his office to remove the ills that kothar is doing on his back with his raza. Learn from Catholic Pope.
Yes, but Kothar is not doing this behind his back, rather with his blessings!

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by SKQ Fan » Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:03 pm

We are seeing a similar phenomenon in our era. Sayedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin (TUS) will not be defeated by a Judge's verdict or bought over charity commissioners, but the cowardice and apathy of the general Bohra population that refuses to answer his call even though knowing who is right and who the transgressor is. Muffadal BS seems to be ruling the masses not by righteousness or rightful nuss but due to the fear of the masses of social rejection, business impacts, and family pressures. Ms knows this and is continuing his aayashi and merry ways just as Mowaiya did whereas the people of righteousness were confined to the corners of their home. Sayedna Qutbuddin (TUS) is spending his time in prayer and humanitarian acts within the confines of Dar Us Sakina whereas the claimant seems to be ruling the roost. Every prophet and iman and their follower had to bear these tribulations, as we are right now. Inshallah our trail will end soon; many more are joining us having seen the folly of following a whimsical and ayyash leader

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:19 pm

There are reports that during the recent visit of MS to Surat wherein he inaugurated Burhani Hospital he finalised a plan to redevelop Kutbiwadi area on the lines of SBUT, Bhendi Bazar, Mumbai. It seems that the adage "Once bitten twice shy" does not apply to him !

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by alam » Fri Aug 29, 2014 9:35 pm

SKQ Fan wrote:We are seeing a similar phenomenon in our era. Sayedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin (TUS) will not be defeated by a Judge's verdict or bought over charity commissioners, but the cowardice and apathy of the general Bohra population that refuses to answer his call even though knowing who is right and who the transgressor is. Muffadal BS seems to be ruling the masses not by righteousness or rightful nuss but due to the fear of the masses of social rejection, business impacts, and family pressures. Ms knows this and is continuing his aayashi and merry ways just as Mowaiya did whereas the people of righteousness were confined to the corners of their home. Sayedna Qutbuddin (TUS) is spending his time in prayer and humanitarian acts within the confines of Dar Us Sakina whereas the claimant seems to be ruling the roost. Every prophet and iman and their follower had to bear these tribulations, as we are right now. Inshallah our trail will end soon; many more are joining us having seen the folly of following a whimsical and ayyash leader
SKQ fan . . You resort to name calling of your fellow brothers and sisters. . .
How do you know, how do yiu assume? Could they not be simply following the path of thier leader .. . .the path of righteousness ... As you claim, spending time in prayer and humanitarian acts within the confines . . . Not of darus Sakina, but their own mohallas and jamatkhanas?

You do no good by Demonizing your fellow brothers and sisters. When you judge and use such harsh language, you sound no different from the Mufaddalis. Just my 2 cents

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by SKQ Fan » Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:03 pm

Brother Alam
You can call me anything, but please, please do not call me sounding like a Muffadali that is the greatest insult you can bestow on an ardent follower of Sayedna Qutbuddin (TUS) . If I sound harsh it is my frustration at having a vast majority of my friends, acquaintances, family, tell me that I am on the right path, but voice their helplessness to join us as they are scared of repercussions
Mulana Hussain was martyred not by Shimr and Yazid but the refusal of the silent majority of Muslims of that era who refused to come to his aid or even voice their opposition to the tyranny of the Umayyads. The same thing is happening now, we the followers of the true Dai stand isolated and forlorn whereas the hypocrites who know the truth in their hearts yet continue to show their adherence to a false dai ,and seem to revel and enjoy ,and follow thier leader blindfolded, seemingly oblivious to his numerous flaws
Let it be known that we are at peace are truly blessed as we have followed our hearts and not our heads.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:30 am

Brother SKQ Fan,

Do you really believe that it is accurate to compare Syedna Qutbudidn's case to Imam Hussein? Do you thing the sacrifices are anywhere comparable? Comparing the two seems to be a stretch (a very long stretch) for me. The most noble grandson of the Prophet (SAW) gave his and his family's life for the cause of Islam. Syedna Qutbuddin was part (may be silent, but an insider nonetheless) of all the going-ons for the past several decades. He never spoke out openly against the excessive (forced) wajebaats, the un-Islamic practices, even the ex-communication of reformists, the excessive wealth collection by the Qasr-e-Ali, etc. etc. And he did/may have shared in part of the kothar wealth too. I understand that things are always more clear in hindsight, but comparing this current situation to Imam Husain's seems excessive.

Having said that, I believe that Syedna Qutbuddin is likely on Haqq, and your statement that the large majority (myself included) are staying silent is something that does constantly bother me.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by alam » Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:47 am

Oops I did it again. . .
If i could, i would retract the last line of my post. I am guilty of exactly that which I accused you (SKQfan) of.
Here is a Re-write on the line - "When you judge and use such harsh language, you sound no different from your opponents Just my 2 cents"
My apologies to all those insulted. Mufaddalis is a harsh term.. I agree. So is Qutbis. It takes away from our identity as Dawoodi Bohras, while engaged in this heated debate after wafaat. Maybe "opponents" is a more neutral term.

My point is that the blame game and insulting each other has become so much a part of our culture - out in the real world, and in this forum alike, that we demonize each other - as a way out for our helplessness. We get so caught up in either defending ourselves, or making ourselves feel righteous or justified, or fending off attacks and insults with counterattacks and insults, that the real dialogue gets lost.

How many times a lot of memebrs have tried to have Dialogue and objective debate, only to be diverted/camouflaged/detracted with sarcasm, insults or a patronizing 'been there done that" negative attitude by some other members of this forum. This process (among forum members) is so similar to the real world of Bohras, where healthy debate is crushed.

So I call out on myself, as well as others - guys, we are all on in this together.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by haqniwaat » Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:54 pm

dal-chaval-palidu wrote:Brother SKQ Fan,
Having said that, I believe that Syedna Qutbuddin is likely on Haqq, and your statement that the large majority (myself included) are staying silent is something that does constantly bother me.
Here's more proof that he IS on haqq and haq na Da'i:

What Happened to Taizoon BS
(Observations of a khidmat guzaar in muffadal bs' office)

After being whisked away following his zahir batin website, thanks to Mumbai police support, Taizoon bs fled to the USA. After a few months, he appeared in London under Shehzada Qaiid Johar bs and his misaaq was taken in front of witnesses at the London masjid. He was to be taken to Germany, where Syedna Burhanuddin RA was present for medical treatment at the time, but nobody has any record of him actually being taken there. Of course, mufaddal bs was also in Germany at the time.

Then he was taken to Mumbai, where he spent a year under house arrest of Shehzada Idris bs. He was told to do maafi in public to all other bs. Must have been very humiliating for him, but that was the idea. Many have heard Idris bs telling him that someone 'may come and smack you because everyone is still very angry at you'.

Then one day he was brought to Badri Mahal and escorted to mufaddal bs' office, but he was apparently told that he was being taken to Huzaifa bs' office. He must have been shocked after this deception. Mufaddal bs' wife and others, including myself, were also there, but we were told to leave after Taizoon bs had done salaam to mufaddal bs and mufaddal bs left the room. I could still hear what was being said. Shk Mohammed Husain was talking to Taizoon bs and he said something about reciting an ayat (Rabbana zalamna anfusana...) in front of everyone in Rozat Tahera during the urs majlis at night. Something about so everyone can see him, what he looks like, and he is to ask all mumineen to forgive him for posting his zahir batin website.

Then Ashara was in Dubai and the Ezzi brothers were after him. They were trying to find out which hotel room he was in. We all know why. He was always under threat of violence and everyone, especially Badrul bs and Taha bs were trying to find the right spot to beat him up severely. Maybe that is why he always looked so scared whenever I saw him, understandingly so.

Finally, he was no longer seen after Syedna Burhanuddin RA went to USA for Boston masjid iftitah. He must have been freed after that, possibly because he is a US citizen, and there must have been some enquiry on his behalf.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by humanbeing » Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:27 am

Kaka Akela wrote:Mufaddal Mola has a nice office in Badri Mahal, it would be an envy to Bill Gates office. but has he ever entered it? has ever had a meeting with the mucky mucks of Kothar to see what is going on? ……………………….Mufaddal Mola needs to stay home and mind his office to remove the ills that kothar is doing on his back with his raza. Learn from Catholic Pope.

SMS is a travelling business machine ! he is a USP ( unique selling product) of the Kothari Inc. They cannot limit SMS to his office. It would lead to immense decline in revenues from ziyafats, nikaahs, hadiyet etc.. His brothers are taking care of the business and administration in the back ground. There is specialization of roles. Its their family business and they know the optimum utilization of their resources and assets. Seems like the smartest of the brother QJ is pulling the strings and the hot headed SMS is playing the eye-candy.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:33 am

Sayings of Mola Ali SAW

1. Whosoever wrestles truth is knocked out by it

2. Whosoever transgresses the truth finds his path closing in on him

3. Whosoever cannot control his anger, his mind is not mature

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by alam » Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:27 pm

SKQ Fan wrote: The same thing is happening now, we the followers of the true Dai stand isolated and forlorn whereas the hypocrites who know the truth in their hearts yet continue to show their adherence to a false dai ,and seem to revel and enjoy ,and follow thier leader blindfolded, seemingly oblivious to his numerous flaws
Let it be known that we are at peace are truly blessed as we have followed our hearts and not our heads.
SKQFan, you contradict yourself - "forlorn" and "at peace"
Me thinks you just ANGRY that because you became isolated with the choice you made in openly coming out as SKQ supporter, your family and friends who have Not yet done so have suddenly became "hypocrites" in your eyes.

Skqfan, If you claim to be a true follower of SKQ who has come open in public and is being blessed with peace, Why not use your real identity and real name - on this fourm? if you choose not to, that's your choice. I have no business in trying to judge you because you don't.
You do no good to SKQ and his call to Dawat by denigrating those who havent as "hypocrites". You alienate the very masses of mumineens that SKQ is trying to reach. If you truly are SKQfan as your namesake, you ought to know that.

You call yourself SKQfan, so the very name triggers more sensitivity on my part, to calling you out when you simply express your frustration. Nothing personal here, just making a point.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by SBM » Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:42 pm

Yeh Dawaat key Jhagde, Yeh Misaq pey Takrar
Jisey Naaz hey Dawaat pey woh Dai kahan hey?
Kahan hei Kahan hei Kahan hei…
Yeh Ziyafaat key Soode, Yeh wajebaat pey takrar
Jisey Naaz hei Dawaat pey woh Dai kahan hei,

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:12 pm

The attached telegram shows the high Position of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin when he was appointed in the rank of Mazoon by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA and for 50 years he served Syedna Burhanuddin as his trusted Mazoon.


It just took less than 5 days after Syedna Burhanuddin's wafaat for people living in Saify Mahal to pray Lanat on Syedna Qutbuddin.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by way2go » Fri Sep 05, 2014 2:22 pm

rational_guy wrote:The attached telegram shows the high Position of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin when he was appointed in the rank of Mazoon by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA and for 50 years he served Syedna Burhanuddin as his trusted Mazoon.


It just took less than 5 days after Syedna Burhanuddin's wafaat for people living in Saify Mahal to pray Lanat on Syedna Qutbuddin.
And yet they came up with the stupid nonsensical zahir batin controversy!!! :roll: :shock: :(

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by thesource » Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:48 am

Forwarded message that I received:

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by thesource » Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:05 pm

One man with 99% of the bohra community is scared and after Another who has just 1% of the community. Why? Whats to harass and torture the 1%? If MS is the real Syedna then be peaceful live and let live like any othet priest of any religion. MS has definitely put down the respect for the Bohra people around the world. God save the Bohras!

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by adna_mumin » Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:14 pm

Sceptical wrote:
juzerali wrote:I wish they could find the video in which SMS and Dr. Moiz manhandled SMB during Ashura wa'az, painstakingly forcing him to prostrate.
[youtube] ... d3RD8llL2c[/youtube]
source :
Has anyone downloaded this video or know of a alternate source for it?

Crater Lake
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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Crater Lake » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:24 am

adna_mumin wrote:
Sceptical wrote: [youtube] ... d3RD8llL2c[/youtube]
source :
Has anyone downloaded this video or know of a alternate source for it?
I did not download it but it was one of the bigger factors in my decision to walk away from the MS dawat. Any man who tried to do this to any sick father, let alone the Dai al Mutlaq is, far from being the next Dai, is not even a good human being. In a few moments it proved to me that MS had no azamat for his father, for the position of the Dai and thus for everything that Burhanuddin Aqa has stood for or built in the last 50 years. There was no way I was going to answer his call and give him misaq. Adna, if you do get hold of this video somehow, please post it here again.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by haqniwaat » Sat Sep 13, 2014 7:23 pm

Mufaddal bs is remaining in Africa, where he finds peace from dealing with issues that he cannot comprehend. A safe party place with the Hebatulla's and others who worship him like the golden cow was worshiped when Moses went to the mountain.

His two sons were apparently in Bakersfield trying to convince the kids to come back to them, but the children refused.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Moiz_Dhaanu » Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:22 pm

Crater Lake wrote:
adna_mumin wrote:
There is an old saying "What you sow is what you will reap"...
Right now Shz Ms and Shz QJ must pray that they dont get the same treatment from their kids , but who knows Allah has his own forms of justice deliverance.
What Shz MS had done during that ashara waaz , forcing Syedna burhanuddin moula(RA) to prostate was truly unimaginable.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:36 am

juzerali wrote:I wish they could find the video in which SMS and Dr. Moiz manhandled SMB during Ashura wa'az, painstakingly forcing him to prostrate.
There are a lot of video and audio files that have been posted on this forum but all of them are buried in different threads. Is there any way the Admin could collect all these audio and video files, aptly rename them (to identify the content) and post them under one thread ? I remember there were several files which were removed by dawat (citing copyright reasons) but many members who had downloaded them posted them again through Dropbox or similar.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:14 am

which video ur referring?
may be i have it

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:44 am

On 20th Rabuil Akhar this year Shz MS announced 103Crs of Qarzan Hasanat. How many people have been given Qarzan.

Or was it spent on his bungalow in Colombo or his Shikar trips to DR Congo.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:18 pm

A friend forwarded me this email :-

Subject: An open letter to Mufaddal Saifuddin

An open letter to Mufaddal Saifuddin. A common Bohra's viewpoint. No fancy frilly language here - just plain talk:

1. The Dawedaar -
The man deserves some respect. He is after all your Kakaji, much senior to you and probably much more knowledgable. But the way his character is being assassinated - it's despicable. One of your Amils during his Bayaan in the masjid in Ramzan called him a snake. This is the depths of cheapness. He was your father SMB's Mazoon for the last fifty years and always had a cordial relationship with him. Your Father would definitely not have approved of this cursing and laanating. With the crazy frenziness of your followers that surrounds your every move you may with your 3M's - Men, Money & Muscle - ultimately win the court cases. But with his silently eloquent 3K's - Knowledge, Knowhow & Knack - The Dawedaar may win the hearts of the Bohras which is what is going to count in the end.

2. Money matters -
You and your family have amassed enough wealth to rollick in the stuff for your next seven generations and then some. Your volunteers get out their 'beggar' bags at very occasion on one pretext or the other. Asking for Najwa has become shameless. Like I invite somebody to my birthday party and I demand that he give me a gift. You don't need to milk this community anymore. It's time to pay back. Build free schools, colleges, technical institutions, hospitals etc in as many places as possible. And all it's going to take is a fraction of the money being spent on building Mazaars and Rozaas. You could also donate the money that you spend on your hunting trips. There's a big majority of our elders who are left high and dry at that age. Do something for them in the memory of SMB. We don't want lip service.

3. Band Bajaa -
The processions you have organised in your reception are getting fancier and gaudier. Your fancy dress guards look like puppets who are ready to dance at your finger tips. And in their over zealousness push men, women and children around. In these stampedes people get hurt and even die. Like what happened at your doorstep at the demise of SMB. Eighteen poor souls perished needlessly and were not even fortunate enough to get a mention in your numerous Bayaans. Pathetic. If you can't even take care of your people when they are alive, what do you suppose they can expect after death?

4. Ladies -
The way you have captured the minds of our ladies is frightening. But they deserve a better deal. They should not have to wait in a queue for hours for your kadambosi which may last a few microseconds at best. They may get to touch one of your feet or hands whilst you were sitting on a throne like a king and be fiddling with your phone. The great struggle to reach you makes them feel like they have conquered Mount Everest, but do you think that dishing out this kind of treatment has made you feel any better and that effort that they have put in is worth it? What our ladies need is some education and a fair chance at a decent life. For example you may have heard about prostitution in Sidhpur but turning a blind eye is not going to make the problem go away. If you really want to be the real ladies' Moula come off your throne and AC comforts and do something on the ground for these your blind followers. You owe them this.

5. FMB -
It is one of the most un-understandable schemes started by you. I have asked several elders what this is all about. And the standard answer has been - Moula knows best. That is the best they could come up with because they themselves don't know. Can't blame them. It started off with the good intention that no one sleeps hungry. Whoever wants can pay as much as they want and the needy get food. Then there was a twist. Everyone pays and everyone eats. Then, everyone must pay. Then, everyone must eat. What the hell !!! There are people who have to spare time to keep this thing going. If not to anyone else, you owe them a credible explanation.

I am an ordinary sinning Bohra and have no right to tell anyone what is right or wrong. But then this applies to everyone including you.


Nobody's Abde.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by haqniwaat » Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:25 pm

Another laanat party by QE.
Becoming an everyday ritual.
Another Laanat Party
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