Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by New » Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:58 pm

Brother yfm I am the fool and idiot. I only talk for myself. I believe the 54th may put some pressure on 53rd to change his practices as well. This is called win win situation. Always refreshing to see people who have stature whether you believe in them or not. For example the Pope Francis. Now please tell me about your self.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by bohrabhai » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:21 pm

Now damage control..
Whole world has seen how hypocrite our community leaders are. Not a single statement of condolence for ex Mazoon or to condemn about firecracker and dancing.
The good thing is future generations will have proof about past leaders behavior that we are lacking today. They are digging their graves. ... 654964.cms
The community, already divided over loyalties to Khuzaima Qutbuddin and Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, comes together to condemn stray incidents of firecracker bursting in Bhendi Bazaar after Khuzaima's death was announced.

A day after Khuzaima Qutbuddin, the claimant to the highest religious post in the Dawoodi Bohra community, passed away in the US on Thursday, it has emerged that firecrackers were burst in Bhendi Bazaar and at a boarding school in Surat, much to the chagrin of the community.

It is not clear where Khuzaima Qutbuddin, who died at 76, will be laid to rest, even as there has been no comments from Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin: Qutbuddin's nephew against whom he was fighting a court battle for the title of Syedna.

Community members said that a video, and pictures, of people bursting crackers after news of Qutbuddin's death came in were circulated on WhatsApp, even as scores of people rushed to his official residence in Thane and prayed for his soul along with his second son Abdeali Qutbuddin, who had stayed back for the mourners.

"Those celebrating Khuzaima Qutbuddin's death should be ashamed. They should not forget that he was the second-in-command of the community for nearly 50 years, when his brother Mohammad Burhanuddin was the Syedna," Saifuddin Insaf from the group called the 'Progressive Dawoodi Bohra Community' said.

Condemning the bursting of crackers, a resident of Bhendi Bazaar said, "We are a peace-loving community and a few people by doing such things to spoil the community's image."

Meanwhile, a statement issued on behalf of Khuzaima Qutbuddin's family has sparked a debate about the status of the succession battle in the Bombay High Court. The statement read, "Syedna Qutbuddin has left in our midst his successor, his shehzada to whom Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin gave the name Taher, the mubarak name of Syedna Taher Saifuddin."

Indicating that Taher Fakhruddin was likely to continue the legal battle for the title of Syedna, the statement said, "Syedna Abu Khuzaima Taher Fakhruddin is the 54th Dai al-Mutlaq and the representative of Imamuz-Zaman Tayyibul-Asri wal-Awaan. The succession of Du'aat Mutlaqeen continues. A maula has passed, a maula remains."

The legal fraternity was divided on the point whether Taher Fakhruddin can continue to challenge Mufaddal's appointment as the Syedna. Senior advocate Iqbal Chagla, who was conducting Qutbuddin's crossexamination on behalf of Mufaddal last year, said, "This is not a regular suit wherein a heir is seeking succession to a person's estate. It was a succession in the title. When the plaintiff's (Khuzaima) title itself hasn't been proven, how can he pass on the title to someone?"

Senior advocate Darius Khambata, who is not connected with the case, echoed the view expressed by Chagla. "This is a derivative title. Qutbuddin's son will have to first prove that the Nass was actually conferred upon Qutbuddin, and that he was indeed the 53rd Dai al-Mutlaq, after which it will have to be shown that Qutbuddin conferred the Nass on his son."

Senior advocate Ravi Kadam, representing Qutbuddin in the succession battle in the HC, refused to comment, even as senior advocate Rafique Dada - who again has no connection with the case - seemed positive on the aspect. "The law is not just law, it's also justice. The son can always say that Qutbuddin was the actual Syedna, and he had a right to confer the title on him. Whether the title is 'inheritable', the court will have to decide," he said.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by New » Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:54 pm

My personal view strictly:

I think KQ knew that the end was near. He chose to die in the US. Our community is capable of throwing stones on Janaza and digging out the body even. I believe he is already been buried in Bakersfield. These are peace loving bohras.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Ruqaiyya » Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:20 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:watsup msg

Forwarded as Received :

We call ourselves Shiat-e-Ali !! One must be aware that Mola Ali (a.s.) ordered his people to loosen the cuffs of his killer Ibne Muljim so it doesn't hurt him. And here we are dancing, singing, celebrating with fireworks, spewing venomous statements at someone who had staked claim and caused no physical harm to anyone. Now this is not to mean that I agree with or endorse such claims. His demeanor was most disapproving no doubt and Allah (swt) will take his account. But the responses to his passing away are most inappropriate and I am dismayed that even the educated elite are silently approving it by baseless arguments. We have noted that in the battle for power and position even of this worldly fields like politics, corporates and businesses we haven't seen images or heard instances of anyone PUBLICLY REJOICING at the death of their opponents be it political, business or even underworld !!

A confused Bohra who has given misaq to Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.
This is true, Maula a.s was never into teasing his own enemies for the sake of his own. Shame on each and everyone who made celebration of KQ's death singing dancing, big shit!

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by allbird » Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:17 am

bohrabhai wrote:Forwarded as received.
Thodi to sharam karo.
Jamea na students nachi rahya che temna Ek jamnna na Mazoon ni maut par.
This is the reason why SKQ didn't like jamea tu Safiyah. Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA use to say Jamea is my Zaat. Now please see yourself IS THIS TRUE REFLECTION OF HIS ZAAT. These dancers (animals) are our future Aamils and Moulana's of Markaz and Masjids. Oh my head is in shame. Next time you do salaam or Wadhawnu to your aamil please remembers this video. "Wakth guzar jata hai baat reh jaati hai".
SKQ's life and now his death has open heaps of windows for main stream DB's. Without saying much or bad mouthing anyone he DID show mumineen the faults within.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by allbird » Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:28 am

Qadir wrote:Dear Readers,

I am a true follower of Syedna Aaliqadr Muffadal Saifuddin (T.U.S.). But i am niether happy nor sad on the demise of KQ Bhaisaheb.

I strongly believe that i (or any of the person alive) is capable to judge if someone goes to Jannat or Jahanam, It is truly based on decision of Allah (and he is only just).

I live in surat and was surprised to hear loud sounds of crackers. As experienced from past i thought that SMS was visiting (maybe for zikra) to surat and it is what the crackers and the scouts are for.

After some time we got messages from whatsapp that KQ Bhaisaheb has expired i America. The first thought that crossed my mind is that that is what all this crackers and band bajaa "NONSENSE" is about.

Then the series of joke started which left me open mouthed. If STS or SMB (R.A.) would have been alive their heart would have melted with disappointment. Their eyes would be full of tears not by the news of demise but by seeing the response of community towards it.

I would like to tell you all that whatever these unethical and inhuman people did yesterday was wrong (my whole family accepted it) but still i am sure this is not what our moula (SMS) would have wanted (please dont create a nuisance over this sentence, i am just writting what i feel. Allah knows the best).

At last i want to conclude that please dont judge a whole community just by judging some fools.

My condolences for KQ bhaisaheb's Followers. May Allah Grant You Sabar.

Qadirbhai, Well written we are all with the same feeling. I am 100% in agreement with you. We have given missaak to Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin and were against KQ but this is not a good way to treat mazum for 50 years, son to dear STS RA and brother to SMB RA. if none of the forefather denied him the who are we to judge.

May Allah give Sabr to the bereaving family.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by alam » Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:33 am

Contrary to media and popularity, celebration for SKQ death and Gaali and buddua for him continue in SMS circles with far more intensity and frequency than is suggested by the media reports. Verbally and through whatsapp messages, a culture of hate has evolved. It's a new hateful attitude that has become second nature now.
Condemnation of the "acts of a few" are a gross misrepresentation of the ground reality where many ordinary Bohras in mohallas and mahals alike are throwing laanats and jahannam on SKQ all over again. it is only a select few on this site as well in the masses who have the guts to publicly condemn the dancing, firecrackers etc.

Then there are those who are robotics and will act and say anything and everything to "belong" to the cult and bohra society. It is interesting to observe, at least in my experience with the staunch SKQ followers (except some On this website) hardly ever refer to SMS disrespectfully, but always as "Mufaddalbhai Saheb" or "Shehzada Mufaddalbhai Saheb".

i am disgusted diasappointed when I see and hear so much venom and hatred from my closest family and friends who seem to be otherwise brilliant, knowledgeable and kind-hearted people.

All this leads me to wonder if human nature is such that is inherently incapable of self-reflection and taking a look at themselves in the mirror, unless they are surrounded by people who will hold up the mirror. . ?

I suppose it's the same thing as people gently confronting their friends and families every now and then, and that does take courage to take a stand. I have been so surprised and heartened when I've discovered me calling a spade a spade has created a form of community of friends whom I would have otherwise have written off as fanatics and "spineless", as some people on this forum frequently refer to. Courage is what it takes to speak what's true In your heart to your loved ones, and it is a risk worth taking, because in the end even if the relationship is shaken, at least it's authentic and real, as long as you don't do tit for tat - or hurl out abuses to the perpetrators. Then it's ping pong all over again.

On a side note, extra security and teams have been assigned near Raudat Tahera - and my sources confirm that news of SKQ's son Taherbhai Saheb as the next Dai is scaring the shit out of some people in SMS circles, who fear SMS is no match for "STF" or "Syedna taher Fakhruddin" in terms of spiritual knowledge, sound judgement and intellect.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by kimanumanu » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:27 am ... 654644.cms

Farewell, Mr People
Mumbai Mirror | Apr 2, 2016, 12.50 AM IST

Mumbai Mirror Bureau

Khuzaima Qutbuddin was always there for those in need.

Khuzaima Qutbuddin, the claimant to the highest religious post in the Dawoodi Bohra community, passed away in the US a couple of days ago, two months short of his 76th birthday. He was contesting claims on the succession to the Syedna's office made by his nephew Mufaddal Saifuddin in the Bombay High Court.

Khuzaima Qutbuddin evoked extreme reactions among people for the two 'faults' that he carried proudly on his sleeve and lived to the end: his grace under sustained pressure, and wider liberalness in an increasingly narrow world.

Even as one part of the now-divided Bohra community would like to think of him as an audacious contender to the Syedna's office (he said that the succession had been made in absolute secrecy by his eldest brother and previous incumbent Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin in 1965), another part of the community would remember him as the spitting image of his illustrious father, the late Syedna Taher Saifuddin, who is renowned for his humanism, piety and modernity.

Khuzaima Qutbuddin was a man of many parts. He was above all a humanist who extended well beyond the restricting bureaucracy, to reach out to individuals in distress and in need. Once they had engaged with him, they would never be forgotten - either by memory or name or face -- which says something of his outstanding memory and ability to connect across ages, places and time.

He was an educationist who did not merely preach but practiced. Nowhere is this better showcased than within his own family; almost each child is a doctorate from an international university; the eldest daughter graduated from Harvard, is a poet and a celebrated lecturer at the Chicago University; one of his sons completed a thesis from the University of Manchester on Islamic finance.

He was a devout religionist who held the office of the Mazoon (deputy) for half a century, arguably the longest that any Mazoon has held office. During this tenure, he touched thousands of people with his enriching people-orientation before he was cornered and virtually incapacitated and methodically disempowered.

He was a deep spiritualist who had been appointed Mazoon at the age of 26 by his eldest brother, superseding a long sequence of wizened relatives. For decades, he leveraged his deep spiritual knowledge through counsel, advice and help to anyone who selected to engage with him, from within the community or outside.

He was at the end of the day, by all accounts, a fighter who weathered the slings and arrows of palace intrigue and sibling rivalry with dignity. He was there for those who needed him; he was unflappable to those seeking to provoke; he was forgiving to those who vilified him; he was accessible to those seeking to make amends. And this is how he shall be remembered by the many whose lives he touched: as a sparkling human being who could well have been simply called 'Mr People'.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:57 pm

The claiment Khuzema Qutbuddin's body after being drained of all bodily fluids was placed in a frozen temperature controlled box.
At 9:14 the body started its long Journey from LAX to Chatrapati Shivaji Airport.
Today at 12 PM Khuzema's Body was suppose to be received at the luggage hall of the Malaysian Airlines 275. Khuzema's sons and Daughters and 8 other followers all were extreamly astonished when they were told by authorities that they cannot find the cold box. Currently Taher the successor has lodged a Missing luggage complaint. It seems that the cold box might have been lost at Manchester transit.

The above msg I recd in whatsapp. Is this true? Can anybody confirmed this news.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by way2go » Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:26 pm

fustrate_Bohra wrote:BREAKING NEWS
The claiment Khuzema Qutbuddin's body after being drained of all bodily fluids was placed in a frozen temperature controlled box.
At 9:14 the body started its long Journey from LAX to Chatrapati Shivaji Airport.
Today at 12 PM Khuzema's Body was suppose to be received at the luggage hall of the Malaysian Airlines 275. Khuzema's sons and Daughters and 8 other followers all were extreamly astonished when they were told by authorities that they cannot find the cold box. Currently Taher the successor has lodged a Missing luggage complaint. It seems that the cold box might have been lost at Manchester transit.

The above msg I recd in whatsapp. Is this true? Can anybody confirmed this news.
This is seriously is very BAD TASTE. Cannot believe people can stoop so low.
Malaysia Airlines does not fly out of Los Angeles (LAX) and no flight number 275 of Malaysia Airlines exists. Whoever made up this rubbish should have atleast done their homework.
Disgusting,Despicable and Shocking at the level people go to send out this kind of rubbish!

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by yfm » Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:29 pm

fustrate_Bohra wrote:BREAKING NEWS
The claiment Khuzema Qutbuddin's body after being drained of all bodily fluids was placed in a frozen temperature controlled box.
At 9:14 the body started its long Journey from LAX to Chatrapati Shivaji Airport.
Today at 12 PM Khuzema's Body was suppose to be received at the luggage hall of the Malaysian Airlines 275. Khuzema's sons and Daughters and 8 other followers all were extreamly astonished when they were told by authorities that they cannot find the cold box. Currently Taher the successor has lodged a Missing luggage complaint. It seems that the cold box might have been lost at Manchester transit.

The above msg I recd in whatsapp. Is this true? Can anybody confirmed this news.
All we can say is that we leave the workings of the minds of people like you in the hands of Allah for his justice. Because minds like yours create ridicule and chagrin and tempt us to evil thoughts and deeds. Hopefully we all believe in the justice of the all mighty and the salvation of our souls.

Khuda Hafez

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by yfm » Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:40 pm

New wrote:Brother yfm I am the fool and idiot. I only talk for myself. I believe the 54th may put some pressure on 53rd to change his practices as well. This is called win win situation. Always refreshing to see people who have stature whether you believe in them or not. For example the Pope Francis. Now please tell me about your self.
Why would I want to associate with a fool and an idiot. There a dime a dozen. People, especially the bohras may NOT NOTICE the difference.

Khuda Hafez

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Dumbledore » Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:48 pm

हाल ही में जिस शख़्सियत का इंतक़ाल हुआ वो कल तक अक़ीदत के एक अहम ओहदे पर फ़ाइज़ थे लेकिन उनके एक दावे के बाद वो अचानक बेशुमार बुराइयों का मुजस्समा बन गए।

जिनको ग़लत माना जा रहा है वो कितने हक़ पर थे ये तो मुझे मालूम नहीं लेकिन जिनको हक़ पर माना जा रहा है वो कितने ग़लत हैं ये उनकी भाषा और व्यवहार बता रहा है।
उनके जीते जी और फिर उनकी मौत पर गाली जैसी ज़बान में अवाम का रद्देअमल (प्रतिक्रिया) मरहूम की ज़ात पर नहीं बल्कि क़ौम की 50 साला दीनी तरबियत पर उंगली उठाता है।

हक़ सबूत और काग़ज़ात से नहीं, अख़्लाक़ और मुआफ़ करने से ज़ाहिर होता है। नबी करीम (स.अ.व.स.) से बेहतर मिसाल हमारे लिए क्या हो सकती है कि आप ने अख़्लाक़ का वो नमूना पेश किया कि उन्हें अल्लाह का रसूल न मानने वाले कट्टर दुश्मन भी उनके सब से बड़े आशिक़ और ग़ुलाम बन गए। इसीलिए क़ुरआने करीम में कहा गया कि "आप अख़्लाक़ के बुलन्द तरीन मक़ाम पर हैं।" सूरह: अल क़लम 68:4

अब्दुल्लाह बिन उबई जैसा मुनाफ़िक़ों का सरदार जिसकी रसूलल्लाह (स.अ.व.स.) से दुश्मनी छुपी हुई नहीं थी, उसका जनाज़ा भी पढ़ाने के लिए आप तैयार हो गए। आप ने फ़रमाया कि 70 मर्तबा इसके जनाज़े की नमाज़ पढ़ाने पर अगर अल्लाह तआ़ला इसे मुआफ़ कर देता तो मैं 70 मर्तबा नमाज़ पढ़ा देता। क्या हमें अपने सुलूक में इस अख़्लाक़ की हलकी सी झलक भी नज़र आती है?

दर असल इंसान अपनी तसल्ली के लिए अपने हक़ में नतीजे निकाल लेता है। मौत कैसे और कहाँ हुई इस से हक़ और बातिल का फ़ैसला किया जा रहा है। अगर अपने वतन और घर में मौत होना और मय्यत में हज़ारों की तादाद में लोगों का शिर्कत करना किसी के नेक और कामयाब होने की दलील है तो फिर ग़रीबुल वतनी (वतन से दूर) में कर्बला में मौत आने और लाशों के कई दिनों तक कफ़न और दफ़न से महरूम रहने को आप क्या कहेंगे?

जिस दीन ने जंग के भी आदाब बताए हों वो महज़ दुश्मनी और इख़्तेलाफ़ में हद से गुज़र जाने की इजाज़त कैसे दे सकता है?
सज़ा और जज़ा के फ़ैसले का अख़्तियार अल्लाह का है। हमारा काम हक़ को जानना, औरों तक पहुंचाना और उस पर अमल करना है।

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by allbird » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:46 pm

[quote="Dumbledore"]हाल ही में जिस शख़्सियत का इंतक़ाल हुआ वो कल तक अक़ीदत के एक अहम ओहदे पर फ़ाइज़ थे लेकिन उनके एक दावे के बाद वो अचानक बेशुमार बुराइयों का मुजस्समा बन गए।

जिनको ग़लत माना जा रहा है वो कितने हक़ पर थे ये तो मुझे मालूम नहीं लेकिन जिनको हक़ पर माना जा रहा है वो कितने ग़लत हैं ये उनकी भाषा और व्यवहार बता रहा है।
उनके जीते जी और फिर उनकी मौत पर गाली जैसी ज़बान में अवाम का रद्देअमल (प्रतिक्रिया) मरहूम की ज़ात पर नहीं बल्कि क़ौम की 50 साला दीनी तरबियत पर उंगली उठाता है।

Rough english translation please, for some of us can't read. Would be appreciated. I am glad the whole process of SKQ splitting and now death has open more door for free thinkers.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Dumbledore » Sat Apr 02, 2016 11:02 pm

This msg is viral among the reformists circles of Udaipur. I am trying to get this translated.

Meanwhile i request GM bhai if he can help translating as he is good in translating Lisan e dawat, gujrati and Urdu articles.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Fateh » Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:25 am

Even in our city in tiffin they serve choba( rice + sugar) on the day of sad demises of Khozema Qutbuddin saheb.This is the grade of our community people.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Qadir » Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:42 am

I will translate the above message give me some time.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Qadir » Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:13 am

The person whose death has occurred in the near past was once the man of Ilm and Aqeedat but after his one Dawa he was boycotted and people started saying ill things about him.

The one who is believed to be wrong, was how much right I don’t know, but the one who is believed right, this attitude of community is showing his behavior.

Haq is not shown by evidence or documents but by the behavior of courtesy and forgiveness. What can be the most appropriate example other than that of Rasullallah? That he gave such a good example of courtesy that even those who did not believe in him became his lovers and slaves. That is why Quran e Majeed says that “Rasullallah is at the top of courteous behavior.”Surah Al kalam 68:4.

Even to the leader of an enemy group like Abdullah bin Ubai who was an open enemy to Rasullallah, Rasullallah became ready to pray namaz on his zanaza after his death. Rasullallah said that he would have prayed namaz 70 times if necessary for him to seek forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala. Do we even get to see a slight courtesy of this level in our behavior today?

Often Humans make decisions so as that the result is in their favour. How and where death took place is becoming the deciding factor of Haq. If death taking place in one’s Watan and there are thousands present in Janaza is the indication of ones Pure and Successful deeds then what will you tell about those who died far away from their Watan in Karbala and their corpse did not receive Kafan or Dafan for days?
The religion which even has rules and regulations for war how can that religion give the permission to get out of control in matters of death and enmity.

The decision of punishment and forgiveness is purely the decision of Allah Ta’ala. Our work is to find Haq, preach it to others and to follow and practice Haq.

Thanks, Qadir.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by humanbeing » Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:32 am

"Wa Inna Lillahe, wa inna ilahye rajeoon"

Saddened by demise of SKQ. and my sincere apologies for writing demanding efforts from him to tour bohra rural areas to reach out to non-netizen abde crowd. I could understand now, his health must be a challenge to facilitate mobility and that to into a hostile territory. Can a SKQ follower write some insights into his last days. what happened ? what were his sufferings.

SMS camp as usual are venomous and yet another time crossed limits of decency. I feel good, they are on thier ignorant way to condemnation. Seeing them dance and celebrate, they looked like uncivilized tribal idol worshipers.

time is mysterious game changer ! what is sowed will be reaped. instilling this sense of hatred in people can go far and wide and tomorrow this hate idol can be SMS by the very people who worship him.

Time is ticking and SMS may be inching closer to his father's plight. waiting to be paraded dummified, still and blank on a paalkhi with prayers echoing of ghanu jeevo. a soul locked into motionless body !

Seems like god must be kind on SKQ to release him from this world's torment, while SMS will go on to live 100 plus, how ? only time can show !

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Universaldad » Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:21 am

Gentleman wrote:
Seems like god must be kind on SKQ to release him from this world's torment, while SMS will go on to live 100 plus, how ? only time can show !
SMS will live long life just like this father with suffering and long lasting humiliation and his followers will feel same pain under his leadership which is already evident.
So much hate, anguish and frustration in the Qutbi and Munafakeen lot !

For all the condemnation of the Dawoodi Bohra communities reaction to the demise of KQ, majority of community is in fact indifferent to his end. Pity KQ was not able to see the conclusion of the court case which is bound to be won by Syedna Muffadal Saifuddin TUS.

Taher Khuzeima is best fit as a star on America's Funniest Home video and on youtube. I wish him all the very best for this.

On a separate note, does anyone have information on where KQ's funeral was ? Is it true that the family is moving the remains to Thana as reported in the newspapers?

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by kimanumanu » Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:44 am

Janaza Program

Per the wishes of Syedna Qutbuddin, his successor Syedna Taher Fakhruddin has decided to bring Syedna Qutbuddin’s janaza mubaraka to India for janaza prayers and last rites. We are working on completing all the procedures and we will inform Mumineen of the date and time of the janaza prayers and dafan (burial) soon.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Universaldad » Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:21 am

kimanumanu wrote:

Janaza Program

Per the wishes of Syedna Qutbuddin, his successor Syedna Taher Fakhruddin has decided to bring Syedna Qutbuddin’s janaza mubaraka to India for janaza prayers and last rites. We are working on completing all the procedures and we will inform Mumineen of the date and time of the janaza prayers and dafan (burial) soon.
Sad... why is the janaza of KQ being delayed for burial? Its been over three days now !!! TF should have atleast buried his father before doing the bayan and making his claim. Guess like father like son. KQ did the same... When Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA passed away, rather than attend the janaza mubarak, he fled and wrote letters about his fictitious claim and created websites to support the same. The wheel turns a full circle....

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by noor5253 » Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:44 am

Universaldad wrote:
kimanumanu wrote:

Janaza Program

Per the wishes of Syedna Qutbuddin, his successor Syedna Taher Fakhruddin has decided to bring Syedna Qutbuddin’s janaza mubaraka to India for janaza prayers and last rites. We are working on completing all the procedures and we will inform Mumineen of the date and time of the janaza prayers and dafan (burial) soon.
Sad... why is the janaza of KQ being delayed for burial? Its been over three days now !!! TF should have atleast buried his father before doing the bayan and making his claim. Guess like father like son. KQ did the same... When Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA passed away, rather than attend the janaza mubarak, he fled and wrote letters about his fictitious claim and created websites to support the same. The wheel turns a full circle....
So true.. You have to see everything in this world...even after dying..

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by noor5253 » Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:54 am

humanbeing wrote:"Wa Inna Lillahe, wa inna ilahye rajeoon"

Saddened by demise of SKQ. and my sincere apologies for writing demanding efforts from him to tour bohra rural areas to reach out to non-netizen abde crowd. I could understand now, his health must be a challenge to facilitate mobility and that to into a hostile territory. Can a SKQ follower write some insights into his last days. what happened ? what were his sufferings.

SMS camp as usual are venomous and yet another time crossed limits of decency. I feel good, they are on thier ignorant way to condemnation. Seeing them dance and celebrate, they looked like uncivilized tribal idol worshipers.

time is mysterious game changer ! what is sowed will be reaped. instilling this sense of hatred in people can go far and wide and tomorrow this hate idol can be SMS by the very people who worship him.

Time is ticking and SMS may be inching closer to his father's plight. waiting to be paraded dummified, still and blank on a paalkhi with prayers echoing of ghanu jeevo. a soul locked into motionless body !

Seems like god must be kind on SKQ to release him from this world's torment, while SMS will go on to live 100 plus, how ? only time can show !
Actually we are already seeing everything here already. We saw the health of KQ failing.. We saw how they lost the childrens case in US and kaalu moh thayu...Then we see three days and still not buried.. ... traditions
Embalming and cosmetology are not allowed unless required by state or federal law. Because of the prohibition on embalming and the urgency with which the body must be buried, it is not possible to transport the body from one country to another. Many Muslims living in America have a desire to be buried in the country of their ancestry, and this cultural practice, while acceptable in some communities, is in conflict with shariah. So. even TBs practices are in conflict with Shariah.. Aage aage dekho hota hai kya.. This guy(TB) is going to shock the Qutbis even more with his actions.

I do not condone making fun of the dead.. even if it was KQ.. but. imagine his anguish after dying that his idiot son is still making preparations to send him to India.. Three days have passed and TB is still sitting in the US.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:48 am

I agree with the above poster. The ignorance about Islam and its teachings displayed by the islamic leaders of the bohra community, on both side, is unmatched. He should've been buried as soon as possible. Trying to bring the body here is only going to cause more fitnah with the idiot leader on the other side and his even more idiotic followers who will do more idiotic things to prevent a normal burial.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Aminullah » Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:14 am

Actually we are already seeing everything here already. We saw the health of KQ failing.. We saw how they lost the childrens case in US and kaalu moh thayu...Then we see three days and still not buried..
after killing Imam Hussain in Karbala, Yazidi said same things, they said if Hussain was on Haq he would not have been killed like this, they started mocking on his shadat. they started throwing accusations on Imam Hussain and wanted to show the world that Yazid is true khalifa. they started laughing-dancing and beating drums in happiness. and we all can see mufaddalis are doing the same.

I dont blame you, its just that you are in team of modern yazid and you are just doing your job. carry on.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by SBM » Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:17 am

Sad... why is the janaza of KQ being delayed for burial
And why was STS burial took so many days he died in Khandala and was brought back to Bombay and took almost 3 days before he was buried
like father like son I suppose

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Qadir » Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:08 pm

Dear SBM,

I know you are not happy with our community enjoying someone's death.But please see to it that you do not post wrong information on sensitive topics.

STS did not die in Khandala but in Matheran and his janaza was buried on the 2nd day of his Wafat on a barren land on which later Raudat Tahera is built.

You say you are reformists yet you contradict your thoughts, If STS would have been buried in matheran would it be convenient to hold a funeral there and erecting a mausoleum there on a hill station. Matheran is a hill station where people go for vacation not for pilgrimage that is why he was brought to Mumbai according to me.

There is no point of bringing KQ bhaisaheb's janaza all the way to India. There are State and Govn. procedures to follow which may take long to complete so for that period of time his body will be stored in cold temperature. This is not what i expected of "Well Educated Shezadas of KQ bhaisaheb" who have more knowlegde about Islam Shariat than those in Jamea.

He can be buried there in USA as soon as possible because Islam prohibits this kind of practices.

Thanks, Qadir

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Qadir » Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:16 pm

Aminullah wrote:
Actually we are already seeing everything here already. We saw the health of KQ failing.. We saw how they lost the childrens case in US and kaalu moh thayu...Then we see three days and still not buried..
after killing Imam Hussain in Karbala, Yazidi said same things, they said if Hussain was on Haq he would not have been killed like this, they started mocking on his shadat. they started throwing accusations on Imam Hussain and wanted to show the world that Yazid is true khalifa. they started laughing-dancing and beating drums in happiness. and we all can see mufaddalis are doing the same.

I dont blame you, its just that you are in team of modern yazid and you are just doing your job. carry on.
Have you lost it??

How can you relate Aashura with present situation. I know some "nonsense foolish people" did burst crackers and Jamea students were dancing and celebrating. 60% bohras do not approve of this kind of behavior from the community. We still have not heard from our Moula Syedna Aaliqadr Mufaddal Saifuddin (T.U.S) which i believe we will soon.

Please do not judge a community or our moula by behavior of mere 100 foolish bohras' behavior.

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Re: Khozema Qutbuddin is no more?


Unread post by Aminullah » Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:17 pm

Qadir wrote:
Aminullah wrote:
after killing Imam Hussain in Karbala, Yazidi said same things, they said if Hussain was on Haq he would not have been killed like this, they started mocking on his shadat. they started throwing accusations on Imam Hussain and wanted to show the world that Yazid is true khalifa. they started laughing-dancing and beating drums in happiness. and we all can see mufaddalis are doing the same.

I dont blame you, its just that you are in team of modern yazid and you are just doing your job. carry on.
Have you lost it??

How can you relate Aashura with present situation. I know some "nonsense foolish people" did burst crackers and Jamea students were dancing and celebrating. 60% bohras do not approve of this kind of behavior from the community. We still have not heard from our Moula Syedna Aaliqadr Mufaddal Saifuddin (T.U.S) which i believe we will soon.

Please do not judge a community or our moula by behavior of mere 100 foolish bohras' behavior.
History keeps repeating my brother, and those who have haqiqi eyes can see the truth from miles away.

if it was some normal people celebrating this it would be okay, but this celebration came from highest institution of dawat which is JAMIYA. and we all know mufaddal saifuddin has tight grip over jamiya.

in jamiya "parinda bhi par nathi maarta without mufaddal saifuddin raza" and there is no doubt this celebration was done with raza from MS.

either you are too masoom or really stupid that you cant see this.
Last edited by Aminullah on Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.