Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmi


Unread post by Mkenya » Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:18 pm

GM Bhai,
Let us hear your version now. I also retaliate with AZ's question as to why did you start this thread?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmi


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:21 pm

Mkenya wrote:GM Bhai,
Let us hear your version now. I also retaliate with AZ's question as to why did you start this thread?
Bro Mkenya,

As bro AZ has already spelled out the details and to which Iam in total agreement hence there is nothing left for me to say and I had also said earlier :-
ghulam muhammed wrote:Bro Al Zulfiqar,

I couldn't have said it better, you have summed it up perfectly !!

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmi


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:09 pm

Gm bhai, thanks for the information on Brahmins. Even i had heard this several times that we are from Brahmin.

But it is also believed that we were converted from Vohru (traders from Surat) group and hence we are called as Bohra and as we are followers of Syedna Dawood bin qutubshah we are known as Dawoodi Bohra.

If possible can you please help me to know how are we linked to brahmin. Thanks.

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmi


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:28 am

it is also proudly claimed by dai that they are progeny of bharmal and tarmal
a rajput and not brahmins.

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmi


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:22 am

I think I had found this tree on this forum somewhere.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:31 pm

Dalit girl beaten up as her shadow falls on high caste muscleman

CHATTARPUR, MP: In a shocking incident, a minor Dalit girl was allegedly beaten up by higher caste women in Ganeshpura village here after the victim's shadow fell on a muscleman belonging to their family, police said on Tuesday.

According to the complaint lodged by the girl's father, the problem began when his daughter was fetching water from a village hand pump and her shadow fell on muscleman Puran Yadav (belonging to a higher caste) when he happened to pass by, the ASP said.

The episode enraged the family of the muscleman to such an extent that the women of the family severely beat the girl and threatened that if she was spotted again at the hand pump, they would kill her, he said.

Yadav's family also prevented the victim from going to police station, but they somehow managed to reach there. A case under sections 323, 341, 506 of the IPC has been registered against the accused and further investigation is under way.

In several remote pockets of India, where untouchability is still prevalent, people from the lower caste are forbidden to come in contact with those belonging to the higher rung so much so that they can't share their food, cook for them or even look them in the eye. It is even forbidden for their shadow to fall on higher caste people, who consider it as defiling or polluting. ... 691186.cms

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:39 pm

Upper caste men 'urinate' in dalit youth's mouth in Tamil Nadu

KRISHNAGIRI: A group of non-dalits in a Tamil Nadu village allegedly attacked a 20-year-old dalit youth and urinated in his mouth. The incident happened during a temple festival at Karuvanur in Krishnagiri district on March 2.

"Police officials told me that they would extort money from the non-dalits in return for not registering a case against them. So, we have decided to take up this issue to the court," ... 605853.cms

Jats crush 3 dalits under tractors in Rajasthan

AJMER/ JAIPUR: Hundreds of dalits from Nagaur district's Dangawas and surrounding villages fled for their lives on Friday after the region's dominant upper caste, the jats, mowed down three dalits under tractors, and grievously wounded a dozen others following the flaring up of a decades' old land dispute. The jat violence followed firing by dalits in which one dominant caste member was killed on Thursday.

No arrest was made despite some horrific crimes committed against dalit women, including their molestation, beating, and repeated attempts to disrobe them. Many of them are battling crippling injuries in different hospitals.

On Friday, hundreds of armed attackers reached the hospital at Merta City and surrounded it to prevent doctors from treating the injured dalits. Police force from half-a-dozen police stations had to be called to ensure medical treatment to the injured, some of whom were later taken to Ajmer.

Dangawas's six dalit women being treated in Ajmer's JLN hospital alleged that the attackers molested them. Some of them suffered multiple fractures in hands and legs. A 25-year-old woman wept in the hospital speaking about how the attackers tore off her blouse and tried to strip her on the disputed f land. She got 15 stitches on her head. "They tried to rape me and abused me," the woman said.

Another woman said, "Four attackers tried to remove my 'ghaghra' (skirt) and tried to thrust a stick inside."

A third woman said, "They pulled me by my hair for about 50 metres, tore off my clothes and hit my legs with iron-rods." ... 304040.cms

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:38 pm


India’s unparalleled revolutionary leader B.R.Ambedkar’s infamous dictum is ‘Educate, Agitate, Organise,’ none of which the Indian Brahmanical state wants the 200 million Dalits (former untouchables) to do and this intentional objective of the state was exemplified in the death of an young Dalit scholar Rohit Vemula of University of Hyderabad who aspired to become like Carl Sagan.

The only fault of him was, he was a Dalit that too someone who was conscious of his identity and followed the footsteps of Ambedkar involved in the construction of a Dalit selfhood and claimed himself as a Dalit-Marxist, a political category propagated and made famous among the student community by comrade Chittibabu Padavala.

As president of Ambedkar Students Association Rohit worked hard to forge a Dalit-Muslim solidarity and fought against food fascism by organising beef festivals a visibly upsetting political exercise for the right wing Hindutva forces in the state who had earlier in another educational institution of higher learning had tried hard to foil the establishment of a study circle on Ambedkar but in vain. A whole young generation of conscious Ambedkarites is the most threatening factor for these right wing forces.

What followed was arm-twisting by the Hindutva politicians and the casteist university administration, which succumbed to it and expelled five Dalit students. The expelled students continued their protest by staging a sleep-in-protest within the campus, however as a result of deep inflicted psychological pain, one of the students committed suicide leaving a note depicting the cruelty of caste, he wrote, “ The value of a man is reduced to his immediate identity and nearest possibility to a vote, a number to a thing, never was man treated as a mind.” This evaluation of what is being valued it is not mind but identity which in practical terms does count in the most hierarchical society in the world leaves us with what Gopal Guru famously formulated as the Theoretical Brahmins and Empirical Shudras where the latter is a matter of mere numbers while the former is associated with cognition.

The brahmanical state follows certain uniformity when it comes to dealing with the Dalits, they practice humiliation to an disgusting extent. The state, which was not able to provide a dignified life to Dalits at least should guarantee a honourable final journey. More like the recent incident that happened in Tamil Nadu where a 100 year old Dalit man whose funeral procession was prevented by caste Hindus despite a High Court Order which finally saw the police instead of implementing the HC Order were found carrying the body doing the cremation. In Rohit Vemula’s case too, the state after seeing the students assemble in huge numbers sensed that they would showcase the anger towards state secretly without a grain of respect for the departed soul hurriedly did the cremation.

The educational institutions in India are largely nothing but an extension of rural life marked by caste rigidity for most of the Dalit students, the only difference is caste is tangible in the latter case while in the former it is a combination of visible forms of caste practices and also more subtler forms. The caste discrimination starts from the level of primary schools where once can cite numerous cases of Dalit kids being asked to clean toilets to use separate utensils to eat and drink. And it is also a common phenomenon to witness social boycott of Dalits as mid day meal programme cooks. Citing ritual pollution the caste Hindu parents would make their children go hungry than eat food cooked by a Dalit. In a recent incident, a Dalit kid was asked by his teacher to remove faecal material in front of fellow students using bare hands. Ashamed by this act the kid went into a psychological affect and has developed an obsession to wash his hands. Suspecting changes in behaviour the parents probed the kid to find out what happened and after strong protests the caste Hindu teacher was arrested. This is one among numerous cases we see in what are called as “spaces of learning.” Coloured wrist bands as a form of identification of their respective castes is a common feature in most of the schools in the rural and semi urban pockets of southern Tamil Nadu and a few areas in Northern Tamil Nadu.

You can pick any random Dalit and inquire him about caste discrimination in classrooms there would be a tale to tell, the perpetual psychological fear of being discriminated against and humiliated based on their identity is a lived experience that every Dalit has to undergo inside educational institutions in India. Many are in fact living their lives masquerading their identity for want of caste discrimination. As deftly put forward in a recent piece by Meena Kandasamy,“ Education has now become a disciplining enterprise working against Dalit students: they are constantly under threat of rustication, expulsion, defamation, discontinuation.” By restricting social interaction the Dalit students are thus faced with deprivation of capabilities, a common feature practiced and perfected by caste Hindus in educational institutions to maintain and safeguard their caste privileges.

The percentage of Dalit students who enter higher educational institutions are meagre in number and even they are not spared. In the name of accumulated privilege over centuries in the form of both cultural and social capital the upper caste Hindus function within an invented realm called meritocracy. Entering the corridors of elite educational institutions like Indian Institute of Technologies (IIT) and Indian Institute of Managements and Central Universities for scores of Dalit students is like walking into hell, the fear of being shamed and humiliated based on birth status hangs like a Damocles sword above their heads. After years of relentless struggles in their everyday lives they reach these institutions only to get caught in the entanglement of the most-unfair game of caste based micro power politics. It was no wonder why given nature of its exclusivity the IIT’s were dubbed as Iyer and Iyengar Technology, a stronghold of brahminical supremacy.

Root of the Problem

The root of this problem definitely lies with the caste Hindus who are nurtured and brought up in a feudal mindset and even the progressive among them carry a patronizing self as pointed out clearly by Ambedkar,

It is usual to hear all those who feel moved by the deplorable condition of the Untouchables unburden themselves by uttering the cry; We must do something for the Untouchables. One seldom hears any of the persons interested in the problem saying, ‘Let us do something to change the Touchable Hindu. It is invariably assumed that the object to be reclaimed is the Untouchables. If there is to be a mission, it must be to the Untouchables and if the Untouchables can be cured, untouchability will vanish. Nothing requires to be done to the Touchable. He is sound in mind, manners and morals. He is whole; there is nothing wrong with him. Is this assumption correct? Whether correct or not, the Hindus like to cling to it. The assumption has the supreme merit of satisfying themselves that they are not responsible for the problem of the Untouchables.

The idea of caste Hindus to empathise and sympathise with the Dalit cause needs to be shunned, instead they should all question their own selves and accept the bitter truth that they as part of this brahmanical structure indeed failed not only to see annihilation of caste as a praxis but used it as a mere rhetoric. The guilt as practitioners of the most carefully planned hierarchichal system should haunt them as they in a way by remaining silent also played a part resulting in the death of Rohit Vemulas, Senthil Kumars and Nagaraju Koppalas. Ambedkar both as a symbol and an ideologue remains as the ‘weapon of the weak’ in India and carrying his ideals let us march forward to brazen out the social distinctions, inequalities and injustices of a caste-ridden society. ... -in-india/

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by dawedaar » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:44 pm

Such a long write up. The length itself put me to sleep!

India’s unparalleled revolutionary leader B.R.Ambedkar’s infamous dictum is ‘Educate, Agitate, Organise,’ none of which the Indian Brahmanical state wants the 200 million Dalits (former untouchables) to do and this intentional objective of the state was exemplified in the death of an young Dalit scholar Rohit Vemula of University of Hyderabad who aspired to become like Carl Sagan.

The only fault of him was, he was a Dalit that too someone who was conscious of his identity and followed the footsteps of Ambedkar involved in the construction of a Dalit selfhood and claimed himself as a Dalit-Marxist, a political category propagated and made famous among the student community by comrade Chittibabu Padavala.

As president of Ambedkar Students Association Rohit worked hard to forge a Dalit-Muslim solidarity and fought against food fascism by organising beef festivals a visibly upsetting political exercise for the right wing Hindutva forces in the state who had earlier in another educational institution of higher learning had tried hard to foil the establishment of a study circle on Ambedkar but in vain. A whole young generation of conscious Ambedkarites is the most threatening factor for these right wing forces.

What followed was arm-twisting by the Hindutva politicians and the casteist university administration, which succumbed to it and expelled five Dalit students. The expelled students continued their protest by staging a sleep-in-protest within the campus, however as a result of deep inflicted psychological pain, one of the students committed suicide leaving a note depicting the cruelty of caste, he wrote, “ The value of a man is reduced to his immediate identity and nearest possibility to a vote, a number to a thing, never was man treated as a mind.” This evaluation of what is being valued it is not mind but identity which in practical terms does count in the most hierarchical society in the world leaves us with what Gopal Guru famously formulated as the Theoretical Brahmins and Empirical Shudras where the latter is a matter of mere numbers while the former is associated with cognition.

The brahmanical state follows certain uniformity when it comes to dealing with the Dalits, they practice humiliation to an disgusting extent. The state, which was not able to provide a dignified life to Dalits at least should guarantee a honourable final journey. More like the recent incident that happened in Tamil Nadu where a 100 year old Dalit man whose funeral procession was prevented by caste Hindus despite a High Court Order which finally saw the police instead of implementing the HC Order were found carrying the body doing the cremation. In Rohit Vemula’s case too, the state after seeing the students assemble in huge numbers sensed that they would showcase the anger towards state secretly without a grain of respect for the departed soul hurriedly did the cremation.

The educational institutions in India are largely nothing but an extension of rural life marked by caste rigidity for most of the Dalit students, the only difference is caste is tangible in the latter case while in the former it is a combination of visible forms of caste practices and also more subtler forms. The caste discrimination starts from the level of primary schools where once can cite numerous cases of Dalit kids being asked to clean toilets to use separate utensils to eat and drink. And it is also a common phenomenon to witness social boycott of Dalits as mid day meal programme cooks. Citing ritual pollution the caste Hindu parents would make their children go hungry than eat food cooked by a Dalit. In a recent incident, a Dalit kid was asked by his teacher to remove faecal material in front of fellow students using bare hands. Ashamed by this act the kid went into a psychological affect and has developed an obsession to wash his hands. Suspecting changes in behaviour the parents probed the kid to find out what happened and after strong protests the caste Hindu teacher was arrested. This is one among numerous cases we see in what are called as “spaces of learning.” Coloured wrist bands as a form of identification of their respective castes is a common feature in most of the schools in the rural and semi urban pockets of southern Tamil Nadu and a few areas in Northern Tamil Nadu.

You can pick any random Dalit and inquire him about caste discrimination in classrooms there would be a tale to tell, the perpetual psychological fear of being discriminated against and humiliated based on their identity is a lived experience that every Dalit has to undergo inside educational institutions in India. Many are in fact living their lives masquerading their identity for want of caste discrimination. As deftly put forward in a recent piece by Meena Kandasamy,“ Education has now become a disciplining enterprise working against Dalit students: they are constantly under threat of rustication, expulsion, defamation, discontinuation.” By restricting social interaction the Dalit students are thus faced with deprivation of capabilities, a common feature practiced and perfected by caste Hindus in educational institutions to maintain and safeguard their caste privileges.

The percentage of Dalit students who enter higher educational institutions are meagre in number and even they are not spared. In the name of accumulated privilege over centuries in the form of both cultural and social capital the upper caste Hindus function within an invented realm called meritocracy. Entering the corridors of elite educational institutions like Indian Institute of Technologies (IIT) and Indian Institute of Managements and Central Universities for scores of Dalit students is like walking into hell, the fear of being shamed and humiliated based on birth status hangs like a Damocles sword above their heads. After years of relentless struggles in their everyday lives they reach these institutions only to get caught in the entanglement of the most-unfair game of caste based micro power politics. It was no wonder why given nature of its exclusivity the IIT’s were dubbed as Iyer and Iyengar Technology, a stronghold of brahminical supremacy.

Root of the Problem

The root of this problem definitely lies with the caste Hindus who are nurtured and brought up in a feudal mindset and even the progressive among them carry a patronizing self as pointed out clearly by Ambedkar,

It is usual to hear all those who feel moved by the deplorable condition of the Untouchables unburden themselves by uttering the cry; We must do something for the Untouchables. One seldom hears any of the persons interested in the problem saying, ‘Let us do something to change the Touchable Hindu. It is invariably assumed that the object to be reclaimed is the Untouchables. If there is to be a mission, it must be to the Untouchables and if the Untouchables can be cured, untouchability will vanish. Nothing requires to be done to the Touchable. He is sound in mind, manners and morals. He is whole; there is nothing wrong with him. Is this assumption correct? Whether correct or not, the Hindus like to cling to it. The assumption has the supreme merit of satisfying themselves that they are not responsible for the problem of the Untouchables.

The idea of caste Hindus to empathise and sympathise with the Dalit cause needs to be shunned, instead they should all question their own selves and accept the bitter truth that they as part of this brahmanical structure indeed failed not only to see annihilation of caste as a praxis but used it as a mere rhetoric. The guilt as practitioners of the most carefully planned hierarchichal system should haunt them as they in a way by remaining silent also played a part resulting in the death of Rohit Vemulas, Senthil Kumars and Nagaraju Koppalas. Ambedkar both as a symbol and an ideologue remains as the ‘weapon of the weak’ in India and carrying his ideals let us march forward to brazen out the social distinctions, inequalities and injustices of a caste-ridden society. ... -in-india/

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:46 pm

American Scientist Proves Brahmins are Foreigners

Michael Bamshad has published his DNA report in ‘Human Genome’ in 2001 at an international level. Due to this DNA report it is proved scientifically that Brahmins are foreigners in India but Brahmins are completely silent on this issue. However; Mulnivasi Bahujan people must be aware of this report. The World has now approved this fact that Brahmins are foreigners in India. The Brahmins have enslaved all Indians by creating ignorance among them. However; now Brahmins can’t hide this fact that they are foreigners because this fact is now highlighted all over the World. A well known scientist of Utah University named Michael Bamshad has tremendously indebted the entire native Indians by publishing this report at an international level.

After staying for about half decade in India, he has done a tremendous work of finding the genetic origin of Indians. The title of his report is – “Genetic evidence on the Origins of Indian Caste Population”. He presented this scientific report on origin of the Indians castes in 2001 in front of the World and the World too, acclaimed his grand work. The Brahmin- Baniya media of India however tried to hide this report from the general people so as to keep them ignorant from this surprising report. With the help of the genetic science, Indians also wanted to know as how Brahmins created the castes and how they divided the majority of Indians into 6000 different castes and how they ruled on them instead of being in minority? Not a single Indian media tried to highlight this matter in front of the people. However, the nationwide organization of BAMCEF created awareness all over the country. RSS and its allied other Brahmanical organizations tried to divert this issue unsuccessfully. One of their cunning tactics is to kill the issue by neglecting it. The Brahmins in India didn’t discuss a single word on this issue. They attempted to kill this sensitive issue by neglecting it. However; they couldn’t succeed in it because the nationwide organizations of BAMCEF and Bharat Mukti Morcha had done a continuous nationwide awareness campaign on this matter. Now, we have decided to hand over this report directly to the public. This scientific research would improve their thinking on this reality.

Michael Bamshad is a famous international personality. He had written a letter legally to the Indian Government seeking for permission to do DNA research in India. The Indian Government had given him permission too. He had done his research in the Defense Research Development Organization (DRDO), Hyderabad. The Indian Government had given him not only permission to do his research but also given a team with him. Michael Bamshad himself was associated with the group of 18 scientists. Along with 6 Indian Universities, 7 American scientific organizations were also involved in this research.

FULL ARTICLE :- ... oreigners/

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by canadian » Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:04 pm

So foreigner Brahmins enslaved local Indians? Well, Bohras are mainly from Gujarat and see who enslaved them- the “dais” from Yemen! And just like Brahmins the “dais” are now claiming that they are descendant from Raja Bharmal and Fakhruddin Shaheed!

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:04 am

nothing new in it.
india has been invaded by foreigners since many thousand years by all people of the world, except usa.
so it is but natural that many people settled or had sexual relations as was the norm in that era.
india can correctly be called a country of migrants like usa

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by think » Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:49 am

The dai family and for all practical purposes the bohras never came from the brahmins. It is a misconception and is done just to make one better than the other.
Go back into history and your common sense. who in his right mind would convert from a "everything mine" Brahman religion to a new bohri religion and that too an import from Yemen. It is only the harassed and lowly of society who suffer at the hands of the super brahmins that would think of changing their religion for respect and a better food plate. In India as well as in Pakistan you will see many a Christians who at one time were hindu bhangi's, cleaning gutters and other meager jobs. They converted into Christianity and now they wear a babu dress (shirt and pants) instead of a lunghi and teach in christian schools and other clerical jobs and because of change in religion have a bettered their position in society. So please doctor, do not be under the wrong notion that your family left the ever rich and high status Brahmin society to change into an import religion from Yemen.

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by Maqbool » Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:07 pm

We bohras are converted from brahmins who was traders but the kasre aa Alis are converted from the priest class who believes in "var maro, kanya maro, pan gor maharaj ni handi bharo"

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by think » Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:14 pm

studying the culture of ghaswalas and vaswalas and many other varieties of bohras in the middle east , I beg to differ that bohras come from brahmins. Just because one is good at buying cheap and selling high does not make one superior. That is a no brainier.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:48 pm

Maqbool wrote:We bohras are converted from brahmins who was traders but the kasre aa Alis are converted from the priest class who believes in "var maro, kanya maro, pan gor maharaj ni handi bharo"
This is a myth drilled into Bohra minds since decades, in fact even the Sawaa Man (1.25 quintals) Janoi story is a fairytale which finds no mention in any of the early Bohra literatures. Bohras were orginally Hindus belonging to either Rajput, Baniya or other lower castes. Their slave mentality exhibits their inherent DNA in more ways then one.

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by humanbeing » Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:14 am

There is a theory which states that, Brahmins are from arya samaj, which are basically the Aryan race who migrated from ural mountains from Eastern Europe. These aryans were white skin/blue eyed race following paganism or different kinds of idol worship. Paganism too has evolved from variety of idol worshipping concepts possibly practiced in eastern Europe such as Greece and Balkans. Having discovered or practicing religion in those times, I assume they were organized and clever enough to understand power of monopolizing faith. Migration being inherent nature of humankind, they migrated to conquer and rule more lands and its resources.

Meanwhile India was a land with its unique geo-social culture fenced with korakoram range, Himalayas, thar desert and indian ocean. A leeway into subcontinent was flourishing, fertile and habitable indus river valley. Aryans seems to have settled for this fertile valley and continued to migrate to deeper subcontinent filled with dense forest with its different tribal societies. Aryans would have entered the tribal societies impressing them with farming technologies and knowledge they possessed. Very fertile opportunity to install any kind of religious theory into minds of bewildered or amused tribal societies merging their local theories of worshipping to their organized knowledge of religion.

What followed is evolution of Hinduism into this unifying force, categorized caste system on basis of color, creed and occupation lead by clever minority of Aryan Brahmins. At the core, all religions have the same basic fundamental formula. Concept of heaven up in sky and hell down the earth. Heaven being a state of eternal comfort and hell being eternal state of agony, Life after death, intercessors.

Fast forwarding to migration of Yemeni Dais to india, where indian society had evolved into this submissive caste based society, no doubt Fatimid Imams viewed india as fertile land to propagate their faith with less resistance as compared to hostile threat they were facing in MENA region from abbasid empire. Their imams and relatives being assassinated one after another, a far away india was a safe haven to sustain Fatimid dynasty.

Fatimid dynasty in some and many ways has also evolved from mixed interaction of Islamic and categorized supremacy of paganistic cultures. One can go back in history and connect the dots, to see Aryans had travelled to middle east too importing paganism to Arabian peninsula. We see a hierarchy in Fatimid empire as well, Imam being at the top of affairs, then levels and cadres of Dais and hudoods and sheikhs and stuff to keep the masses in check. any claim to superiority by a lower band was blasphemy and invited supreme wrath of the superior.

India being a new game ground, Imams and Dais played a wonderful role to tap the tired, bored and oppressed masses, giving them an opportunity in a new system, which is more or less the same deal in a new fancy package and perks. Brahmins being Brahmins were smart enough to not admit to lower caste roles and embraced the inevitable change as leaders continuing with their rule in the new game.

Fast forward to today and bohraism is regressing back in speed to the caste system of Hinduism altogether with fancy titles and roles. While bohra leadership is playing age old power politics to keep the upper caste hindu majority of the country in good books to survive, thrive and prosper. Hoodwinking the bohra masses in believing that, they too are of upper caste origins yet treated, pushed, shoved and exploited like lower caste masses.

above views are of my own, derived from reading various theories of migration, history and origins of people and religion. I am open to be corrected and learn new view points and facts.

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by Siddiqua » Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:56 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:
Maqbool wrote:We bohras are converted from brahmins who was traders but the kasre aa Alis are converted from the priest class who believes in "var maro, kanya maro, pan gor maharaj ni handi bharo"
This is a myth drilled into Bohra minds since decades, in fact even the Sawaa Man (1.25 quintals) Janoi story is a fairytale which finds no mention in any of the early Bohra literatures. Bohras were orginally Hindus belonging to either Rajput, Baniya or other lower castes. Their slave mentality exhibits their inherent DNA in more ways then one.
Bhaiya, check the point number 5 in the following link: And then ready point number 4.
Last edited by Siddiqua on Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by Al-Noor » Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:59 am

sorry to generalize but you all are morons....we all are actually son and daughters of Adam and EVE and they were nothing but muslims (submitters to ALLAH's will) if you really want to go in past go to the end and research.


sudhras who turn to Islam can be better muslims than compare to ayyash muffy and his chillar party.
Last edited by Al-Noor on Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by Siddiqua » Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:04 am

Al-Noor wrote:sorry to generalize but you all are morons....we all are actually son and daughters of Adam and EVE and they were nothing but muslims (submitters to ALLAH's will) if you really want to go in past go to the end and research.

Al-Noor bhaiya, but Blacky-Shia don't believe in your contention! They think they are coming from nymphs and Jinns! Read point number 15 in link

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu May 26, 2016 6:26 pm

Dalit Woman Stripped Naked And Force Fed With Urine In Madhya Pradesh ... a-pradesh/

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by think » Fri May 27, 2016 9:45 am

but now came noah nabi and the whole world was drowned so, we are actually children of noah nabi

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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by bohraji » Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:33 pm

Surprisingly the Sawa mann Janoi story is shared by many other muslim communities. There is a village near Surat called Kim where there is a long kabar of around 40 feet said to contain around 200 shaheeds who had come from Arabia to help the local Muslims form the non muslim oppressors. I had been there and at a tea stall nearby ,I was told about another mazaar in a nearby town ,where the buried sahib had converted so many Hindu Brahmins that the discarded janoi weighed Sawa Mann. Wait thats not finished as yet. few months back we had hosted a dinner for an old muslim gentleman at home . He is an ex principal of an Urdu School in Ahmedabad and had just come back from a tour of Maharashtra with his wife. In a town in Maharashtra, he had visited a Mazaar and the buried saint was accredited with the same sawa mann story.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:58 pm

bohraji wrote:Surprisingly the Sawa mann Janoi story is shared by many other muslim communities. There is a village near Surat called Kim where there is a long kabar of around 40 feet said to contain around 200 shaheeds who had come from Arabia to help the local Muslims form the non muslim oppressors. I had been there and at a tea stall nearby ,I was told about another mazaar in a nearby town ,where the buried sahib had converted so many Hindu Brahmins that the discarded janoi weighed Sawa Mann. Wait thats not finished as yet. few months back we had hosted a dinner for an old muslim gentleman at home . He is an ex principal of an Urdu School in Ahmedabad and had just come back from a tour of Maharashtra with his wife. In a town in Maharashtra, he had visited a Mazaar and the buried saint was accredited with the same sawa mann story.
The "Sawa Mann Janoi" fairytale is just a myth drilled in the minds of gullible abdes by past 2 Dais just to create a sense of superiority complex among abdes who then look down upon mainstream Muslims as "Ola Musalmaan" These Dais themselves are waghadias and as far as I know, this "Sawa Mann Janoi" myth does not appear in any old Bohra literatures.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras Proudly Say We Were Brahmins. Now, Who Are Brahmins ?


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:04 pm

For last six years, no Scheduled Caste judge sent to Supreme Court

None of the current high court chief justices belong to the Scheduled Caste, which comprises over 16 per cent of the country’s population.

EVER SINCE former Chief Justice of India K G Balakrishnan retired on May 11, 2010, no judge belonging to the Scheduled Caste has been elevated to the Supreme Court. Also, none of the current high court chief justices belong to the Scheduled Caste, which comprises over 16 per cent of the country’s population.

It is a similar story in the case of Scheduled Tribes as well.

During discussions in Parliament in August 2014 just before the MPs passed the NJAC Bill, there were questions about the inadequate representation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and minorities in higher judiciary. There were also demands for reservations for these sections in the higher judiciary, which, however, didn’t find favour with the government.

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