Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the Wife

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Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the Wife


Unread post by Aarif » Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:39 pm

Q: I have frequently read what, according to Islamic teachings, a husband may or may not do in a dispute with his wife if he attributes it to disagreement with or misbehavior of his wife. I almost never read anything about the opposite situation: if the wife has a disagreement with her husband or *he* misbehaves. Things are nearly always told from the man's point of view! What are the wife's rights in the case of bad behavior of her husband?


Praise belongs to Allah the Lord of all the worlds. Blessings and Peace on the Messenger of Allah, and on his Family and all his Companions.

Allah ordered the believers to "consort with women in kindness" (4:19) and He said: "And of His signs are this: He created for you helpmeets from yourselves that ye might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo, herein indeed are portents for folk who reflect" (30:21).

A Wife's Basic Rights Regarding Her Husband's Behavior

NOTE: This is distinct from her other rights regarding living expenditures, housing, clothing, and education of children. And from Allah comes all success.

1. The first and worthiest condition of marriage to be fulfilled by the husband is to "keep the promise or promises he made to the wife at the time he married her." This is an order of the Prophet [salla Allahu `alayhi wa alihi wa sallam, abbr. (s)] according to the hadith: "ahaqqu al-shuruti an tufu bihi ma astahlaltum bihi min al-furuj"

2. He cannot order her to do anything that is against religion. The Prophet (s) said: "No obedience is due to creatures in disobedience of the Creator" (la ta`atan li makhluqin fi ma`siyat al-khaliq).

3. He must exercise patience and be prepared to listen to her advice in every situation. The Prophet (s) listened to the advice of his wives in matters ranging from the smallest to the greatest.

4. If she invites him to wake up and perform the late night prayer, it is praiseworthy for him to do so and vice-versa. The Prophet (s) prayed for such people: "May Allah grant mercy to a man who gets up at night and prays, and wakes up his wife, and if she refuses, he sprinkles water in her face; may Allah grant mercy to a woman who gets up at night and prays, and wakes up her husband, and if he refuses, she sprinkles water in his face."

5. He must respect her and pay attention to her needs so that she will respect him and pay attention to his.

6. He must control his passions and act in a moderate manner especially in the context of sexual intercourse. Remember that Allah has placed between you and her "friendship and mercy" (mawadda wa rahma), not the gratification of your every lust; and that the Prophet (s) advised young men to marry "because it casts down the gaze and walls up the genitals," not in order to stimulate sexual passions. The husband should habitually seek refuge in Allah before approaching his wife and say: "O Allah, ward off the satan from us and ward him off from what you have bestowed upon us in the way of children" (allahumma jannibna al-shaytana wa jannibhu ma razaqtana). Allah has called each spouse a garment for the other (2:187), and the purpose of garments is decency. The Prophet (s) further said that he who marries for the sake of decency and modesty (`afaf), Allah has enjoined upon Himself to help him.

7. He must never ever divulge the secrets of the household and those of the married couple.

8. He must strive with sincerity to acquire her trust, and seek her welfare in all the actions that pertain to her.

9. He must treat her generously at all times. The Prophet (s) said that the best gift or charity (sadaqa) is that spent on one's wife.

10. If she works outside the house, it is praiseworthy for the husband to hire house help to relieve her from too heavy a burden. The wife's duties do not require her to feed her child, nor even to nurse it, nor to clean nor cook. It is the husband's duty to provide a nursemaid, food for older children, and servants to clean and cook. However, if the wife does those things out of mercy and love, it is a gift to the husband on her part.

11. He must avoid excessive jealousy and remember that Allah is also jealous that he himself not commit. The Prophet (s) said: "Do not be excessively jealous of your wife lest evil be hurled at her on your account" (la tukthir al-gheerata `ala ahlika fa turama bi al-su'i min ajlik) and he said: "Allah is jealous and the believer is jealous; and Allah's jealousy is that the believer should not go to that which Allah has forbidden for him" (inna Allaha yagharu wa al- mu'minu yagharu wa gheerat Allahi in ya'tiya al-mu'minu ma harrama `alayhi).

12. He must protect her honor and not place her in situations where it is compromised or belittled. The Prophet (s) said that Allah will not ever let him enter Paradise who cares little who shares his wife's privacy. This includes the husband's brother, uncle, and nephew, let alone non-related friends, neighbors, and complete strangers.

13. He must exercise patience and forgiveness in the case of disagreement or dispute, and not rush to divorce. The declaration of divorce is a grave matter indeed, and the Prophet (s) said: "Of permitted matters the most loathesome before Allah is divorce" (abgh`ad al-halal `ind Allah al-talaq). In another hadith he said that divorce is so grave that because of it Allah's throne is made to shake. He said: "The best intercession [i.e. intervention of a third party] is that which brings back together the husband and the wife." Womanizing -- divorce for the purpose of marrying another woman out of sexual attraction incurs Allah's curse according to the hadith: "Allah's curse is on the womanizing, divorcing man" (la`ana Allahu kulla dhawwaaqin mutallaaq). Finally, even in the midst of and after divorce, Allah has prescribed kindness upon the man: "(After pronouncing divorce) she must be retained in honor or released in kindness" (2:228).

For the above-mentioned reason (i.e. to prevent the quickness of divorce), in his time, Ibn Taymiyya gave the ijtihad (juridical opinion) by saying that three talaqs in one sitting constituted only one. He did this to interdict the prevalent custom of suddenly giving three talaqs, which in his time was on everyone's lips, (i.e. had become so commonplace as to be a habit). However the other four schools of fiqh had the opposite opinion in this matter.

14. He must not dwell on what he dislikes in his wife, but on what he likes.

15. The husband is not to stay away from his wife or keep his wife in a state of suspense, whether at home or abroad, for a protracted period of time except with her consent. Allah said: "Turn not away (from your wife) altogether, so as to leave her hanging. If you come to a friendly understanding and practice self-restraint, then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Merciful" (4:129). Protracted separation (6 months or more in the Shafi`i school) without prior or subsequent arrangement with the wife, whether the husband is away willingly or unwillingly (for example due to war, imprisonment, or illness) is sufficient grounds for her to obtain divorce from the judge.

16. The Prophet (s) said: "Do not beat your wife." He also said: "Do not strike your wife in the face." The expiation for striking one's slave in the face is to set him or her free on the spot, but what expiation is there for striking one's wife? The Prophet (s) condemned the man who beats his wife in the day and then approaches her at night. And to beat her to the extent of inflicting serious injury is enough grounds for her to obtain divorce from the judge.

17. Caring for one's wife's sexual fulfillment is an obligation of religion. The Prophet (s) warned against rushing to gratify one's pleasure and forgetting that of one's wife. He also disliked that the husband should quickly withdraw from his wife afterwards, as it is a strain upon the wife. If she asks for intercourse, he should not refuse.

These are only some of the basic duties of the husband in Islam. The state of marriage is part of one's adherence to the Sunna and an exalted state of life indeed. In the words of the Prophet (s), it permits one to meet Allah "pure and cleansed" (tahiran mutahharan). One's behavior towards one's wife is the measure of the perfection of one's belief as the Prophet (s) said: "The most complete of the believers in his belief is he who perfects his manners, and the best of you in manners are those who act best towards their wives." Marriage must be approached with utmost seriousness, entered with the purest intent, and cultivated religiously as it does not come cheaply and it carries immense reward. The Prophet (s) called it "his way" (al-nikahu sunnati) and "half of religion" and he also said: "Two rak`at (prayer-cycles) of the married person are better than seventy rak`at of the unmarried." He also warned that among the greatest of responsibilities that had been placed upon men is that pertaining to the treatment of their wives.

And may Allah's blessings and peace be upon Muhammad,
his Family and all his Companions,
and praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:06 pm

The question was not answered and he missed one classic:

4:34 "As to those women on whom part you fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly); "

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Human » Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:35 pm

Fatwa Banker wrote:The question was not answered and he missed one classic:

4:34 "As to those women on whom part you fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly); "
I know it comes from the quran but personally I do not agree with violence (beating).
Also, how about disloyalty from husband? How is that to be dealt with? What if the wife finds out that husband has 3 other secret wives?
Finally why are men allowed four marriages and women not allowed the same?

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:47 pm

Agreeing with violence has nothing to do with committing violence. For eg, America doesn't condone violence and still it has started and participated in many wars and has killed millions of people. First they threaten (admonish), then they place sanctions (refuse to share beds) and then they attack and start wars killing millions.
Also, how about disloyalty from husband? How is that to be dealt with? What if the wife finds out that husband has 3 other secret wives?
If the wife is strong enough, then she can beat the husband. If not, then she can seek divorce. The quran doesn't explicitly prevent a wife from beating the husband if she fears disloyalty on the part of the husband.
Finally why are men allowed four marriages and women not allowed the same?
That is a good question. Maybe those who think this is appropriate should allow their wives or mothers or sisters to have more than one husband.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:50 pm

good ones anajmi... :mrgreen:

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:43 pm

I forgot to add the kicker to my last sentence

Maybe those who think this is appropriate should allow their wives or mothers or sisters to have more than one husband. Their kids would love to have more than 1 father.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Human » Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:58 pm

anajmi wrote:I forgot to add the kicker to my last sentence

Maybe those who think this is appropriate should allow their wives or mothers or sisters to have more than one husband. Their kids would love to have more than 1 father.
anajmi, All your answers were wise except the last one. Can't you find an ayah in quran this time?
Or am I to assume that the obvious loopholes in islam that are openly exploited cannot be defended, so try and ridicule those who question them?

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Human » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:01 pm

Between in asking the question about why men are allowed 4 marriages, it was more of a question that why are men indeed allowed 4 marriages? It was not about equality for the feminine. Shouldn't a man just be loyal to one woman?

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:24 pm

anajmi wrote:The quran doesn't explicitly prevent a wife from beating the husband
The quran doesn't explicitly prevent a wife from driving either..........I take it back, there are some restrictions:

4:34 (b)"As to those women who wish for mobility, Driver's Education(first), (next) Standard 5-Speed Transmission only, (and last) step on the gas pedal (lightly); " {Pickthall}

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:33 pm

The quran doesn't explicitly prevent a wife from driving either
Looks like you are grasping at straws now. By the way, you are right. My wife has a driver's license and I couldn't be more pleased.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:41 pm


I was answering your question. But I do it in a way that is similar to how Dr. House does it. Have you ever seen that show? By the way, House is a complete atheist. I love him.
It was not about equality for the feminine. Shouldn't a man just be loyal to one woman?
Then that is the question you should've asked. See, when countries fight wars, millions of men die. This causes wives to be widows and kids to be orphans. Wars were deadly 14 centuries ago. They are worse now, thanks to the WMDs we found in the middle east. Ofcourse, a lot of the times innocent women and kids are killed too, so that kind of evens it out a little bit. But still, women and kids are left to fend for themselves. Islam gives a way to solve this problem. In the west, a man (or a woman) is allowed to have sex with as many as they want and have as many bastards as they want. It is all legal. Islam doesn't allow that. Kids need to be legal and not bastards. So men are allowed to have a maximum of 4 wives. The condition is that they need to be able to treat them all equally. If they cannot, then they can have only one wife. The quran also says that in general, men won't be able to treat them justly. So indirectly it is saying that you have to be a great man to be able to have 4 wives and treat them justly.

In the west, it is the worst pieces of shits that have multiple partners and a few bastards in the process.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Humsafar » Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:43 pm

anajmi, were Adam and Hawwa married?

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:53 pm

Are you referring to the kind of marriages that we have today on earth where a kazi has to ask and a wakil has to get the girl's permission? Or are you referring to a court marriage where you get a printed certificate?

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Human » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:07 pm

anajmi wrote:Are you referring to the kind of marriages that we have today on earth where a kazi has to ask and a wakil has to get the girl's permission? Or are you referring to a court marriage where you get a printed certificate?
So, do you mean the way muslims get married now is a modern innovation and not according to the quran? Or if you mean otherwise, then does it mean that everyone in the world is a bastard? (according to what you explained in your previous posts about western countries)

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Human » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:21 pm

anajmi wrote:Human,

Then that is the question you should've asked. See, when countries fight wars, millions of men die. This causes wives to be widows and kids to be orphans. Wars were deadly 14 centuries ago. They are worse now, thanks to the WMDs we found in the middle east. Ofcourse, a lot of the times innocent women and kids are killed too, so that kind of evens it out a little bit. But still, women and kids are left to fend for themselves. Islam gives a way to solve this problem. In the west, a man (or a woman) is allowed to have sex with as many as they want and have as many bastards as they want. It is all legal. Islam doesn't allow that. Kids need to be legal and not bastards. So men are allowed to have a maximum of 4 wives. The condition is that they need to be able to treat them all equally. If they cannot, then they can have only one wife. The quran also says that in general, men won't be able to treat them justly. So indirectly it is saying that you have to be a great man to be able to have 4 wives and treat them justly.

In the west, it is the worst pieces of shits that have multiple partners and a few bastards in the process.
Sounds like a good story atleast to defend the islamic concept of 4 marriages. But how about countries like India and Pakistan, where there's no war and people still marry 4 times, most of the time the wives are hidden from one another. You might then say that they are not following the correct islamic practice and they are not muslims. But then again, if you go about following quran so strictly, does anyone do it? The matter here is how people are exploiting the loophole in the name of islam.

While we are discussing about some most common rules of islam, can you also please explain the prohibition of eating pig meat?

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:25 pm

So, do you mean the way muslims get married now is a modern innovation and not according to the quran? Or if you mean otherwise, then does it mean that everyone in the world is a bastard? (according to what you explained in your previous posts about western countries)
Please don't get so desperate that you start posting nonsense. Take a break. I don't want to consider you to be completely unworthy of a sensible response just yet.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:31 pm

most of the time the wives are hidden from one another
But apparently they weren't hidden from you.
The matter here is how people are exploiting the loophole in the name of islam.
If people weren't exploiting religion, we wouldn't be needing reform.
can you also please explain the prohibition of eating pig meat?
Please do a google search. I am beginning to get uninterested.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Human » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:42 pm

anajmi wrote:Human,
So, do you mean the way muslims get married now is a modern innovation and not according to the quran? Or if you mean otherwise, then does it mean that everyone in the world is a bastard? (according to what you explained in your previous posts about western countries)
Please don't get so desperate that you start posting nonsense. Take a break. I don't want to consider you to be completely unworthy of a sensible response just yet.
Okay, as I said before; please do not respond if you do not feel like it. However, all I'm trying to do is to draw a fine line between non-believers and the supposed believers who manage to exploit the loopholes. And I want to draw a fine line between the flag bearing right wing extreme muslims and the normal human beings as in muslims by birth and practice included.

I would repeat once again that I'm a practicing muslim too but so far I have come to understand that you fully have faith in the principles of islam because you have read so much, but for me my faith is there because I respect my parents and I've been asked to believe, believe and believe. I've had so many questions from many years, logical questions; but only now I get a chance to ask them here. Thus my questions. Please do not take them personally anajmi. As I mentioned before, you reading and your knowledge about islam is applaudable and thus I normally divert my questions towards you.

PS: You do not have to answer if you don't wish to.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Human » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:48 pm

But apparently they weren't hidden from you.
No they aren't (still in the present tense, I know quite a few of these flag bearing so called muslims). I still know quite a few.
If people weren't exploiting religion, we wouldn't be needing reform.
Agreed, a reform is needed is dawoodi bohra community and thus the existence of this website. But here we are speaking about islam overall, not just one community.
Please do a google search. I am beginning to get uninterested.
I have done my research and the answers are not satisfactory. I only ask you as I want to know the opinion of a an educated person who has read a lot about islam. If you are uninterested please do not reply.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:23 pm


The first thing I ask you to do is pick up a copy of the quran in a language you understand. Start reading it. Doesn't matter if it takes 6 months or a couple of years to finish reading. The important thing is to start.

Second, if a person is hiding his wives from each other, then he is obviously not just between them. Obviously his wives did not consent to his multiple marriages. Ergo, what he is doing is unIslamic. There is no loop hole in Islam. A loophole would be if the quran said that you can have 4 wives as long as you can hide them from each other. The loop hole is in the implementation. Implementation is by people. That is why we have a judgment day. If implementation was perfect, we wouldn't need judgment.
But here we are speaking about islam overall, not just one community.
I was speaking about Islam overall and not just one community. Reform exists everywhere. If it doesn't, then it needs to.
I have done my research and the answers are not satisfactory
Please let me know what answers you got.

Also, there are times when you have to simply accept a commandment of Allah even if you do not find a reason. Eating pork has been made haraam in the quran. I believe quran to be the word of God, so I don't eat pork. People will give you a lot of reasons. They will say pig is a filthy animal. They will say pig can give you tape worms. Others will say, you can cook it properly and get rid of the tape worms. Some people say that you become what you eat. There are many other reasons that can be given. But the one that worked for me is that it is a command from Allah. Others will say that you couldn't find a good reason that is why you are saying that. But, if you are honest to yourself, then what the others say do not matter.
I'm a practicing muslim
There is a difference between a practicing muslm and a believing muslim. A practicing muslim doesn't need to believe in what he is practicing. A believing muslim however will always be a practicing muslim. The quran is pretty clear about the difference. Allah says in the quran

YUSUFALI: They will say: "Did there not come to you your messengers with Clear Signs?" They will say, "Yes". They will reply, "Then pray (as ye like)! But the prayer of those without Faith is nothing but (futile wandering) in (mazes of) error!"

Do not believe because you have been asked to believe. It's not going to do anything for you except make you unsatisfied. Believe because you want to believe.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:28 pm

And to answer Humsafar's original question - Yes Adam and Hawwa were married. The quran refers to Hawwa as Prophet Adam's (as) wife in ayah 2:35

YUSUFALI: We said: "O Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden; and eat of the bountiful things therein as (where and when) ye will; but approach not this tree, or ye run into harm and transgression."
PICKTHAL: And We said: O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden, and eat ye freely (of the fruits) thereof where ye will; but come not nigh this tree lest ye become wrong-doers.
SHAKIR: And We said: O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the garden and eat from it a plenteous (food) wherever you wish and do not approach this tree, for then you will be of the unjust.

The reason I asked my original question is because it is quiet likely that Humsafar will ask for a marriage certificate.

Oh and just to point it out, the quran actually uses the arabic work for "wife".

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Human » Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:02 am

anajmi, Thank you for replying. Your answers make much more sense than those from the extreme right wing people. You know what, I'll take your suggestion and read quran in a non-arabic language of my understanding.

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:36 am


Anajmi is tap dancing around your questions, once you read the Quran in a language you understand (and I strongly suggest you do), you will turn away from it. Unless as Anajmi correctly pointed out, you have belief; then again if you have belief Cinderella is a better read. Remember, UBL's followers also think he makes more sense than those right wing nut jobs.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:18 am

Well, the CIA was amongst the very first followers of UBL. They created him afterall.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Human » Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:00 am

Fatwa Banker and Anajmi, I'm going to start reading quran (in something other than arabic) and then give my thoughts.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Thai » Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:23 am


If you are going to read Quran, Muhammed Asad is on the net and comes with tafsir.
Yusuf Ali is also good and comes with tafsir too. Tafsir helps put the verses in context and adds depth.
Toshihiko Isutzu has written about Quranic concepts, his works are interesting---particularly relating to semantics.

Muslim First
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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Muslim First » Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:51 am

Brother Human

I read more than one translation and Tafseers at same time, Aya by Aya. I read following advice here; ... uf_ali.htm
Please keep in mind all ANY translation (interpretation) of the Qur'aan will most definitely contain errors. In its natural language (Arabic), the Qur'aan is the direct Word of Allah (God) to mankind through the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Any translation of the Qur'aan no longer retains that 'official' and perfect status, however it can be tremendously helpful to beginning students wanting to learn more about Islam.
We would strongly encourage those want to learn about Islam to purchase a hardcopy of the Qur'aan but with the following conditions:
• get one with commentary (tafseer)
• make sure the tafseer is scholarly (e.g. references to reasons behind a verse, references to hadith and sunnah, such as that found in the Noble Qur'aan by Dr. Hilali and Dr. Muhsin Khan, etc.)

For Yusuf Ali, Picthal, Shakir and commentary by Pooya/M.A.Ali

For an excellent English translation and commentary of the Qur'aan is Maududi's "The Meaning of the Qur'aan"

For explaination of Quran Aya by other Aya’s or by Sahabas Quoting Prophet “Tafseer Ibn Katheer”

For Asad’s Transation and commentary ... ranslation

Word by word translation ... lation.htm

The Shade of Quran Volume 30 by Sayyid Qutub [Excellent work]
World Assembly of Muslim youth ISBN 0 906194 16 5
For complete 30 Volume set ISBN 0 906194 16 4

Have a beneficial study of Quran.


Muslim First
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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Muslim First » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:00 am

The Shade of Quran Volume 30 by Sayyid Qutub [Excellent work]

Google this
Syed Qutb - In the Shade of Quran (Split Files)

Muslim First
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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by Muslim First » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:49 am

Yusuf Ali is also good and comes with tafsir too. Tafsir helps put the verses in context and adds depth.
Original Work you can buy in 3 volumes. I got it from India.

Has been revised by Saudis and you will have hard time finding authors name. Some comments are altered.

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Re: Some Responsibilities of the Husband and Rights of the W


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:03 pm

I would recommend you to read a translation of the quran without any commentary. Just read the translation. Much of the quran can be easily understood without any commentary. Then, if you have difficulty figuring things out, you can look them up.