Ashara 1441 - Colombo

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:15 am

ALLAH is great....and muffy should know ALLAH is watching every thing.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:34 pm

Finally, the Muharram hula hoop is over, now from tomorrow Bohras will proudly go back to chatting business, gibat khori, mosques will be empty.

ME: learnt any thing from Imam Hussain life?

Bohras : NOPE

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:11 pm

Now I wonder how many family got ill feelings for each other because of all that force used?

how many husband-wife fought with each other? (domestic violence)

how many brothers fought with each other?

how many father and son got a relationship strained because of force used?

how many will lose job?

how many will fail exams?

for me I already lost few good friends this Muharram, just because they thought they are doing a service to deen by forcing others to the circus which runs for 3 full months.

no worries ALLAH is good friend for MOMEENIN.

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Re: Ashara Venue Announced


Unread post by zinger » Fri Sep 13, 2019 1:59 am

Moiz_Dhaanu wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:34 pm Mumineen ni jamaat @chennai ...ohbat majlis are showing the benefits :twisted:
Bhai, chill karo.

You have no idea who these people are. they could be from the interiors of the country, just sitting on the seashore because they dont get it where they live.
they are sitting there, shanti se, taking in the views and the breeze. i dont seem to see any of them dancing or any of the other activites "you seem to be imagining in your head".

So, just chill, dont be so eager to jump the gun

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Wed Sep 18, 2019 4:20 am

everything is silent in bohra world now, they will wake up with next hula hoop after 1 year now.

rinse and repeat

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:59 am

100s of bohra appears in howdy mody event where there was a music concert and dance.

40 days of Imam Hussain Muharram is still not passed.


These are momeen? Believers? Or kafir?

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Sun Sep 22, 2019 12:22 pm

Future of dawoodi bohras will be same as agha khanis.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:21 pm

momeenbhai wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:59 am 100s of bohra appears in howdy mody event where there was a music concert and dance.

40 days of Imam Hussain Muharram is still not passed.


These are momeen? Believers? Or kafir?

Probably what you are saying is correct, that there were 100s of Bohras. However, can you please provide some pictures, links videos to substantiate the claim that 100's of bohras were at the event?

And there may be a music concert and a dance. Where bohras participating? And btw, so what if some folks dance or listen to a music concert?

I think one should not go to a Modi event as a matter of principle, the music or dance there is secondary.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by Qadir » Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:34 pm

I was there at the event. Yes there were atleast 70-80 mumineen maybe 100-150.
I did not go for the dance, kinda expected considering its an Indian event, it but didn’t know for sure. Niyat over amal.
I always believe that you should always show up to these kinds of events, its your choice to cheer, boo or stay silent. I for one was only there to see Trump, I didn’t know that he would attend when I registered though but I was excited to see him.
As I am from India and out of the respect of the office of PM I respect Modi but not all his views and ideas.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:09 pm

Qadir wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:34 pm I was there at the event. Yes there were atleast 70-80 mumineen maybe 100-150.
I did not go for the dance, kinda expected considering its an Indian event, it but didn’t know for sure. Niyat over amal.
I always believe that you should always show up to these kinds of events, its your choice to cheer, boo or stay silent. I for one was only there to see Trump, I didn’t know that he would attend when I registered though but I was excited to see him.
As I am from India and out of the respect of the office of PM I respect Modi but not all his views and ideas.
I understand your argument, but respectfully disagree with you on this one; I appreciate your providing the information, though.

I agree that as the elected representative, we should not indulge in name-calling. However, what he and his government has done to our own Kashmiri brothers and sisters (in Indian Kashmir, forget Pakistan) - I would NOT go to support him at all.

There are lots on people who love India (I am one of them), but that does NOT mean we have to agree with how he has implemented this policy. It is NOT about article 370; frankly, if the lives of Kashmir's people improve (by their own yardstick), I would be fine with cancelling article 370. To say that this is for your own good, and now I am going to lock you up in your homes for a month + ...; do you even think this passes the sanity test. Not to mention the midnight raids, detention of teenagers in the thousands (let us not worry too much about the Abdullahs and the mufti, it is the ordinary Kashmiri), etc., the list goes on ... That is just not right.

And what did the 100+ bohras who showed up there do? Well, the subtext of their appearance was clear in my mind. Indian media will carry those pictures and the world will see, and what will it see? Modi is essentially saying (without saying in as many words): "How can you say that I am not popular among Muslims? Look at all these muslim supporters of mine."

He needs Indian Muslim support right now, and we provided it - he USED us to show the world support from Indian muslims, and we let ourself be used by him. Sorry for disagreeing with you, but that is how I see it.

I will end with this: There are a lots of other Indian Muslims (Agakhani, Shia, Sunni, others), Christians Parsi, Sikh, Hindus who love India as much as we do - I don't see them wearing their religious dress (identifying themselves) and going to such functions. They love the country as much as us. I am not against individual bohras wearing whatever dress they decide to wear and going and sitting as they are assigned randomly - that is their prerogative. I am just questioning this (wear rida topi only) and sit as a group so that you can be clearly visible as a separate group - it is for propaganda purpose.

So why is our Kothar going out so much in such a visible way? Just something to ponder.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:05 am

dal-chaval-palidu wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:09 pm - it is for propaganda purpose.

So why is our Kothar going out so much in such a visible way? Just something to ponder.
The Kothar has put on the sexy underwear and gotten into bed with modi for one reason. They are not confident of winning the case on it’s own merits. They will need his help and they will call in the favor.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:10 am

Qadir wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:34 pm I was there at the event. Yes there were atleast 70-80 mumineen maybe 100-150.
I did not go for the dance, kinda expected considering its an Indian event, it but didn’t know for sure. Niyat over amal.
I always believe that you should always show up to these kinds of events, its your choice to cheer, boo or stay silent. I for one was only there to see Trump, I didn’t know that he would attend when I registered though but I was excited to see him.
As I am from India and out of the respect of the office of PM I respect Modi but not all his views and ideas.
I am not surprised that you were excited to see our lying, self-serving, philandering president who has used the presidency shamelessly to further his interests and lies about everything including the weather and locks children in cages. Your brain is programmed to fawn over lying and self-serving jackasses such as Muffy.

As far as respect for “the office” spare me. You were there because you got a free ticket to do your masters bidding.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:16 am

Bohras have learned nothing from Imam Hussain and attending dance and music concert in chehlum makes them more hypocrite.

Muharram gathering and hula hoop for 3 whole months before Muharram is just show off and has no merit. teachings of Imam Hussain is far far away from most Bohra hypocrites.

everyone is smart enough to know this point.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:30 am

It is an outrage that Bohras were there to provide visual “proof” of Muslim support for a PM who sorely lacks such a thing and has treated Muslims abominably and has Muslim blood on his hands. It is a shameless lack of solidarity with other Muslims. At some point Bohras will pay. The Muslim world will start seeing them as non-Muslim, and officially ban them from the holy sites. And we will have Jackass Muffy to thank for it.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by Qadir » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:38 am

I probably have said this before, but i want to reiterate. Its not new for dais to do this and neither imams. Imam moiz did extend friendship to romans who were enemies of other muslim rulers in the past. Imam moiz also received help from them to conquer parts of modern day israel, syria and Jordan.

I believe there is nothing wrong in showing that we are different, we can’t do that in a sunni majlis but we can achieve that in modi’s rally. I only care what happens to me and my community when there’s some kind of riots in India. If other muslim wants that safety and doesn’t agree with their own religious leaders then they can join us. Wearing your traditional dress is a sign of pride in your identity and culture.

Also I actually am a person who believes that for achieving greater good some people need to sacrifice. Its the rule of this world and its not gonna change. Kashmiris can however stay at their home peacefully or go out and protest and eventually end up in jail. Everyone has an option. The severity of your problems are many times defined by your own actions.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by Humsafar » Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:49 am

Wow Qadir, you are a true representative of your leader: callous, insensitive and selfish and not to mention totally thick in the head. Don't justify Muffy's action by some irrelevant historical facts. Those times were different, religious wars and alliances with the enemies were common. Our times are different. we live in a democratic society where there is the rule of law, where we have the right to practice our faith. And Modi represents a force that wishes to destroy all that. He is a violent fascist who has Muslim blood on his hands. If Muffy can't criticise him he has the option to at least stay neutral and silent, be diplomatic about it. There is not need to suck up to him.

You must be really an idiot to think that Bohras will be safe when the Hinduvata hordes come baying for Muslim blood. Muffy is not seeking safety for you and your community but only for himself and his family and his wealth. Don't be a dupe. What Bohras and Muslim and other minorities and Dalits and backward classes in India need to do is come together and forge a united front. Our safety is in numbers, in aligning ourselves with other oppressed sections of society.

And such callous disregard for the people of Kashmir. They are in lockdown for more that 50 days, cut off from the world, no access to medicine and other essential goods for daily survival. Just for a moment try to imagine their plight. Have the lessons of Karbala not made any dent on your heart? Or have the Muharram tamashas destroyed your soul? Have you no compassion, no empathy left for fellow human beings? I really feel sad at your thinking and how you view the world. What has Muffy done to you people? Bohras were never like this. When did we become so crass and so stupid?

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:55 am

Qadir wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:38 am I probably have said this before, but i want to reiterate. Its not new for dais to do this and neither imams. Imam moiz did extend friendship to romans who were enemies of other muslim rulers in the past. Imam moiz also received help from them to conquer parts of modern day israel, syria and Jordan.

I believe there is nothing wrong in showing that we are different, we can’t do that in a sunni majlis but we can achieve that in modi’s rally. I only care what happens to me and my community when there’s some kind of riots in India. If other muslim wants that safety and doesn’t agree with their own religious leaders then they can join us. Wearing your traditional dress is a sign of pride in your identity and culture.

Also I actually am a person who believes that for achieving greater good some people need to sacrifice. Its the rule of this world and its not gonna change. Kashmiris can however stay at their home peacefully or go out and protest and eventually end up in jail. Everyone has an option. The severity of your problems are many times defined by your own actions.
I hope you are not drunk (nauzobillah) to say some thing like this.
Last edited by momeenbhai on Mon Sep 23, 2019 10:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:57 am

forget about muslims and dalits and blood and riot.

what modi did to the Indian economy is most disastrous than anything else we can discuss at this moment. and it has affected all Indians.

NRI who is just interested in higher value of dollar compare to rupee so that new properties can be bought in India are happy with that disaster of India.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Mon Sep 23, 2019 1:45 pm

If Qadir had listened to SMB’s waaz he would have known that SMB would never have approved of such an alliance with this man who has been responsible for burning mumineen homes in Gujrat and now is heartlessly turning India towards Fascism. Kudos to the liberals of Texas for coming out in hordes and denouncing the Hitler who is rising in India while the Bohras are acting like traitors to their own brothers. Shame!

Qadir and gang are so snugly alligned with ummat e rupaiyya that they have forgotten that their first loyalty should be with ummat e rasool.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Mon Sep 23, 2019 1:54 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 1:45 pm If Qadir had listened to SMB’s waaz he would have known that SMB would never have approved of such an alliance with this man who has been responsible for burning mumineen homes in Gujrat and now is heartlessly turning India towards Fascism. Kudos to the liberals of Texas for coming out in hordes and denouncing the Hitler who is rising in India while the Bohras are acting like traitors to their own brothers. Shame!

Qadir and gang are so snugly alligned with ummat e rupaiyya that they have forgotten that their first loyalty should be with ummat e rasool.
what are you talking about

SMB himself allowed modi number of times in masjid and gave him crores of rupees which ultimately helped him to become PM of India now.

please dont try to play with history. speak facts and figures which are real.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by Biradar » Mon Sep 23, 2019 4:21 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 1:45 pm If Qadir had listened to SMB’s waaz he would have known that SMB would never have approved of such an alliance with this man who has been responsible for burning mumineen homes in Gujrat and now is heartlessly turning India towards Fascism. Kudos to the liberals of Texas for coming out in hordes and denouncing the Hitler who is rising in India while the Bohras are acting like traitors to their own brothers. Shame!

Qadir and gang are so snugly alligned with ummat e rupaiyya that they have forgotten that their first loyalty should be with ummat e rasool.
LOL .... SMB was as corrupt as his son. He was very fond of getting his photo taken with rich and famous, and loved even the worst tyrants around. He was the first to give Modi crore rupees and felicitate him. SMB loved the publicity, even if it meant giving people like Modi or even Saddam Hussain shawls and millions of dollars. He had an insane appetite of eating delicious ziyaafats, sometimes 10 times a day, and even right after Aashura maktaal bayaan.

Talking about "ummat e rupaiyya" ... SMB loved rupaiyya. He lived a luxurious lifestyle, competing with Pharaoh himself. He flew all around the world, went hunting exotic animals, took trips to ski resorts and took care of his gargantuan family of 4000+ people. His life was a long and non-stop vacation. Each of his nasty parasite family members gets a big monthly cheque from the Kothar for doing absolutely nothing but having been born in SMB's family. On top of that, dummies like you bend and fawn in front of these fatuous and buffoonish "bhaisahebs", and are ready to do their "khidmat" like shameless fools.

Now, his son Muffy is a barbarian buffoon, and makes his daddy look a little decent. But please, don't make us LOL here ... SMB was the biggest lover of luxury and good times. His connection to ummat e rasool was tenuous at the best, and solely for minting billions of dollars for himself and his family.

So, one can essentially say that Qadir is a good follower of the Khalifa of ummat e rupaiyya, that is, SMB.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by Biradar » Mon Sep 23, 2019 4:36 pm

Humsafar wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:49 am Wow Qadir, you are a true representative of your leader: callous, insensitive and selfish and not to mention totally thick in the head. Don't justify Muffy's action by some irrelevant historical facts.


Bohras were never like this. When did we become so crass and so stupid?
I don't know which universe you occupy, Humsafar, but Bohras have always been spineless groveling worms, with no self-respect and a very serious lack of intelligent and independent thinking. These spineless cretins will justify any and all actions of their baboon master, will misquote scripture, muddle historical facts, justify mixing with a man who is responsible for murder of 3000+ Muslims, all to defend their idiot "more-la" leaders.

Of course, "more-la" leaders just want more money, more luxurious fun-time at even more exotic locations and eat more and more ziyaafats. I mean, consider the current mad-man who is leading them: he has luxury properties all over the world, goes on non-stop vacations, and eats ziyaafats till his tummy can hold no more and then expects everyone to bow to him and kiss his greed inflated hands and legs! I mean, he is so greedy that he uses both hands and both feet so he can earn money at 4x the rate!! Next year we will see him standing, so Bohras can line up behind him and kiss his behind too (two at a time, of course), increasing his earnings by 6x ....

This transformation of boot kissing, spoon licking, screaming and wailing Bohras did not happen overnight. It has been going on for decades. Bohras have always been crass and stupid, it just took the perfect scam artist Muffy to bring it out for everyone to see.

Bohra spring
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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by Bohra spring » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:05 pm

This is not about chelum ...issue here is a Minority Muslim community leader is going out of his way to entertain an Indian PM who is directly or indirectly linked to 1000s death, destruction of Muslim livelihood, occupation of Kashmir, friends of most bigoted president of USA, ally of Israel, etc. I can go on.

Surely 100% of India did not vote Modi, you don't see Sikhs, Christians , Parsi going as overboard as Bohra. The photos of women are hypocrisy. Women in burqa with hands folded towards Modi. How stupid can they be. The symbol of Hindu is they see god in the other person. Even I know that is so unislamic act.

Bohra leaders and business men may see to a profit point, make them look powerful and influential. Is it worth so much that we have no morality.

I will not be far to say it's like Imam Husein ignoring the plight of Kufa and going and enjoying hospitality of Yazid or praising the office of the Khalifa. Modi is a modern day Pharoah or Yazid.

Long run Muslims are watching, they will remember how spineless bastards we are. We will have to answer Allah too. We will be challenged where were we with our oppressed Ummah in their time of need. By flattering BJP and letting them make Kashmir people suffer, die or humiliated is not a small issue. It's a matter of humanity.

We may not solve the problems of Muslim today but we should not help their enemies to prolong their suffering. There is surely a price to pay. It's not my warning, Quran has warned us.

I am ashamed to share the same heritage with the orthodox who watch this spectacle silently.
momeenbhai wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:16 am Bohras have learned nothing from Imam Hussain and attending dance and music concert in chehlum makes them more hypocrite.

Muharram gathering and hula hoop for 3 whole months before Muharram is just show off and has no merit. teachings of Imam Hussain is far far away from most Bohra hypocrites.

everyone is smart enough to know this point.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by SBM » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:13 pm

forget about muslims and dalits and blood and riot.

what modi did to the Indian economy is most disastrous than anything else we can discuss at this moment. and it has affected all Indians.
WOW-So economy and money takes precedent over the blood of innocent people :cry:

Bohra spring
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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by Bohra spring » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:23 pm

Qadir . do you ever reflect that Fatemide betrayal of the Prophet SAW message, forming unholy alliances may have caused the downfall of their empire.

The arrogance of sacrifice statement is salt to wound, may be your Diai leads the way go to Yemen and Kashmir , let him send his children in harm's way like his recital of Imam Husein sacrifice for greater good.

Don't want to wish you ill . The BJP snakes will turn on everyone once they have their numbers. 1 million Bohras are a pawn in their game. Don't be comfortable or disillusioned. They don't respect you one bit. Bohras are a means to their strategy.
Qadir wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:38 am I probably have said this before, but i want to reiterate. Its not new for dais to do this and neither imams. Imam moiz did extend friendship to romans who were enemies of other muslim rulers in the past. Imam moiz also received help from them to conquer parts of modern day israel, syria and Jordan.

I believe there is nothing wrong in showing that we are different, we can’t do that in a sunni majlis but we can achieve that in modi’s rally. I only care what happens to me and my community when there’s some kind of riots in India. If other muslim wants that safety and doesn’t agree with their own religious leaders then they can join us. Wearing your traditional dress is a sign of pride in your identity and culture.

Also I actually am a person who believes that for achieving greater good some people need to sacrifice. Its the rule of this world and its not gonna change. Kashmiris can however stay at their home peacefully or go out and protest and eventually end up in jail. Everyone has an option. The severity of your problems are many times defined by your own actions.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by SBM » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:24 pm
(11.23 MiB) Downloaded 202 times
(10.02 MiB) Downloaded 222 times

Look at this two videos, In one of the videos you can see all STD Bohras while Trump is blasting Muslims and calling them all Radical Muslims. Being only visible Muslims in the crowd, these Bohra Abdes/Amtes may be the target of Sneer but they could care less as their Moula put them there to be embarrassed

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by Humsafar » Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:20 pm

My question and surprise were only rhetorical, Biradar. Of course you knew that!
Regarding SMB, just want to add that he not only hobnobbed with Modi but also with thugs like Bal Thackeray. The Qutbi gang has such a rosy view of SMB era as though it were some golden era of Bohra history. They forget that he is the enabler of dumbbell Muffy and laid the foundation of all this mad circus that we see daily.

Mohammad Hussain
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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by Mohammad Hussain » Tue Sep 24, 2019 1:01 am

LOL .... SMB was as corrupt as his son. He was very fond of getting his photo taken with rich and famous, and loved even the worst tyrants around. He was the first to give Modi crore rupees and felicitate him. SMB loved the publicity, even if it meant giving people like Modi or even Saddam Hussain shawls and millions of dollars. He had an insane appetite of eating delicious ziyaafats, sometimes 10 times a day, and even right after Aashura maktaal bayaan.

Talking about "ummat e rupaiyya" ... SMB loved rupaiyya. He lived a luxurious lifestyle, competing with Pharaoh himself. He flew all around the world, went hunting exotic animals, took trips to ski resorts and took care of his gargantuan family of 4000+ people. His life was a long and non-stop vacation. Each of his nasty parasite family members gets a big monthly cheque from the Kothar for doing absolutely nothing but having been born in SMB's family. On top of that, dummies like you bend and fawn in front of these fatuous and buffoonish "bhaisahebs", and are ready to do their "khidmat" like shameless fools.

Now, his son Muffy is a barbarian buffoon, and makes his daddy look a little decent. But please, don't make us LOL here ... SMB was the biggest lover of luxury and good times. His connection to ummat e rasool was tenuous at the best, and solely for minting billions of dollars for himself and his family.

So, one can essentially say that Qadir is a good follower of the Khalifa of ummat e rupaiyya, that is, SMB.
Brother Biradar: Very Well Said :D

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by momeenbhai » Tue Sep 24, 2019 1:20 am

SBM wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:13 pm
forget about muslims and dalits and blood and riot.

what modi did to the Indian economy is most disastrous than anything else we can discuss at this moment. and it has affected all Indians.
WOW-So economy and money takes precedent over the blood of innocent people :cry:
the terrible economy is actually killing more people than they are killed in any riots.

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Re: Ashara 1441 - Colombo


Unread post by ajamali » Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:51 am

Qadir wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:34 pm I for one was only there to see Trump,
Qadir you strike me as the kind of guy who would be chasing Hitler for a selfie with him!