Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by humanbeing » Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:09 am

This is interesting and encouraging.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:21 am

SKQ governance is at least available on paper, I m inclining towards SKQ camp … so far so good … MS is not getting a penny from me.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:09 pm

Kq saheb accomplishment in 8 months and limited resources

1. Giving fatemi knowledge
3. Medical service for minimal or free of cost

MS accomplisment NONE in 2+yrs even after having numerous resources at his disposal.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Adam » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:33 pm

fustrate_Bohra wrote:Kq saheb accomplishment in 8 months and limited resources
1. Giving fatemi knowledge
3. Medical service for minimal or free of cost
MS accomplisment NONE in 2+yrs even after having numerous resources at his disposal.
You forgot to add "False claim to the seat of Dai Mutlaq, without any evidence".

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:46 pm

Audio Clip of 1405 Syedna Qutbuddin Bayaan in Saifee Masjid.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:55 pm

Adam wrote:
fustrate_Bohra wrote:Kq saheb accomplishment in 8 months and limited resources
1. Giving fatemi knowledge
3. Medical service for minimal or free of cost
MS accomplisment NONE in 2+yrs even after having numerous resources at his disposal.
You forgot to add "False claim to the seat of Dai Mutlaq, without any evidence".
7th Dai did nass on 8th Dai in private, so according to your definition nass on 8th Dai is also not valid. Therefore you do not believe in any Dai after the 7th Dai.

Sufi monk
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Sufi monk » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:58 pm

SKQ is definately showing himself more knowledge savvy and doodh kaa dhula but court and general people are still waiting for single evidence from him about nass.

his winning in court looks dubious but yes its better for people to take advantage and gather all translations he is putting on his website.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:27 am

rational_guy wrote: Adam
7th Dai did nass on 8th Dai in private, so according to your definition nass on 8th Dai is also not valid. Therefore you do not believe in any Dai after the 7th Dai.
May be, there was no contender to challenge for 8th dai ship position.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by humanbeing » Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:18 am

These lines are well suited to SMS camp... when they indulge in laanatbazi of SKQ camp

"बक्श देता है 'खुदा' उनको, ... !
जिनकी 'किस्मत' ख़राब होती है ... !!
वो हरगिज नहीं 'बक्शे' जाते है, ... !
जिनकी 'नियत' खराब होती है... !!"
न मेरा 'एक' होगा, न तेरा 'लाख' होगा, ... !
न 'तारिफ' तेरी होगी, न 'मजाक' मेरा होगा ... !!
गुरुर न कर "शाह-ए-शरीर" का, ... !
मेरा भी 'खाक' होगा, तेरा भी 'खाक' होगा ... !!

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by haqniwaat » Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:30 am

Please translate. I can't understand Hindi written language.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by zinger » Thu Sep 25, 2014 1:35 am


Allah will forgive those
who's fortunes/destiny/naseeb is bad
But He will definitely never forgives those
who's intentions are bad

my "one" will not count, nor will yours "one lakh count" (not sure what. maybe dua or prayers i think)
neither will you be praised nor will i be mocked
dont be so proud of your "shah e shareer" (i think this means body or looks maybe)
Ultimately, you and i will both be dust

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:51 pm

لَهُ دَعْوَةُ الْحَقِّ ۖ وَالَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِهِ لَا يَسْتَجِيبُونَ لَهُم بِشَيْءٍ إِلَّا كَبَاسِطِ كَفَّيْهِ إِلَى الْمَاءِ لِيَبْلُغَ فَاهُ وَمَا هُوَ بِبَالِغِهِ ۚ وَمَا دُعَاءُ الْكَافِرِينَ إِلَّا فِي ضَلَالٍ

(Surat al-Ra’d: 14)

His is the call of truth; and those upon whom they call, apart from Him, do not answer them anything; save as one who stretches forth his hands towards water, that it may reach his mouth, but it would never reach it; and the call of the disbelievers goes only astrays

On eve of 27th Zil Qa’da (Saturday, 20th October), the eve of Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s RA Milad Mubarak of, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS delivered waaz mubarak in Darus Sakina after Maghrib Isha Namaz.
Syedna Qutbuddin TUS began by reciting and explaining the first few lines from the first Risala Sharifa written by Syedna Taher Saifuddin, “Daw’u Nooril Haqqil Mubeen”: “We offer praise and gratitude to Allah Ta’ala who is Great and most elevated, the Lord of magnificence and majesty, the One who is Great in Might (shadidul mihaal)”. Syedna continued that Allah Ta’ala grants time (muhlat) to those who go against Him and His awliya’, but then the Almighty’s vengeance is formidable, He is shadidul mihaal. This vengeance is exacted either in dunya or in aakherat as per Allah Ta’ala’s hikmat.

Syedna then recited the ayat Sharifa quoted in the Risalah “lahu Dawat ul Haqq” – the Dawat of Haqq is Allah Ta’ala’s Dawat, the Dawat of Imam-uz-zaman. Syedna added that, “when I was graced with the khidmat of the Imam’s Dawat, I opened a faal in the Quran Majeed. Syedna Burhanuddin RA had also similarly opened the Quran and he had also shared with me the ayat that appeared. Following his example, I also opened the Quran, the word of Allah Ta’ala. The belief of people of baseerat is ‘al-faalu haqqun’ – that the Faal from the Quran contains Truth. When I opened the Quran, the ayat that appeared at the beginning of the page was ‘lahu Dawatul Haqq’ – Khuzaima Qutbuddin is the one who will establish the Dawat of Haqq, the Dawat of Imam-uz-zaman”.

Syedna then recited the second part of the ayat about those who make false claims. The Quran describes these people as those who take a handful of water and attempt to drink it, but alas their hand does not reach their lips – they are ultimately unsuccessful. They are given a brief period of grace (muhlat) by Allah Ta’ala, symbolized by their attempt to drink, but ultimately His vengeance is forbearing.
Syedna imparted jewels of the knowledge of Aale Mohammed and consolidated the aqeeda of mumineen in the Dawat of Imam-uz-zaman and his Dai. Syedna gave many examples from the time of Rasulullah SA and the Imams regarding those, ‘who make false claims’. He stated that the animosity against Amirul Mumineen SA did not suddenly emerge after Rasulullah’s SA wafaat in the Saqeefa. Syedna cautioned that greed of this world captures people and leads to damnation:

“Your Imam and your Dai advise you to stay away from material greed. There is nothing worse than greed. Be grateful for Allah Ta’ala’s ne’mat, seek your livelihood/sustenance but do not become greedy.” Syedna also advised: “remain steadfast on the walaayat of Mohammed and aale Mohammed and their Du’aat, the 51st and the 52nd Dais, and now the 53rd Dai is amongst you and his walaayat is imperative. And then seek knowledge (‘ilm) and do good deeds (amal). Seeking knowledge with walaayat elevates you in darajaat here and in Jannat. With knowledge (‘ilm) action (amal) is a must…adhere to the Shari’at… as followers of the Pure Panjetan we must live a pure life, away from what is haram, following the example of your Mawali Tahereen, particularly those who are giving you guidance in this day and age”.
Syedna recited several verses from the Qasida Mubaraka, ‘Noor Muhayyaka ya Saifal Huda Lami’u’, written by Syedna Burhanuddin RA on Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s RA milaad in 1352H. Syedna then recited verses from Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s qasida in the madeh and praise of Imam-uz-Zaman SA ‘Ya Ayyuhat Tayyibu wat-Taheru’ and explained the depths of meaning in each bayt.

Continuation of this bayaan can be read at ... _articles/

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by humanbeing » Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:43 am

Hikmat wrote:khuzaima bhai sahab ne joitu tu ke bhale dai to dawo kido magar properties mate case naa karwo joiyye, agar aap haq naa dai cho to duniya ni kem padi rakho cho? duniya ni properties si aapni su nisbat che?
SKQ had invited SMS for a debate, SMS refused, moreover, if one observes the actions of the both parties, it is evident that, SMS is on a money making rampage like no tomorrow. Court cases in India is going to take decades to its conclusion. SKQ and SMS both are busy in their lives. The difference in the lifestyles of both contenders is evident for a person with common sense !
SMS is leading in dunyadaari, political networking, high flying in chartered crafts, hunting and fetish for gold and gems.
Hikmat wrote:aap ye dawo kido kai nai magar properties mate ladwu barabar nathi, Imam Hassan ye ghar no kono lidho and muawiyah ne bayt naa aapo, magar kai ehna par case nohto kidho, je logo aapne chahse ye aapne follow karse, aawa case thi community ni image ne nuksaan thai che, dawat naa dushmano ne haswa no moko mile che, dushmano mazak kare ye kai munasib nathi.
SKQ has caught his corner in Dar-us-sakina in thane, while SMS is globe trotting the world to exotic locations. SMS is causing more embarrassment to the community’s image with his short tempered quotes and high headed attitude.
Daawat-na-dushmans and community is laughing at SMS and his antics. His dagger dance in yemen, comments and cover ups on women’s role in the society, wholesale ziyafats, hunting fetishes.

One ardent abde actually joked about SMS rates being lower in ziyafat during his mansoos days !
Hikmat wrote:udaipuri halak thaya che, aaje e logo naa chehra hindu jewa thai gaya che, Imaan ane islam nu noor dur thai gayu che, aaje woh logo ne ek moko mili gayo ke dawat ni maskari kare, magar Inshallah aa munafiqun halaaq naa thanaar che Inshallah.
ROFL, !! hindu-jeva-chehra !! what is wrong with hindu’s faces ? don’t you enjoy watching hindi movies with hindu actors and actresses ! SMS likes hindu-chehra, dint you see his love towards baba ramdev and NaMo. SMS to gale lagaave che hindu-chehrao ne !

SMS himself is turning out to be such an entertainer, it is difficult to resist maskari ! you should be happy, SMS is spreading laughter and humor !

Dr Fatema
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Dr Fatema » Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:38 am

What this person with nickname "HIKMAT" has posted is utter non-sense. Either he is brain dead or need mental therapy for the lines
"Hikmat wrote:
udaipuri halak thaya che, aaje e logo naa chehra hindu jewa thai gaya che, Imaan ane islam nu noor dur thai gayu che, aaje woh logo ne ek moko mili gayo ke dawat ni maskari kare, magar Inshallah aa munafiqun halaaq naa thanaar che Inshallah.

I ask him to go to Udaipur and see the bohras there " They are most educated, civilised and their faces are illuminating with "NOOR" all the time. STS, SMB used to call Udaipur as "MADINA" and love the way Udaipurwallah\s greetings " KHAMMA MOULA".

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by JC » Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:00 pm

And TS, MB and now MS have royally ditched Undaipur ............ either you stay a complete slave or else we will abuse you like hell ........... it is time SKQ visits Udaipur and be the rightful person to be cheered 'Khamma Maula' ............ else life would go on .............. Bravo Bohras of Udaipur, keep up the good work!

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:15 pm

Udaipuris......THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR LOVING MUFFADAL MOULA, A BIG KICK ON UR BEHIND......JC is right, it is the right time if udaipuris stop being diplomatic and start being spiritual and accept Syedna Khuzeima Qutbuddin as the rightful heir to the succession of SMB (RA). This will send shivers down the MS clan.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:33 pm

Dr Fatema wrote:What this person with nickname "HIKMAT" has posted is utter non-sense. Either he is brain dead or need mental therapy for the lines"Hikmat wrote:

udaipuri halak thaya che, aaje e logo naa chehra hindu jewa thai gaya che, Imaan ane islam nu noor dur thai gayu che, aaje woh logo ne ek moko mili gayo ke dawat ni maskari kare, magar Inshallah aa munafiqun halaaq naa thanaar che Inshallah.
He is imitating his masters and feels that he is an Amil giving a Vayez !!

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Moiz_Dhaanu » Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:05 am

Hikmat wrote:udaipuri halak thaya che, aaje e logo naa chehra hindu jewa thai gaya che, Imaan ane islam nu noor dur thai gayu che, aaje woh logo ne ek moko mili gayo ke dawat ni maskari kare, magar Inshallah aa munafiqun halaaq naa thanaar che Inshallah.
First look at the dumb abdes in this above picture...dont hey look like taalibaan :twisted:

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by tasneempati » Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:58 am

There is nothing wrong in this pic.
Mr Makkaji 25 years ago all bohras used to pray this way ( I suppose you are pointing towards the lungi.).
HussainMakkaji wrote:or may be like this?

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by zinger » Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:13 am

Moiz_Dhaanu wrote:
Hikmat wrote:udaipuri halak thaya che, aaje e logo naa chehra hindu jewa thai gaya che, Imaan ane islam nu noor dur thai gayu che, aaje woh logo ne ek moko mili gayo ke dawat ni maskari kare, magar Inshallah aa munafiqun halaaq naa thanaar che Inshallah.
First look at the dumb abdes in this above picture...dont hey look like taalibaan :twisted:
How do you mean taaliban moiz bhai? are you referring to their beards?

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by tasneempati » Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:33 am

HussainMakkaji wrote:
tasneempati wrote:There is nothing wrong in this pic.
Mr Makkaji 25 years ago all bohras used to pray this way ( I suppose you are pointing towards the lungi.).
no I am pointing at clean shaved face, lungi is perfectly fine.
You mean to say people with clean shave can not pray.... It's worse than Talibani Fatwa.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by SBM » Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:15 am

HussainMakkaji wrote:
tasneempati wrote:There is nothing wrong in this pic.
Mr Makkaji 25 years ago all bohras used to pray this way ( I suppose you are pointing towards the lungi.).
no I am pointing at clean shaved face, lungi is perfectly fine.
So how come clean shaven Sir Ghulam Noon of UK was felicitated as Shaikh by SMB and SMS. I did not know that Noon is progressive :evil:

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by SBM » Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:04 am

HussainMakkaji wrote:Thank you for mentioning Ghulam noon, it shows bohra momeenin keep beard without any pressure and just for the sake of fulfilling sunnate Muhammed(s).and people like ghulam noon are free to do what they like.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Moiz_Dhaanu » Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:40 pm

zinger wrote:
Moiz_Dhaanu wrote:
First look at the dumb abdes in this above picture...dont hey look like taalibaan :twisted:
How do you mean taaliban moiz bhai? are you referring to their beards?
DMBS = Dawedaar Mufaddal Bhai Saheb
Bro Zinger,
I am not literally referring to their Beards..i have nothing against the beard(it is Rasulullah's sunnat) ...i remember our Burhanuddin moula(RA) always liked it to see on mumin's face...
But i am staunchly against the ideaology with which the abdes (like Adam,Makkaji etc) want to show off the beard as a sign of superiority towards other mumin.
As if those who did not keep it were munafequeen. for them clean shave faces represent "Hindu like" ...
They have actually made the beard a tool for their intimidation and money-extraction , whereas it should have just been like any other sunnat of Islam.
Thats why i called them Taaliban in the picture.
Maybe thats why DMBS hugged Ramdev (since he had a bigger beard then him) :lol:
Ramdev's ikhlaas is in his beard (if we go by the understanding of Taalibaan like abdes)

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Oct 04, 2014 6:19 pm

There are some unconfirmed reports that SKQ left for Haj today by the last flight alongwith a group of 30 people, can anyone confirm the same as its not mentioned on his fatemidawat website.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:26 pm

A simple pictorial explanation of Hajj. ... t-history/

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Ozdundee » Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:12 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:There are some unconfirmed reports that SKQ left for Haj today by the last flight alongwith a group of 30 people, can anyone confirm the same as its not mentioned on his fatemidawat website.
I hope he did too, after constant reminding through these blogs, finally a Diai sees the importance that a visit to the birth place of our faith is far greater than winning cases and is a measure of spirituality !

It is far greater symbolic reason than visiting Karbala , Najaf ....etc

SMS on the other hand ...what can we criticise ...his holy place is a ziafat in Rufiji. This bs about KSA needs to be placed in context, based on very reliable information from Saudi official , SMS can visit Saudi Arabia but just as a Muslim pilgrim, no pomp . So question is is he after pomp or dedication to his Prophet SAW.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by adna_mumin » Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:25 pm

The new version of Sijill is still not updated in the website. Hope soon, Insha Allah ta.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:20 am

Syedna Qutbuddin TUS Eid ul Adha Program

Syedna Qutbuddin TUS lead namaz on Eid night and day in Darus Sakina, Thane. Following washeq on Eid night and Syedna TUS did doa that on the night of Muzdalifa, may Allah Ta’ala grant us qurba and zulfa (closeness and nearness ) to Panjetan, A’immat and their Du’aat. Following the Eid khutba in the morning, on Eid day, Syedna took the wasila of our mawaali tahereen and did doa for all mumineen, muminaat and their children:

May Allah Ta’ala deliver us to the zumra of Imamuz-zaman… this life is because of Imamuz-zaman, his naseem (breeze of blessings) is flowing, the breeze of his grace and affection…, the blessings and naseem of Panjetan and the Imams is flowing towards us, especially Imamuz-zaman, his grace and naseem is flowing towards us, because of his naseem our hardships are alleviated, our difficulties are eased…such are the nazaraat of Imamuz-zaman SA. His Da’i establishes his Dawat in the midst of Mumineen — the Imam’s barakaat are Eid for us, the life [in the ma’arefat of the Imam] is Eid. May Allah Ta’ala give tawfeeq to all Mumineen to recognize these truths, to give Misaq to the Imam’s Dai and by that give Misaq to the Imam. May Allah Ta’ala give tawfeeq to all Mumineen to enter the Haram-e-Aamin (the safe sanctuary) of Dawat, with calmness and peace. In this world there are difficulties and calamities, but in this Haram of Dawat, Mumineen are safe. They are safe because of their imaan.

Syedna’s heartfelt wasila, iltijaa’ to Imamuz-zaman and doa was an expression of Syedna’s full confidence in the nazaraat of Imamuz-zaman and full faith and tawakkul on Allah Ta’ala.

Syedna TUS did 4 qurbani on Eid day and then after Eid nashto presided over Eid Khushi Majlis. Mumineen were served Syedna’s qurbani meat during the Majlis. Qasida Mubaraka by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA (ya Imamaz zamani ya man adha) and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA (ya aala Fatematin deenokomu qiyamu) were recited. Madeh by Shz. Dr. Tahera baisaheba written for this occasion and qasida by Shz. Dr. Aziz bhaisaheb also written for this occasion were recited. Shz. Dr. Abdeali bhaisaheb and Shz. Dr. Husain bhaisaheb offered shukur to Maulana TUS for his doa and grace.

On the second day of Eid, Syedna TUS did 99 qurbaani in Darus Sakina. Syedna’s tradition is that the meat from qurbani is packaged and hand-delivered with the message of Syedna’s doa to households of mumineen and Muslimeen by volunteers. Many mumineen muminaat also participated in the 99 qurbani. The whole process of zabihat, cleaning and butchering, packaging, transporting and hand delivery is done on the same day. Volunteers from various local Muslim areas responded very enthusiastically and accompanied volunteers during distribution in both Sunni and Shi’a areas. Over 3000 packets of approximately 1/2kg were distributed. The packets were distributed with a card on which Ayatul Kursi was printed with a note of Syedna’s doa message. People welcomed the volunteers very warmly and deeply appreciated the qurbani meat and the gesture of sending volunteers to all the way to their doorstep. All volunteers also expressed immense satisfaction and gratitude to Syedna TUS for guiding them to take part in such activities and in the manner in which to carry out such activities.

May Allah Ta’ala grant Syedna TUS longest life and may we celebrate one eid after another in his benign presence.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:22 am

ZAHRA HASANAAT MEDICAL VANS: September Update & Online Contribution Facility

The Zahra Hasanat Medical reports have been published for the month of September. In September 2014 we have diagnosed 2,710 patients.

he Zahra Hasanaat website can now accept online credit-card donations (currently India only). We urge those who are able to contribute to this worthy cause. The link is:
Zahara Hasanat Trust (Regn. No. E24221M). Zahra Hasanaat Trust has been approved for 80G Tax Exempt Status.

The Zahra Hasanaat website is also going through a makeover and will re-launch soon. We also hope to have facilities to accept international credit cards soon.