Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:10 pm

Real Tolerant Indians for centuries and still tolerating:

Read Cho Ramaswamy's write-up in Tughlaq

T​olerant Ind​ians​...

An English translation of a very good article that appeared recently in THUGLAQ--a Tamil weekly edited by CHO--

The President has complained that the people be more tolerant and understanding – Fantastic and very commendable.
Let us analyse our tolerance level and find where we are lacking .

1.Politicians have improved from their corruption target of few lakhs to 1.76-2.0 lakh crores and we tolerate them.

2.Election time – self declaration wealth of 1000 crores, and we never asked them from where they got this from their previous statement of few lakhs 5 years back. Not only that we accept his so many privileges and subsidised everything from idlies to plane tickets and “ Z plus ‘ security and traffic snarls because of their movement.

3. We also tolerate that sons and relatives are the natural choice of becoming their successors in positions like CM, ministers etc We justify that by saying we are used to Rajah and Zamindars and we accept them as their right.

4.Parliament and assemblies have become circus arena and fish market with shouting, counter shouting, flinging of objects and abuses. We appreciate their heroic sense of responsibility and praise them with poems and lectures on their achievements.

5. For 50 years each successive government have promised to bring in the black money and they are still trying !.Endless list of offenders, bank cheaters, fraudsters are published by all media with proofs. But they continue to live the same lavish style and are very well taken care by the politicians. They scratch each others back. We just don’t bother and ignore saying “ nothing is going to happen “ and just get on with our own miserable life.

6. Fake doctors, fake lawyers, fake teachers, fake medicines fake everything ! many times they look better than originals-Do we complain – No, Mr President.

7.Our pride, the” excellent” condition of roads , water contamination, power cuts, hospital hygiene , we never complain and we learn to live them and adjust to realities.

8.Doctors steal kidneys, teachers help students to copy ( even a DIG was caught copying recently) bank officials loot the bank cash in their own way, police help the criminals What happens – nothing It is all tv entertainment news for us . We sit and enjoy the loud talk shows and debates and forget everything the very next moment. We are not ashamed that the rest of world is laughing at us and we are jeopardizing the values of our institutions and students.

9.Government lavishly throw money meant for development for freebies like tv, mixies,grinders, goats, cycles and laptops ( only to their party affiliates ) and call it their achievement .We admire them and make posters ,cutouts 50-60 ft high right in the middle of roads and garland them.

10. Corruption in all levels and our bureaucracy is brilliant in devising ways to collect money from public. . Any alternate or improvement is shot down promptly, by devising method to subvert and bypass them. No can ever beat them in short circuiting the system and make it ineffective.

11.Pakistan crosses our border and beheads our soldiers and China tells us to vacate from our own land . Do we object –NO . we only warn them and we are tolerant.

12. There is Power shortage, Rape, farmers suicide, drought ,river water fights between states. Do we bother. We are only concerned with why Dhoni did not score a century in every test and why Salman khan did not smile at Sharukh Khan when they met !!

We all know nothing happens to anyone who violates any civic or/and traffic rules or for that matter any rules !!

So Mr. President where did you find us intolerant and please be specific so that we can ‘improve' further.

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:25 am

The test of a tolerant society is NOT it's "tolerant" Constitution.

The test for tolerance is NOT the law and order in the society.

The test for tolerance is NOT that a person speaks his mind freely (it's possible that somebody may even dare to speak freely in an intolerant society),

The real test of a tolerant society is when people "listen" to other viewpoints with respect, debate it, agree or disagree with the views after due deliberations and the move on in life without calling people names, abusing them, intimidating them to not speak or by resorting to violence in extreme cases.

Unfortunately, we as a nation fail that test of tolerance

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:20 pm

Narendra Modi ‘photoshopped’ image of Chennai floods visit goes viral

Image quickly taken down by government website after Twitter users question its authenticity

An image of India’s prime minister surveying the flood damage to Chennai that appears to have been crudely photoshopped by a government website has gone viral.

The image, posted by the country’s Press Information Bureau on its website on Thursday, depicted Narendra Modi peering out of a plane’s window as he undertook an aerial survey of India’s fourth-largest city, which has been devastated by record rainfall.

However, social media users quickly questioned its authenticity, noting that the view out of the airplane window appeared to have been superimposed onto the image.

Many contrasted with a similar photo Mr Modi himself had published on his Twitter feed, in which the distant view of the flood-hit city is much less visible.

Within the hours the PIB removed the image, although it has yet to comment on the alleged gaffe.

That did not end the debacle, with Twitter users quickly posting their own fake images of Mr Modi’s visit to Chennai.

Just last month, the PIB was accused of photoshopping another image of Mr Modi at the ASEAN summit in Malaysian, after he was pictured standing next to an upside-down Indian flag.

In images published by the PIB soon after, the flag appeared to have been miraculously righted.

If confirmed, it would not be the first photo-op of a country’s leader surveying a flood-hit city to backfire. ... viral.html

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:08 pm

Intellectuals are the Eyes of Society and Without them India would be Lost

Markandey Katju is a former justice of the Supreme Court

More than a hundred Indian scientists, an equal number of sociologists and social scientists, 50 historians, dozens of award-winning writers, artists and film makers have raised their collective voice against the growing atmosphere of intolerance in the country. Some have returned awards they had received from state bodies while others have signed statements. All are united in their sense of disquiet at what is going on in India today. What is the significance of this ?

These intellectuals are not rich or powerful people. Some among them may well have been surviving on some kind of patronage, as their critics contend. However, to my mind their action is brave and commendable.

It is worth reminding ourselves that under the fascist regimes which came to power in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s, most intellectuals fell in line and either did not oppose the fascists, or became positive collaborators. India should take pride in the fact that its own intellectuals have not behaved in this manner. On the other hand, the response of the government’s spokespersons and apologists has revealed the ideological bankruptcy of the BJP and sangh parivar.

One and a half year into Modi’s rule, the failure of governance is manifest. Far from the vikas, or development, which was promised, the prices of essential foodstuffs like dal and onions have gone through the roof, and unemployment remains intolerably high.

What is the Modi government – and sangh parivar – doing to tackle this problem? They are diverting attention in a totally reactionary direction, spreading communalism and trying to throttle rational thinking. The brutal killing of Govind Pansare and M.M. Kalburgi, the lynching of Mohammad Akhlaq and others over motivated rumours of cow slaughter, the escalation of beef politics – these are ominous signs of the times to come

No doubt some of the intellectuals who have returned awards ought to have spoken out earlier but at least they are doing something to keep the spirit of rationalism alive in our country.

The historians issued a joint statement saying that “differences of opinion are sought to be settled by using physical violence. Arguments are met not with counter arguments but with bullets.”

They allege that appointments to various positions are being made of people who have some connection with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. “What the regime seems to want is a kind of legislated history, a manufactured image of the past, glorifying certain aspects of it and denigrating others, without any regard for chronology, sources or methods of enquiry that are the building blocks of the edifice of history” their statement said.

We have a Prime Minister who made a laughable comment that in ancient India we had genetic engineering and head transplants. We have a Finance Minister who calls the protests a “paper revolt” and a Culture Minister who has asked writers to stop writing. It is significant that hardly any scientist, sociologist, social scientist, historian, writer, artist of film personality has come out in support of the government – other than Anupam Kher, who is close to the BJP. That itself is proof of the depth of feeling amongst the intelligentsia in India.

In my opinion, the revolt of Indian intellectuals is of tremendous importance. The message it sends is that a regime that seeks to create an atmosphere of fear and hate everywhere will only bring about its own downfall. In a country like India with its massive socio-economic problems, the role of ideas is of great importance. India will have no future if it is going to be governed by reaction and hate, and not reason and scientific thinking. It is intellectuals who are the eyes of society, and without intellectuals a society is blind. ... ind-14442/

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:25 pm

A Very Interesting Article :-


Weathering One Year of Modi’s Media Blitz

In George Orwell’s dystopian classic 1984, ‘big brother’ was always watching you. In Modi’s utopia, which just celebrated its first birthday, ‘big brother’ is always speaking to you. Promising, haranguing, beseeching, preaching and finger-pointing. It is all meant to be riveting theatrics and great television. ... litz-3047/

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:33 pm


Communal incidents: Home ministry probes why its data is different from NCRB tally

The Indian Express had on Tuesday reported that communal violence figures for 2014 revealed by the government in Parliament were almost half compared to those recorded by the NCRB for the same year.

On Tuesday, Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju, while replying to questions on intolerance and communal violence in Lok Sabha, said that 2014 had witnessed 644 communal incidents which had risen to 650 in 2015.

The NCRB figures, however, had showed that there were 1,227 communal incidents in the year 2014. This was almost double the figure of 644 that Rijiju presented in Parliament.

- See more at: ... akyTU.dpuf

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:22 pm

Will help curb ISIS but stop anti-Muslim rant by BJP leaders, Shia body to Modi

A prominent body of Shias on Thursday said the community is prepared to give all support to the government to help curb ISIS activities in the country but asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to rein in BJP MPs and leaders from making statements against Muslims.

"We are with central government. We will support and give any information to curb ISIS and terrorist activities in India.
"At the same time, we would like the Prime Minister to rein in his MPs and leaders from making any ugly statements against Muslims," Anjuman-E-Imamia President Syed Zamin Raza told PTI here.

Raza said there is nothing Islamic about ISIS - the Islamic State - and their actions are evil and outside the boundaries set by Islam. Speaking on the sidelines of the commemoration of martyrs of the Battle of Karbala, Raza said a provocative and an emotive speech against Muslims has the potential to spoil the good work done to check ISIS activities in India.

"A minute's speech against Muslims will spoil the good work of curbing ISIS activities in the country," he said. Raza also accused USA and some sections of Wahabi cult in Saudi Arabia of supporting global terrorism.

"It is the US and some section of Wahabi cult in Saudi, who are spreading terrorism. Sunnis, however, are not terrorists. Why does the US does not take any action against such cult but are out to dismantle kingdoms of other Muslim countries. Why this double standard?" he asked.

Asked whether AEI has chalked out any strategy to stop Muslims from joining ISIS, Raza said an event will be held next month where all important leaders of Islamic communities will be present and discuss terrorism perpetrated by ISIS and other terrorist outfits including Taliban and al-Qaida.

Raza said ISIS is a threat to humanity and it cannot be defeated unless all work together with the help of technology at people's disposal.

He said the terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut and Turkey are against divine and human laws. "We the Shia Muslim community join the nation in calling for swift apprehension and stiff punishment of the perpetrators," he said. ... 030144.cms

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:58 pm

BJP got Rs 2.50 cr in donations from firms exporting buffalo meat

BJP received Rs 2.50 crore in donations from companies exporting buffalo meat, according to contribution reports for financial years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 submitted to the Election Commission of India.

In the run-up to Lok Sabha polls in 2014, three companies -- Frigorifico Allana Ltd, Frigerio Converva Allana Ltd and Indagro Foods Ltd -- contributed Rs 2 crore to the saffron party. All three companies are subsidiaries of Allanasons Ltd with their registered address at Allana House, Allana Road, Colaba, Mumbai. In 2014-2015, Frigorifico Allana Ltd contributed Rs 50 lakh to the party fund. All four transactions were made through Vijaya Bank.

Allanasons Ltd is a leader in buffalo meat exports and describes itself as the "world's largest producer and exporter of frozen halal boneless buffalo meat, dominating the buffalo meat exports market in India". The company also deals in vegetable products, spices, cereals and coffee. The company is listed with the stock exchange with Sharjah-based Shiraz A R Allana as its promoter.

Significantly, PM Narendra Modi had made beef exports an election issue. In a poll rally in Nawada, Bihar, in April 2014, he had referred to "pink revolution". More recently, incidents like the Dadri lynching and the Kerala House raid had led to a debate on "intolerance" with several BJP members speaking against consumption of beef.

BJP received the highest amount of donations among national parties in 2014-2015 and declared a total of Rs 437.35 crore as voluntary contributions from donors giving above Rs 20,000. ... 195323.cms

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:29 pm

CBI U-Turn against its own chargesheet in the Sohrabuddin case, the caged parrot syndrome ?

The Supreme Court first asked the Gujarat Police to investigate the matter. Certain police officers (prominently, Vanzara), were arrested. Charge sheets were filed and eight Action Taken Reports were produced before the Supreme Court by the State of Gujarat. Unsatisfied, the Supreme Court in 2010 came to the following conclusion:

“From the above factual discrepancies appearing in the 8 Action Taken Reports and from the Charge Sheet we therefore feel that the Police Authorities of the State of Gujarat had failed to carry out fair and impartial investigation as we initially wanted them to do."

The Supreme Court directed the CBI to carry out the investigation including on the issue of a larger conspiracy. The CBI started investigating the case and, on the basis of call records of the police officials and other evidence, submitted a chargesheet on 23.7.2010 in which Amit Shah was named as a co-conspirator. The chargesheet states that Amit Shah was the lynchpin in the conspiracy. Amit Shah was arrested. On 29.10.2010 Amit Shah was granted bail by the Gujarat High Court, The CBI appealed to the Supreme Court against this order. The bail was not cancelled but Amit Shah was asked to not enter Gujarat.

In its charge sheet, the CBI claimed that Amit Shah presided over an extortion racket and that it was under his pressure and at his behest that the Gujarat police tried to cover up his involvement in the killings. Phone records of the police officials at the time of killings of Sohrabuddin, Kauser Bi and Tulsi Prajapati were used to show that these police officers were in constant touch with Amit Shah. The trial was transferred to Mumbai.

The evidence that the prosecution had (CBI) was damning. G.C Raigar, Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Home Guard, Gujarat who had the Additional Charge of ADGP CID Crime, and was in charge of the investigation into the case, had stated that Amit Shah personally told him not to involve high level police officials in the crime. Obviously if high level police officials were not involved, the link to Mr. Shah could not be established. The Patel brothers of Popular Builders, whose statements were also recorded, have stated that Amit Shah personally told them to give a false statement against Sohrabuddin and that they paid a large amount of money to a senior police officer for being paid to Mr. Shah so as to ensure that they are not falsely implicated in a crime.

There were also the call records between Amit Shah and the officers involved in the murder, during the killings. There were certain other allegations too against Mr. Shah.

It was the CBI’s investigation which led to his arrest and to the transfer of the case outside Gujarat...... Shockingly however, it chose not to challenge the order of the Sessions Court.

Rubabuddin, Sohrabuddin’s brother challenged the order in the High Court. He was the person who had brought the case to light 10 years ago by writing to the Supreme Court. He had diligently followed it up in the Supreme Court and in the Sessions Court for all these years. Suddenly, within months after filing against the discharge, he decided to withdraw the case from the High Court. I am reasonably certain that this was due to extreme pressure brought on him. I can never forget the terror in his eyes and the helplessness when he did it.

The question still remains. Why did the CBI not adequately defend the case in the Sessions Court and why did it refuse to file an appeal. Is it the caged parrot syndrome?

FULL ARTICLE :- ... t-syndrome

1. Gujarat Home Minister Amit Shah called cops arrested for killing Tulsi Prajapati, ... ajapati-2/
2. The Amit Shah Files, Charge, No Charge, February 16, 2015, Outlookindia ... les/293300
3. Sohrabuddin case: How Patel bros were ‘fleeced’ ... ed-1420791
4. CATCH NEWS (Rubabuddin) October 10 2015 :I was threatened before I withdrew case against Amit Shah: Rubabuddin ... 61071.html

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:57 pm

Data on Muslims in police will no longer be public

Muslims were the only religious community in India whose representation in the force was separately provided in the NCRB report. In fact, such data was first made public in 1999 during the Vajpayee-led NDA government.

For the first time in 16 years, the Union Home Ministry has decided to stop making public information about Muslims serving in the police force.

Until last year, representation of SCs/STs and Muslims in the force was part of a chapter titled ‘Police Strength, Expenditure & Infrastructure’ in an annual report called ‘Crime in India’, published by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

In the NCRB report for 2013, information about Muslims in the police force showed that there were 1.08 lakh Muslim policemen who accounted for 6.27 per cent of the total 17.31 lakh police strength in India.

Their representation had been falling — in 2007, they made up 7.55 per cent of the total force, and in 2012 they were 6.55 per cent.

Replying to a questionnaire, NCRB Director General Archana Ramasundaram claimed the decision to drop this information was part of the “proforma revision” of NCRB publications.

The BPR&D, which also functions under the Home Ministry, has, however, said it does not plan to collect information about Muslim personnel nor will it make them public. -

See more at: ... JIEd8.dpuf

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Dec 27, 2015 6:06 pm

The Pakistan Visit

The Prime Minister's Lahore visit is being trumpeted by our TRP driven media as a 'Masterstroke' and a great diplomatic breakthrough. But what does it really signify?


I know this will be pouring cold water on the outpouring of exuberance and exhilaration at this 'breakthrough' and damping many squibs, but my own assessment is this.

I submit that the present Government of India has been a total failure on all fronts, economic, social and political, and so its leadership wants to divert attention from these failures and project an image of wise statesmanship and sagacity to stifle and mitigate criticism and dissent.

The growing unemployment, soaring food prices, continuing farmers' suicides, malnutrition, lack of healthcare, etc are the real issues before the people, which the government has been unable to solve (see my blogs 'Unemployment in India', ' Healthcare in India', 'Malnutrition in India ', etc on my blog

'Make in India' has largely proved to be an illusion as no one, not even Indian businessmen are investing in India (a big American investor, Jim Rogers, who was earlier an ardent supporter of Modi, has exited from India, saying that one cannot invest on mere hope). The business atmosphere in India is gloomy, as many Indian businessmen have told me.

Coupled with these are the political problems the BJP has been facing — defeat after defeat, not only in elections to the legislative assemblies, e.g. Delhi and Bihar , but even in panchayat and municipal elections in many states. And to this is added the internal dissensions within the party, in which even the former avid supporters of the Prime Minister like Ram Jethmalani, Arun Shourie, Subramaniam Swamy, Kirti Azad, etc and the sidelined elders like Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi are raising their voices in opposition to the leadership. The DDCA scam had become a real headache.

And so it was an excellent idea to divert attention from all these.

The problem of the BJP is that it has only the upper caste Hindu votes. In states where it has a significant presence, like U.P. and Bihar, these (i.e. Brahmins, Rajupts, banias, bhumihars, etc ) these constitute altogether at most 16-18% of the total voters. But to win an election one has to get at least over 30% votes. so how does one get a section of OBC and SC votes (Muslims will not vote for it as it is perceived as a Hindu communal party)? The only way for this is raising communal tensions.

Love jihad, ghar wapasi, beef politics, hate speeches etc have all been tried and failed. The recent attempt to resurrect the Ram Mandir issue, by bringing stones there has not generated any enthusiasm in the masses. The public has seen through all these ploys, and realised that food, jobs and healthcare are more important issues. So what is to be done?

Now all that is left are some gimmicks, like the one played out at Lahore. But, I submit, the current enthusiasm this has generated will not last long considering the harsh economic realities the people are facing.

Those who talk of improving relations between India and Pakistan are living in a fool's paradise. Pakistan was created by the Britishers on the basis of the bogus two nation theory so that Hindus and Muslims keep fighting each other.

This will ensure two things (1) India, of which Pakistan (and Bangladesh) is really a part, will not emerge as a modern industrial giant, like China, (for which it has all the potential, with its huge pool of engineers, technicians, scientists, etc and immense raw materals) and thus become a big rival to Western economies, and (2) sales by foreign arms manufacturers of billions of dollars of equipment to India will continue.

In my article 'The Truth about Pakistan' ( see online and on my blog ) I have said that the only solution to Indo-Pak problems, as well as the Kashmir issue, is reunification of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh under a strong, secular government which does not tolerate religious extremism of any kind, whether Hindu or Muslim, and sets about on the path of rapid industrialisation, which alone can solve our huge economic problems of poverty, unemployment, etc. That, no doubt, will take time, since those who divided us will not let us easily reunite, but it must be our goal.

What is Pakistan? It is Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and NWFP. These were all part of India since Mughal times.

When I meet Pakistanis I feel no different from them, we speak the same language (Hindustani), we look like each other, and share the same culture. We were befooled by the Britishers into thinking that we are enemies, but how much longer must we remain befooled? How much longer must blood flow in religious violence in Quetta , Karachi , Gujarat , Kashmir etc.?

Many people say that India was divided in 1947, much water has flown since then, and so reunification is a pipe dream.

My answer is : Germany was reunited after 45 years in 1990, Vietnam was reunited in 1975 after 30 years of being divided, and China still claims Taiwan as its province. When Mazzini spoke of Italian unification, many people said it was a pipe dream but that dream was realised under Cavour and Garibaldi.

Some people say that reunification is not possible because of religious fanaticism on both sides. I submit that this fanaticism is artificial. 99% of all people are good, because they want to live in peace and harmony.

So it is time now to wake up to realities, and spread the idea of reunification. ... sit/296299

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:27 pm

Did Sajan Jindal help set up Modi’s Lahore flight ?

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his surprise trip to lahore via Moscow and kabul, steel baron Sajjan Jindal was part of the entourage, and this set off toungues wagging on how Big Business was helping guide the two nations foreign policy !

Media revelations had it that exactly a year ago that the Haryana-based business tycoon had secretly organised the meeting between Modi and Pakistani Premier Nawaz Sharif at a Kathmandu hotel as part of a backroom peace initiative pushed by Big Business. Sharif is a fellow steel baron from the Pakistani Punjab whose steel mill - Ittefaq – is run by his son.

Jindal whose firm JSW has a 16 % stake in theIndian consortium which won rights to mine the iron rich Hajigak mines in that landlocked country, is being seen as a key corporate go-between for Modi’s diplomatic overtures to India’s estranged neighbor, Pakistan.

For several years now the state-run Steel Authority of India Ltd. consortium has been trying to make some headway in its projects to mine Hajigak which is believed to hold 1.8 billion tonnes of high grade iron ore, but have been trumped by the logistics challenge posed to shipping the ore to India.

The easiest and cheapest route is by road or rail through Pakistan. However, with Pakistan refusing to let India ship goods through its territory to Afghanistan on Indian vehicles or rail wagons, such a project has been a non-starter.

The support which Pakistan lends to terror groups which operate in Afghanistan – including the Haqqani network – also make it a security challenge to have long term mining operations in the central Bamyan province where the mines are located.

Interestingly, Jindal’s brother and Congress politician Naveen Jindal owns another 16 % stake in the mining consortium, while other family members have stakes in it through various other corporate entities, which analysts calculate could tote up to a 44 % stake.

The corporate grapewine has it that the interest Jindals have in Afghanistan’s future potential have made them keen to involve themselves in commercial diplomacy between India and Pakistan.

Indian corporates who have invested huge sums in gas based power plants and fertilizer factories are also keen that an American backed gas pipeline project – TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India) – too gets off the ground to bring cheap gas from former Soviet Bloc countries of the Central Asia to North India.

Again analysts point out that the pipeline could remain a pipedream like the Iran Pakistan-India pipeline unless India and Pakistan could come to an agreement between the two on peace in Afghanistan and between India and Pakistan, besides negotiating safe passage for gas through the sub-continent.

This is not the first use of corporate leaders in back-channel diplomacy between the two countries nor the first time corporate interests were suspected to be the reason for Tycoons taking an interest in the estranged neighbours’ peace process.

Earlier Dhirubhai Ambani's trusted aide R K Mishra had played an important role in Indo-Pak diplomacy during Atal Baheri Vajpayee's prime ministership.

Reliance owns the world's largest oil refinery in Gujarat and analysts had then speculated a three-way deal could allow it to import Iranian crude and gas on the cheap for its refinery. ... modis.html

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:28 pm

2015: A Rewind In Rhyme For Modi Sarkar

A sense of déjà vu prevailed in 2015; lots of circumlocution, tall talk
Like Mann ki Baat on AIR, election spiel and some vapid acronym
Health-care budgets, food security, MNREGA wages, were told: go take a walk
Rural distress peaked, the alarming rise in farmer suicides was frightening.
Modi Sarkar was obsessed with Ease of Doing Business
Exports tumbled, rupee crashed, jobs vanished while His Highness
Mr. Modi, added frequent flier miles, performed at events a la rock-star
Accompanied by crony capitalist friends, rightly called Suit Boot ki Sarkar.
India's not moving much on HDI index, but we were on track for a bullet train
RBI governor cut interest rates, as did the Fed
The common man, of course, went shivering to bed
Onion prices kissed the sky, the tomato vanished, as did the grain.
Dumb people, said many, want to create a smart city?
This ain't a jumla, jamboree, a rhetoric, or a quickie?

The year's buzzword was "intolerance", manifested in Award Wapsi
Libertarians, writers, artists, film-makers, even the President lamented the Dadri lynching
A mere accident, said BJP leaders; a state issue rued Modi, oh what a pity
Beef and cow became pet-subjects for communal milking.
Pahlaj Nihalani admonished James Bond for an extended kiss
While Hindutva fundamentalists protested to give Dilwale a miss.
Gajendra Chauhan remained obstinate, damn the poor FTII students
Poor Aamir Khan, spoke honestly at an event of Indian Express
Was shouted down, abused, a threat we need to address
Go to Pakistan, said agitated right-wingers as if worse than Delhi's pollutants.
Govind Pansare, Narayan Dabholkar, M M Kalburgi, killed in cold blood for being rational
If one uttered one word in protest, sorry, you were anti-national
Cosmopolitan Mumbai saw Sudheendra Kulkarni's face plastered with black ink
While Modi's tribe went ballistic on a revolution pink

Where is the Lok Pal? Whistleblower Act? An independent CBI?
Graft soared, the gravy train of corruption
Lalit Modi-Sushma Swaraj, Vasundhara Raje, Raman Singh, Shivraj Chouhan rode sky high
Even Arun Jaitley stood accused as Kirti Azad made a logical deduction.
The Vyapam Scam was a crime of foul reconstruction
Leading to inevitable parliamentary disruption.
But, Barack's good friend maintained a studied, stoic silence
He inhaled, exhaled, did a yoga pose, offered nonchalance.
Na Khaunga, Na Khaane Doonga was his rhetoric empty
Modi Sarkar's moral fibre has the backbone of a Maggi noodle
They treated allegations, as if a casual doodle
Even if the charges were serious and aplenty.
A BJP President caught on camera accepting cash, chronicled in history
So this brazen hypocrisy, seemed an intriguing mystery

While Modi continued to blow his own trumpet
Aggrieved, insulted army men protested on the streets on OROP
RSS has made the government its favourite puppet
Camera, Twitter, Selfies, Modi was busy with many a photo- op.
The Chennai floods ravaged a hapless city, the PM on a plane
Photoshopped the tragedy, left the PIB much to explain
To divert attention from mounting failures, target was the GST
India remained worried, from the economy, social harmony to national security.
Modi toadies, trolled and patrolled the social media like an ardent devotee
Amit Shah had predicted a cracker carnival, so Modi went to Pakistan
From Wembley, Madison Square Garden, Tokyo to also Afghanistan.
But Modi's yet to be known foreign policy is at best touristy
Hope you enjoyed this year-end sonnet, and are smiling ear to ear
Wishing your family and yourself a Happy New Year. ... 83800.html

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:46 pm

Chhattisgarh civic polls: BJP suffers setback, Congress wins 8 of 11 urban bodies ... 00501.html

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:50 pm


Dalit Rajasthan IAS officer alleges harassment, converts to Islam

After being denied the promotion that would make him the State’s Chief Secretary, senior IAS officer Umrao Salodia, a 1978 batch IAS officer from the Dalit community, on Thursday, appealed to Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje for Voluntary Retirement. Mr. Salodia, who alleged the Raje government of “victimising him on the basis of caste” also converted to Islam, on Thursday.

In a letter addressed to Ms. Raje, Mr. Salodia wrote: "For the first time after independence of the country, myself, an IAS officer from the SC/ST category would have been appointed today [on Thursday] as Chief Secretary [of Rajasthan] on the basis of seniority."

In the letter, Mr. Salodia alleged that the current Chief Secretary C.S. Rajan was given a three-month extension, till March next year, to deny him the opportunity of becoming Rajasthan's Chief Secretary.

"I hereby apply for Voluntary Retirement by giving a three-month notice under the All India Service Rules," Mr. Salodia stated in the letter, adding that he must be granted the Voluntary Retirement as he did not wish to work under a junior officer.

In another drastic step, Mr. Salodia converted to Islam, on Thursday. While addressing the media he said that he believed in the equality that Islam, unlike Hinduism which discriminates on the basis of caste, offered to all its followers. "After conversion my name is Umrao Khan," he said.

Mr Salodia, a 1978 batch IAS officer from Rajasthan cadre, is the Chairman of Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation (RSRTC). ... 050634.ece

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:57 pm

''Feku'' Modi first fooled the people by promising to bring back Black Money stashed in foreign companies within 100 days of coming to power (Not a single penny was brought back)............ Will he atleast recover TRILLIONS of Rupees of BANK LOAN siphoned off by leading businessmen of India.....

Shock and awe: the top 10 indebted companies in India

Here's a financial tip no one gives you. If you owe money to the banks, make sure the amount is huge. Then you won't need to worry about paying it back on time. Or, indeed, in some cases, paying it back at all.

This is not a joke. Several top business houses in India owe banks astronomical amounts and have defaulted in repayment. But instead of facing pressure to pay back these loans, companies are routinely given sweet deals: either their loans are 'restructured' in a way that allows a moratorium on interest payments, or their repayment schedule is extended generously.

In absolute terms, the gross non-performing assets - loans not repaid by borrowers - owed just to state-owned banks was reported at Rs 3.04 lakh crore. That's four times the entire budget for education in India. A large part of these loans will never be repaid by the companies.

Compare this with the farm loan waiver of Rs 70,000 crore given by the government in 2009 that faced huge criticism from free market economists who start beating their chests at the mention of subsidy to the poor in the country.

The Reserve Bank of India so far has not released the details of individual borrowers who have defaulted on repayment of their loans.

In the absence of this, here is a list of the 10 most indebted companies of India, reported by Credit Suisse in its October 2015 report. The debt shown on their balance sheets was till March 2015.

The Reliance Group

The Anil Ambani-led Reliance Group is in the business of power, insurance, wealth management, telecommunication infrastructure and entertainment. In March 2015, the company had a debt of Rs 1.25 lakh crore on its balance sheet.

The amount is equivalent to the special package announced for Bihar by Prime Minister Narendra Modi ahead of state elections in August this year.

The Vedanta Group

Anil Agarwal's company is the second-most indebted company. According to Credit Suisse, the company, which is into metals and mining, had a debt of Rs 1.03 lakh crore.

This is equivalent to the amount raised by the Government of India in March 2015 through its biggest-ever auction of telecom spectrum.

Essar Group

Managed by the Ruia Brothers (Shashi Ruia and Ravi Ruia) the company, with operations in 25 countries, owes Rs 1.01 lakh crore.

That's what the Centre plans to spend on building smart cities until 2020.

Adani Group

Gautam Adani, the chairman of the Adani Group of companies is known for his proximity with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. His business house owes Rs 96,031 crore to the banking system. The amount is a little less than the Budget for building the bullet train network between Mumbai and Ahmadabad proposed by the government.

Earlier this year, the State Bank of India reportedly approved a loan of around $1 billion (Rs 6,600 crore ) for the company's coal mine in Australia. However, after much hue and cry in the media due to the highly stressed balance sheet of the public sector bank, the approval was withdrawn.

Jaypee Group

Manoj Gaur-run Jaypee Group has a debt of Rs 75,163 crore on its balance sheet. Jaypee Group had a golden time during the Mayawati rule in Uttar Pradesh between 2007 and 2012.

The debt is eight times the allocation for mid-day meals in 2015 that feeds 12 crore school going children in the country.

JSW Group

Sajjan Jindal is the chairman of JSW group and he was recently in headlines for reportedly organising the meeting between Pakistan Prime minister Nawaaz Sharif and Narendra Modi.

Big connections allow you big credit lines. As per the Credit Suisse report, the group has a debt of Rs 58,171 crore. The amount is equivalent to the cost of 26 Rafale fighter aircrafts that India plans to buy from France.

GMR Group

Named after its promoter GM Rao, the group is known for building Delhi's T3 International Airport terminal.

The group has a debt of Rs 47,976 crore on its balance sheet. The amount can be used to build to coal-based power plants with a generation capacity of 4,000 MW each - enough to provide electricity to the state of Haryana during peak summers.

Lanco Group

Headed By L Madhusudan Rao, the company runs solar and thermal power plants. It has a debt of Rs 47,102 crore.

Videocon Group

Venugopal Dhoot's company, the group once famous for making televisions, owes Rs 45,405 crore to banks. This amount can be used to 93 missions to Mars by India.

GVK Group

Founded by GVK Reddy, the group has interests in energy, infrastructure and hospitality sectors. The company has a debt of Rs 33,933 crore. The amount is just a little less than government's allocation under the MNREGA scheme (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) of Rs 34,000 crore in 2015. ... 72290.html

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:27 pm

Fall in exports projected to be worst since 1952-53

Merchandise exports this fiscal are projected to fall around (-) 16 per cent over the previous financial year, high-level sources in the government told The Hindu.

This will be the second worst export performance since independence, according to official data. ... 055428.ece

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:11 am ... ?nocache=1

No two incidents are alike but even if a fraction of the outrage over the Dadri lynching in Uttar Pradesh had been showered on the vandalism in Kaliachak, it would have sent a salutary message

Last Sunday morning, even as the country’s attention was focused on the terror attack on the Indian Air Force base in Pathankot, another drama was unfolding in the Kaliachak area of Malda district in West Bengal. A mob, whose numbers are estimated at anything between 50,000 and over a lakh, first attacked the local police station, drove out the small police force, set fire to all the records in the thana and then proceeded to attack shops and set fire to as many vehicles it found in the vicinity. Although no one was killed in the mob violence — it can hardly be called a riot since there was no retaliation — the damage to property was considerable.
The Muslim mob had gathered at the call of an obscure organisation, was apparently protesting against some disgusting comments by a Hindu extremist made a month ago in Uttar Pradesh, for which the culprit had been promptly arrested and jailed. Offensive as those comments undeniably were, there was no reason why the Muslims of Malda — one of the many Muslim majority districts of West Bengal — should feel exceptionally aggrieved, enough to direct their ire at the local administration. But then there was no reason why a Muslim gathering in Mumbai’s Azad Maidan in August 2012 should have felt so particularly agitated over the fate of the Rohingyas in Myanamar to go on the rampage in an Indian city. On that occasion too — when a martyr’s memorial was vandalised — the mobilisation had been at the call of an obscure organisation, albeit one with a history of promoting radical Islamism.
Subsequent police inquiries have suggested that the violence in Kaliachak had been masterminded by criminal elements — particularly those involved in contraband drugs trafficking and the distribution of counterfeit currency — that have made the area its centre. It would seem that the area has increasingly become a no-go area for the local police because the criminal groups have taken full advantage of the West Bengal government’s known reluctance to do anything that could be interpreted as offending minority sentiments. This is the same logic that explains the ease with which criminal networks thrive in some Muslim ghettos in Kolkata and neighbouring South 24-Parganas. In the 1980s, a diligent police officer was lynched by a criminal mob in Kolkata for daring to take his law enforcement job a bit too seriously. And Kaliachak had witnessed open-air gunfights last year as criminals waged quasi-political turf battles.
The immediate aftermath of the Kaliachak violence has been two-fold. First, the local police and administration have been so totally intimidated that it is unlikely there will be any meaningful action against those who engineered the violence last Sunday. The fact that the organisers took shelter behind a religious cover has only served to drive home the administration’s helplessness, and more so because the West Bengal Assembly elections are due in May this year. With the Congress, which still has a large presence in Malda district, trying to drive a political bargain with two courtiers — the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and the Trinamul Congress — the Muslim politico-criminal elements chose an opportune time to flex their muscles.
Secondly, while the violence in Kaliachak was not a riot in the accepted sense of the term, it was also tangentially directed against the Hindu minority. There are media reports that Hindu-owned shops in the bazaar bore the brunt of the organised vandalism. This targeted violence has meant that the Hindu population in Malda, as well as neighbouring Muslim-majority districts, now live in a state of intense insecurity. Although it may be rash to suggest that what we are witnessing is the creeping creation of autonomous Islamic enclaves along the border with Bangladesh, it is important to recognise that such threats exist in the long term, particularly if the state government turns a blind eye to the problem.
It is worth acknowledging that the authorities in Bangladesh have repeatedly alerted the Indian authorities of the dangers posed by Bangladeshi extremists who have taken refuge in West Bengal ever since the Awami League government turned the heat on them.
It is entirely possible that chief minister Mamata Banerjee does not endorse the growing militancy among a section of West Bengal’s Muslim population. Unfortunately, she has done precious little to tackle the problem. Maybe she is mindful of the disaster that struck her predecessor Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee for his attempts to counter an incipient Islamist threat. She must also be aware of the dire political predicament of Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi who has to enter into either a formal or informal understanding with Badruddin Ajmal of the United Minorities Front of Assam to compensate for his loss of support among the Assamese Hindu population.
However, Ms Banerjee cannot be singled out for her cynical capitulation to organised communal politics. What the Kaliachak incident also demonstrated — as has many other unpublicised incidents in West Bengal involving abductions and denial of religious rights — was the increasing reluctance of the Bengali intelligentsia to raise awkward questions centred on Muslim politics. Just as Taslima Nasreen found little support for herself among the bhadralok intellectuals of Kolkata, the embarrassed silence over Kaliachak has exposed the double standards of secular “group-think”.
No two incidents are alike but even if a fraction of the outrage over the Dadri lynching in Uttar Pradesh had been showered on the vandalism in Kaliachak, it would have sent a salutary message. Alas, the resounding silence, including that of the “national” (meaning Delhi) media has served as an encouragement to some of the more extreme communal elements in the Muslim community. They will not be mistaken in believing that they can get away with just about anything ... ?nocache=1

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jan 11, 2016 7:00 pm

Revoke NSA charges against right-wing leader: MHA reportedly issues diktat to UP govt

The Union Home Ministry has reportedly told the Shamli district administration in Uttar Pradesh to repeal a National Security Act (NSA) case against a right-wing activist accused of beating up a Muslim man over rumours of cow slaughter.

According to a report in The Times of India, MHA asked the Shamli district administration to revoke NSA against VHP member Vivek Premi, who had been been arrested in June last year for publicly beating up a Muslim man who had allegedly stolen a calf from a cowshed.

However, an Indian Express report on the incident said that Premi was a district convener for Bajrang Dal.

The TOI report said that the Shamli district magistrate OP Singh had confirmed that he got instructions from MHA to revoke NSA charges against Premi. The report added that VHP, encouraged by this "success", was now planning to ask Home Minister Rajnath Singh to demand that NSA be revoked against Hindu ascetic Acharya Jasbir Singh.

Jasbir Singh is an ashram head who was detained under NSA for allegedly making hate speeches. He was arrested on 28 December and was detained under the relevant sections of NSA, SP of Shamli district Vijai Bhushan had told PTI.

Jasbir's remarks were made at a panchayat convened over the elopement of a 24-year-old girl from Kandhla town on 25 December. His comments had stirred tension in the area.

After the disappearance of the girl — who had been missing since 1 December — the girl's father had filed an FIR against Mohammad Asif and his family members, accusing him of kidnapping the girl with the intention of inducing her to marry him, according to another Indian Express report.

This had lead to communal tension in the district, including violent protests in Shamli.

At the panchayat which had been convened over the issue, BJP and Congress leaders, along with local Bajrang Dal and VHP activists, were present when Jasbir delivered his hate speech.

However, hours after the panchayat was convened, the girl was found in Delhi.

The court of Chief Judicial Magistrate in Muzaffarnagar on Monday even quashed the charges against Mohammad Asif and ordered his release after the girl revealed that she had married Asif of her own will and had not been kidnapped, another Express report said. ... 71114.html

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:51 pm

BJP fails to make inroads in Cong-NCP bastion

The Bharatiya Janata Party had to be content with only 39 seats in the municipal council and nagar panchayat polls and bypolls for 345 wards held on January 10 across Maharashtra, results of which were declared Monday. Finishing fourth on the tally, the ruling party at the Centre and in the state failed to make inroads in the Congress-NCP bastion.

The final tally showed Congress on the top with 105 wards, followed by the NCP that won 80 wards and Sena that bagged 59 wards.

Compared to the last tenure, however, the BJP’s tally is better as it had 33 seats in its kitty earlier, even as its state and NDA ally Sena appears to have taken a beating from 80 to 59 wards.

The Congress and the NCP have managed to hold on to their respective turfs.

The polls were held in Raigad, Nandurbar, Ahmednagar, Nanded, Osmanabad, Hingoli, Washim and Chandrapur councils and nagar panchayats. The by-elections were conducted in Ratnagiri, Jalgaon, Latur, Yavatmal, Wardha and Bhandara.

A major setback for the BJP has come at Jamkhed, which is the home turf of Minister of State for Home Ram Shinde, and at Chandrapur, which is represented by Finance Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar.

The Congress-NCP leaders described the outcome as a reflection of the people’s disillusionment with the ruling party.

Earlier, elections to 59 nagar panchayat and municipal council polls held in November 2015 saw BJP in the lead with 254 wards, followed by Congress with 239, NCP with 201 and Shiv Sena with 126 wards. ... 00753.html

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:54 pm


PM Modi's 'Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya Centenary' letter irks Indian Muslims

Criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi for wishing success to 'Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya Centenary' celebrations, Jamiat Ulama Telangana and Andhra Pradesh said patronising a small group of community which does not have any relationship with Islam while ignoring the Muslims is unfair and not good for the country.

"This is strange. In the last two years Prime Minister Modi has never issued any congratulatory message to Muslims on the occasion of Eid and other Muslim festivals. But, he has sent a letter wishing success to Ahmadiyya community", Hafiz Peer Shabbir Ahmed, MLC and President of Jamiat Ulama Telangana and Andhra Pradesh said in a statement.

"This has hurt the sentiments of Indian Muslims. If Modi thinks Ahmadiyyas are Muslims then he has to correct himself. Ahmadiyyas are not Muslims and it is the decision of Muslims world over", he added.

Hafiz Peer Shabbir was commenting on a letter issued by Prime Minister to Ahmadiyya community on December 21, 2015.

"Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is known for its religious tolerance, universal brotherhood and these qualities of the community have been instrumental in strengthening the unity of the nations", Modi said in his letter.

"It is a matter of pleasure to know that Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya Centenary will be celebrated at its headquarters Qadian Dist. Gurdaspur, Punjab and a souvenir is being published to mark the occasion. I wish success to the centenary celebration", he added.

Hafiz Peer Shabbir in his statement condemning the prime minister further said that Modi should work with Muslims for harmony in the country.

"Instead of working with a vast majority of Muslims, Modi is encouraging a small group which has nothing to do with Islam and Muslim. It does not fit the integrity of the union government", he said.

India has a good Ahmadiyya population, and most of them live in Kerala, Rajasthan, Odisha, Haryana, Bihar, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and a few in Punjab in the area of Qadian.

Though Muslims consider Ahmadiyyas non-Muslims and apostates, Indiam law regards them as Muslims.

- See more at: ... pBGfT.dpuf

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:44 pm

Modi's make in India is all farce....Managing economy is different from managing Arun shourie said earlier

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Al-Noor » Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:32 am

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:09 pm

Petrol should be priced Rs 19 per litre and Diesel Rs.16 per litre !!

Fuel prices: ‘Government giving a penny, extracting a pound’

"The government, going by the price it is paying for international crude oil, should be selling petrol at Rs. 19.40 per litre instead of Rs. 59.03 per litre."

Congress on Friday reacted sharply to the government’s handling of petrol and diesel prices accusing it of “giving a penny and extracting a pound” and attacked the Prime Minister for “playing a cruel and diabolic game with the people of the country.”

“The government, going by the price it is paying for international crude oil, should be selling petrol at Rs. 19.40 per litre instead of Rs. 59.03 per litre and diesel at Rs. 15.71 per litre instead of Rs. 44.18 per litre,” Congress Chief Spokesperson Randeep Surjewala said.

He said that price of international crude oil was 72.21 per cent lower than what they were on May 26, 2014 when the BJP government took over and a proportionate reduction in retail prices should be transferred to the consumer.

“Profiteering at the cost of the common hapless consumer-farmer-commuter, the government has reduced the prices of diesel and petrol by a few paise today and has diabolically increased excise on petrol and diesel for the 8th consecutive time,” he said.

Surjewala said Congress “is appalled at the cruel and diabolic game that the PM and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley are playing with the people of the country giving reliefs worth a penny and extracting a pound from them in as far as pricing of petrol and diesel are concerned.” ... e?w=alauto

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Al-Noor » Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:29 am

Bohras are proud to vote for modi?

this is what your PM thinks about Muslim...bohras either declare your self non mulims, or else please stop hugging baba ramdev and modi.

Adityanath on stage speaker asks to rape muslim women by taking them out of graves- Hate Speech

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:33 pm

Wanted agent: PM offered to trade marines for proof against Sonia

A British arms agent wanted by Indian investigators in a helicopter scam has accused the Narendra Modi government of offering Italy the freedom of two marines in exchange for evidence linking Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and her family to the corruption that hit the headlines in 2013.

Christian Michel, the 54-year-old agent, has made the allegations in a letter to the International Tribunal of the Law of the Seas in Hamburg and the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at The Hague where Italy and India are battling legally over murder charges against the marines.

Michel has claimed Modi made the offer at a secret "brush-by" meeting with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi during the UN General Assembly in September 2015 when both leaders were in New York.

"At this meeting, the issue of the two marines was discussed," Michel wrote through his lawyers in his letter dated December 23, 2015. "The Indian PM proposed to the Italian PM that in return for any evidence that the key adviser to Finmeccanica/ AgustaWestland (this is a reference to myself) had any relationship to any member of the Gandhi family, the honourable PM would assist in solving the case against the two Italian marines."

Michel, wanted by the Enforcement Directorate - which has turned to the Interpol to look for him - told this newspaper from Dubai, where he now works, that he had also written to Modi in November ... rJ_CNJ97IU

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:48 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:''Feku'' Modi first fooled the people by promising to bring back Black Money stashed in foreign companies within 100 days of coming to power (Not a single penny was brought back)............ Will he atleast recover TRILLIONS of Rupees of BANK LOAN siphoned off by leading businessmen of India.....

Shock and awe: the top 10 indebted companies in India

Here's a financial tip no one gives you. If you owe money to the banks, make sure the amount is huge. Then you won't need to worry about paying it back on time. Or, indeed, in some cases, paying it back at all.

This is not a joke. Several top business houses in India owe banks astronomical amounts and have defaulted in repayment. But instead of facing pressure to pay back these loans, companies are routinely given sweet deals: either their loans are 'restructured' in a way that allows a moratorium on interest payments, or their repayment schedule is extended generously.

In absolute terms, the gross non-performing assets - loans not repaid by borrowers - owed just to state-owned banks was reported at Rs 3.04 lakh crore. That's four times the entire budget for education in India. A large part of these loans will never be repaid by the companies.

Compare this with the farm loan waiver of Rs 70,000 crore given by the government in 2009 that faced huge criticism from free market economists who start beating their chests at the mention of subsidy to the poor in the country.

The Reserve Bank of India so far has not released the details of individual borrowers who have defaulted on repayment of their loans.

In the absence of this, here is a list of the 10 most indebted companies of India, reported by Credit Suisse in its October 2015 report. The debt shown on their balance sheets was till March 2015.

The Reliance Group

The Anil Ambani-led Reliance Group is in the business of power, insurance, wealth management, telecommunication infrastructure and entertainment. In March 2015, the company had a debt of Rs 1.25 lakh crore on its balance sheet.

The amount is equivalent to the special package announced for Bihar by Prime Minister Narendra Modi ahead of state elections in August this year.

The Vedanta Group

Anil Agarwal's company is the second-most indebted company. According to Credit Suisse, the company, which is into metals and mining, had a debt of Rs 1.03 lakh crore.

This is equivalent to the amount raised by the Government of India in March 2015 through its biggest-ever auction of telecom spectrum.

Essar Group

Managed by the Ruia Brothers (Shashi Ruia and Ravi Ruia) the company, with operations in 25 countries, owes Rs 1.01 lakh crore.

That's what the Centre plans to spend on building smart cities until 2020.

Adani Group

Gautam Adani, the chairman of the Adani Group of companies is known for his proximity with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. His business house owes Rs 96,031 crore to the banking system. The amount is a little less than the Budget for building the bullet train network between Mumbai and Ahmadabad proposed by the government.

Earlier this year, the State Bank of India reportedly approved a loan of around $1 billion (Rs 6,600 crore ) for the company's coal mine in Australia. However, after much hue and cry in the media due to the highly stressed balance sheet of the public sector bank, the approval was withdrawn.

Jaypee Group

Manoj Gaur-run Jaypee Group has a debt of Rs 75,163 crore on its balance sheet. Jaypee Group had a golden time during the Mayawati rule in Uttar Pradesh between 2007 and 2012.

The debt is eight times the allocation for mid-day meals in 2015 that feeds 12 crore school going children in the country.

JSW Group

Sajjan Jindal is the chairman of JSW group and he was recently in headlines for reportedly organising the meeting between Pakistan Prime minister Nawaaz Sharif and Narendra Modi.

Big connections allow you big credit lines. As per the Credit Suisse report, the group has a debt of Rs 58,171 crore. The amount is equivalent to the cost of 26 Rafale fighter aircrafts that India plans to buy from France.

GMR Group

Named after its promoter GM Rao, the group is known for building Delhi's T3 International Airport terminal.

The group has a debt of Rs 47,976 crore on its balance sheet. The amount can be used to build to coal-based power plants with a generation capacity of 4,000 MW each - enough to provide electricity to the state of Haryana during peak summers.

Lanco Group

Headed By L Madhusudan Rao, the company runs solar and thermal power plants. It has a debt of Rs 47,102 crore.

Videocon Group

Venugopal Dhoot's company, the group once famous for making televisions, owes Rs 45,405 crore to banks. This amount can be used to 93 missions to Mars by India.

GVK Group

Founded by GVK Reddy, the group has interests in energy, infrastructure and hospitality sectors. The company has a debt of Rs 33,933 crore. The amount is just a little less than government's allocation under the MNREGA scheme (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) of Rs 34,000 crore in 2015. ... 72290.html
Facts dispute claims by banks: write-off gallops, recovery crawls

In the last three years, public sector banks have written off Rs 1,14,000 crore as reported by The Indian Express on February 8. The Finance Ministry, RBI and SBI sent separate letters to the newspaper arguing that write-offs did not mean all was lost.

The record of loan recovery by banks after being written off flies in the face of claims made by the Finance Ministry, Reserve Bank of India and State Bank of India that the recovery process does not stop even after write-offs.

Gross non-performing assets, or bad loans, are expected to jump 31.48 per cent in the fiscal ending March 2016 to Rs 426,400 crore from Rs 324,300 crore. On top of this, banks are expected to show restructured loans worth Rs 615,000 crore for the year ending March 2016. This includes standard restructuring loan of Rs 502,000 crore and NPA restructuring of Rs 113,100 crore, says Ind-Ra data which did the number crunching for The Indian Express.

This means that the total stressed assets (NPAs and standard restructured loans) are expected to cross Rs 9,28,000 crore mark by FY16.

“Many of the restructured loans of corporates are now turning into non-performing assets,” said Udit Kariwala, Analyst -Financial Institutions, India Ratings.

In fiscal 2007, total restructured loan was just Rs 10,400 crore, This has now shot up by 5,813 per cent to Rs 615,000 crore as corporate houses went on a borrowing spree in the last seven years. Many such corporates which embarked on infrastructure projects which need massive investment are now unable to pay up, forcing them to go for corporate debt restructuring (CDR), 5:25 refinance scheme and strategic debt restructuring scheme to remain out of the NPA books.

Ind-Ra estimates around one-third of the corporate sector borrowing from banks to be deeply stressed currently (totalling to 21 per cent of bank credit) of which about half has been recognised currently as impaired in the books (NPAs and restructured loans).

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