Discussion: Saifee Mahal Thread - Inside Stories

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by abde53 » Sat Dec 20, 2014 6:56 pm

Bhai Haqqniwaat
You mentioned about Burhani Guard. can you or anyone tell us how Burhani Guard is paid. who and how much are they paid? Who in Saify Mahal decides about Burhani Guard? How selects them and what is requirement to be Khidmatguzars?
Every time they this Ashura event. we see and read about Khidmat Guzars working day and night, are they getting paid or are free slave labor?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:09 pm

abde53 wrote:can you or anyone tell us how Burhani Guard is paid. who and how much are they paid?
These people are not paid fixed salaries, they are the ones who have the 'keeda' to join this stupid organisation as this is one more outlet wherein an abde proudly displays his 'contacts' and 'connections', it is like the Mulla and Sheikh title which abdes are eager to grab as all of this gives them a sense of being acknowledged and revered by other abdes, its like "Andho me Kaana Raja".

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by asad » Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:19 am

abde53 wrote:Bhai Haqqniwaat
You mentioned about Burhani Guard. can you or anyone tell us how Burhani Guard is paid. who and how much are they paid? Who in Saify Mahal decides about Burhani Guard? How selects them and what is requirement to be Khidmatguzars?
Every time they this Ashura event. we see and read about Khidmat Guzars working day and night, are they getting paid or are free slave labor?
Burhani guards International or BGI is a group of all the different scout groups from different towns.

these scout group perform on few occasions in there home towns and enlist their services for few Miqaats like Ashara or Salgirah khidmat or whenever Sydna(tus) is in nearby town.

the group head of these scouts contacts head of BGI and tells him about the number of members who want to come for the khidmat for that particular event, he gets permission and he goes and reports to a central command center.

Maximum member of BGI come from Mumbai, Surat and Karachi, these cities have more than 2000 members enlisted locally, whenever a Miqaat is finalized for khidmat all of these members get a sms asking them to report to their group head on how many days they will be able to come for khidmat, generally if the occasion is in the same town then they come on a rotatory basis, a single member does not necessarily do khidmat for all days, but many of them are there for all the days.

group members include recent misaaq boys to very old people also who are given khidmat according to there expertise and where they can be utilized in the best way

accommodation and food for BGI members coming from out of town is arranged by local Jamaat for the Days Syedna(tus) is in town.

transportation cost is borne by members themselves and if the Miqaat is out of country sometimes they are reimbursed 50-70% of the cost but its not necessary and generally members who go have to bear their own expenses.

Maximum members come from Business class families and are one of the many male members in their families so their businesses are not affected, as i have said earlier its generally on a rotatory basis so they are not asked to attend all days for khidmat.

its a voluntary khidmat and hence not a single paisa is paid to them. In fact they pay a yearly membership fees[/quote]


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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by haqniwaat » Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:13 am

Defenders of the Faith

One would imagine that the most knowledgeable group in Dawat are the graduates and students of Jamea. These are the true defenders of the faith. So where were they when the very rutba of mazoon which is in misaaq was being torn down piece by piece? Tearing apart even one part of the misaaq is the same as tearing apart all of it.

Imagine anyone in the world who looks at this with an open mind. Imagine that you are explaining this to a non-Bohri friend of yours. He asks you about misaaq.
You tell him that misaaq is the only way to salvation - without misaaq, there is no salvation; this is our belief.
Then he asks you what is in the misaaq.
You reply: various rules by which we must adhere to, similar to the ten commandments in Christianity.
Then he tells you that he heard about some dispute of taking people's names in misaaq.
You reply: what dispute? We only take three people's names in misaaq - like we have been doing for almost a millennium.
He says: really, you take people's names in misaaq? You mean the prophets?
You explain: no, the da'i, mazoon, and mukasir.
He says: who are these people?
You reply: the da'i is our spiritual leader and he appoints the mazoon and mukasir.
Then he asks: I heard that your mazoon had issues so you got rid of him.
You reply: yes, he had issues, so we don't really believe that he's the true mazoon.
He says: so then you no longer swear by his name in front of God Almighty or Allah?
You say: no, we still take his name for political reasons.
Your friend is awe-struck. He replies: how can you swear a lie in front of God?! Your friend who had lots of respect for the Dawoodi Bohras now has no respect left. And you have no answer to give him. Then he asks: don't you have a religious academy that would take up these matters?
You reply: yes.
He says: well, what do they say?
You reply: nothing.

What can you say?! Jamea - the defender of the faith - is the offender of the faith! It is Jamea's students who have picked up this whirlwind of zahir/batin, mazoon-bashing, mazoon-degrading, and finally laanat, and taken this evil message from house to house, and from faithful to faithful. Inside the walls of Jamea lay the very books which speak volumes about the mazoon yet they refuse to believe their own books. So are these books lying?! Has the faith suddenly been changed?! Have new books been written?! Who has changed the books?!

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by haqniwaat » Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:07 am

The Miracle of Burhanuddin Mola RA

So there are many out there who are awaiting a miracle - that Burhanuddin Mola RA will show them the way. They are not sure who the real Da'i is, but for convenience, they are following Mufaddal bs. Understandable. Nobody wants more stress in their lives. We already have our jobs/businesses, family, and friends to deal with. Religious issues are the last thing that should cause us stress. In fact, religion should give us comfort and peace and solace and security. Not the case for Dawoodi Bohras today. So these people who are awaiting this miracle - how long will you wait?! It's already been a year.

No need to wait. The miracle is in front of your eyes. It is a man who has sat silent for 50 years. Holding a secret that has cost him his family, his self-respect, his entire world around him. At the same time, he has been unable to defend those few who have defended him - due to this secret he must keep hidden. Until one year ago when the sun literally set on Dawat and an era unlike any other ever seen came to an end. This man revealed his secret. After 50 years. Did he have to?! He had no reason to. He could have spent the rest of his life in peace and tranquility with his immediate family. He doesn't require a fortune, he already has enough financial blessings to survive and provide for his immediate family for decades. Why would he risk everything - his peace, his grandchildren, his daughters, emotional well-being, his savings, his self-respect, his rest and sleep - to defend a secret 50 years old?!

For all the decades and childhood memories and family gatherings and Eid milans and breakfasts and birthdays that the generations of Saifee Mahal have spent with this man and his family, not even a single blink of an eyebrow to wonder why?! Those days of doing sajda and tasleem, shouting "mazoon saheb padhaare che" in glee, awaiting to be blessed by him, all forgotten?! No memories, not even a tear drop swelling in an eye? The trips with Burhanuddin Mola RA to Darus Sakina for a day when all of Saifee Mahal would be there for a picnic? Wasn't it Burhanuddin Mola who gave the name "Darus Sakina"? No, can't remember? Nothing?! Memory relapse, perhaps. Was he such a horrible person?! You loved him with your heart one day and suddenly...until you actually began spewing laanat on him?! OMG.

Keep waiting for a miracle. Like the survivors of the Titanic who had lost their family, the miracle of seeing them again never came when they landed in New York. But the miracle in front of their eyes was their very survival itself. Ironic that last year was the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic - when Burhanuddin Mola RA passed away in January.

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by abde53 » Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:43 am

Bhai Haqqniwaat
Can you shed some light about Saify Mahal, GM bhai and others had posted that there are rooms in Saify Mahal with Cash and Gold, is it true
I am hoping that you will continue to tell us more about how Qasr-e-Aali, Bait-e-Zainy live their lives as compared to ordinary Mumin/Mumina
Do you know how many of Shezaadas and Shezaadis get their education at Jamea, do they go to Jamea or to convent schools
last two posts you have is praising Moula Burhanuddin but did Moula Burhanuddin knew about the working of Saify Mahal, who is in real control of Saify Mahal and the members of Qas re aali and Bait e Zainy,
how is everyone Haphta (wazifa) paid
This will help Mumineen to know how their wajebaats are being used/
i hope all these can be circulated via Whatsup so more people can read and learn

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by haqniwaat » Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:50 am

An Investment Gone Wrong

Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA spent years and years investing for Dawat. With the help of his youngest brother, Ibrahim bs Zainuddin, who was well versed with deen and duniya, and very well educated in financial matters. Ibrahim bs bought stocks, real estate, and companies on behalf of Dawat. Even hotels. Yes, hotels. This was foundation laying - the pillars were laid - for the wealth of Dawat that we see today. For years and years, frugality was the norm. Syedna Taher Saifuddin used to personally monitor each and every child for how much money they spent. Every paisa, paisa and aana aana was accounted for in detail. He used to personally tell miasaheb how much money to give each and every child - and each and every child was to be happy with what he/she was given, for even a trip to the park. STS would personally ask the children after they returned how much they spent on chana and ice cream.

Ibrahim bs - with the close and personal monitoring of STS - invested slowly and steadily for Dawat. Those who have seen how he used to live in his quarters in Badri Mahal can vouch for Ibrahim bs' frugality and simplicity, along with his elder brother Syedi Saleh bs Safiyuddin. Yes, Badri Mahal was not this golden fortress when Ibrahim bs and Saleh bs lived there. Their kitchen was the most un-modern for its time - very much like the chawls of Mumbai. After their death, Badri Mahal was transformed into what it is today by Burhanuddin Mola's shehzadas. They literally tore down the flats of the two brothers and started from scratch. For every penny that Dawat has today, we must be thankful for Ibrahim bs' khidmat. But how come we have never heard of this man? He was SKQ's father-in-law. No further explanation required.

Those who have seen the inside quarters of Burhanuddin Mola's flat in Saifee Mahal also know how frugal and simple he was. Like his father and uncles, Burhanuddin Mola was so frugal, that those who were young children playing in Saifee Mahal - especially in the upstairs hall close to his flat on the 3rd floor - remember how when he used to arrive and he saw even a light bulb that was glowing, he would tell the young children to turn it off.

Almost every single member of STS' family had stocks invested in their name from the time of STS and Ibrahim bs. Then comes Mufaddal bs, the great financial expert. He forced everyone in Saifee Mahal - widows who relied on their stock returns to buy medication - to sell their stocks because - as he put it - "haraam che!" Fill in the blanks yourself to what happened afterwards and up to the present day.

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by haqniwaat » Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:42 am

Questions & Answers
abde53 wrote:Bhai Haqqniwaat
Can you shed some light about Saify Mahal, GM bhai and others had posted that there are rooms in Saify Mahal with Cash and Gold, is it true
Not that I am aware of :-). Saifee Mahal - the building itself - is now inhabited by widows and Badrul Jamali. All three floors have large halls. The living space in the building is very minimal.
abde53 wrote:I am hoping that you will continue to tell us more about how Qasr-e-Aali, Bait-e-Zainy live their lives as compared to ordinary Mumin/Mumina
Most of Qasre Aali does not live in the building of Saifee Mahal itself. There are two other buildings in the complex which are privately owned by shehzadas/shehzadis of both STS and SMB. Al Azhar was built by STS and is a privately owned building with flats owned by shehzadas/shehzadis of STS. This is also where SKQ owns a flat. Burhani Mahal is a privately owned building in the complex with flats owned by shehzadas/shehzadis of SMB. All other Qasre Aali members live either in other flats around Mumbai or overseas mostly on amaalat.
abde53 wrote:Do you know how many of Shezaadas and Shezaadis get their education at Jamea, do they go to Jamea or to convent schools
None of STS' and SMB's shehzadas/shehzadis went to Jamea. In fact, until after the Multaqa, nobody from Saifee Mahal was allowed to go to Jamea. They were all educated in deeni knowledge directly from shehzadas/shehzadis and even STS and SMB himself, and sometimes moallim of Kothar (graduates of Jamea). For worldly knowledge, STS in the beginning years used to have tutors come and teach various subjects. In the later years, children went to regular schools/colleges. SMB's children did the same. Only in the last decade or so, all the youth - male and female - are strongly advised to go to Jamea.
abde53 wrote:last two posts you have is praising Moula Burhanuddin but did Moula Burhanuddin knew about the working of Saify Mahal, who is in real control of Saify Mahal and the members of Qas re aali and Bait e Zainy,
Baite Zaini do not live in Saifee Mahal. They are mostly independent or in amaalat and have close to normal lives. Qasre Aali are the children of STS; Baite Zaini are the children of Syedna Tayyeb Zainuddin. Of course, Burhanuddin Mola RA was fully aware but I have already given explanations regarding this in my previous posts.
abde53 wrote:how is everyone Haphta (wazifa) paid. This will help Mumineen to know how their wajebaats are being used/
This is a question for Kothar and the inner circle of Badri Mahal. I am only giving you information on Qasre Aali and Saifee Mahal. I am not privy to this other info. (deleted to protect the safety of the Source by Moderator)

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by SBM » Sun Dec 21, 2014 11:51 am

Br Haqniwaat
Thank you for your courage for sharing this very eye opening information.
I am sure many Kothari Goons ( members of Royal Family) may be wondering what is next
To me you are My WIKILEAK Hero. May Allaha keep you and your family in safety. You are providing a wonderful service to the community and hope you will continue providing this timely information and I do hope that all those who are sitting on fence and giving their money will realize and decide to cut the funding of this Ayash life style for the occupants of Saify Mahal

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:52 pm

Bhai haqniwat. You are doing a great job. Considering the risk you are taking to create awareness in public i can only pray may allah keep you and your family safe. (edited certain portion by moderator)

Brother am not so deeni. I always believe in one thing that to obtain salvation DO GOOD DEED AND REMEMBER GOD thats it. So i never really bother what our dai is saying and what they do but from last couple of years i am so much frustrated because of MS fatwa and new new money minting scheme that i actually started to think about our religion and hence new tension added apart from worldly things.

Anyways if you are indeed related to STS and SMB than am SORRY for what had i said related to earlier 2 dais but brother hope you understand that just because of their act (whatever the reason may be) we the normal people are at receiving end.

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by Abuzer » Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:48 pm

nothing to say but after reading this I feel its too late to speak up but in any case, jazakallah

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by kimanumanu » Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:00 pm

One question haqniwaat regarding investments. If stocks were declared "haraam", where is the money being invested instead?

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by khaqsaar » Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:01 pm

Thank you for sharing valuable information. I have a question ... nass was performed verbally without a witness as all have heard/read, but what baffles me is that there appears to be no hard evidence of it else that would have been submitted in the courts (or is there?)...

why would Burhanuddin Moula have not had provided or SKQ had not requested written/video tapped/audio tapped evidence in this age and time?

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by haqniwaat » Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:11 pm

Questions & Answers 2
kimanumanu wrote:One question haqniwaat regarding investments. If stocks were declared "haraam", where is the money being invested instead?
I think most people have either kept their stocks - hidden from view of Mufaddal bs - or invested in real estate. Most of Saifee Mahal elders are not foolish enough - in financial matters - to listen to him. But they have not publicized it to the younger generation.
khaqsaar wrote:Haqniwaat
Thank you for sharing valuable information. I have a question ... nass was performed verbally without a witness as all have heard/read, but what baffles me is that there appears to be no hard evidence of it else that would have been submitted in the courts (or is there?)...
why would Burhanuddin Moula have not had provided or SKQ had not requested written/video tapped/audio tapped evidence in this age and time?
If we have any faith in Burhanuddin Mola RA - I would rest assured that whatever is required is being done by SKQ. We cannot expect him to publicize everything. If we had not been brainwashed by degrading the rutba of mazoon, we would not have this faithlessness as we do right now; we would simply go by the mazoon's word, and the shehzadas - especially Mufaddal bs and Qaid Johar bs - would have listened to SKQ when he declared the nass a year ago. He actually sent them letters saying exactly that - which they completely ignored. He even offered to talk to them - which invitation they mocked! Nobody would have spent a paisa on court cases or lawyers and the transition would have been peaceful and smooth.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:34 pm

There was a post by Bro.porus some time back as under and Bro.haqniwaat could throw some light on its authenticity :-

Can we please build up the family tree of the "Royal" Family? I will make a start with Qasr-e-Aali, whose head was Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin, the 51st Dai. Qasr-e-Aali is a subset of Bayt-e-Zaini and is popularly known by its old name, the Kothar.

Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin had five wives. He was forced to marry his first wife against his wishes. The lady was from a prominent family and marriage was arranged when they were both children. The lady developed a hunchback. Does anyone know the name of this lady and which family was she from?

Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin's second wife was Lady Husaina, who was the mother of the present Sayedna Muhammad Burhanuddin. She is also the mother of present Mukasir, Husain Husamuddin, and a daughter Asma. In this forum, we have discussed Lady Husaina and controversy around her status which remains inconclusive.

Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin's third wife was Lady Wazeera who was not his favorite wife. I have heard that she remained in Surat and never joined her husband in Mumbai. She was the widow of his elder brother, who was designated to be the 51st Dai but died before taking office. Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin inherited both the Daiship of his deceased brother and was forced to marry his widow, which he reluctantly did. Moreover, their two boys were packed off to serve as Aamils in the United States. Their children are now continuing to serve as Aamils in Los Angeles and New Jersey. (Sons are Qasim and Asghar and daughters are Mariam, Khadija and Banoo)

The last two wives of Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin were his favorites.

The fourth wife was Lady Amena. She is the mother of current Maazoon, Khuzema Qutbuddin. Altogether she bore Sayedna 5 sons including the Mazoon and 4 daughters. One of the sons was Hatim Hamiduddin, famous among Bohras as an Oxford scholar.

The fifth wife was Lady Fatima, the mother of legendary Yusuf Najmuddin (YN). She bore Sayedna 3 sons, including YN, and 3 daughters. YN was frustrated by his father Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin in implementing 'Waajebaat' instead of Zakaat. He got his chance with Sayedna Muhammad Burhanuddin and implemented Wajebaat with vengeance. He also masterminded the annual Ashura hangama at various places round the globe.

In conclusion, Sayedna Taher Saifuddin had 23 children. Their families have now expanded to include about 200 members.

Please feel free to amend and add to the above information.

Lady Husaina's father was declared "Muddai". She was forced to break off all relations with her father's family, especially her brother Ismail. Her nephew, Ismail's son, was Ahmed Luqmani who, until his death two years ago, led the Progressive Bohra Jamaat in the United Kingdom.

There is a rumor that due to machinations in Saifi Mahal among the wives of Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin, Lady Husaina was administered poison and she died from it. Sayedna spent disproportionate amount of time with Lady Amena, his favorite wife, causing resentment among the wives.

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by haqniwaat » Sun Dec 21, 2014 8:20 pm

Questions & Answers 3
ghulam muhammed wrote:There was a post by Bro.porus some time back as under and Bro.haqniwaat could throw some light on its authenticity :-
Can we please build up the family tree of the "Royal" Family? I will make a start with Qasr-e-Aali, whose head was Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin, the 51st Dai. Qasr-e-Aali is a subset of Bayt-e-Zaini and is popularly known by its old name, the Kothar.
Syedna Taher Saifuddin's RA father was Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA (49th Da'i) and his father was Syedna Abdul Qadir Najmuddin RA (47th Da'i) and his father was Syedna Tayyeb Zainuddin RA.
ghulam muhammed wrote:Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin had five wives. He was forced to marry his first wife against his wishes. The lady was from a prominent family and marriage was arranged when they were both children. The lady developed a hunchback. Does anyone know the name of this lady and which family was she from?
I have not heard of this and therefore I cannot confirm it.
ghulam muhammed wrote:Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin's second wife was Lady Husaina, who was the mother of the present Sayedna Muhammad Burhanuddin. She is also the mother of present Mukasir, Husain Husamuddin, and a daughter Asma. In this forum, we have discussed Lady Husaina and controversy around her status which remains inconclusive.
Yes, Husaina Aisaheba was Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin's RA mother and Asma bs and Husain bs. As far as being the 2nd wife of STS, this is the first I am hearing of this so I cannot confirm it.
ghulam muhammed wrote:Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin's third wife was Lady Wazeera who was not his favorite wife. I have heard that she remained in Surat and never joined her husband in Mumbai. She was the widow of his elder brother, who was designated to be the 51st Dai but died before taking office. Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin inherited both the Daiship of his deceased brother and was forced to marry his widow, which he reluctantly did. Moreover, their two boys were packed off to serve as Aamils in the United States. Their children are now continuing to serve as Aamils in Los Angeles and New Jersey. (Sons are Qasim and Asghar and daughters are Mariam, Khadija and Banoo)
Wazeera Aisaheba was first married to STS' elder brother, Syedi Tayyeb bs Zainuddin (not to be confused with Syedna Tayyeb Zainuddin). After his wafaat, STS married Wazeera Aisaheba and had two children, which I have posted in one of the previous posts. She did not remain in Surat - she lived in Saifee Mahal, 1st floor (ground floor) next to Abdut Tayyeb bs Zakiuddin's (the son of STS, not brother) quarters. Wazeera Aisaheba's previous son was the aamil of Pune for decades. His last name was also Zainuddin, and among his various children are Dr. Idris bs Zainuddin married to Shere Banu bs (daughter of STS) and they have been in London for decades. The other sons, Ali Asghar, Noman, and Najam were in the San Francisco Bay Area for many years but neither of them now live in the United States. Wazeera Aisaheba had no daughters to my knowledge; the names you have listed above are the daughters of Fatema Aisaheba. And Qasim and Ali Asghar which you are referring to above are also sons of Fatema Aisaheba.
ghulam muhammed wrote:The last two wives of Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin were his favorites.
Possibly so.
ghulam muhammed wrote:The fourth wife was Lady Amena. She is the mother of current Maazoon, Khuzema Qutbuddin. Altogether she bore Sayedna 5 sons including the Mazoon and 4 daughters. One of the sons was Hatim Hamiduddin, famous among Bohras as an Oxford scholar.
I can confirm this, yes.
ghulam muhammed wrote:The fifth wife was Lady Fatima, the mother of legendary Yusuf Najmuddin (YN). She bore Sayedna 3 sons, including YN, and 3 daughters. YN was frustrated by his father Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin in implementing 'Waajebaat' instead of Zakaat. He got his chance with Sayedna Muhammad Burhanuddin and implemented Wajebaat with vengeance. He also masterminded the annual Ashura hangama at various places round the globe.
I can confirm this, yes, but not the wajebaat part.
ghulam muhammed wrote:In conclusion, Sayedna Taher Saifuddin had 23 children. Their families have now expanded to include about 200 members.
21 children (see one of my previous posts);. Sakina bs passed away at a very young age. She was the eldest daughter of Fatema Aisaheba and her ziyarat is at Charni Road in Mumbai. About 350 members of Qasre Aali now.
ghulam muhammed wrote:Lady Husaina's father was declared "Muddai". She was forced to break off all relations with her father's family, especially her brother Ismail. Her nephew, Ismail's son, was Ahmed Luqmani who, until his death two years ago, led the Progressive Bohra Jamaat in the United Kingdom.
This is the first that I am hearing of this so I cannot confirm it.
ghulam muhammed wrote:There is a rumor that due to machinations in Saifi Mahal among the wives of Sayedna Tahir Saifuddin, Lady Husaina was administered poison and she died from it. Sayedna spent disproportionate amount of time with Lady Amena, his favorite wife, causing resentment among the wives.
Husaina Aisaheba passed away before Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA married his other three wives; so the theory in the first sentence does not make sense. Yes, Amena Aisaheba, the youngest of the four Aisaheba, was in STS' khidmat in the last years. I cannot confirm the resentment part.

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Sun Dec 21, 2014 8:36 pm

the 1 million strong bohras are feeding this 350 members of Qasre Aali. The leeches are getting fat and multiplying! God save the Queen! :p

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by Haqq_Prevails » Sun Dec 21, 2014 8:59 pm

For some of the questions, you have no knowledge or you cannot confirm?

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by Dumbledore » Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:16 pm

Haq ni waat bhai/ben,

Thank you for putting up these details here and exposing these people.

May Allah SWT keeps you safe.

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:24 am

Haqniwaat, kudos to your courage for posting all this info here. Let people realise that the Qasre Aali are just like any other family with their own set of problems. And also let people realise how they are being taken for a royal ride. Hope the kothari agents are reading all this and fuming about their skeletons tumbling out of the closet.

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by asad » Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:56 am

Br. HNW,

1) SMB started hording gold for Fatema zahra's zareeh, and MS is doing the same. where is that gold or is it already liquidated.
2) How is ziyafat money distributed.
3) Who takes Galla money from different mazars
4) How does extended family of STS and SMB fend for themselves if they are not in amalat or are old.
5) Why have financial records of Dawat never came out, who holds them so tightly.
6) How much is the estimated wealth of Qasre Ali.
7) Do Saheb E dawat give back or deposit money to dawat or is it personal property. whats the criteria of selection for SED.

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by haqniwaat » Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:41 am

Haqq_Prevails wrote:HNW:
For some of the questions, you have no knowledge or you cannot confirm?
If I have no knowledge about a subject/topic, I cannot confirm it - I don't make things up, sorry. :-) Nobody should be confirming something that they do not know.
Last edited by haqniwaat on Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by haqniwaat » Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:58 am

Questions & Answers 4
asad wrote:Br. HNW,
1) SMB started hording gold for Fatema zahra's zareeh, and MS is doing the same. where is that gold or is it already liquidated.
It was never SMB, it was his shehzadas. Maybe one of the shehzadas' truthful and God-fearing assistants can confirm this. (Good luck finding them.)
asad wrote:2) How is ziyafat money distributed.
The Kothar takes care of it. And by Kothar, I mean the real Kothar - non-Qasre Aali graduates of Jamea in khidmat. About distribution, your guess is as good as mine.
asad wrote:3) Who takes Galla money from different mazars
The Kothar takes care of this, as well. But let me just say that gallas are found in many faiths especially in India, and the faithful tend to not question what happens to the money; that is a part of our faith. Otherwise, why bother putting anything in the galla, right?
asad wrote:4) How does extended family of STS and SMB fend for themselves if they are not in amalat or are old.
Ha ha. You can count these with three fingers. All three of these families are with SKQ and have jobs/business.
asad wrote:5) Why have financial records of Dawat never came out, who holds them so tightly.
Do you really think that there are any financial records?! Mufaddal bs doesn't know the difference between a savings and a checking account. Who's going to ask for them? The guys who handle the finances? :-)
asad wrote:6) How much is the estimated wealth of Qasre Ali.
I don't know. Every family is different depending on how well they kept their investments (see my previous post on Ibrahim bs and investing).
asad wrote:7) Do Saheb E dawat give back or deposit money to dawat or is it personal property. whats the criteria of selection for SED.
I don't know what they do with the money, so I cannot confirm. However, if they are collecting things like Nazrul Maqaam then it goes back to Dawat in its proper place - or should. The criteria for selecting SED is based on how well you are liked by mufaddal bs, shehzadas, and kothar. It is certainly not based on your resume!

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by abde53 » Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:41 pm

Haqniwaat Bhai
Is it true that aamils of the local jamaats are asked to collect fixed amount of Wajebaats and do they get commission based on the collection.
Also can you tell us if it is true that most of the people working in Saify Mahal like accountants, drivers, guards are NOT mumineen and Qasr e aali purposely do not hire Mumineen/Muminaat

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Dec 22, 2014 5:29 pm

haqniwaat wrote:Dr. Idris bs Zainuddin married to Shere Banu bs (daughter of STS) and they have been in London for decades.
Is he the same Dr. Idris who had fatally knocked down someone in London when he was driving in a drunken state ? It is said that Kothar had spent crores to get him out of jail.

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by angel5152 » Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:35 am

Dear Haqniwaat,

I have some questions for you for us normal ppl to understand what goes on in the saifee mahal

1. Death of Yusuf Najmuddin bs. The ordinary mumineen were told he died of big heart attack but this forum revealed that he was murdered by the Egyptian mafia - thrown to his death off a hotel balcony in Cairo. What was the news inside Saifee Mahal when he died? Did they know how he actually died?

2. Ex Mazoon revealed there were 3 failed assassination attempts against him. Do you know when these were and who they were carried out by?

3. Is it true that the Saifee Mahal is actually under ex mazoons name - this was left by STS as a gift to him?

4. Are there any brothers or sisters who were close to ex mazoon up until last year when the split occurred, or had all brothers and sisters cut ties with him for many years since East africa incident?

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by asad » Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:54 am

haqniwaat wrote:
asad wrote:Br. HNW,
1) SMB started hording gold for Fatema zahra's zareeh, and MS is doing the same. where is that gold or is it already liquidated.
It was never SMB, it was his shehzadas. Maybe one of the shehzadas' truthful and God-fearing assistants can confirm this. (Good luck finding them.)
It was SMB who started this gold collection, he asked people to donate in waez, might be his sons looked over the collection. This huge quantity of gold cant disappear in thin air. You know about the inner circle and working of the Qasre Burhani so check again please.

haqniwaat wrote:
asad wrote:2) How is ziyafat money distributed.
The Kothar takes care of it. And by Kothar, I mean the real Kothar - non-Qasre Aali graduates of Jamea in khidmat. About distribution, your guess is as good as mine.
as far as i know, Ziyafat money from Syedna is distributed in whole of qasre ali and kothar. each and every one gets an envelop and it can range from 50k to 50rs but every one receives it. Might be old and far off relatives are not given any more or who are not on good terms with SMB sons. but largess is distributed.
haqniwaat wrote:
asad wrote:3) Who takes Galla money from different mazars
The Kothar takes care of this, as well. But let me just say that gallas are found in many faiths especially in India, and the faithful tend to not question what happens to the money; that is a part of our faith. Otherwise, why bother putting anything in the galla, right?
Kothar takes cares means what? where does the money go.
haqniwaat wrote:
asad wrote:4) How does extended family of STS and SMB fend for themselves if they are not in amalat or are old.
Ha ha. You can count these with three fingers. All three of these families are with SKQ and have jobs/business.
Who are these three families except sons of KQ. how are they related to SMB or STS
haqniwaat wrote:
asad wrote:5) Why have financial records of Dawat never came out, who holds them so tightly.
Do you really think that there are any financial records?! Mufaddal bs doesn't know the difference between a savings and a checking account. Who's going to ask for them? The guys who handle the finances? :-)
Might be MS dosent know financial intricacies but such a huge empire cant work without proper financial maintenance. There should be record of receipt and distribution of wealth. If not how will they set the targets for Wajebaat collection.
asad wrote:6) How much is the estimated wealth of Qasre Ali.
I don't know. Every family is different depending on how well they kept their investments (see my previous post on Ibrahim bs and investing).
Ok. Which is wealthiest of them all.
haqniwaat wrote:
asad wrote:7) Do Saheb E dawat give back or deposit money to dawat or is it personal property. whats the criteria of selection for SED.
I don't know what they do with the money, so I cannot confirm. However, if they are collecting things like Nazrul Maqaam then it goes back to Dawat in its proper place - or should. The criteria for selecting SED is based on how well you are liked by mufaddal bs, shehzadas, and kothar. It is certainly not based on your resume!
Might be they are suppose to deposit it back and get a percentage. As you mentioned that nazar al maqaam is deposited back can you confirm what happens to that money.

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by zinger » Tue Dec 23, 2014 1:04 am

angel5152 wrote:Dear Haqniwaat,

I have some questions for you for us normal ppl to understand what goes on in the saifee mahal

1. Death of Yusuf Najmuddin bs. The ordinary mumineen were told he died of big heart attack but this forum revealed that he was murdered by the Egyptian mafia - thrown to his death off a hotel balcony in Cairo. What was the news inside Saifee Mahal when he died? Did they know how he actually died?

2. Ex Mazoon revealed there were 3 failed assassination attempts against him. Do you know when these were and who they were carried out by?

3. Is it true that the Saifee Mahal is actually under ex mazoons name - this was left by STS as a gift to him?

4. Are there any brothers or sisters who were close to ex mazoon up until last year when the split occurred, or had all brothers and sisters cut ties with him for many years since East africa incident?

One more question

5. We have also heard rumours of a hand-written letter from Taher Saifuddin Maula RA to the mother of ex-Mazun Maula, promising her that he would be made Dai after Burhanuddin Maula RA. does such a letter exist or it an urban legend?

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by asad » Tue Dec 23, 2014 1:57 am

zinger wrote:
angel5152 wrote:Dear Haqniwaat,

I have some questions for you for us normal ppl to understand what goes on in the saifee mahal

1. Death of Yusuf Najmuddin bs. The ordinary mumineen were told he died of big heart attack but this forum revealed that he was murdered by the Egyptian mafia - thrown to his death off a hotel balcony in Cairo. What was the news inside Saifee Mahal when he died? Did they know how he actually died?

2. Ex Mazoon revealed there were 3 failed assassination attempts against him. Do you know when these were and who they were carried out by?

3. Is it true that the Saifee Mahal is actually under ex mazoons name - this was left by STS as a gift to him?

4. Are there any brothers or sisters who were close to ex mazoon up until last year when the split occurred, or had all brothers and sisters cut ties with him for many years since East africa incident?

One more question

5. We have also heard rumours of a hand-written letter from Taher Saifuddin Maula RA to the mother of ex-Mazun Maula, promising her that he would be made Dai after Burhanuddin Maula RA. does such a letter exist or it an urban legend?
Make it 6

Why didnt SMB declared KQ as dai when he had time. who was he afraid of. Was his dawat hijacked under his feet?

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Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:52 am

make it 7
we have heard in africa KQ distributed cd or paper and took sign of the people claiming he too received faiz of imam.
is this true?
why nothing has been said about this by his side when MS side is throwing allegations of such sorts?