Police investigating FGM in community

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:52 pm

Sherbanoo, a 28-year-old Bohra banker from Pune, is being accused by her mother of doing the same to the family. “It has been nine years since I opposed the clergy in our mosque,” remembers Sherbanoo. “After my genitals were forcibly mutilated when 19 and this was sought to be given a religious rationale to keep me quiet and compliant, I developed an aversion for everything Islam. A brief stint at the Cardiff University on an exchange programme gave me the strength to tell the clergy what they’re practising is not Islam but unbridled misogyny.”

Expectedly, what she calls “the loonies and their threats” came fast and thick. “What I hadn’t prepared for was the way they manipulated my parents and family. When my brother joined my father in beating me up for ‘shaming the family’, I left home and began living by myself.”

Doesn’t she miss family? “I do. See, in Islam you’re only part of the community group. There’s no individual identity. It is like one would be lost without the collective. Having found my independent voice, going back to my folks would mean becoming part of the same claustrophobic reality I've turned my back on.” She feels the creation of an umbrella organisation on the lines of the Council for Ex-Muslims of Britain would help a lot in reassuring others like her to come out.

http://www.dnaindia.com/lifestyle/repor ... th-2095270

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by saminaben » Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:10 am

This shehrebanu story is so sad and uplifting at the same time. Sad because of her family abusing her not once for FGM but subsequently beating her up and not supporting her. What a shame to our community Who gives institutional support to FGM, violence, abuse and marginalizing women. Uplifting because of her courage to speak up to the leaders of the community. Hope her story of her journey through life sets an example for others that it's possible to break the shackles of claustrophobic Bohra practices, including FGM.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by Ozdundee » Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:28 am

the group is protecting each other no one will dob each other out.”

The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research stated no finalised criminal charges had been laid under either of the two FGM offences, between May and the most recent statistics in September.

Dr Sharobeem said she would like to see effective prosecution of the offences and increased funding for community services for education and prevention.

“I would like to see prevention instead of having parents and people behind bars,” she said.

“We need to tell the community the meaning of ‘illegal’.”

A spokeswoman for State Minister for Women Pru Goward said the State Government had launched the first FGM awareness campaign in NSW in December.

“It is too early to comment on its effectiveness,” she said.

“However, by partnering with NSW Health’s education program we are assisting them to educate communities.”

Labor spokeswoman for women Sophie Cotsis said FGM was a crime that had no place in Australia.

“Labor will work with police and prosecutors to ensure that we have strong laws in place, and that these laws are effectively enforced,’’ she said.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by kimanumanu » Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:07 pm

Encouraging news in the UK: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33572428

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by Ozdundee » Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:10 pm

FGM discussion has now creeped into radicalisation context,it is discussed side by side with terrorism , which means more attention from Imams and agencies. ....war on terror of FGM will go on.

some sections from a news Ltd article....
SELF-promoting self-professed “roving imam” Keysar Trad has mounted a rationalisation for the radicalisation of young Muslims......

Those young Muslim males who claim to have experienced discrimination might consider whether their own behaviour and attitude to Western culture and Australia, their nation of choice, or at least, the nation their parents chose to migrate to or seek refuge in, may have something to do with the manner in which they are regarded.

Trad finds he can “feel the same fire” but how often have we heard him or other self-nominated Islamic leaders and imams claiming their “blood is boiling” at reports of honour killings, forced marriages, or female genital mutilation — all part of the rich tapestry of traditions that exist in sections of the Islamic community

The evidence is abundant those most likely to be wooed by the calls of the internet-­active Islamists are those who already show psychopathic tendencies, or those who have succumbed to conversion to the ugliest face of Islam. Kids from broken homes, those in jail, girls and boys who feel they are misunderstood. Living in ghettos is not a great start in life either.

Youngsters trapped in an Islamic island surrounded by Westerners enjoying a vastly different culture will naturally feel isolated. Their so-called leaders should be encouraging them to engage with non-Muslim Australians, not indoctrinating them with the patent falsehoods that pass for commentary in the feudal history of the Middle East.

The inoculation process must start in the home, which means the Muslim leadership will have to address the polygamy which government agencies have turned a blind eye to, it also means that little boys will have to be taught they are equal to their sisters and they are no better and no worse than other Australians who aren’t Muslim.

Multicultural separatism must stop, and it shouldn’t be up to other taxpayers to foot the bill. Putting aside the special case of the convicts who had little choice in their destination, their overwhelming majority of people who have made Australia their home in the past 227 years have done so because they wanted to become Australians.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by Ozdundee » Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:01 am

last weekend a big milestone occurred when the fruits of hard persistent labour delivers the most unexpected results when one of the most influential man delivers and paricipates in the mision . Few reformists had faith in the strategy , this is time for those victims in India to count their score, who came foreward , the international experts who consolidated the issue, raised unimaginable resesources and raised the fighf to a glabal agenda from Australia to UK , the USA , make it to UN . But all was not success, as India through several failed representation have dragged their feet , like they dragged their feet on similar women issues eg rape.However the attempts will continue . Indian government support and intervention will be key to force the dawaat to change.

Skeptics will be tempted to think these were coincidental events , that FGM made it to the presidents speech and may not be linked to Dawoodi Bohra. The US government is very aware of the publicity surrounding FGM and Bohra practises and reluctance of leadership to discourage it.
Nairobi, Kenya The statement gained thunderous applause but Mr Obama was not finished: Treating women as second-class citizens is a bad tradition: it holds you back. There’s no excuse for sexual assault or domestic violence, there’s no reason that young girls should suffer genital mutilation, there’s no place in a civilised society for the early or forced marriage of children. These traditions may go back centuries; they have no place in the 21st century. They are issues of right or wrong in any culture.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:49 pm


Meeting with Indian High Commissioner to Australia

2nd Zilqad, 1436
Location: Australia, Sydney, Shangri La Hotel

Today 16 August 2015 we had a private meet and greet at Shangri La Hotel Sydney with the Indian High Commissioner to Australia Mr Navdeep Suri who was previously in Cairo and has excellent relations with the community. The Indian High Commissioner and Consulate officials were very happy to receive the Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat of Sydney and have expressed support and help whenever required.


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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by SBM » Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:28 am

I donot think Indian High Commissioner can pull strings and interfere with Australian Government
Remember what happened to Indian Consular in NYC. she was prosecuted by Indian US Attorney General.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by pheonix » Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:47 am

Regarding health ramifications of FGM. I believe most of the proggies and bohras have women in their family, who have gone through this. Has any one heard of any health repercussions. Has any one died? Has there ever been serious illness or infection?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:28 pm

Female genital mutilation is alive in Australia. It's just called labiaplasty

Behind both female genital mutilation and the dramatic increase in genital surgery is the pressure to conform to a constructed ideal of desirability

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfre ... abiaplasty

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by Ozdundee » Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:06 am

pheonix wrote:Regarding health ramifications of FGM. I believe most of the proggies and bohras have women in their family, who have gone through this. Has any one heard of any health repercussions. Has any one died? Has there ever been serious illness or infection?
What an odd question?
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is an ancient cultural practice performed on infants and young girls. It involves the removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the genitalia without the woman’s or child’s consent. Often the ‘surgery’ takes place in unhygienic conditions and without pain relief.

Girls who experience FGM are at risk of dying from blood loss or infection. Girls who survive can experience a lifetime of infections, chronic pain, mental health issues and, later, difficulties giving birth which can also affect the health of their baby.

http://newsroom.uts.edu.au/news/2015/08 ... in-silence
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_ ... au%2F&_rdr
Immigrant Women’s Health Service chief executive Dr Eman Sharobeem said it’s virtually impossible to know how prevalent it is but she wouldn’t be surprised if it’s happening here.
“It’s happened before and there’s nothing from stopping it from happening again,” she told news.com.au. “And in most of the cases it is actually the woman in the family who will take her daughter to undergo such a practice.
“They have many excuses: it’s our culture, it will control her ability to have sex before marriage, we can protect her from her own desires, it is actually a part of being hygienic — there are many arguments around it.”
Her clinic is focused on educating people about the dangers before it’s done and she wants education embedded in the school curriculum so young girls can learn to say no.
“But this must happen on a primary school level because the primary school age is when the girls are taken for this barbaric practice,” she said.
“And it is a barbaric practice. When you are cutting part of a human being without their permission and without their understanding of what’s happening to them, this is a horrific act against humans ... Unless we have someone dobbing other people into the authorities we wouldn’t know how many cases are out there.”

http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-l ... 7466942790

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by Ozdundee » Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:09 am

SBM wrote:^
I donot think Indian High Commissioner can pull strings and interfere with Australian Government
Remember what happened to Indian Consular in NYC. she was prosecuted by Indian US Attorney General.

The Ambassador is not foolish to interfere, they know where to get involved and where not to .

the case is delayed for many reasons eg the courts are busy and the Amil is recovering from surgery. The case is still in court.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by Ozdundee » Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:24 am

Day 3 of trial

http://m.smh.com.au/nsw/female-genital- ... jnt2b.html

Many media, radio and TV are now replaying, New Zealand is also covering

Note everyday the articles summarises the case reminding it is Dawoodi Bohra culture

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by Ozdundee » Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:53 pm

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015 - No FGM Australia
A new FGM Hotline was launched today to help girls who may be in danger of female genital mutilation (FGM). The FGM Hotline is launched in conjunction with an Australian visit by FGM survivor and activist, Nimco Ali, to raise awareness about FGM as a problem facing girls in Western countries.

British-Somalian Nimco Ali will be in Conversation with Anne Summers in Sydney on 24 September and Melbourne on the 28th. Nimco has been a powerful advocate against FGM. She succeeded in getting British Prime Minister David Cameron to speak out against FGM and to promise to enforce the laws prohibiting the practice domestically and that are meant to prevent taking girls out of the country. This is an opportunity for Australians to learn from Nimco about how the UK has been tackling the problem of FGM which also faces thousands of British citizens.

Why do we need an FGM Hotline?

Sometimes people know about plans for a girl to be mutilated (“circumcised”), but they don’t know who to call or what to do, so girls remain vulnerable. Girls themselves may know they may be facing FGM but do not know what to do, or who to turn to. Girls and members of the community now have a dedicated FGM Hotline to call if they fear that they themselves or a girl they know are going to be either subjected to FGM in Australia, or taken overseas for FGM. The FGM hotline will be staffed by trained executives from the not-for-profit organisation No FGM Australia. No FGM Australia is a charity that works to protect girls from female genital mutilation through education, lobbying and awareness raising campaigns.

Is FGM a problem in Australia?

FGM, also known as female genital cutting or female circumcision, is a centuries old traditional practice which involves the coercive removal of little girls’ genitalia. It is considered a violation of human rights and a form of violence against girls. It has no benefits, only harm. FGM is practiced in 29 countries in Africa, in several Middle Eastern countries and Asian countries including Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Malaysia and Singapore. Many people have moved to Australia from countries that are affected by FGM.

The practice of FGM continues after arrival in Australia. Anecdotal evidence of girls being taken from Australia to FGM affected countries is rife, and there are practitioners working illegally in backyard operations in our own cities. Currently there is a case in NSW of two girls who were ‘circumcised” in Sydney lounge rooms. No FGM Australia estimate that there are 5640 girls in Australia who are in high risk of FGM. There are also 1100 girls born every year who may also be in high danger of being subjected to FGM. That is 3 girls a day born in Australia who are at risk of significant harm.

Research shows alarming lack of knowledge about FGM

Lack or awareness that FGM facing girls in Australia is a huge problem. Recent research by the Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit has revealed that 10% of a representative survey of paediatricians had seen a girl who had been subjected to FGM. The same research found that many professionals are not aware who could be in danger of FGM, or how to act if there is a concern, particularly if no harm has yet occurred. As prevention is the aim, this new FGM Hotline will be a source of referral for any frontline professionals who may be unsure about whether there is indeed a need to act to protect a girl from FGM.

The Hotline and the Interview with Nimco Ali aim to raise awareness about the harmful effects of FGM and also help people realise that, as child abuse, FGM is everyone’s problem. All girls deserve to be safe regardless of their culture, traditional beliefs or the colour of their skin.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by Ozdundee » Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:51 am

gd wrote:[color=0]]

received as PM from MD

Persons of interest in the photos.

Amil of Sydney Shabbir Vaziri, from India emissary of SAYEDNA Mufaddal Saifuddin
Sheik Onali Alibhai, Sydney Jamaat Secretary and Valimulla, Main promoter seeking signatures when SMS wanted signatures in dispute vs SKQ, leader of disruptive Jamnagarwala family from Tanzania, fanatically SMS loyalists who control Sydney commitees . Keeping the community backwards .
A Baquari new Comer orthodox who are children of Sheik fanatics from India
Murtaza Poonawala , new Comer from middle east but originally from India who likes to be in spotlight , is the liaison for arranging meetings with Modi, organised India Ambassador visit. Potray to be connected to SMS.
Taher Vaziri son of Amil.
all above are non professionals work from home , rich and have time to lick their masters feet.

persons not in photo
Husain Goribhai, son of Uk orthodox fanatic related to Jamnagarwala, is lawyer who advised jamaat on FGM but was charged initially but later released, he was also the advisor who behind scenes drafted what to write in letter that was a petition to support SMS against SKQ
Two token committee members Quetawala and a Surti appointed to represent India and Pakistan ambitions.

Meeting with Indian High Commissioner to Australia

2nd Zilqad, 1436
Location: Australia, Sydney, Shangri La Hotel

Today 16 August 2015 we had a private meet and greet at Shangri La Hotel Sydney with the Indian High Commissioner to Australia Mr Navdeep Suri who was previously in Cairo and has excellent relations with the community. The Indian High Commissioner and Consulate officials were very happy to receive the Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat of Sydney and have expressed support and help whenever required.


ghulam muhammed
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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:58 pm

Chucking the anonymity veil, 17 women call for ban on genital mutilation

The petition, by the women from the Bohra community demanding ban on female genital mutilation, has received around 3,000 signatures within two days.

Seventeen women from the Dawoodi Bohra community have petitioned the government to ban female genital mutilation (FGM), which is a common practice within the community that involves genital cutting at a very young age. This is the first time that the women from the community - some of whom have themselves undergone the ordeal -- have petitioned the government without being anonymous.

The petition has got more than 2,600 signatures within two days of being put up online

The practice, known as khatna or female circumcision, has been termed as violation of human rights by the World Health Organisation. Masooma Ranalvi, a 49-year-old publisher from Delhi, who is the first signatory to the petition that is addressed to the ministry of health, women and child development and law and justice, said: "It is extremely unsettling that this practice continues. There is absolutely no consent involved. We don't have any valid reason as to why someone is tampering with our body."

Ranalvi, who was subjected to genital mutilation at the age of seven, said, "We want a statutory provision. There has to be a law in place to stop this practice." She said that the signatories will carry out several outreach programmes and connect with women and seniors in the community to garner support.

Ranalvi's elder sister Ummul, 55, called the practice "crude and unhygienic". "We ensured that our daughters were not subjected to such trauma. But the disturbing fact is, the practice is extremely prevalent even now," said Ummul, a resident of Bandra, who is into content development and corporate training.

Community members insisted that the practice was an "unsaid code" followed by a majority, and a reminder is passed on mostly from senior women in the family. "It is carried out secretly and no-one speaks about or against it. A brother will not know that it has happened to his sister or a husband will not know that his wife was subjected to it," Ranalvi said, adding that she had recently heard of a case in Udaipur where a girl had to be hospitalised due to excessive bleeding.

While many girls face complications such as hemorrhage, some also suffer from psychological side-effects. The World Health Organisation says that the practice has no health benefit. "It harms girls and women in many ways. It involves removing and damaging healthy and normal female genital tissue, and interferes with the natural functions of girls' and women's bodies. Immediate complications can include severe pain, shock, haemorrhage (bleeding), tetanus or sepsis (bacterial infection), urine retention, open sores in the genital region and injury to nearby genital tissue," the WHO says.

The practice is not only common in India but also among the Bohris settled abroad. Last month, three community members were convicted in Australia for genital mutilation of two young girls. According to another signatory, Insia Dariwala, a filmmaker from Mumbai, girls who have not undergone circumcision are judged differently. "If you haven't undergone the procedure, you are not a good girl, you are not a clean girl. You are looked at differently," said Dariwala, adding that she was fortunate to have escaped the practice but her elder sister suffered the trauma.

Like Dariwala, a few among the 17 signatories came forward mainly because they saw the practice closely but were not subjected to it themselves.


Female genital mutilation, also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision, is the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade, with or without anaesthesia, It is conducted from days after birth to puberty and beyond.

In half the countries for which national figures are available, most girls are cut before the age of five. The procedures include removal of the clitoral hood and clitoral glans, removal of the inner labia, and in the most severe form, removal of the inner and outer labia and closure of the vulva.

http://www.mumbaimirror.com/mumbai/othe ... 036285.cms

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by New » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:09 pm

I wonder if some of the victims or the parents of the minors can bring crminal and civil charges against both the dais and their henchmen and chamcha Amils? Could some legal expert shed some light on this.

Brother Insaaf talks about "Do we need a Dai". Here is a way we can convert his plakhi in to you know in to a symbolic carrier of another kind.

By the way where is the survey?

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by New » Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:35 pm

My salute to these brave ladies.

May I suggest to publicize this article in Media and also take out paid advertisements "Stop The Atrocities". This will really light fires under SMB and also KQ. They should be forced to make public statements.

They can be sued in a class action suit for physical and psychological damages.

Hey Proggy's let us unite behind this and stop this barbaric ritual. This is real progress.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by asad » Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:09 pm

Can Reformists take the lead and post a full page advertisements in leading newspapers against the FGM. I am ready to share the cost.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by Ozdundee » Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:10 pm

Good to see the fire is kept burning. I was looking at retiring from reform early 2016. It is not a simple task, it been 5 years to get where we are.

Next steps One needs to ban Busaheba books which propogate this practice through sabaqs, stop Amils insisting non Bohra women to FGM before wedding vows, remove the material from Madrasa books where teenagers are advised to keep the practice alive. once you force the revision of shariat then dawaat will become week , that is why SKQ and SMS fear ideology reform.

The way India can contribute to banning fgm is make the practice illegal, for that to happen a law has to be passed in parliament , across states and nationally. so start now lobbying politicians. An obstacle this is not a national issue for India. 1 or 2 million out of 1.2 billion practice it so good luck getting it up quickly. There are many other women issues in India in the queue. You will need thousands of women protesting not a handful petitioning.

Don't expect much from SKQ or PDB , it is beyond their imagination to see how this benefits their agenda. The best is to force SMS into admitting in public that he has to act address it. Send a journalist to interview him

Your other hope is getting more arrests where it is already illegal eg US Canada, Europe or Kenya. continue to build pressure don't relax.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by dal-chaval-palidu » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:21 am

asad wrote:Can Reformists take the lead and post a full page advertisements in leading newspapers against the FGM. I am ready to share the cost.
That is a concrete suggestion from brother NEW and asad. It would be good if this can be done. An ad in the mumbaimirror, which carried the article, would be a good idea.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:22 pm

asad wrote:Can Reformists take the lead and post a full page advertisements in leading newspapers against the FGM. I am ready to share the cost.
Female Khatna known as FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is injurious to Bohra Women’s physical and psychological health; it deprives them nature-bestowed pleasure. It is unfortunate that not only Bohras living in India, Pakistan East Africa etc. practice it, highly educated Bohras living in western countries also let their seven year old daughters to undergo this torture. Recently an Australian Jury found a mother, a priest, and a cutter guilty; soon they will end up in jail. Mother has already lost custody of her two daughters. Unfortunately, Khatna is not reversible; damage to girls is for lifetime.

Last week, 17 Bohra women found courage speaking out in public circulating a petition for government to take immediate punitive actions against culprit parents, clergies, and the cutters. At present, in India, there is no clear-cut law punishing the FGM culprits, who ruin lives of Bohra girls.

We, at Roshan Safar Waqf Trust are trying to explore application of laws on books, for punishing the culprits. We are planning to advertise in media soliciting information about current Khatna (FMG) cases. We will try to get secret recordings, testimonies, etc. and submit it to police, government authorities, and social workers. This will help exposing and shaming the parents and drag Kothar (Bohra secretariat), the main culprit, in media. Once this happens, western leaders will stop meeting with chief Bohra cleric, Syedna Mufaddal for photo ops. Yes, the female Khatna practice may go underground; however, it will make it difficult. We will provide protection to young girls. We will encourage young girls speak out. In Australia, oral testimonies of two Bohra young girls, the victims of FMG, convicted the culprits. If the Bohra parents living in western countries travel to India for having FMG Khatna of their daughters, we will report the cases to girls’ teachers, requesting them to talk to little girls, and take necessary measures. Please provide us info or lead, we will keep your names confidential, if you wish.

Please read following article.Also please click the link and sign the petition.

https://www.change.org/p/end-female-gen ... in-india/c

Vas Salam

Asghar Vasanwala

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by dawedaar » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:11 pm

Whatever u try to do, nothing is going to happen in India. Indian judiciary is notoriously slow to process the case, leave alone passing judgements. Making or changing laws takes decades in India. And if something does happen, the Kothar has enough financial and political clout as well as public backing to get the judgement challenged & overturned... Both Modi and Kothar's fingers are inside each other's a$$ having a mutually pleasurable relationship (Both financially & politically). Even Morarji Desai had to throw in the towel in front of the Monstrous institution called Kothar!

Such topics involving religious sentiments are political hot potatos for anyone involved in it. Rajiv Gandhi played with fire during Shah Bano case and which was subsequently responsible for opening of Ram Mandir Gates and rest is history. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr8fWjhEvLY ) If you watch this part of the episode of Pradhanmantri, muslims themselves are responsible partially for Babri Masjid demolition which was demolished 23 years and a day ago on Dec 6th!

Kotharis & abdes with their tongue sticking out :P
ghulam muhammed wrote:
We, at Roshan Safar Waqf Trust are trying to explore application of laws on books, for punishing the culprits. We are planning to advertise in media soliciting information about current Khatna (FMG) cases. We will try to get secret recordings, testimonies, etc. and submit it to police, government authorities, and social workers. This will help exposing and shaming the parents and drag Kothar (Bohra secretariat), the main culprit, in media. Once this happens, western leaders will stop meeting with chief Bohra cleric, Syedna Mufaddal for photo ops. Yes, the female Khatna practice may go underground; however, it will make it difficult. We will provide protection to young girls. We will encourage young girls speak out. In Australia, oral testimonies of two Bohra young girls, the victims of FMG, convicted the culprits. If the Bohra parents living in western countries travel to India for having FMG Khatna of their daughters, we will report the cases to girls’ teachers, requesting them to talk to little girls, and take necessary measures. Please provide us info or lead, we will keep your names confidential, if you wish.

Please read following article.Also please click the link and sign the petition.

https://www.change.org/p/end-female-gen ... in-india/c

Vas Salam

Asghar Vasanwala

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by New » Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:40 am

1. Can some one copy the part describing BooSahebano Saifo? That will be good to be inluded in the paid advertisement.

2. KQ can be sued first as he is wicker of the two. SMS can be left alone for now.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by New » Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:51 am

Sorry WEAER and not wicker.

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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by Ozdundee » Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:40 am

http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015 ... -procedure

A Brisbane couple has been charged with taking two girls to Africa to undergo female genital mutilation in what is believed to be the first prosecution of its kind in Queensland.

Detectives from the Logan district child protection and investigation unit allege the pair took the sisters, aged nine and 12, to Africa for the procedure in April.

th of Underwood, each face two counts of removing a child from the state for female genital mutilation, a charge which carries a penalty of up to 14 years’ jail.

Insp Christopher Jory said the practice of taking children overseas for the procedure – a tradition in some communities – was a “serious criminal offence” under Queensland laws introduced in 2000.

Jory said it was the first time he was aware of that charges under those laws had been laid in Queensland.

The charges follow a joint investigation between police, Queensland health and the department of community services.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:03 pm

Petitioning Minister of Women and Child Development Smt. Maneka Gandhi and 2 others

End Female Genital Mutilation in India

At the age of seven, I was subjected to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Mumbai, in a most unhygienic and clandestine manner. The shock and trauma of that day are still with me.

Like me, there are thousands of my Dawoodi Bohra sisters who have been subjected to genital cutting as children and even today thousands of Bohra girls are being subjected to this practice, since it has been ordained by the clergy of our community.

A few months ago, women like me got together under the forum - ‘Speak out on FGM’ - to begin a conversation on this extremely secretive ritual which has caused physical and psychological damage to each of us in some way or the other.

We the undersigned women, who have been subjected to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) also known as ‘Khatna’ belong to the Dawoodi Bohra community which has its major adherents in India.

The practice of FGM is done surreptiously and in a clandestine manner to all the girl children in our community, without any consent whatsoever. The alleged reason for this tradition is to curb the sexual drive of women and control them.

The Dawoodi Bohras are amongst the most educated in India, yet we are also the only Muslim community in India to practice FGM. The practice has nothing to do with religion and is more of a cultural practice.

Most of us are too scared to speak out publicly. We fear ostracization, social boycott and exclusion of our families from the rest of the community by our religious clergy if we object to the continuation of this practice.

FGM has no health benefits, in fact it harms girls and women in many ways. It involves removing and damaging healthy and normal female genital tissue, and interferes with the natural functions of girls' and women's bodies. FGM is often done without anaesthesia, without medical supervision and sometimes the procedure goes horribly wrong.

It often leads to pain, shock, tetanus, genital sores, excessive bleeding, etc. It also has long-lasting psychological impact on the victims, ranging from sexual disorders, fear of sexual intimacy, nightmares and post traumatic stress disorder.

In December 2012, the UN General Assembly adopted a unanimous resolution on the elimination of FGM. Across the world FGM is being outlawed in many countries. Nigeria and Gambia recently made FGM illegal after women came together, campaigned and raised their voice. FGM is banned in over 20 countries in Africa itself.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) classifies FGM as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. According to WHO, FGM reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. It is nearly always carried out on minors and is a violation of the rights of children

In Australia, three Dawoodi Bohras were held guilty of FGM recently by the Supreme Court of New Wales, Australia. The case was closely watched by the Dawoodi Bohra community in India.

We urge the Government to pass a law banning this practice in India, such that anyone found involved in aiding, abetting and perpetrating this practice should be punished. Pressure of this law and fear of punishment will be the best way to put a stop to this cruel practice.

I along with my Dawoodi Bohra sisters want to raise our voice against FGM in India and put an end to this. You can support us by signing this petition.

Sign our petition and ask the government of India to act against Female Genital Mutilation!

Masooma Ranalvi, Aarefa Johari, Insia Dariwala, Shabnum Poonawala, Nafisa Pardawala, Farida Ali, Tasneema Ranalvi, Hanan Adarkar, Shaheeda Kirtane, Tanvee Vasudevan, Ummul Ranalvi, Zainub Poonawala, Sana Vaidya, Zehra Patwa, Farzana Doctor, Fiza Jha, Zarine Hashim



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Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by dawedaar » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:16 pm

Response from the Dawoodi Bohra Community

Munafeqeen log chaahe kitni bhi fitnat kari lai, lekin Maula na saccha muhibbeen toh hamesha Maula na saath rehse ane Maula na farmaan hasi khushi maathe charavi lese. Modi ane full Indian ministry toh hamara pocket ma che. Humara paase humara followes si loota hua arabo rupiya che.... Tame laakh koshih kari lau, kai nathi thaavanu.. aa India che, Australia nahi... Khuda Maula ni umr ta qiyamat baaki ane baaki raakhe.. Ameen.. Maula Maula Mufaddal Maula

Quresh Raghib :P
Spokesperson, Dawoodi Bohra Community
ghulam muhammed wrote:Petitioning Minister of Women and Child Development Smt. Maneka Gandhi and 2 others

End Female Genital Mutilation in India

At the age of seven, I was subjected to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Mumbai, in a most unhygienic and clandestine manner. The shock and trauma of that day are still with me.

Like me, there are thousands of my Dawoodi Bohra sisters who have been subjected to genital cutting as children and even today thousands of Bohra girls are being subjected to this practice, since it has been ordained by the clergy of our community.

A few months ago, women like me got together under the forum - ‘Speak out on FGM’ - to begin a conversation on this extremely secretive ritual which has caused physical and psychological damage to each of us in some way or the other.

We the undersigned women, who have been subjected to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) also known as ‘Khatna’ belong to the Dawoodi Bohra community which has its major adherents in India.

The practice of FGM is done surreptiously and in a clandestine manner to all the girl children in our community, without any consent whatsoever. The alleged reason for this tradition is to curb the sexual drive of women and control them.

The Dawoodi Bohras are amongst the most educated in India, yet we are also the only Muslim community in India to practice FGM. The practice has nothing to do with religion and is more of a cultural practice.

Most of us are too scared to speak out publicly. We fear ostracization, social boycott and exclusion of our families from the rest of the community by our religious clergy if we object to the continuation of this practice.

FGM has no health benefits, in fact it harms girls and women in many ways. It involves removing and damaging healthy and normal female genital tissue, and interferes with the natural functions of girls' and women's bodies. FGM is often done without anaesthesia, without medical supervision and sometimes the procedure goes horribly wrong.

It often leads to pain, shock, tetanus, genital sores, excessive bleeding, etc. It also has long-lasting psychological impact on the victims, ranging from sexual disorders, fear of sexual intimacy, nightmares and post traumatic stress disorder.

In December 2012, the UN General Assembly adopted a unanimous resolution on the elimination of FGM. Across the world FGM is being outlawed in many countries. Nigeria and Gambia recently made FGM illegal after women came together, campaigned and raised their voice. FGM is banned in over 20 countries in Africa itself.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) classifies FGM as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. According to WHO, FGM reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. It is nearly always carried out on minors and is a violation of the rights of children

In Australia, three Dawoodi Bohras were held guilty of FGM recently by the Supreme Court of New Wales, Australia. The case was closely watched by the Dawoodi Bohra community in India.

We urge the Government to pass a law banning this practice in India, such that anyone found involved in aiding, abetting and perpetrating this practice should be punished. Pressure of this law and fear of punishment will be the best way to put a stop to this cruel practice.

I along with my Dawoodi Bohra sisters want to raise our voice against FGM in India and put an end to this. You can support us by signing this petition.

Sign our petition and ask the government of India to act against Female Genital Mutilation!

Masooma Ranalvi, Aarefa Johari, Insia Dariwala, Shabnum Poonawala, Nafisa Pardawala, Farida Ali, Tasneema Ranalvi, Hanan Adarkar, Shaheeda Kirtane, Tanvee Vasudevan, Ummul Ranalvi, Zainub Poonawala, Sana Vaidya, Zehra Patwa, Farzana Doctor, Fiza Jha, Zarine Hashim



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Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:58 pm

Re: Police investigating FGM in community


Post by [Asher] » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:51 pm