Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by Mazakyo » Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:32 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:Madrasa Mohammadiyah Darja Awala, Daraja Saniaya & Daraja Salesah Oral Imtehan Held In Madrasa Mohammadiyah Tamatave (Madagascar)

11th Shaban, 1436
Location: Madagascar, Tamatave, Madrasa


Yaar Gullu Bhai bari andar ki khabar rakhtey ho. Well done sir. Tusi great ho.

Kaka Akela
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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by Kaka Akela » Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:43 pm

In Houston we have so many Rasputins that I lost count of them, now for the month of Ramazaan I hear they are bringing 20 more of them to USA as if what we already had is not enough!!!!!
But it doesn't cost them any money as the jamaats have to bear all their expenses and house them and feed them and at the end give them fat najwas with plane ticket amount in addition.
These heartless people have no mercy on rozdaar momineen who also work for a living. They create so much havoc in Ramazaan that doing roza and doing ibadat is made very difficult, while people go to work during the day these Rasputins sleep all day and full of energy by the time the working people return for ibadat to markaz or masjid. to justify their coming here, they create so many programs that we have no energy to keep up with, i.e we watched 3 videos for 3 days for over and hour each just before maghrib about the hyaat tayeba of SMB. this was the 3rd time in last 3 months. then vajebaat bethaks, children's Madrasa programs and hifz or madeh or saligrah tehniyat cards competitions which all parents must attend, 3 days of Quran Khatams comprising of 4 hours each day for 3 days for one khatam, each family do a jaman and iftar, hifz programs for men and women and children, Ohbat meetings for Ashara, and maaraz of Ashara in ramazaan, children's vajibaat collection, Misaq majlis, and every night matam majlis after dafil afaat namaaz for 30 mins, this is very tiring for older folks after doing whole days roza in long & hot summer days. every bayaan is only for 3 dai(s) no mention of Allah, rasool or ahl e bait, they keep pushing for every one to join Faiz thaali program. New trend is not to fill the vajibaat form as to how much you want to give in each category, they insist that you leave it all blank and just commit to a $$$$ figure, you have no idea how much you are paying for what? they can allot as much money to salaams and very little to your zakaat ul maal. very convenient system to scam the public.
I also heard that an Aamil in Orange County in California insulted all the people who were in riba to stand up and move away to a corner of the masjid and then insulted 2 or 3 people by name in public by announcing their name on loudspeaker in masjid. is he acting on his own or he has orders from higher ups??? This is a bad trend and people will stop coming to masjid for prayers.
Why do they cram so much activity only in ramazaan?? there are 11 other months for competitions, hifz etc. etc. Please give us some piece of mind in this holy month so we concentrate on our ibadat and maghferat. By the time the dinner is served in mawaid it is almost 9:30-10 PM and by the time we get home it is 11 PM then it becomes very difficult to get up for behori, is that their aim that people forget ibadat and just concentrate on their mission of extracting money with no let up????

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by SBM » Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:52 pm

My Question to Kaka Akela
With due respect, why bother going?

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by Biradar » Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:08 pm

SBM has asked a valid question. Please enlighten as why you go? Please, please stop. As I told someone before: stop being a spineless, sniveling hypocrite. If you stop going, you can relax at home, pray in peace and be with your family. No stress about money, about listening to nonsense bayaan and no non-stop outflow of funds. In case you do not know, there is a Fatimidawat center in Huston too. Just call them, and spend your month in peace and contentment. Or, stay at home and use online resources to do ibaadat. Give your zakaat to local charity.

But, for Allah's sake, stop going! Stop being a part of the problem by encouraging the Iblisi Toli of Mr. Muffadul (LA) and his thug amils.

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by seeker110 » Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:00 pm

Masjid does not need kothari mafia people as their Amils. Get your own Amil and pay a flat salary. After all you have to pay for him so you do the selecting. There should be no money salams what so ever. You paid for the masjid so you should decide for all things going on in the masjid.

Stop paying for people you did not select or hired. They will be on the street as soon as money stops. This is a no brainer.

The salary for Amil in Orange county is 12K plus perks and salams. You people are brain dead or stupid. Dont you realize how unislamic and immoral the masjid have become for you ?

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by Biradar » Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:26 am

seeker110 wrote:Masjid does not need kothari mafia people as their Amils. Get your own Amil and pay a flat salary. After all you have to pay for him so you do the selecting. There should be no money salams what so ever. You paid for the masjid so you should decide for all things going on in the masjid.

Stop paying for people you did not select or hired. They will be on the street as soon as money stops. This is a no brainer.

The salary for Amil in Orange county is 12K plus perks and salams. You people are brain dead or stupid. Dont you realize how unislamic and immoral the masjid have become for you ?
My friend, even though I agree with you that this is a "no brainer", one needs to understand that Abdes have very little brain to spare. After eating jamaan, listening to boring dead-pan "bayaan", being harassed by all and sundry, they have little time for reflection, and certainly not any time to come up with obvious solutions. It really is as simple as not going and not paying! Thats all. Enough people do this and it will spell the end of the mad-mullah brigade. But, Abdes have little interest in stopping the flow of free-funds to the Iblisi Toli. Like our friend "humanbeing" they consider the monetary drain, the insults and humiliation and the non-stop tamaasha to be a good price to pay for "entertainment". I mean, people like humanbeing think that Kotharis provide entertainment and drama, and there is nothing wrong in it! It boggles the mind, really.

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by Maqbool » Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:41 am

humne to padhly namaz tere shor sharabe mei Amil,
Ab tera kya hoga!

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by alam » Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:49 am

Kaka Akela did very comprehensive summary of what happens for the average Bohra with all the gory details. Thanks.

You should know though who this Aamil of Orange county is and his career highlights of going against Syedna Burhanuddin. This Aamil is Brother of Nafisa shakir (Taizoon shakir's mother) and therefore a Saifee Mahal RasPutin of Dawat, Zohair bahinsabheb. Most important highlight of this Zohair BhaiSahebs career came many decades ago when he was personally scolded and severely admonished by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin. Why? Read on:

many year ago this Zohairbhai Saheb was in Africa and Saheb e Dawat during which he took misaaq of mumineen. At that time, during the misaaq, he failed to tak KHuzemabhai Saheb as Maazun's name, as is custom. He omitted the words from the misaaq. Someone recorded it, and eventually this recording reached SMB. SMB demanded to speak to him and when summoned, he was questioned about it by SMB himself, Zohair flatly denied any wrongdoing on his part. SMB then confronted him about the lying. Zohair Bhai Saheb kept denying. Finally the audio was reproduced, and SMB confronted him again and was fuming with anger at the audacity of changing the misaaq and lying about it when confronted.

Well, this scolding from SMB was evidently not enough for him nor the Mazoon haters - and Taizoonbhai Shakir's stories were not a figment of his imagination as some would like to cast off as. Zohairbhai comes as a full and fervent supporter of anything and everything that has gone wrong in our community. This Aamil of Orange County Jamaat has been historically faithful to his adaawat of many things Syedna Burhanuddin preached - from violating Misaaq by deleting Mazun Saheb name, to insulting and humiliating people.

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:08 am

Biradar wrote:Like our friend "humanbeing" they consider the monetary drain, the insults and humiliation and the non-stop tamaasha to be a good price to pay for "entertainment". I mean, people like humanbeing think that Kotharis provide entertainment and drama, and there is nothing wrong in it! It boggles the mind, really.
Bro Biradar

Different people have different perception of Kothari circus. What kaka akela complains is matter of entertainment for some and matter of ibaadat for some. If that was not the case, then Kothari masjids and markaz would not be housefull and people lining up to pay masalla tax to get in. sure that is wrong from religious perspective. But why would a sane, simple, common sense minded person consider kothar to be religious.. try and attend few mikaats and witness the drama from a lighter mood, put an entertaining perspective, one would enjoy the drama, bayaans and bull crap dished out ..

A Z has dedicated a thread on the GEMs dished out by kothar over some time now , and these kothari circus are getting bolder and hilarious by the day .. ofcourse hilarious only for sane, simple, common sense minded person only.

The mullah in Kuwait markaz is exaggerator to fanastic levels. Here are some gems in short

One abde met a hindu on the street. Hindu bhai praised the abde to be an angel. Abde corrected the hindu bhai stating that maula is the angel, hindu flattered the abde stating that maula is the bhagwan creating abdes as angels .. this was the shanaat, ehsaan and karam of maula .. how outsider perceives maula .. and then routinely turned to SKQ bashing .. that outsider praises maula while SKQ ( dawedaar) is mehroom from such ehsaan, karam, barakat and shanaat blah blah .. !!

Debate is a funny concept … this world (duniya) has concept of debate because there is a confusion, because there is no single learned authority .. Bohra Deen has no concept of debate .. because there is no confusion, because there is one single learned authority (maula). So don’t debate .. debate is not a good manner or sign of belief ( aqeedah) .. ask questions and accept the answer from the authority .. routinely ending up to promote fakheraa wajebaat !!

There are ample activities planned everywhere, no one is forced on a gun point to attend them. If some one is feeling shy or feels the need to please neighbours and relatives by attending such events, then it is their problem of people pleasing .. kothar organizes these events because there is an audience for it. There will be persuasion, get tough and get going.

I was asked to shell out this and that fakhera rakam .. forget humiliation .. I did not bother to even argue with them neither I gave them any money. But I did pay sabeel and niyaaz hoob contribution to the extent I felt justified to give for their services.

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:15 am

my response are general mikaat in nature .. one can avoid wasting time behind such entertainment for the holy month of ramazan .. so dont nail me with ramazan reason !

morever .. most of those who complain high payment demands .. also want to enjoi karaas and mithaas and socializing at kothar centres .. so its better to be practical to consider kothar as circus rather than expect compassion and concession on spiritual grounds.

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:39 am

bro HM
had received msg and heard from a kuwaity friend, dont know how true it is? or in which masjid this bayan was done.
ali asgar engineer was beaten by some abdes in cairo, and some secret dairy of his got into the hands of abdes.
in it was writeen SKQ name in front page, so he was on his side right from the beginning.
this is getting mad day by day. why r they so worried about skq, ?

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by think » Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:35 am

one rasputin was to come to atlanta from karachi. He could not get here so another one was imported from surat. Guess what? He became sick and is in hospital without any insurance etc and the jamaat has to foot the huge bill.i.e. the mumineen . do not know how long this ramazan charade is going to last.

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by dawedaar » Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:59 am

Most people go to the Masjid as means of socializing, jaman apart from the ibadat thing. There is nothing wrong in it. Humans are social animals. The main purpose of people meeting in Masjid I guess is to improve ties among people, which can lead to more networking and other business as well as other opportunities. Besides, you would feel depressing at home alone. Yes, the situation in bohra masjids and markaz has turned worse. But people consider it better to tolerate the nonsense for the opportunity of getting readymade food (on their own expense that is) and socializing. I have seen most abdes in Houston (apart from few front liner die hards) are always busy in socializing or busy on phone even when the bayan or video is going or when matam is being done. Only their hands beat, whereas they talk with each other.
SBM wrote:My Question to Kaka Akela
With due respect, why bother going?

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by SBM » Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:39 pm

In USA if you can find only people to socialize is in Bohra Markaz then you are living in a bubble.
Get out of the Bubble--Think outside the Box and if you can not then stop complaining...

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by Biradar » Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:12 pm

dawedaar wrote:Most people go to the Masjid as means of socializing, jaman apart from the ibadat thing. There is nothing wrong in it. Humans are social animals. The main purpose of people meeting in Masjid I guess is to improve ties among people, which can lead to more networking and other business as well as other opportunities. Besides, you would feel depressing at home alone. Yes, the situation in bohra masjids and markaz has turned worse. But people consider it better to tolerate the nonsense for the opportunity of getting readymade food (on their own expense that is) and socializing. I have seen most abdes in Houston (apart from few front liner die hards) are always busy in socializing or busy on phone even when the bayan or video is going or when matam is being done. Only their hands beat, whereas they talk with each other.
SBM wrote:My Question to Kaka Akela
With due respect, why bother going?
My friend, it is true that humans are social animals. However, Abdes have take socializing to a dizzying hight never before attainted. It seems, from your comments and from humanbeings comments, that all one really should care about is socializing and entertainment. but please remember: the prophet did not create a social club. Yes, meet with friends etc. but don't make this the only goal in life. Jamaan, jamaan and jamaan should not be the end goal. Specially in these times when the Kothari mafia is in full swing, miking the Abdes for everything they are worth. If we don't stop them, or at least take a principled stance by not attending, we are condemning ourselves and our children to a life of perpetual slavery. They will not know that things ever were different. I mean, if giving zakaat by kids is now a trendy thing to do, even though zakaat is only on earned income and assets, how will it appear atrocious when these same kids, when grown up, are ordered to hand over more and more money and freedom to the Iblisi Toli?

Hence, my recommendation: yes, it will be depressing to be home. Yes, you won't be entertained by non-stop tamasha of dancing Abdes in strange costumes and coconut hats. But please, for god's sake, stop supporting these mad-mullahs! Just don't go, or if you must, go to a Fatimidawat event or even your local Shia jamaat khanaa. But stop supporting the Kothari juggernaut!

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by Mkenya » Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:43 pm

humne to padhly namaz tere shor sharabe mei Amil,
Ab tera kya hoga!

Kya kehne hei, Maqboolbhai.

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by Mkenya » Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:17 pm

SBM: (Quoted)
"In USA if you can find only people to socialize is in Bohra Markaz then you are living in a bubble.
Get out of the Bubble--Think outside the Box and if you can not then stop complaining..."

Socializing for most Bohras in the US and Canada is around Markaz and the functions organised there.
It is the only socializing they know. There are many avenues to meet and interact with the mainstream
society. Volunteering for the public good like visiting the sick in hospitals, charity runs for different
causes, joining service clubs like the Lions, Rotary, Toast Masters, etc. participating in various boards and committees
in the public sector like libraries, public safety, human rights etc.

Most Bohras that I have met in Canada lack the self-confidence to interact with the mainstream society.
They fail miserably in Canadian accent, articulation and contribution. Canadians and Americans thrives
on politics, sports, entertainment and pastimes.

Most people from the Indian sub-continent are tight-wads. Participating in activities outside of their family and
society means spending money. We look at cost versus benefits. Migrating to foreign lands to them is simply to
avail in the top-class education, earning money and prosper.

I paraphrase part of a Sher: Sitaro se aage jahaan aur bhi hei.

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by humanbeing » Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:53 am

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:bro HM
had received msg and heard from a kuwaity friend, dont know how true it is? or in which masjid this bayan was done.
ali asgar engineer was beaten by some abdes in cairo, and some secret dairy of his got into the hands of abdes.
in it was writeen SKQ name in front page, so he was on his side right from the beginning.
this is getting mad day by day. why r they so worried about skq, ?
No idea bro, i did not hear, or i possibly missed it.

kothari mullah can say whatever they wish .. who is gonna question them ..

Bohra spring
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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by Bohra spring » Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:58 am

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:bro HM
had received msg and heard from a kuwaity friend, dont know how true it is? or in which masjid this bayan was done.
ali asgar engineer was beaten by some abdes in cairo, and some secret dairy of his got into the hands of abdes.
in it was writeen SKQ name in front page, so he was on his side right from the beginning.
this is getting mad day by day. why r they so worried about skq, ?
why is this story released after so many years ?

this is to tarnish both Late Engineer and SKQ. There is high chance this is false

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:19 pm


Shz Idris Bs Badruddin Saheb DM Visited Surendranagar and Performed Iftetha of Madresa Mansooriyah

11th Safar, 1437
Location: GJ, India, Surendranagar


Kaka Akela
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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by Kaka Akela » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:09 pm

Three of them in the back are Qasr e khaali, the other 2 looks like Moallims who are the real Rasputins, their expression on their faces show the competion among themselves to beat the other and get bigger favors. The one on extreme right is the Mazoon's son and you can see the retardation that is setting in due to long tradition of inter marriages among themselves.

I have heard from many of my friends in various jamaats that their Aamils are failing in their most basic duty of leading imamat namaaz in masjids, and Moallims don't want to lead saying their job is to teach madrassa and not do Aamils job. The Aamils have put the imamat namaaz on cruise-control by putting out a list of ordinary momin who are mulla or shaikh to perform imamat with a mun-fawq list, the momin drive miles to come to namaaz but the aamil and moallims live right in the compound in some cases and live right in the adjoining compound in other cases and don't need to drive at all but too lazy to come. The only time they want to come is when money is to be made.

These Rasputins think they are above the hukums of Aqa Maola, the hukums are for lowly abdes.

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by think » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:15 pm

who are these 5 stooges?

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Re: Rasputins of Dawat e Hadiyah


Unread post by seeker110 » Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:24 pm

The appeal of the three stoogies have lasted more than the 51st. Who is the genius now.