Bohra whatsapp duniya

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by Reporter » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:11 pm

*Forwarded as received*

Today, urus mubarak of Syedna Noor Mohammed Nooruddin RA, marks the anniversary of one of the greatest frauds in the recent history of the Dawoodi Bohra community. It was exactly seven years ago on this day that the Bohra community was hookwinked into believing that Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA had conferred nass on his son, Mufaddal.

On this seventh anniversary, let us recount seven lies told by Mufaddal. There are many more, but let's stick to seven for now.

1. Mufaddal says that nass can be changed. Could Rasulullah SAW, after having done nass on Maulana Ali AS, have changed the nass? When Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA did nass on Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA for the very first time, was that subject to change later? According to Mufaddal, answer is *YES*, both nass could have been changed because any nass can be superseded.

2. Mufaddal says that the position of the Imam does not have to pass from father to son. Anyone more than 15 years old today will have heard the phrase 'bawa pacchi farzand' used for the Imam, but this means nothing to Mufaddal. He does not understand it, and goes so far as to give _examples_ of where he thinks that an Imam did nass on someone other than his son. Do we really believe that someone who does not even understand one of the most basic concepts of religion can be a Dai?

3. Mufaddal keeps on repeating the phrase "Hubbul Watan minal Iman", but he himself does not believe it. In 2016 he went on a rant about khafz in his waaz and said explicitly that no matter what big governments say, what do they know? We should be strong and do what we must. All of a sudden, love for one's country went out the window. Has he no principles?

4. Mufaddal has no qualms about telling bald faced lies. He writes letters to Aligarh Muslim University, of which he is the chancellor, saying that he is too sick to receive the President of India. At the same time as writing a letter saying he is sick, he is travelling around the country, collecting ziyafat and qadam monies. Too sick to meet the President but healthy enough to manage his collections. If a Dai is supposed to be a pillar of truth, I guess one has to look elsewhere.

5. Mufaddal used to say that sajda can be done only to a Dai, and that is why nobody should do sajda to a Mazoon, and he stopped people from doing so, even though he and his brothers did so themselves earlier, which they accept. Because they accept it, they now come up with excuses why they have done it, and say that sajda is not only for Dai. It can be done to anyone as a form of greeting, or from any student to their teacher. I guess in Madrasah assemblies worldwide he should tell the students to do sajda to their teachers too. Hypocrisy, the lies change whenever it suits him.

6. Mufaddal is a big believer in *do what I say, not what I do*. He limits his followers to have weddings only in approved venues and to abstain from lavish displays. He limits the number of courses that are served at meals - that too under threat of witholding raza for events if his diktats are disobeyed. Whereas, wherever he goes there is pomp and pageantry and no prizes for guessing whether or not he limits himself to the 'one mithas and one kharas' that he mandates for his followers. If a leader doesn't lead by example, he is not a leader at all. When they go against their own teachings, they are a liar.

7. Mufaddal always says that in all respects he follows the example set by his father, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA. That indeed he acts as his father taught him to act. Nothing could be further from the truth. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was a gentle father - he chided his followers from time to time on certain matters but with love and affection. Never with threats. He brought people closer to deen by making them want to believe, drawing them closer. Mufaddal follows another model. He screams at people during waaz and then issues _dhamkis_ that if they don't comply, he will not see them. He makes people beg for forgiveness in public. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA led with love and compassion. Mufaddal governs through coercion and fear. So no, Mufaddal, don't lie and say that you follow the examples set by your father.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by Reporter » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:17 pm

Second day of unrest in Nasik masjid regarding hike in sabeel and other fees...

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by Qadir » Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:52 pm

Reporter wrote: Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:11 pm *Forwarded as received*

Today, urus mubarak of Syedna Noor Mohammed Nooruddin RA, marks the anniversary of one of the greatest frauds in the recent history of the Dawoodi Bohra community. It was exactly seven years ago on this day that the Bohra community was hookwinked into believing that Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA had conferred nass on his son, Mufaddal.

On this seventh anniversary, let us recount seven lies told by Mufaddal. There are many more, but let's stick to seven for now.

1. Mufaddal says that nass can be changed. Could Rasulullah SAW, after having done nass on Maulana Ali AS, have changed the nass? When Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA did nass on Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA for the very first time, was that subject to change later? According to Mufaddal, answer is *YES*, both nass could have been changed because any nass can be superseded.

2. Mufaddal says that the position of the Imam does not have to pass from father to son. Anyone more than 15 years old today will have heard the phrase 'bawa pacchi farzand' used for the Imam, but this means nothing to Mufaddal. He does not understand it, and goes so far as to give _examples_ of where he thinks that an Imam did nass on someone other than his son. Do we really believe that someone who does not even understand one of the most basic concepts of religion can be a Dai?

3. Mufaddal keeps on repeating the phrase "Hubbul Watan minal Iman", but he himself does not believe it. In 2016 he went on a rant about khafz in his waaz and said explicitly that no matter what big governments say, what do they know? We should be strong and do what we must. All of a sudden, love for one's country went out the window. Has he no principles?

4. Mufaddal has no qualms about telling bald faced lies. He writes letters to Aligarh Muslim University, of which he is the chancellor, saying that he is too sick to receive the President of India. At the same time as writing a letter saying he is sick, he is travelling around the country, collecting ziyafat and qadam monies. Too sick to meet the President but healthy enough to manage his collections. If a Dai is supposed to be a pillar of truth, I guess one has to look elsewhere.

5. Mufaddal used to say that sajda can be done only to a Dai, and that is why nobody should do sajda to a Mazoon, and he stopped people from doing so, even though he and his brothers did so themselves earlier, which they accept. Because they accept it, they now come up with excuses why they have done it, and say that sajda is not only for Dai. It can be done to anyone as a form of greeting, or from any student to their teacher. I guess in Madrasah assemblies worldwide he should tell the students to do sajda to their teachers too. Hypocrisy, the lies change whenever it suits him.

6. Mufaddal is a big believer in *do what I say, not what I do*. He limits his followers to have weddings only in approved venues and to abstain from lavish displays. He limits the number of courses that are served at meals - that too under threat of witholding raza for events if his diktats are disobeyed. Whereas, wherever he goes there is pomp and pageantry and no prizes for guessing whether or not he limits himself to the 'one mithas and one kharas' that he mandates for his followers. If a leader doesn't lead by example, he is not a leader at all. When they go against their own teachings, they are a liar.

7. Mufaddal always says that in all respects he follows the example set by his father, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA. That indeed he acts as his father taught him to act. Nothing could be further from the truth. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was a gentle father - he chided his followers from time to time on certain matters but with love and affection. Never with threats. He brought people closer to deen by making them want to believe, drawing them closer. Mufaddal follows another model. He screams at people during waaz and then issues _dhamkis_ that if they don't comply, he will not see them. He makes people beg for forgiveness in public. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA led with love and compassion. Mufaddal governs through coercion and fear. So no, Mufaddal, don't lie and say that you follow the examples set by your father.
1. Nope, Mufaddal Moula has never said that nass can be changed. You have got wrong information, you might wanna check your sources or provide evidence.

2. Yes, he has always said that Imamat passes from father to son, except Imam Hasan to Imam Husain (lets not ask why there, it would just be behurmati of darjah of Imam Hussain). Please give the example you are talking which Moula gave. Let me give you an example, Imam Jafar Us Sadiq (5th Imam) did nass on Imam Ismail (6th Imam), but Imam Ismail died before he could before Imam Jafar so Imam Mohammad bin Ismail (7th Imam) became Imam as Imam Jafar did nass on him. But still, we count Imam Mohammed as 7th Imam not 6th.

3. Well yes, he did say it and said it in India, where khafz is not illegal. Also, 'hubbul watan minal Iman' would not work if your nation has laws against Islam.

4. Oh are you some kind of magician that you can tell if a person is ill just by looking at photos of him/her. If you can you could help humanity in so many ways.
But if you can't, then you have no right to judge Mufaddal Moula. People in Indore paid money for ziafats and qadam by their own will and for their own faith. If its not your money then you have no right to comment on it. Also, Moula thought about these people even in his sickness because that is his job to give barakat to mumineen not go welcome president to a university of which he is a chancellor (The post was awarded to him he did not apply or gave interview for it also he is not paid for it but I am pretty sure he give donations to AMU, so he is not bound to go)

5. Once again, I said this in my other post, it was KQ's job to stop people to give sajda to him as he was mazoon and was at a higher darajah and claimingly had more ilm.

6. You are a bit confused between, khushi jaman and ziyafat. He believes to spend less on number of dishes and instead invite more people. But if you invite a guest to your house there is no limit to it.
Also, have you ever observed a ziyafat. Because if you don't know it goes this way: Moula's chef comes to your home, cooks food for moula, if you want to make something by yourselves, he will guide you how moula prefers it and you can give that.
Now, moula will only have a bite of everything and then just eat normal food like kadhi chawal or roti tarkari.
We were fortunate to have qadam (when i was a kid and moula was still shehzada) and my mom had made tea, small round kebabs and a peach cream bowl. Moula gave cookies given along with tea to me and my brothers. I recall moula just had one kebab and did not drink tea. However, he likes peach cream bowl so much he took one spoon, then asked if it was made at home, on learning that it was, he took three more spoons. You see how it works now.

7. Well, he has never said that he acts just like his father it is just people around him who claim so. I have never hearn Moula say "Mei Burhanuddin Moula na jevoj chu ya Burhanuddin moula na jem aj kaam karu chu". That's what other people say that Mufaddal Moula is Burhanuddin Moula's copy. I believe every person is different even though they share the same beliefs. Burhanuddin Moula used to be calm about these things as he was more focused on establishing faith. Mufaddal Moula inherited a community whose faith was already established but now he has a more difficult job, to maintain it in fast-changing world. We must never forget that he is new to being dai. What most of us have seen or recall are Burhanuddin Moula's last 10-15 years. But its Mufaddal Moula's 5th year as being dai.

I hope that solves your doubts. In future, try to back up your saying with proper evidence and if it's your opinion say that its what you believe just like me.
No, I am not some kothar dude, I live in USA and study here as an undergrad. I am not Hafiz or never went to Jamea. But I believe that Mufaddal Moula is Haq na dai and I will for my entire life do what he says and never do anything even if I want to which he and Islam says is wrong.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by Moiz_Dhaanu » Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:51 pm

Qadir bhai..if you have guts ..ask your local aamil that you need to see the court documents submitted by DMBS lawyers in the ongoing court case...if you truly believe that DMBs is on haq and that your aamil is on haq then they should have no problem showing you how to get hold of those documents.( wherein DMBS side has said under oath that nass can be changed or revoked)
But if you are like that frog who will rather die than leave the slowly heating up pond...then I guess nobody can help you.

In fact its up to you now to decide whther you want to enjoy your life in ignorance or ask aamil Saab with bravery that u need to see those documents to increase your faith in your mola

DMBS: Dawedaar Mufaddal Bhai Saheb

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by Qadir » Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:50 pm

Moiz_Dhaanu wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:51 pm Qadir bhai..if you have guts ..ask your local aamil that you need to see the court documents submitted by DMBS lawyers in the ongoing court case...if you truly believe that DMBs is on haq and that your aamil is on haq then they should have no problem showing you how to get hold of those documents.( wherein DMBS side has said under oath that nass can be changed or revoked)
But if you are like that frog who will rather die than leave the slowly heating up pond...then I guess nobody can help you.

In fact its up to you now to decide whther you want to enjoy your life in ignorance or ask aamil Saab with bravery that u need to see those documents to increase your faith in your mola

DMBS: Dawedaar Mufaddal Bhai Saheb
Faith is defined as complete trust in someone or something. Faith cannot be increased or verified by documents or scientific explanations. You are talking about belief not faith.
Islam and all other religions are based on faith not belief. It is quite astonishing to see so many people in this scientific and advanced world let them be Muslim, Christians or Jews follow their own religions with faith and not belief. God will surely reward those people in Aakherat.
I don't need any document to have faith because what the court documents say is for judicial purpose and not for religious purpose. Keep in mind that it was not Aaliqadr Moula who pressed charges, he is defending himself and that there is nothing wrong in doing that.
Yes, I am sure that even if I go to my Aamil to get hold of those documents he will not show them to me and I believe that it is so that information is not misused. If everyone in this world can enjoy client confidentiality then even Dawat has that right to have their documents confidential.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by gulam_parinda » Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:20 am

उदयपुर की अवाम से धोखा
आमीलो की तानाशाही-
उदयपुर के आमीलो ने ३ अलग अलग तंजीम और एक जमात बनायी है।इनमें उन लोगौ को तरजीह दी गयी है जो आमीलो की चमचागिरी और दारूलइमारत के चक्कर लगाते रहते है। उदयपुर मे आज से तक़रीबन ४० साल पहले जमात को लेकर ही झगड़ा शुरू हुआ था।उसका ख़ामियाज़ा आज तक उदयपुर की अवाम भुगत रही है,उससे सबक ना लेते हुए वापस वैसे ही हालात पैदा करने की कोशिश की गयी है। आमीलो ने अचानक से बिना राय मशविरा किये कुछ गिने चुने चमचों की राय पर जमात की कमेटियों की लिस्ट बनायी और मौला के पास भेजकर उस पर ठप्पा लगवा दिया। कहॉं तक सही है? अवाम को गुमराह किया जा रहा है कि मौला ने जमात बनायी है।
क्या यह उदयपुर के लिए सही है?
जो लोग बरसो से जी जान से क़ौम मे ईमानदारी से काम कर रहै है अपनी क़ौम के अलावा दुसरी क़ौम और लोकल सरकारी आफिस वग़ैरह मे भी अच्छा प्रभाव रखते है जिन्हे हालात से निपटने का अनुभव है ऐसे लोगौ को नज़रअन्दाज़ करना कहॉं तक सही है ?
जो लोग बोहरा यूथ छोड़कर मिसाक लेकर दावत मे आये है उनमें से अच्छे वर्कर्स को भी नज़रअन्दाज़ किया गया है।तन्जीम और जमात बनानी थी तो ऐसी बनाते जिससे सभी तबके की बराबर नुमॉंइदगी होती और एक बेहतरीन टीम बनती। अभी जो हुआ है वह उदयपुर के लोगों के गाल पर तमाचा है।
अफ़सोस के साथ कहना पर रहा है कि ग़लत समय पर बहुत ही ग़लत फ़ैसला हुआ है। इस वक़्त उदयपुर के हालात अच्छे नहीं है दावेदार का बेटा यहॉं पैर पसारने की भरसक कोशिश कर रहा है बोहरा यूथ और अपने कुछ लोगों के साथ कई मिटींग कर चुका है क्या गुल खिलेगा वो नहीं पता पर आमिल और क़ौम के आगेवान को सब पता होते हुए भी दुबक कर बैठे है ऐसे मे उदयपुर मे इतना बड़ा फ़ैसला बिना राय मशविरा करना बहुत भारी पड़ेगा।
ताहेर अली भीन्डरवाला को कैशियर बनाया गया है जिसपर कुछ साल पहले ग़बन का इल्ज़ाम लगा था और आमील मोइय्यदी के वक़्त दारूलइमारत पर हमला भी हुआ था।
उसने दारूलइमारत पर सभी के बीच मे क़बूला था कि उसके पास ग़बन की रक़म है और वह सेकेट्री को लौटा देगा। उसके बाद भी वापस ऐसे दाग़दार आदमी को कैशियर बनाना और जमात कमेटी मे बडा औहदा देना शक पैदा करता है।
बोहरा क़ौम मे समझदार क़ाबिल लोगौ को छोड़कर दारूलइमारत पर चक्कर काटनेवाले, चमचागिरी मे आगे और जनता से चन्दा इक्टठा कर उन पैसों मे से आमीलो को मोटा सलाम करने वालों को फ़तेहपुरा,मोइय्यदपुरा और इजीमोहल्ला में सेकेट्री बनाया है।क़ौम के इतने ऊँचे औहदे पर हर किसी को बैठा देना कहॉं तक मुनासिब है? क्या ऐसे लोग हमारी और क़ौम की रहनुमाई करेंगे ? यह नाक़ाबिले बर्दाश्त है।
तैय्यबीयाह स्कूल सेकेट्री और इनके ३-४ दोस्तों ने आमीलो को अपने झाँसे मे ले रखा है। तैय्यबीयाह स्कूल सेकेट्री अपने काका जो आमिल है उसके नाम का फ़ायदा उठा कर आमीलो और कोठार के लोगों से नज़दीकी रिश्ते बनाकर जमात के काम मे मनमर्ज़ी कर रहा है, हर इदारे मे वह और इसके ३-४ लोग है।क्या उदयपुर मे खिदमतगुजारो को टोटा पड़ गया है? कुछ ही लोगों को सब ज़िम्मेदारी सौंपना शक पैदा करता है कही कुछ हो रहा है जिसे आम जनता से छुपाया जा रहा है। बन्द कमरों मे अहम फ़ैसले किये जा रहे है।अब पानी सर के ऊपर से गुज़र गया है , उदयपुर की अवाम को अपनी आवाज़ बुलन्द करनी होगी। तानाशाही और एकतरफ़ा लिए गये फ़ैसलों को रोकना ज़रूरी हो गया है।
सेकेट्री और समझदार लोगों से राय कर कुछ करना होगा वरना आग सुलग रही है कही ऐसा न हो हालात १९७२ से भी बदतर हो जाये। लोगों मे बहुत ग़ुस्सा है। कभी भी अन्होनी होने की पूरी गुंजाइश है इससे दावत का बहुत नुक़सान होगा। उदयपुर मे पहले दो गुट थे शबाब और यूथ ।शेख़ मोइय्यदी के वक़्त मे ५-६ गुट बन गये सभी को एक दुसरे से लड़ा कर ९ साल तक हुकुमत कर अपनी जेबें भरकर चले गये । ऊपर झूठी ख़बरें भेज कर गुमराह करते रहै, जितना नुक़सान दावत का वह उदयपुर मे कर गये उतना किसी आमील ने नहीं किया।आमील ३-४ साल के लिए आते है और चले जाते है पर जो नाइत्तेफाकी और आपसे मे लड़ा कर हुकूमत करने का जो खेल खेलते है इसका नुक़सान सालों तक होता है पीढ़िया भुगतती है। उदयपुर पुराने ज़ख़्मों से उभरा भी नहीं है और यह नया आपस मे लड़ाने और आपसी बैर का खेल वापस शुरू कर दिया है।
दावत के सच्चे वफ़ादार और दिखावटी झूठे वफ़ादार मे जब तक फ़र्क़ नहीं समझ पायेंगे कुछ भला नहीं होने वाला। आका मौला का मक़सद मुमीनीन को हक़ के राह पर चलाना और बेहतर अख्लाक करना है , पर हो बिल्कुल उल्टा रहा है।
वक़्त रहते सभंल जाये इसी मे सब का भला है।उदयपुर की अवाम से गुज़ारिश है कि इस मैसेज को जल्द से जल्द सब तक पहुँचा होशियार करे, सभी एकजुट होकर आमील और सेकेट्री को अपना विरोध जताये और तुरन्त सभी कमेटियों को ख़त्म कर अच्छे , ईमानदार और वफ़ादार लोगौ की कमेटी बनाये।
चमचों की गेंग को बर्दाश्त नहीं किया जायेगा। कुछ भी अनहोनी होने पर ज़िम्मेदारी आमिल की होगी।
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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by SBM » Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:46 am

Qadir wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:50 pm
Moiz_Dhaanu wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:51 pm Qadir bhai..if you have guts ..ask your local aamil that you need to see the court documents submitted by DMBS lawyers in the ongoing court case...i\In fact its up to you now to decide whther you want to enjoy your life in ignorance or ask aamil Saab with bravery that u need to see those documents to increase your faith in your mola

DMBS: Dawedaar Mufaddal Bhai Saheb
Faith is defined as complete trust in someone or something. Faith cannot be increased or verified by documents or scientific explanations. You are talking about belief not faith.
Islam and all other religions are based on faith not belief. It is quite astonishing to see so many people in this scientific and advanced world let them be Muslim, Christians or Jews follow their own religions with faith and not belief. God will surely reward those people in Aakherat.

If everyone in this world can enjoy client confidentiality then even Dawat has that right to have their documents confidential.
There is difference between Faith and Blind Faith. Even our Prophets had faith in Allaha and his command but many ask for proof to provie their faith and even Allaha provided with proof to those doubting Prophets.
Unfortunately Religion is used our so called leaders to further their life style at the cost of faith by the followers

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by Qadir » Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:56 pm

SBM wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:46 am
Qadir wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:50 pm

Faith is defined as complete trust in someone or something. Faith cannot be increased or verified by documents or scientific explanations. You are talking about belief not faith.
Islam and all other religions are based on faith not belief. It is quite astonishing to see so many people in this scientific and advanced world let them be Muslim, Christians or Jews follow their own religions with faith and not belief. God will surely reward those people in Aakherat.

If everyone in this world can enjoy client confidentiality then even Dawat has that right to have their documents confidential.
There is difference between Faith and Blind Faith. Even our Prophets had faith in Allaha and his command but many ask for proof to provie their faith and even Allaha provided with proof to those doubting Prophets.
Unfortunately Religion is used our so called leaders to further their life style at the cost of faith by the followers
Please provide some instances where a prophet asked for proof of Allah. I believe that no prophet ever questioned existence of Allah.

Adam Nabi: He is out of question as he lived in jannat and saw Allah Taala.
Nuh Nabi: Never questioned Allah to give proof of flood but made the Ark anyways because he had "FAITH" in Allah.
Ibrahim Nabi: Had "FAITH" in Allah that he will save him from fire.
Ismail Nabi: Did not question Allah even when his father attempted to slaughter him in name of Allah.
Musa Nabi: Had "FAITH" in Allah that Allah will show him the way out of prison and help him escape from Egypt.
Isa Nabi: Did not question the existence of Allah even when he had to suffer on the hand of oppressors. He had "FAITH" in Allah.
Rasulullah: Preached about Islam and "FAITH" in Allah without questioning his existence even before the Journey of Isra and Mea'raj.

Allah never provided proof of his existence to his prophets but prophets did provide proof to people in order for them to develop faith in Allah. But, if you are born in a family that already believes in Allah, you don't need evidence because your parent's status is right after Allah.
As a Mumin, I have accepted Dai as my father and thus he holds a status right next to god and my parents in my heart.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by Reporter » Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:59 pm

From Asgar Vassanwala:

Badri Lacewala ye mufaddal mola nu 2000 crore nu kari ne underground thai gayo chhe....surat

Dear Friends,
Please click this link and see what kind of chamchagiri this crazy millionaire Badri Lacewala is doing among thousands of Bohra who seems to have rusted brains needing acid wash who are listening to enthusiastically. He says, Quran, prophet, Imam Ali, and Imam Hussain have promised Jannat only on certain conditions, whereas, Syedna Burhanuddin, confirmed Jannat for his Bohras, without imposing any condition.

Now for last few days this Bohra billionaire has disappeared without any trace. It is said, he was doing Hawala transfer and greasing political parties on Syedna's behalf, other black money deals for Syedan and Kaothar. It is said he has embezzled Rs. 2,000 crore of syedna's ill-gotten wealth. Syedan had collected the money in name of the Yateem and Beva; but did not distribute the Zakat among the poor and the needy. He was like an oil seller a Teli તેલી who used to measure a પલી less and filled a barrel by short-changing customers. One night, big rats cut holes in his leather drum called કુપ્પા and drained the whole drum. There was a voice from heaven, "Banda chraye pali plai, Allah mare Kuppa બંદા ચુરાએ પલી પલી, અલ્લાહ મારે કુપ્પા"

It should be evident to Bohras that Mufaddal Mola and his parents have no Farishta; and that Nazar Muqam does not do a thing. It is a hge fraud. However, Abde Bohras do not want to hear any such thing.

Is it possible, Badri haqiqat ma Imam Al Hayy al Badruddin bin Imam ABC hata; Mola ne khabar padi to jaan thi marva ni dhamki aapi ne pacha parda ma dakheli dida chhe. Momino samjho Molani shan. Imam pan Mafiya Mola thi dare chhe.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Mon Apr 16, 2018 3:53 pm

Reporter wrote: Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:59 pm From Asgar Vassanwala:

Badri Lacewala ye mufaddal mola nu 2000 crore nu kari ne underground thai gayo chhe....surat

Dear Friends,
Please click this link and see what kind of chamchagiri this crazy millionaire Badri Lacewala is doing among thousands of Bohra who seems to have rusted brains needing acid wash who are listening to enthusiastically. He says, Quran, prophet, Imam Ali, and Imam Hussain have promised Jannat only on certain conditions, whereas, Syedna Burhanuddin, confirmed Jannat for his Bohras, without imposing any condition.

Now for last few days this Bohra billionaire has disappeared without any trace. It is said, he was doing Hawala transfer and greasing political parties on Syedna's behalf, other black money deals for Syedan and Kaothar. It is said he has embezzled Rs. 2,000 crore of syedna's ill-gotten wealth. Syedan had collected the money in name of the Yateem and Beva; but did not distribute the Zakat among the poor and the needy. He was like an oil seller a Teli તેલી who used to measure a પલી less and filled a barrel by short-changing customers. One night, big rats cut holes in his leather drum called કુપ્પા and drained the whole drum. There was a voice from heaven, "Banda chraye pali plai, Allah mare Kuppa બંદા ચુરાએ પલી પલી, અલ્લાહ મારે કુપ્પા"

It should be evident to Bohras that Mufaddal Mola and his parents have no Farishta; and that Nazar Muqam does not do a thing. It is a hge fraud. However, Abde Bohras do not want to hear any such thing.

Is it possible, Badri haqiqat ma Imam Al Hayy al Badruddin bin Imam ABC hata; Mola ne khabar padi to jaan thi marva ni dhamki aapi ne pacha parda ma dakheli dida chhe. Momino samjho Molani shan. Imam pan Mafiya Mola thi dare chhe.
This newspaper is which one, and when was it published?

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by momeenbhai » Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:56 am

Very high tech video made by Jamea students singing songs for jamea, but they hiding is the student who passes out from this schools are just rich kids they have no empathy towards needy and poor they are self-centric and hardly understand real-world problems faced by other people. good school for rich and famous only.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by momeenbhai » Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:46 am

Also these same jamea students are such, that all their life they bent down for mazoon but as soon as he died these same students burnt effigy and fire crackers without shame and thinking much about it, same jame stdents killed their own teachers when those teachers tried to expose their masters.crack pots are these jamiya students.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:34 am

Reporter wrote: Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:59 pm From Asgar Vassanwala:

Badri Lacewala ye mufaddal mola nu 2000 crore nu kari ne underground thai gayo chhe....surat

Dear Friends,

Now for last few days this Bohra billionaire has disappeared without any trace. It is said, he was doing Hawala transfer and greasing political parties on Syedna's behalf, other black money deals for Syedan and Kaothar. It is said he has embezzled Rs. 2,000 crore of syedna's ill-gotten wealth. Syedan had collected the money in name of the Yateem and Beva; but did not distribute the Zakat among the poor and the needy. He was like an oil seller a Teli તેલી who used to measure a પલી less and filled a barrel by short-changing customers. One night, big rats cut holes in his leather drum called કુપ્પા and drained the whole drum. There was a voice from heaven, "Banda chraye pali plai, Allah mare Kuppa બંદા ચુરાએ પલી પલી, અલ્લાહ મારે કુપ્પા"

It should be evident to Bohras that Mufaddal Mola and his parents have no Farishta; and that Nazar Muqam does not do a thing. It is a hge fraud. However, Abde Bohras do not want to hear any such thing.

Is it possible, Badri haqiqat ma Imam Al Hayy al Badruddin bin Imam ABC hata; Mola ne khabar padi to jaan thi marva ni dhamki aapi ne pacha parda ma dakheli dida chhe. Momino samjho Molani shan. Imam pan Mafiya Mola thi dare chhe.
The above newspaper article is unusual in the sense that it never identifies or mentions Badri Lacewala by name. As people have mentioned about receiving lots of messages on Whatsapp about this issue, may be they can put some of those messages here.

Would like to know what is the truth about this matter.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:38 pm

Any update on Mr. Badri Lacewala?

Bohra spring
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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by Bohra spring » Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:38 am

dal-chaval-palidu wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:38 pm Any update on Mr. Badri Lacewala?
This is a setup by kothar to fool tax or authorities.

Claim the money is lost. Transfer overseas after 2 years forgive lacewala.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:14 am

Since we Bohra folks discussed the Indian style toilet, here is some info on how people around the world poop ... alive_180d

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:49 am

dal-chaval-palidu wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:14 am Since we Bohra folks discussed the Indian style toilet, here is some info on how people around the world poop ... alive_180d
Now if Sudan and the United States knew any better, they would call the local amil to break their toilets with a hammer and replace it with a hole in the ground.... :wink:

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by Reporter » Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:26 pm

Badri Lacewala scandal in the press now...


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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:41 pm

(310.2 KiB) Downloaded 188 times

The speaker seems to be confirming the Badri Lacewala story. So let's take a look at this "Dai." His judgement is quite remarkable... He hands the microphone on Ashura night to a thief who then goes ahead and uses foul language to insult the family of the Nabi and insult SKQ... Instead of distancing himself from this foul man for his speech on Ashura night, the "Dai" rewards him for insulting SKQ and proceeds to draw him closer and is rarely seen without Badri. He also entrusts him with many crores of his ill-gotten money. Truly this "Dai" is a great judge of people :roll: :lol:

This is all truly amusing and immensely satisfying :D

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by UnhappyBohra » Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:16 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:41 pm BLaudio.ogg

The speaker seems to be confirming the Badri Lacewala story. So let's take a look at this "Dai." His judgement is quite remarkable... He hands the microphone on Ashura night to a thief who then goes ahead and uses foul language to insult the family of the Nabi and insult SKQ... Instead of distancing himself from this foul man for his speech on Ashura night, the "Dai" rewards him for insulting SKQ and proceeds to draw him closer and is rarely seen without Badri. He also entrusts him with many crores of his ill-gotten money. Truly this "Dai" is a great judge of people :roll: :lol:

This is all truly amusing and immensely satisfying :D
When you invite serpents to guard your lair, you can hardly be surprised that they eventually bite you.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by momeenbhai » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:05 pm

Asharam got life imprisonment, muffy should go for atleast 200 years and more.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by momeenbhai » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:09 pm

fake god man has existed and will exist, its all about the people to see what they want to see, it's about the people judgement and their own understanding to find real wali from the bunch of fake people.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:58 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:41 pm BLaudio.ogg

The speaker seems to be confirming the Badri Lacewala story. So let's take a look at this "Dai." His judgement is quite remarkable... He hands the microphone on Ashura night to a thief who then goes ahead and uses foul language to insult the family of the Nabi and insult SKQ... Instead of distancing himself from this foul man for his speech on Ashura night, the "Dai" rewards him for insulting SKQ and proceeds to draw him closer and is rarely seen without Badri. He also entrusts him with many crores of his ill-gotten money. Truly this "Dai" is a great judge of people :roll: :lol:

This is all truly amusing and immensely satisfying :D
Can't hear it. Can somebody convert to some standard format, like mp3, and upload it. Or else, how do you listen to an audio in ogg format?

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:54 pm

(2.04 MiB) Downloaded 247 times
dal-chaval-palidu wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:58 pm
objectiveobserver53 wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:41 pm BLaudio.ogg

The speaker seems to be confirming the Badri Lacewala story. So let's take a look at this "Dai." His judgement is quite remarkable... He hands the microphone on Ashura night to a thief who then goes ahead and uses foul language to insult the family of the Nabi and insult SKQ... Instead of distancing himself from this foul man for his speech on Ashura night, the "Dai" rewards him for insulting SKQ and proceeds to draw him closer and is rarely seen without Badri. He also entrusts him with many crores of his ill-gotten money. Truly this "Dai" is a great judge of people :roll: :lol:

This is all truly amusing and immensely satisfying :D
Can't hear it. Can somebody convert to some standard format, like mp3, and upload it. Or else, how do you listen to an audio in ogg format?

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by think_for_yourself » Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:14 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:54 pm BLaudio.mp3
dal-chaval-palidu wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:58 pm

Can't hear it. Can somebody convert to some standard format, like mp3, and upload it. Or else, how do you listen to an audio in ogg format?
Thanks Bro OO53. I was not sure whether there was any truth in this news until I heard this. What astonishes me about this MS circus is that every couple of months there is some horrid episode and they are trying to quash the story from being circulated in social media. Some that come to mind:

1) MS misogynist bayans - su zaroorat che University mokalwani?!!, bayro ne nikali do gharma si etc... There were so many back tracking attempts for this one, it is not even funny.
2) MS hunting pictures
3) Toiletgate - amils going around breaking toilets
4) MS FGM bayan "Must do - discreetly"

Why is this man making so many mistakes? Why does he need to back track so much? Is the "ilhaam" not coming through loud and clear? Perhaps it is not coming at all :wink:

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:08 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:54 pm BLaudio.mp3
dal-chaval-palidu wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:58 pm

Can't hear it. Can somebody convert to some standard format, like mp3, and upload it. Or else, how do you listen to an audio in ogg format?
Thanks bhai. Who is this person who is speaking? When was this audio recorded? Any idea? From the voice it may be possible to recognize the person.

And are we sure that this person is an authentic high-ranking person from the MS side?

If accurate, this looks like a really large amount. I hope that law enforcement and tax authorities in India investigate. After all PM Modi says that he is going to bring black money back, how about investigating this large sum of money.

I hope that the story is carried by the prominent TV channels and newspapers of Surat, Mumbai and other big cities.

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by allbird » Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:56 am

SMS gets Tax free money...this is Black money no accountability. One is chasing shadow, what is gone is gone MS ko chunna lagga...hhahhaha

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:53 pm

Allah ke ghar der hai, anther nahi hai :-)

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Re: Bohra whatsapp duniya 2018


Unread post by allbird » Fri Apr 27, 2018 8:57 am

Well done Badri lacewala have done double whammy. Insane ko Khuda banaya fir dhaaka mar ker neecha kar diya. Last Muharram you made SMS almost better then Imam Husain (Nazubillah) today you made him Paan wala with chunna