World at war : who to blame

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World at war : who to blame


Unread post by humanbeing » Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:00 am

Received on watsapp :
Overall, Muslims are not a happy lot. I actually feel very sad for this

They’re not happy in Gaza
They’re not happy in Egypt
They’re not happy in Libya
They’re not happy in Morocco
They’re not happy in Iran
They’re not happy in Iraq
They’re not happy in Yemen
They’re not happy in Afghanistan
They’re not happy in Pakistan
They’re not happy in Syria
They’re not happy in Lebanon

So, where are they actually happy?
They’re happy in Australia
They’re happy in England
They’re happy in France
They’re happy in Italy
They’re happy in Germany
They’re happy in Sweden
They’re happy in US & Canada
They’re happy in INDIA

Surprisingly, they’re happy in almost every country that is not Islamic!

And who do they blame?
- Not Islam
- Not their leadership
- Not themselves


And furthermore, they want to change the countries they’re happy in, to be like the countries that they came from where they were unhappy.

Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Shinto = No Problem
Shinto living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Bahai’s = No Problem
Bahai’s living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Bahai’s = No Problem
Bahai’s living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shinto = No Problem
Shinto living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Hindus = No Problem


Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Bahai = Problem
Muslims living with Shinto = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem


Mind You: Worth thinking! Hw to help our brother hood , do you think need more education ? Need respect to other religion ? we need to review our relations and follow the guide lines of last messenger (p.b.u.h.).

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by KM1 » Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:25 am

In all community you will find black sheep

and in our community the biggest is KQ this are all small ones only doing for survival or bad habbit

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Re: Whatsapp Group


Unread post by tasneempati » Mon Sep 08, 2014 5:10 am

All those problematic Muslims are Wahabis.

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Re: Whatsapp Group


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:13 am

bro HM
muslims are happy in other countries coz other ppl are secular and they are not.
eg in india-- where they are in minority, they beat up secularist drum. but the moment they find
themselves in sizable number in particular area--they forget about secularism and try to dominate.
this has happend in one region in kerala---muslims are majority there and they tactfully discriminate others
they have forced other christians and hindus subtely and indirectly to tow their line or leave.
they also gave fatwa to school to not sing vandemataram.
another fatwa was to declare holiday of school or half day on friday for prayer.
they always target schools first coz that is the place to brainwash young children brains so they grow up
with this mentality and hatred.

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by humanbeing » Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:55 am

Bro QM

Not really ! No one is secular in their approach. Religions are good, but their followers are divided or opinionated.. What is happening in the troubled muslim world is just a phase, the blame of the situation lies on everyone, regardless of being muslims or non muslims. If we look at world history every country has passed through these horrible times where innocent are killed over some twisted propaganda. 50 to 100 years ahead in future, all these mess of islamphobia would be history and it would be replaced with something else.

Since the oil has been discovered in the middle-eastern region, greed and insecurity has driven nations into playing twisted politics in guise of religions. We are living now in such a unjust world that no matter how much loud truth is spoken, no one is ready to realize.

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by canadian » Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:23 am

Bro. humanbeing:

Like you I too received the following vitriolic email. I am not knowledgeable enough to make any pro or con comments. Perhaps other readers may have something to say about the “facts” asserted in this article.

An Unpleasant Truth - Barbaric Cruelty

This was a post someone put on a talk back on CNN

Worth pondering...An Asian guy wrote this:

Over the past 50+ years, around 10,000,000 Muslims have died in violent
conflict. Of this number, over 90% were killed by Muslims themselves, in a
Shia vs Sunni conflicts . Of the rest, over 90% were killed by non-Muslims,
defending themselves against Muslim attackers.

During this same period, something like 50,000 have died in the
Arab-Israeli conflict. 1/3 of them where Jews and 2/3 were Arabs (Muslim &
Christian). 90% of these Arabs were not Palestinians but Egyptian and
Syrian soldiers died in 1948/67/73 wars.

In September of 1970, around 20,000 Palestinians were killed by the
entirely Muslim Royal Jordanian Army. Many times more than all the
Palestinians killed by Israel since 1948.

There wasn't a single Arab who protested on that war crime.
Yet, If Israel kills a terrorist, the Arab world yells and cries.
I'm not saying Israel is a pure angel, however, in the Middle East, the
safest country for any Muslim to live in is Israel.

The most dangerous country for any Muslim to live in is a Muslim majority
The greatest enemy of Muslims is not America or Israel, it is Islam itself,
as it teaches not to accept others' beliefs.

Can you explain me the killing of 200,000 Syrian civilians in the last 3
Can you explain me the killing of 100,000 men, women and children in
Algeria, using the most abominable killing methods?
Can you explain me the terror attack 3 years ago on the peaceful village of
Al-Kisheh in upper Egypt, killing 21 Coptic peasants?
Can you explain me the 5,000 Shia muslims that died just in the last week
in Iraq by ISIS?
Can you explain me the killing of 43 Christians in Nigeria by Boko Haram
and the kidnapping of 276 school girls?
Can you explain this killing phenomena that took place in the Muslim world?

Is it all a revenge against America? Is it all a Revenge against Israel?
Or is it to merely to satisfy barbaric religious instincts, aroused by
religious Islamic teaching, which incite the rejection of others, the
killing of others and the denial of others?

In Muslim countries, religion is the main source of education.
When you educate a child in his early years to learn the words of Muhammad,
the prophet of Islam, which says: "I was ordered to fight the people until
they believe in Allah and his Messenger", you made the first step of making
this child a future terrorist.

Islamic teaching are playing a role to create these terrorists who killed
all the people I mentioned.
This is not Israel who kills Muslims around the middle east. It is Islam.
It is not the terrorists who distorted Islam, it is Islam who distorted the

When Saddam Hussein buried 300,000 Kurds and Shia Muslims alive, we did not
hear a single Muslim protest against that crime.
Yet, when, *defending itself*, Israel enter Gaza and kills 1000
Palestinians, most of them armed Hamas terrorists, the Arab world cries.
Isn't your hypocrisy serves the continuing of Muslims getting killed around
the middle east?

There will be no peace in the middle east, not between Jews and Muslims and
not between Muslims themselves, until the Muslims re-examine their Islamic
books which are full of calls to "takfir" and insulting other religions.
When it will happen, the world will respect the Muslims as it respects the

Anil Singhal

"May all be happy, May all be free from diseases, May all attain benediction and May no one
suffer in the least."

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by AgnosticIndian » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:03 pm

Nothing wrong with the message. Muslims kill each other and no one bats an eyelid while all hell breaks lose if a non Muslim harms a Muslim. Muslims always play victim.

Numbers like 10,000,000 may be debatable but yes the percentages are accurate. Muslims most unsafe in Muslim countries but safe in liberal demicracies. Even there a section of Muslims want to make these liberal demicracies into Sharia states that they left behind and emigrated. Bloody idiots
canadian wrote:^
Bro. humanbeing:

Like you I too received the following vitriolic email. I am not knowledgeable enough to make any pro or con comments. Perhaps other readers may have something to say about the “facts” asserted in this article.

An Unpleasant Truth - Barbaric Cruelty

This was a post someone put on a talk back on CNN

Worth pondering...An Asian guy wrote this:

Over the past 50+ years, around 10,000,000 Muslims have died in violent
conflict. Of this number, over 90% were killed by Muslims themselves, in a
Shia vs Sunni conflicts . Of the rest, over 90% were killed by non-Muslims,
defending themselves against Muslim attackers.

During this same period, something like 50,000 have died in the
Arab-Israeli conflict. 1/3 of them where Jews and 2/3 were Arabs (Muslim &
Christian). 90% of these Arabs were not Palestinians but Egyptian and
Syrian soldiers died in 1948/67/73 wars.

In September of 1970, around 20,000 Palestinians were killed by the
entirely Muslim Royal Jordanian Army. Many times more than all the
Palestinians killed by Israel since 1948.

There wasn't a single Arab who protested on that war crime.
Yet, If Israel kills a terrorist, the Arab world yells and cries.
I'm not saying Israel is a pure angel, however, in the Middle East, the
safest country for any Muslim to live in is Israel.

The most dangerous country for any Muslim to live in is a Muslim majority
The greatest enemy of Muslims is not America or Israel, it is Islam itself,
as it teaches not to accept others' beliefs.

Can you explain me the killing of 200,000 Syrian civilians in the last 3
Can you explain me the killing of 100,000 men, women and children in
Algeria, using the most abominable killing methods?
Can you explain me the terror attack 3 years ago on the peaceful village of
Al-Kisheh in upper Egypt, killing 21 Coptic peasants?
Can you explain me the 5,000 Shia muslims that died just in the last week
in Iraq by ISIS?
Can you explain me the killing of 43 Christians in Nigeria by Boko Haram
and the kidnapping of 276 school girls?
Can you explain this killing phenomena that took place in the Muslim world?

Is it all a revenge against America? Is it all a Revenge against Israel?
Or is it to merely to satisfy barbaric religious instincts, aroused by
religious Islamic teaching, which incite the rejection of others, the
killing of others and the denial of others?

In Muslim countries, religion is the main source of education.
When you educate a child in his early years to learn the words of Muhammad,
the prophet of Islam, which says: "I was ordered to fight the people until
they believe in Allah and his Messenger", you made the first step of making
this child a future terrorist.

Islamic teaching are playing a role to create these terrorists who killed
all the people I mentioned.
This is not Israel who kills Muslims around the middle east. It is Islam.
It is not the terrorists who distorted Islam, it is Islam who distorted the

When Saddam Hussein buried 300,000 Kurds and Shia Muslims alive, we did not
hear a single Muslim protest against that crime.
Yet, when, *defending itself*, Israel enter Gaza and kills 1000
Palestinians, most of them armed Hamas terrorists, the Arab world cries.
Isn't your hypocrisy serves the continuing of Muslims getting killed around
the middle east?

There will be no peace in the middle east, not between Jews and Muslims and
not between Muslims themselves, until the Muslims re-examine their Islamic
books which are full of calls to "takfir" and insulting other religions.
When it will happen, the world will respect the Muslims as it respects the

Anil Singhal

"May all be happy, May all be free from diseases, May all attain benediction and May no one
suffer in the least."

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:48 pm

There will be no peace in the middle east, not between Jews and Muslims and
not between Muslims themselves, until the Muslims re-examine their Islamic
Actually, the problem in the middle east between the jews and the Muslims is not because of Islamic books but it is because of jewish books. This author is a moron and those agreeing with him are ignorant fools.

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by canadian » Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:15 pm

anajmi wrote:
Actually, the problem in the middle east between the jews and the Muslims is not because of Islamic books but it is because of jewish books. This author is a moron and those agreeing with him are ignorant fools.
Bro. anajmi:
I do not agree nor disagree with the author as I AM ignorant. If you don't mind, could you kindly tell us what is in the Jewish books that causes problem in the middle east between the Jews and the Muslims.

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:47 pm

The jewish books contain Gods promise to the children of Israel about them being the owners of the land that belongs to the Palestinians. Since they never accepted the Quran as the final testament, which nullifies this promise due to their transgressions, they believe Palestine belongs to the jews. You may have read that the Israeli leaders just last week decided to steal more palestinian land in response to the killing of the three jewish teenagers. Who is to say that this wasn't the plan all along? We all know the Hamas rockets do nothing. They are nothing more than diwali fire crackers. Probably fired by mossad agents to initiate the war and land grab.

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:55 pm

When Saddam Hussein buried 300,000 Kurds and Shia Muslims alive, we did not
hear a single Muslim protest against that crime.
What about the remaining Kurds and the remaining Shia muslims? didn't they protest? What about the Americans? Did they do anything when Saddam was killing Muslims? Of course not. Saddam was supplying cheap oil. Besides, a lot of stories about Saddam's supposed killings were proven to be false. The WMDs that he supposedly used against the kurds were never found. Ask yourself this question - who was supplying weapons to Saddam to kill his own people? The root cause of the problems in the middle east is the American and Israeli policy. Smart muslims protest against the root cause. Protesting against puppets is of no use. If one goes, some other puppet will take its place. We need to get the west's policy in the middle east to change. Stop supporting tyrant regimes. Stop supplying weapons. Let the people figure it out.

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by Ozdundee » Tue Sep 09, 2014 3:34 pm

anajmi wrote:The jewish books contain Gods promise to the children of Israel about them being the owners of the land that belongs to the Palestinians. Since they never accepted the Quran as the final testament, which nullifies this promise due to their transgressions, they believe Palestine belongs to the jews. You may have read that the Israeli leaders just last week decided to steal more palestinian land in response to the killing of the three jewish teenagers. Who is to say that this wasn't the plan all along? We all know the Hamas rockets do nothing. They are nothing more than diwali fire crackers. Probably fired by mossad agents to initiate the war and land grab.
Salaams Anajmi Bhai this an interesting comment can you change to a specific topic so I can respond to your comment in detail. But not that your response should be taken as conclusive at face value. Isis a Sunni extremist group relying on core Wahhabi ideology , killing Shia or Yazidi , while in response to Syrian government issues is now a Jewish promotion or western government Middle East strategy . Your comment on Hamas rockets is questionable too. Muslims should stop blaming everything else but themselves when things go out of hand or wrong. I will stop here as this is not the topic to discuss this very serious issue. Start another one and we continue there.

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:27 pm

Isis a Sunni extremist group relying on core Wahhabi ideology ,
Fortunately, the father's of Wahhabi ideology, in Saudi, have rejected Isis as an Islamic organization and denounced their actions as unIslamic. On this board, even I am a wahhabi and I didn't even have to kill anyone to earn that title. Most people who say with certainty that people are following so and so ideology are pretty much ignorant about the ideology in the first place.
Last edited by anajmi on Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by SBM » Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:10 pm

anajmi wrote:
Isis a Sunni extremist group relying on core Wahhabi ideology ,
Fortunately, the father's of Wahhabi ideology, in Saudi, have rejected Isis as an Islamic organization and denounced their actions as unIslamic. On this board, even I am a wahhabi. Most people who say with certainty that people are following so and so ideology are pretty much ignorant about the ideology in the first place.
Saudi denounced ISIS due to external pressure from their Masters in USA as well as when they realized that ISIS is not content with Iraq and Syria but after Saudi Royalty and would like to expand their caliphates to Saudi Land otherwise Saudi-UAE and Kuwait are the parents of Talibans-Al-Qaida and now ISIS

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:15 pm

Which means that all this madness has nothing to do with religious ideologies but political expediency.

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:18 pm

Forgot to mention earlier that I have been labelled a wahhabi and I didn't even have to kill anyone.

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:26 pm

Muslims should stop blaming everything else but themselves when things go out of hand or wrong.
When was the last time the jews blamed themselves for what they suffered at the hands of Hitler? Oh but wait, according to you and your masters only Muslims get blamed for their own sufferings. Jews and christians can blame others!!

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Re: Bohri SMS Duniya


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:39 pm

Wahabbis are the sworn enemies of Shia. So why are you on this board when all you people want is our blood?!
Well, if I wanted your blood, this would be the right place no? :wink:

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Unread post by humanbeing » Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:42 am

Muslims should stop blaming everything else but themselves when things go out of hand or wrong.
Majority of muslims who are suffering in the troubled countries, are normal people who wants to lead a normal life. They want to go to school, work, parks, masjids and markets without being killed and return safe home. Shia-Sunni debate atmost is a harmless debate or discussion and they move on with their lives.

It is the corrupted leaders of these muslims masses who are puppets in the hands of vested interest. These people do not belong to any faith be it Islam, Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism. They are capitalist psychopaths who can stoop to any level to sustain their capitalist agenda. Some conflicts are planned and some are reactions. In any case the capitalist psychopaths are fuelling the conflicts and exploiting the benefits of trade be it from weapons, medical supplies, inflation related to oil supply instability.

Capitalist owned media has created a new drama and campaign to malign the faith and its people to cover their own heinous agenda and deeds. The truth is out and loud in open yet no one is listening or realizing.

We are sitting in the safer heavens of these capitalist ruled and run countries, feeling sorry and upset at suffering muslims, blaming them to take corrective actions by reforming themselves. Reform to what ??

Capitalist do not really care or regard any religion, all they want is war and its related loot. Religion is just an excuse, in today’s era it is the Islam who are at the receiving end due to shia-sunni-wahabi outlook. 100 years before, it was imperialism, before that it was colonialism and 100 years down the line, it would be something else.

No matter what faith you follow; islam, chrisitan, jews, hindus, Sikhs or Buddhist, if these devils point guns at you, you are gone !

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by SBM » Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:59 am ... 186937.cms
That sort of rhetoric aimed at expelling militants from the Muslim mainstream has grown increasingly common among top Saudi clerics in recent weeks as they work to counter an ideology that threatens their political allies in the Al Saud dynasty.

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:25 am

They’re not happy in Gaza
And they are not happy in Gaza because it is their own fault right? It has nothing to do with the conversion of Gaza into a prison by the Israelis. It has nothing to do with the concentration of the people into an ever decreasing piece of land and diminishing resources because Israel is stealing them. It has nothing to do with the fact that Israel enters Gaza every 2 years or so and destroys everything that the people build and not one nation in the world rises to support them against the terrorism that they face every day. It has nothing to do with the fact that Israel was created on a land that belonged to the Palestinians.

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by SBM » Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:43 am

anajmi wrote:
They’re not happy in Gaza
And they are not happy in Gaza because it is their own fault right? It has nothing to do with the conversion of Gaza into a prison by the Israelis. It has nothing to do with the concentration of the people into an ever decreasing piece of land and diminishing resources because Israel is stealing them. It has nothing to do with the fact that Israel enters Gaza every 2 years or so and destroys everything that the people build and not one nation in the world rises to support them against the terrorism that they face every day. It has nothing to do with the fact that Israel was created on a land that belonged to the Palestinians.

And it also has to do with tacit support by Egypt-Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to degrade Hamas and they let Israel do the dirty work.
While there were big huge protests in Europe, USA, India about the atrocities of Israel in recent Gaza war, the impotent leaders and the people of Saudi-Kuwait-UAE-Jordan-Egypt and others in middle east just did not give a damn because their government wanted Israel to degrade Hamas as these corrupt MUSLIM leaders were afraid of their own power, While people are ready to jump and blame West for their to Israel but not a beep against the tacit support of these tyrannical MUSLIM leaders and their country men,

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:35 am

Again, you are looking to blame everyone other than the people who actually caused all the misery. Blame Saudi, blame Egypt, blame UAE, but don't blame Israel who actually carried out the death and destruction. Egypt is an American and Israeli puppet. Saudi is an American and Israeli puppet. UAE is a Saudi puppet. The leaders are kept in power by the Americans and the Israelis. Egypt's democracy was gone in the blink of an eye because the democratically elected leader was not suitable for American and Israeli plans.

Let me give you the bottom line. The entire fault lies with the west. You can work hard to divert the blame by pointing fingers at others, but the hard truth is there for everyone to see. That is why there are no protests against Saudi or Egypt or UAE because they are puppets controlled by the west. And who gives a shit about these puppets. If one puppet goes, another one will come to take its place. We need to protest against the puppet masters.

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by SBM » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:30 pm

No I am not trying to divert the blame, Israel and west have a reason to be trouble maker and they have succeeded and are succeeding. My problem with Muslims is that we always like to blame others, There is no doubt that Israel and West are opportunistic and why blame them because their mission is to make sure that Muslims never get united so they can rule the world and they are successful and smart to do , Wish Muslims can emulate them
We Muslims are very good in blaming everyone else for our own misdeeds, WE ARE EVEN GOOD IN BLAMING ALLAHA BECAUSE IF WE FAIL IN OUR JOB THEN WE ALWAYS SAY THAT WAS THE WISH OF ALLAHA and shift the blame to Allaha.
It is time that we Muslims should start taking responsibility and learn from Jews how after they suffered at the hand of Hitler came back and became strong using the World power houses.
Ever thought if all the Muslim Countries got united then Muslim would be most powerful then NATO-EUROPE and America combined. (just a dream and fantasy)
We are even so coward that we donot even reveal our true identity in PM to each others even though knowing well that if you have fear of Allaha then you should have no fear of anyone.

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:43 pm

We Muslims are very good in blaming everyone else for our own misdeeds
So Israel bombing and killing thousands of Palestinian and destroying hundreds of homes was because of your misdeeds?

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:48 pm

There is no doubt that Israel and West are opportunistic and why blame them because their mission is to make sure that Muslims never get united so they can rule the world and they are successful and smart to do , Wish Muslims can emulate them
So it is ok for the west to bomb and kill people and steal their resources because they want to rule the world and are smart. But it is not ok for ISIS to do the same which is to kill people and steal their resources because they are muslims? So isn't ISIS emulating the west? Looks like your wish was granted.
Last edited by anajmi on Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:50 pm

Ever thought if all the Muslim Countries got united then Muslim would be most powerful then NATO-EUROPE and America combined. (just a dream and fantasy)
Muslims will never get united because there are muslims who want to blame other muslims for our grievances.

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by SBM » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:54 pm

So you just keeping on harping on one issue of Israel while avoiding the larger pictures of Muslim being killed by Muslim
Do you know the conditions under which all the Indian and Pakistani Expats live in Dubai and Saudi while working there,
Do you know how Saudi treat the Shia population in Eastern Saudi Arabia. More Muslims were killed by Saddam Hussain then the numbers of Palestinians killed by Israel. Did you know how Talibans treated people in Swat and other parts (read the book I am Malala) and you will know the conditions under which those people lived, it was as bad as what people in Gaza have. Get yourself out of the Arab-Israeli box.
Did you know if was Boko Haram who have taken more than 200 girls and no one knows about then and no one talks about it because Boko Haram is extreme Sunni outfit just like Al Qaida-ISIS too
No one is justifying the plight of Palestinians but do not just blame others and hide by just narrowing to only the plight of Palestinians and WHAT ARE MUSLIM LEADERS SPECIALLY THE WAHABI AND TAKFIRI LEADERS OF MUSLIM UMMAH IS DOING ABOUT THEM?

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:55 pm

It is time that we Muslims should start taking responsibility and learn from Jews how after they suffered at the hand of Hitler came back and became strong using the World power houses.
There is no need to learn anything from the jews. If you learn from them, then you will end up with them. Learn from the Quran instead.

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Re: World at war : who to blame


Unread post by SBM » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:56 pm

anajmi wrote:
Ever thought if all the Muslim Countries got united then Muslim would be most powerful then NATO-EUROPE and America combined. (just a dream and fantasy)
Muslims will never get united because there are muslims who want to blame other muslims for our grievances.
And that is dilemma and that is what we should be doing, find common ground instead of blaming others for our own shortcomings.(again fantasy and day dreaming)