Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim

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Saeed al Khair
Posts: 166
Joined: Wed May 05, 2010 5:08 pm

Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by Saeed al Khair » Sun May 09, 2010 5:27 pm

Syedna Tahir Saifuddin ibn S. Muhammad Burhanuddin

When Badruddin Sahib died in 1333 Hijri (1915 AD) Tahir Saifuddin Sahib declared himself as Dai. While his step mother was welcoming and congratulating him the rosary that was in her' hand broke and the beads were scattered all over the floor. The people who witnessed this considered it as an evil omen and one of them said, ;Allah forbid, this is a sign of disintegration of the community. "Saifuddin Sahib was very shrewd, haughty, ruthless and arrogant in his manners. He could not tolerate opposition of any kind whatsoever yet he had the knack of making people submit to him. His intimate friends were Akbar ibn Husainbhai and Abdul Husain. The latter was so dear to him that the two were often seen together for as long as 20 hours and there were ugly rumours about it. Abdul Husain, the intimate friend of Saifuddin Sahib was reported to have illicit relations with Vazirabai, wife ofTayebbhai, the elder brother of Saifuddin Sahib and this had caused a rift between the two brothers.On 4 J amaadil Awwal 1333 Hijri Saifuddin Sahib held a grand celebration of his initiation as Dai. The participants were welcomed with dry fruit and betel leaves (pan) and they were given perfume quite generously. To add to the festivities on this occasion arrangement was made for a musical band to play. Among the hundreds of persons attending were several poets - Samandar, Sikandar, J awhar and Ghazanfar who read in loud voices their poems eulogizing him. The pupils of Saifee Daras and other schools had also prepared poems in Arabic praising Saifuddin Sahib and praying for his long life. A grand feast was also given to all relations, dignitaries and pupils at his bungalow in Dumas, a delightful resort on the Tapti River. The festivities lasted for four days and suitable conveyance was provided for everyone attending. During the Muharram of the following year Saifuddin Sahib deputized Sheikh Ali Muhammad, his assistant (Deewaan) to Rampura for delivering sermons. The Sheikh invited his father in law, Sheikh Haiderali to give him company during the auspicious days of Muharram. Sheikh Haiderali accompanied by Sheikh Abdul Karim and a few others arrived in Rampura on 8th of Muharram. They were given a warm reception at Lal Baagh with the accompaniment of musical band, fire works and illumination. Sheikh Abdul Karim who did not like it protested to this show of merriment and said, "How can you do such things in the holy days of Muharram?". But his protest proved to be a cry in the wilderness. On reaching their destination a majlis was convened in their honor and betel leaves and sherbat were served as is the custom on happy occasions. They then visited Sheikh Muhammad Vazir, the Aamil of Rampura who offered them nothing but the dust of Karbala and said, 'This being a mourning period I cannot offer you any sweets,' News of what had happened in Rampura quickly reached Surat. Sheikh Ismailbhai ibn Sheikh Luqmanji, the brother in law of Saifuddin Sahib, wrote a strongly worded letter demanding an explanation of the Rampura incident and the reasons why he had not taken any action to punish the Sheikh when he knew that the Sheikh had wilfully violated the sanctity of the holy month of Muharram. But Saifuddin Sahib ignored the letter and did not reply. Instead he advised the Sheikh to deny the incident altogether. Sheikh Ismailbhai then prepared posters in Gujarati and distributed them widely adding therein, "Your Deewaans (assistants) are worse than prostitutes who at least preserve the sanctity of Muharram by closing their business and observing mourning." The posters created a great uproar in the public. This incident and many others show how Saifuddin Sahib nurtured evil persons. Not only did he defend their misdeeds but also rewarded them with money and titles for their acts of threat and violence duly sanctioned by him upon those who had the courage to protest against his unbecoming behavior or the evil practices of his deputies. The monthly paper 'Gulzare Hakimi' in which all the mal-practices under the administration of Saifuddin Sahib were reported, was widely read by the faithful. Immediately after taking charge as a Dai Saifuddin Sahib put a strict ban on the reading of this paper and excommunicated Hasanali in Ramadhan 1333 Hijri (July 1915 AD). However the paper continued to be published regularly. Hasanali migrated to Burhanpur in 1925 AD and continued publication of the paper from Hakimia. Its circulation increased and it was financially stable thanks to the help given by Kinkhabwalla family of Surat and the sons of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy and others. Saifuddin Sahib's desire for wealth knew no bounds. All the Aamils of towns and villages were instructed to remit direct to Saifuddin Sahib the money collected from the faithful after deducting a certain percentage towards their commission. The cash that was collected in the charity boxes (Gullas) placed at the numerous shrines up and down the country was also required to be sent to Saifuddin Sahib, who claimed that he alone had the authority to appropriate the funds as he wished. Even public properties including trusts (waqf) were forcibly converted into personal properties in his own name or in the names of family members. One such example is that of Moriswalla guest house, a four storied building in Mumbai which was erected in 1924 AD by Karimji Jeewanji Moriswalla at a cost of Rs 2 lakhs for the convenience of visitors to Mumbai. This was in the early years of Saifuddin Sahib's ministry. In due course of time he succeeded in getting many other public properties transferred to himself or to members of his family. While returning from one of his visits to Sri Lanka in 1957 AD he attempted to smuggle diamonds through his brother, who hid them in his turban. But unfortunately this was discovered by the airport authorities in Colombo. The diamonds were confiscated and a fine of Rs 75,000 was imposed. However due to the intervention of some influential persons of Sri Lanka no arrests were made. This incident caused a great deal of humiliation and brought disgrace not only to Saifuddin Sahib but also to the entire Dawoodi Community. He had a large family consisting of 4 wives and 23 children. They were provided all the comforts of hearth and home, food from a common kitchen, motor cars for use on pleasure trips and money out of the community funds which should have been spent on the poor, the needy, the orphans and the widows. His sons and daughters were addressed as princes and princesses. They behaved as such and expected everyone irrespective of age to pay them respect and salaam in cash. Like father, the children did not receive secular education in any public school or college as Saifuddin Sahib was against secular education, particularly English education. Although with the passage of time he realized the error of his judgment yet he did not allow all his children to receive education outside the Saifee Daras with the exception of Yousuf Najmuddin who became a barrister and Hatim Hameeduddin who took up research work in Oxford University. He was acclaimed as professor by the innocent members of the community and he never revealed his true position of being a research student. None of them practiced any profession and preferred to lead life as a Mulla because it was more lucrative and no work was involved.

I was then 13 years old." The hearing was adjourned at this stage. Meanwhile the advocate general arranged to obtain copy of Saifuddin Sahib's birth certificate from the Municipal records in Surat. When the hearing was resumed the advocate general wanted verification of Saifuddin Sahib's last statement. An Urdu speaking interpreter asked him, "When you were a loanda (boy) were you like other loandas (boys) or were you different." The Urdu words seemed to be undignified for his position so he did not answer even though the question was repeated thrice. The judge was curious and wanted to know why the witness was not answering. He was informed that probably the witness did not understand the interpreter. Immediately he was replaced by a Parsi who asked the same question in Gujarati. Saifuddin Sahib now replied that he was like other boys. Then showing him the birth certificate the Parsi interpreter asked him, "Look at this certificate and tell the court how old you were at the time of the dispute referred to in the previous hearing." Now Saifuddin Sahib had to admit that he was 3 years old at the time. This was a very humiliating situation for him. The judge told the advocate general, "How long will you keep flogging a dead horse?" The witnesses on behalf of the defendants included Sheikh Tayeb Kokab as an expert and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Tapya as chief accountant. In case of Kokab the judge remarked, "This witness swears not to tell the truth before he sets out from home." As regards Tapya it was recorded, "This witness is quite dangerous because he tries to mislead the court". The rest of the witnesses gave stereotyped and parrot fashion statements.

The advocate general's questions baffled Saifuddin Sahib so much that he contradicted himself several times. One cannot imagine the extent of shame and humiliation that he must have suffered throughout the proceedings. The advocate general summed up by saying, "Whether Mullaji Sahib is Dai-ul Mutlaq, Imam, Prophet or God, it has no relevance to the case. I only want to establish that he is a trustee and as such he is bound to render account." When the sons of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy demanded an account of the money collected from the charity box (Gulla) kept at the shrine of Chandabhai from Yousufali Bandukwalla, a trustee of the Gulla evasive replies were received. Saifuddin Sahib declared himself to be the owner of the Gulla and accountable only to the Imam in seclusion. Hence no one had the right to demand an account from him. However a suit was filed in the high court of Mumbai for failure to render account of the Gulla. This was the famous Chandabhai Gulla case (No 941 of 1917). The plaintiffs were Karimbhoy, son of Sir Adamji, Sharafali Mamooji and Jeewanali Rajabali of Udaipur. The defendants were Yousufali Ibrahimji Bandukwalla, Shamsuddin Muhammadali, a partner in Yousufali's firm looking after the Gulla and Saifuddin Sahib. The case was heard by Justice Martin. The advocate general opened the case on behalf of the plaintiffs and asked Saifuddin Sahib if Chandabhai was a 'Vali' (saint) and that he was a trustee of the Gulla placed at the shrine. He denied it with disdain. He also denied that Fakhruddin Shaheed in Galiakot and Syedi Hakimuddin in Burhanpur were saints, because according to him a Dai-ul Mutlaq alone could be a Vali. He maintained that he was the owner of the property and souls of all the Dawoodis and that he could not be treated as a trustee accountable to them. Later under cross examination he admitted that Syedi Hakimuddin, Fakhruddin Shaheed and Chandabhai were all Valis (saints).
On the question of interest he confessed that his father (Burhanuddin Sahib) and grandfather (Najmuddin Sahib) borrowed money on interest and that his predecessor (Abdullah Badruddin Sahib) lent Rs 50,000 to Isabhai Motabhai on compound interest. Thus according to him payment and receipt of interest was perfectly legitimate under certain circumstances and he believed that it was sanctioned in "Da-aaemul Islam". At one stage of the proceedings he even claimed to be God on earth. It is said that such a fantastic claim created a stir in the Muslim world and he had to withdraw his statement. During the hearing some papers were produced showing that there had been a dispute between Sir Adamji Peerbhoy and Burhanuddin Sahib. Saifuddin Sahib confirmed this and commented, "Later on Adamji Finally the case was decided in favor of the plaintiffs. Saifuddin Sahib was declared a trustee fully accountable for the money collected in the Chandabhai Gulla and the plaintiffs were awarded three fourths of the cost which was borne by Saifuddin Sahib. year the opening ceremony of a science wing in the Hakimia High School donated by Adamji's sons was performed by the Governor of Central Provinces and an Arabic School (Daras) was also started which remained under the guidance and supervision of Sheikh Ismailbhai Luqmani. Initially the Dargah case was heard once a week. At this rate it could have taken several years to finalise it. Hence representations were made to the higher authorities in Nagpur and as a result an additional judge, B G Kher was appointed who heard the case more frequently. Besides books, hundreds of letters and documents were produced in the court by both the plaintiffs and defendants. The judge studied the translations of relevant passages from Arabic books, letters and documents so thoroughly that he became more familiar with the issues involved than any learned Mulla or Sheikh. The chief witness for the defendants was Maulvi Sheikh Dawood, whose statements actually helped the plaintiffs to win the case. As usual Saifuddin Sahib made a public announcement that he was victorious although he had lost the case. He then lodged an appeal in the N agpur high court against the judgement of the lower court in Burhanpur. In Nagpur Justice Staples, a Roman Catholic was influenced by a lady barrister Dilruba who worked with the well known lawyer Bhulabhai Desai. Hence a biased judgment was pronounced in favour of Saifuddin Sahib whose right of excommunication of dissidents was upheld. In the judgement Justice Staples commented that the existence of the Imam is a figment of imagination. Saifuddin Sahib did not even bother at the remarks of the judge in denying the existence of the Imam who in fact was the source of Saifuddin Sahib's own authority. The plaintiffs in the Dargah case were now left with no option but to lodge an appeal in the Privy Council against the judgment of the N agpur High court. The cost was exorbitant but some well wishers provided the funds and Hatimali Alavi through his painstaking efforts obtained the necessary permission to refer the case to the Privy Council. Finally the appeal was lodged in 1349 Hijrl (1930 AD). The Dargah case when filed in Burhanpur was treated as a representative suit and the names of the plaintiffs originally given were those of Muhammad, son of Khan Bahadur Fakhruddin and Tayebali Muhammadali Bhamgadhwalla. Shortly after Muhammad expired and This was a great defeat for Saifuddin Sahib but he declared to his followers that he had achieved a great victory ('Fathe Mubeen') over the enemies. He ordered the followers everywhere to celebrate this victory with illumination, buntings and a show of merriment.One of his many claims was that he possessed knowledge of the unknown and he called himself 'Aalemul Ghaib'. However this claim was falsified by the following incident and many others. Saifuddin Sahib fell in love with Faatemabai Hamdani who had lost her husband in 1336 Hijri (1918 AD). In 1338 he made up his mind to marry her. Accordingly preparations were made to solemnise the marriage and a majlis was convened. In the nick of time Rabab-ai Sahiba, the widow of Abdullah Badruddin Sahib, sent a message through her step son, Fazalbhai, "Faatemabai has 'mehram' with my sister, Husaina-ai, your wife. Hence this marriage would be illegal and against the command of the Quran which prohibits marriage between two sisters at the same time." The ceremony was therefore postponed. But for the timely intervention Saifuddin Sahib would have committed a grave sin. He should have known it had he the knowledge of the unknown.

After this Husaina-ai did not live long and within two months of her death which remained a mystery, Saifuddin Sahib married Faatemabai. He also claimed to be infallible (maasoom). Once after Zohor prayers in the Bhindi Bazaar mosque he gave a sermon in which he mentioned that he could not make mistakes. However, on the same day when he led Asr prayers there was an error on his part and he had to perform the compulsory additional sajdahs for mistake (sehw) at the end. During his visit to Karachi he predicted that the Imam would come out of seclusion during his life time and that he would have the honor of presenting him to the faithful. But this prophecy never came true. An educational conference was held in Hakimia Coronation High School in 1340 Hijri (December 1921 AD). People from various towns and places attended. When they intended to visit the shrine of Syedi Hakimuddin they were obstructed and prevented by the management from entering the premises. Consequently a meeting was held whereat it was resolved to file a suit in the court to establish and secure their rights of access to that public property. Hence a suit was filed in 1343 Hijri (26 October 1925 AD) known as Burhanpur Dargah case. During the same due to some disagreement Tayebali's name was deleted. Two new names were substituted, those of Hasanali Chakera, the headmaster of Hakimia Coronation High school and Tahirali Kinkhabwalla, a prominent businessman of Surat Due to these changes the Privy Council did not accept the suit as representative and delivered the judgment in favor of Hasanali and Tahirali in December 1947. The decision ofthe Nagpur High court was reversed and the judgement of the lower court in Burhanpur was upheld. In the Privy Council judgement it was stated, "Abdul Qadir Najmuddin was nominated by four learned men in 1256 Hijri and they accepted him as Dai-ul Mutlaq by virtue of that nomination. The court therefore hopes that the plaintiffs would also accept the Mullaji as Dai-ul Mutlaq as did their predecessors. Although Mullaji has the power of excommunication, which has to be exercised with justice, equity and good conscience, he cannot exercise this right arbitrarily. His action in excommunicating the Plaintiffs in arbitrary manner is considered invalid. “The defendants were required to pay Rs 50,000 to the plaintiffs towards the cost of the appeal. Again Saifuddin Sahib announced victory and held celebrations on a wide scale. However after a close scrutiny of the judgment he must have been disappointed. His son, Yousuf Najmuddin advised him that fresh notices should be issued to all those who were previously declared excommunicated and they should be asked to appear before a meeting of the community members to be convened in Badri Mahal. It will then be easy to pronounce the decree of excommunication upon them and this would become perfectly legal. Hence show cause notices enumerating the charges against them were issued in all such cases and replies were called for. A public meeting of the community members was then convened at Badri Mahal. The charges on each individual were read out clearly in loud voice so that the members present could hear and understand while their replies were read out hurriedly and in such an inaudible voice which no one could comprehend. When this was done Saifuddin Sahib from his so called 'gadi' (throne) would announce, "I excommunicate so and so". This show went on for a couple of individuals when the group from Malegaon protested and said, "You are reading the charge sheet so clearly but when it comes to the replies you are trying to make them ambiguous. If you can't do it properly give us the letters and we shall read them." This resulted in serious and heated arguments and soon a riotous situation developed. So Saifuddin Sahib considered it wise to disperse the meeting. Nothing was accomplished and the whole exercise ended in a failure for Saifuddin Sahib. Another important case during this period was that knowm as 'Abde Faatema' case of 1937. Abdeali, son of Amiruddin Salehbhai Tayebji, senior partner of the famous firm of shipchandlers in Mumbai, was engaged to be married in March 1936 to Faatema, daughter of Abdulali Rajabali Chibawalla. Amiruddin was an active member of the group of reformists who were demanding from the Government that the stipulations of the Musalman Waqf Act should now apply to the Dawoodi community which had obtained exemption from the Act for three years and which period was now over.
Thereupon an enquiry commission was set up by the Mumbai Government for this purpose and Amiruddin was the chief witness in that enquiry. Meanwhile another enquiry was instituted by Amiruddin to find out how and where the sum of Rs 2 lakhs donated by his mother for charitable purposes was spent by Saifuddin Sahib. When Saifuddin Sahib was requested by both the families to solemnize the marriage of Abdeali and Faatema he refused saying, "Withdraw the enquiry regarding the sum of Rs 2 lakhs." This money transaction and the involvement of Amiruddin in the Waqf Act enquiry were the main reasons why the request was refused. But apparently the excuse given out was that Abdeali was not growing a beard. Abdeali tried in vain to argue that many marriages were performed where the grooms had no beards. At last he decided to have his marriage solemnized by a Sunni Qazi. In order to avoid any confrontation with Saifuddin Sahib, the bride's father transferred his 'Vakalat' to Sir Karimbhoy Ibrahim, the well known Baronet of Khoja community witnessed by Sardar Sir Sulaiman Kasam Mitha and his son Usmaan. The witnesses who asked the bride her consent to the marriage were Abdul Husain Poonawalla and Abdul Rahim Khandwalla. Hatimali Alavi, the ex Mayor of Karachi was also present on the occasion. Upon a meher of Rs 51 the marriage was duly solemnised by Maulvi HajiAbdul Haleem on 25 February 1937.However, in April 1937 both the bride and groom received letters from the Aamil of Mumbai stating that the marriage was illegal and that the couple was living in sin. Saifuddin Sahib approved the action of the Aamil and in August of the same year sent letters of the same tune to Amiruddin and Abdulali. Now the groom had no alternative but to file a suit in the High court of Mumbai against Saifuddin Sahib and his deputy, the _mil in Mumbai, for maligning the character of the couple and demanded from them damages of Rs 50,000 each by way of compensation. Top lawyers were engaged by both the parties. The plaintiffs were represented by advocate general M C Setalvad, Coltman, P B Vachcha and Hindade whereas on behalf of the defendants Sir J amshedji Kanga and B P Taraporewalla gave appearance. The case proceeded and some of the pleas _ut forward by the defendants were that (a) according to the traditions of the Dawoodi community marriage cannot be solemnized without the prior consent (raza) of the head of the community or his deputy (b) Saifuddin Sahib has the right to refuse to solemnise the marriage if the groom does not keep a beard. However, if the groom undertakes to grow a beard and deposits a substantial sum of money by way of security Saifuddin Sahib might show some leniency and allow the marriage to be performed (c) since the marriage was not performed according to the established tradition of the Dawoodi community and against the wishes of Saifuddin Sahib the marriage was invalid and the couple were living in sin. Hence all relations with them were cut off and they were excommunicated.

The statements of the couple were then recorded and all those who were participants in the marriage ceremony appeared as witnesses and were cross examined by the defendant's barrister, Sir Jamshedji Kanga. Saifuddin Sahib managed to postpone the hearing on some pretext or the other for nearly three years. Ultimately Saifuddin Sahib had to give in and he proposed a settlement on 5 March 1940. He accepted the 'nikaah' performed by the Qazi as legal and valid (by virtue of his special powers which he claimed he possessed) and agreed to withdraw the letters issued in April and August 1937 regarding the invalidity of the 'nikaah' and the blame on the couple that they were living in sin. Perhaps he was reminded of the fact that Amtullahbai, the mother of Saleh Safiyuddin and Ibrahim Zainuddin, his step brothers, was the daughter of a Sunni muslim lady who was married to Haider Mota in Singapore and the 'nikaah' was performed by a Sunni muslim Qazi. The court pronounced the following judgement."This court states 'In Invitum' that the Qazi 'nikaah' of Plaintiff Abdeali to Faatema, daughter of Abdulali Chibawalla which took Place on 25 February 1937 is considered legal according to the laws applicable to the Dawoodi Bohra community and is valid from the date it took Place."Saifuddin Sahib paid Rs 35,000 by way of damages but this was not recorded. or)During the period of the ministry of Saifuddin Sahib numerous ugly incidents occured involving threats, abuses, assaults and even death. N one of them was investigated into by Saifuddin Sahib nor any action taken against the culprits. A few of them are cited below. In 1918 Mulla Ghazanfarali was beaten up in Saifee Daras, Surat. Sheikh Ishaqali was battered and thrown into the gutter. Tayebbhai Thanawalla who had been a witness in the Chandabhai Gulla case was assaulted and his ears were cut off. The culprit in this case was caught and was sentenced to three years imprisonment. In 1920 the homes of Sheikh Faizullahbhai Hamdani and Sheikh Ismailbhai Luqmani were invaded by a mob. They pelted stones and threatened to set fire simply because they had performed the 'nikaah' of Hatimbhai, son of Sheikh Faizullahbhai, with the daughter of Sheikh Ismailbhai without the consent of Saifuddin Sahib. In fact he had withheld his consent because both of these dignitaries had given witness against him in the Chandabhai Gulla case. Stones and mud were thrown at the coffin of Sharafali Mamooji. It was he who, in conjunction with Karimbhoy Sir Adamji, had demanded the account of the Gulla placed at the Chandabhai shrine. Ibrahim Sir Adamji was brutally assaulted by hired goondas but luckily he survived. The goondas were Muhammadali Hakimji, Roshanali Muhammadali Rangwalla and Ismail Tayebali. They were apprehended and each of them was sentenced to imprisonment with hard labor and a fine of Rs 1,000. The servant of Fazalbhai Hakimuddin named Jaafar was murdered because he was an eye witness to certain criminal incidents.

Abdul Qadir, son in law of Saifuddin Sahib was a persona non grata and met with his death under suspicious circumstances. Saifuddin Sahib chose another son in law who was already married and who loved his wife dearly. Subsequently he was forced to divorce his first wife from whom he had a young son who used to visit his father frequently. One day the young boy was missing and after a search his body was recovered from the water reservoir inside the house. A charge of murder against the step mother of the son in law was registered in the magistrate's court in Surat but no conviction was made. No one knows why. The grave of Alibhai Sir Adamji's wife in Charni Road cemetery was dug up and the freshly buried body of the deceased lady was removed and thrown on the public road in the early hours of the morning. It appears the case was suppressed with the aid of very large bribes. This heinous crime was perpetrated by four persons one of whom was Roshanali Muhammadali. After a number of years he felt remorse and he visited Ibrahim Sir Adamji whom he had assaulted previously and sought his forgiveness for the crimes he had committed. He used to say to him, "I worshipped Syedna as God and it was he who prompted us to commit this sacrilege of exhuming the body of the deceased. We had such blind faith in him that we would have done anything for him." Roshanali was very good at reciting 'marsiyas' and he used to attend Muharram majIises organized at the residence of Adamji Sons. In Mumbai during the year 1945 acid was thrown on the face of Mulla Abbas Aurangabadi who was running a paper called 'Munsif' in which he used to expose the evil deeds committed by the priest class as a whole. As a result he lost one of his eyes and had to make frequent visits to the hospital for skin grafting on the face. Saifuddin Sahib tightened the hold on the members of the community by invading their homes- by interfering in their domestic and social life. He forbade eating on dining tables using forks and knives. But a few years later he himself ate from dining tables and used forks and knives when attending parties with Government officials or political leaders. He discouraged the women of the community from visiting cinema houses and employed goondas to follow them and stop them at the cinema house. However the women of his own household were frequent visitors to the cinemas and theatres and they used to watch the shows from behind curtains specially provided for them. Parents were required to obtain names for their newly born children from Saifuddin Sahib. They could not choose the names themselves and if they did so they were compelled to change the names according to his whim. This often created funny situations where the same name like 'Nafisa' was given to a number of girls at the same time. Starting a new business, entering into a partnership, taking up membership of a club, organization or political party, casting votes in the elections of local or national bodies, forming trusts for charitable purposes all required prior permission of Saifuddin Sahib. This clearly amounted to the infringement of the Charter of Human Rights since the community members were not allowed to think for themselves nor to express an opinion nor protest. They were virtually turned into slaves. Remember our Prophet Muhammad (SA) not only condemned slavery but abolished it whenever and in whatever form he found it. If anyone would like to invite Saifuddin Sahib to his house he was required to pay a substantial sum for the visit. Rarely would Saifuddin Sahib accept the sum offered with thanks. Instead he would put up his own demand and the faithful would be left with no choice but to obey. He expected everyone of the followers visiting him to perform 'sajdah' (prostration) before approaching him and to kiss his knees and feet when doing 'salaam' which was not acceptable without the offering of hard cash. In case the least hesitation was noticed from any visitor the sinister looking mullas or sheikhs standing around would force him to the floor before the very eyes of Saifuddin Sahib and compel him to perform 'sajdah' .On the occasion of the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Saifuddin Sahib in Karachi Syed Sarwar Shah Jilani of Khilafat Movement in Pakistan happened to participate among others. His observations and comments are worth noting, "I have very good relations with the members of the Dawoodi community who are well known for their love of religion and the language of the Quran, their Islamic way of life, their kee Ping of beards, and their charitable work. On the evening of the Golden jubilee, however, I saw that their Mullaji and his son were sitting on a well decorated and illuminated throne. Soon my wonder knew no bounds when I saw some partici Pants approaching the throne and perform 'sajdah' before the Mullaji, remaining in that position for quite some time. I intended to object against this improper behaviour by making an announcement on the loud speaker butthe management did not allow me to do so. We are muslims and as such we are not supposed to prostrate before idols whether of stone or flesh and blood but before Allah only. After all what is the difference between idol worshippers and muslims. "
In 1955 while he was in Karachi, Saifuddin Sahib said to the youngsters, "You may not know the names of Prophets, Imams and Duaat. Do not worry; just remember one name, that of Tahir Saifuddin and that is enough for you." His son Yousuf N ajmuddin gave a statement in the paper 'Dawn', Karachi that the 46 th Dai, Syedna Muhammad Badruddin was poisoned and died suddenly. Unknowingly he proved that there was no 'nas' after Syedna Muhammad Badruddin. Hence his father's claim to the post of Dai would be invalid thus jeopardizing the position of his father. As soon as he realized his mistake he made frantic efforts to withdraw the paper from circulation and bought all the remaining copies from the press. The famous scholar, Muhammad Kamil Husain in the introduction of the book 'Kitaabul Himmah' has referred to Yousuf Najmuddin as a raw and untrained pupil. In 1963/1964 AD Saifuddin Sahib visited Kampala, East Africa where he was the chief guest of the millionaire Amarbhai Muhammadali of Kamapala, Uganda. In anticipation of Saifuddin Sahib's arrival Amarbhai spent thousands of shillings in constructing a tarmac passage for the car from the public road right upto the door of his bungalow for the convenience of Saifuddin Sahib. One by one the Ugandan families invited him to 'Ziaafat' (feast with 'salaam'). Saifuddin Sahib then asked Amarbhai, "When are you giving us Ziaafat?" to which he replied, "Maula you are staying in my house as my most honored guest. Is that not Ziaafat every day?" But Saifuddin Sahib was not convinced and insisted upon a special Ziaafat to be given to him. He made Amarbhai agree even the figure of 'salaam' in advance. However, on the day of Ziaafat, when all other guests had arrived, the food was ready to be served, and Amarbhai offered the envelope for the amount of 'salaam' as agreed Saifuddin Sahib demanded more cash. Amarbhai was very upset and offered a cheque but it was not accepted and cash was demanded. Since this was the period of Xmas holidays it was not possible for Amarbhai to provide the required amount in cash. Realizing the precarious situation in which Amarbhai was placed some Jamaat committee members offered a guarantee that they would pay if Amarbhai failed to do so as soon as the banks opened after the holidays. But inspite of all the assurances given Saifuddin Sahib rejecting the food started to walk out of the house. Amarbhai's wife holding Saifuddin Sahib's legs vainly begged him to stay and was virtually dragged to the door but Saifuddin Sahib did not stop. Both Amarbhai and his wife were stunned. The former had such a severe shock that he did not survive long and his wife suffered from acute depression after this incident. One of the greatest innovations (bidaat) introduced by Saifuddin Sahib was to compel every one of his followers to keep his photograph and that of his eldest son, Muhammad Burhanuddin in his house, shop or any communal place. They were even encouraged to keep the photographs in the holy Quran which is nothing but sacrilege. Some of the enthusiastic followers hung life size photographs of father and son on the walls towards the Qiblah and they offered prayers in front of them totally disregarding the Islamic Shariah which expressly prohibits prayers being offered before statues, mirrors, pictures or photographs since this amounts to idolatry. It is reported that for quite some time Saifuddin Sahib had discoloration of his skin and large white spots were visible on his hands and face, specially lips. He was constantly using very costly lotions to cover up these spots. Since a person with such a handicap could not lead prayers according to our Shariah this must surely be very disturbing for him and a source of worry as to how he could maintain his position as Dai. The white spots on his body must have become more prominent, hence he was moved to Matheran, away from the public eye, for treatment and recuperation. After a few days he died in Matheran on 19 Rajab 1385 Hijri (1965 AD). His body was brought to Mumbai in contravention of our Shariah which requires the body to be buried in the town where death has occurred. He was buried in Bhindi Bazaar, a very crowded locality resided mostly by the faithful. It is usual to keep the face of the deceased open in the coffin before burial to allow people to have a last look at the deceased. However in case of Saifuddin Sahib the face was kept concealed all the time and no one was allowed to see it. Even Ali Ahmed Fakhruddin, the then President of India, who came to participate in the funeral, was not shown the face of the deceased. What was wrong with the face? While digging the grave it was noticed that water was seeping through the underground sewage pipe which must have been damaged in the process. Immediately the pipe was repaired but it left a nasty smell all round. The affected soil was removed and additional soil was brought from elsewhere in order to fill the grave and to cover up the smell. However it is unusual to fill the grave with soil other than that which came out from digging. When Muhammad Burhanuddin went down into the grave helping in laying the body to rest he felt dizzy and almost swooned. Later on he said, "I felt dizzy when I saw father in gardens of heaven”.

Syedna Muhammad Burhanuddin ibn S. Tahir Saifuddin

Upon the death of Saifuddin Sahib in 1385 Hijri (1965 AD) Burhanuddin Sahib took over the reins of Daawat. Saifuddin Sahib's sons decided to erect a monument in memory of their father. So they collected funds from the faithful and started the construction of a mausoleum which, as they said, would match with the Taj Mahal by using white and black marble in the walls and on the floor with Quranic inscriptions on the inner walls of the burial chamber studded with gold and gems. The architect of this mausoleum was Yahya Merchant who was also the architect of the mausoleum of Qauide Aazam Muhammadali Jinnah in Karachi. It must have cost crores of rupees of public money which could have been spent in ameliorating the condition of thousands of community members who are in distress and living below the poverty line. Some of them can be seen begging at the very doorsteps of the Badri Mahal, the headquarter of Saifuddin Sahib. The period of Saifuddin Sahib's ministry was 50 years. After N ajmuddin Sahib this succession had become hereditary in the Najmi (47th Dai) and Husami (48th Dai) families and was no longer based on knowledge, piety, ability or sincerity. During the last 50 years the community members, specially those seeking reforms in the society were branded as unbelievers and were harassed and tormented. They became victims of social ostracism because they revolted against the inhuman treatment by the Daawat administration and as they demanded a true and honest rendering of account of the huge collection of public money. Since Burhanuddin Sahib during the life time of his father seemed to be rather liberal minded, kind and meek it was hoped that upon his succession the tyranny to which the community members were so long subjected would stop and an era of peace and security will follow. But alas, this was not to be. Burhanuddin Sahib proved to be more hard hearted than his father. Besides, he appears to be under the influence of his brothers whom he dare not displease. He is neither shrewd nor awe inspiring but like his father is extremely greedy and ruthless in his dealings. From the day he took over there has been greater trouble in the community. People are suffering even more than before and the unrest is increasing day by day. Societies have come into existence in most of the major cities to express resentment against the treatment by the priest class of the community members who are seeking redress for their grievances but most important of all for demanding from Burhanuddin Sahib and his associates an account of how and where the wealth of the community is being spent. Some of the prominent societies are the Dawoodi Bohra J amaat, Mumbai, the Dawoodi Bohra Roshan Khayal Jamaat, Malegaon, the Dawoodi BohraJamaat, Udaipur and the Bohra Youth, Udaipur, the Dawoodi Bohra Welfare Society in Great Britain, London, the Association of Progressive Dawoodi Bohras of Ontario, Canada and Nairobi Group Charitable Society, Nairobi, East Africa. Four of the top grade ulamaa (scholars) of the Saifee Daras in Surat (which was renamed J aamia Saifiyah) were insulted and harassed a number of times through their own pupils at the instance of Yousuf N ajmuddin, the brother of Burhanuddin Sahib because they knew that no 'nas' was declared by the 46 th Dai, although so far they had not disclosed it in public. They were Sheikh Sajjad Husain, his brother Sheikh Hasanali, Sheikh Ali Ahmed and Sheikh Ahmedali. The pupils were told by Yousuf Najmuddin that these four ulamaa did not believe in Hazrat Ali, they ridiculed the Ahle Bait, Islam, Faatemi Daawat and Imam Husain's maatam and they had led astray a number of families. In 1393 Hijri he even accused the ulamaa of insulting his late father Saifuddin Sahib by saying, "We (the sons) have buried our father in the gutter." By making this accusation Yousuf Najmuddin himself revealed this fact to the people who were altogether unaware of it. The ulamaa were dragged out of their homes, spat upon and severely beaten. Sheikh Sajjad Husain, the most senior among them received such fatal wounds that he did not survive long. Their homes were wrecked by the mob, all the furniture was destroyed, all the books were looted and the wives and children were molested. On learning that Burhanuddin Sahib would be present in Galiakot (in Jamaadil Awwal of 1393 Hijri -1973 AD) a group of the faithful from Udaipur, majority of whom were women, travelled to Galiakot with the dual purpose of visiting the Fakhri shrine and paying respects to Burhanuddin Sahib. But as Burhanuddin Sahib was displeased with the people of Udaipur this group was not allowed access to the shrine. On the other hand goondas were set upon them and they beat the women and began molesting them, shamelessly pulling and tearing their clothes. They appealed to Burhanuddin Sahib who was watching the outrage from the upper balcony, by shouting "Maula save us, Maula save us" but to no avail. Most of the women were compelled to run into the jungle around the shrine to save themselves and their honor and with great difficulty managed to return to Udaipur. In 1402 Hijri (1 st March 1982 AD) it was decided to observe the day as' black day' to remind the sufferers of the atrocities committed upon them. This was in fact a turning point in the history of Udaipur which was named "My Madinah" by the late Saifuddin Sahib. The belief of the majority of people was shattered and they no longer showed the reverence to Burhanuddin Sahib as before nor accepted him as their religious pontiff. This was followed by several incidents involving violence which further shook the belief of the people of Udaipur. On 6 Muharram 1395 Hijri a brutal attack was launched in Moayyadpura mosque with lathis and knives by Shababis as they were called upon innocent men, women and children who had gathered there for the majlis of Imam Husain (AS).Blood was shed in the mosque, many were injured and one person was killed. It resulted in a series of court cases and Burhanuddin Sahib and his men fought hard for the re-possession of the Moayyadpura and other mosques which were now under the control of the reformist group including the shrines in Udaipur. After much bickering it was decided by the court that Mullaji will be allowed to share only the Moayyadpura mosque with the reformist group. There were nearly 100 couples in Udaipur who were anxiously awaiting the blessings of Burhanuddin Sahib for the performance of their 'nikaah' but he had withheld permission as they had leanings towards the reformists. Mter waiting for some time they unanimously decided to go ahead and perform the marriage ceremony without 'raza', and by the Qazis of their choice. All the marriages were performed on 5 Rabiul Awwal 1395 Hijri without any hitch and strictly in accordance with the Shariah. It was a grand ceremony and will be remembered in Udaipur for years to come. This event emboldened people of Udaipur to carry out all their other religious duties and obligations without the need to obtain 'raza' from anyone. The editor of 'Naseeme Sahar', Sheikh Kalimuddin reported a speech given by Burhanuddin Sahib in which he said, "The position of Saifuddin Sahib is the same as that of Ahmed. In fact he is Ahmed, he is light and he has merged with light. This is the interpretation of the Quranic verse 'Qaaba qausain"'. According to the editor "The Quran describes the attributes of Prophet Muhammad and Aale Muhammad and their Dais specially the 51 st Dai. His glory can be felt in the shrine 'Rawdhate Taahira'. The 52nd Dai built this shrine, the like of which was never built before. For 1400 years the Quran was waiting to be inscribed on stone in golden letters and this is the same Quran which Hazrat Ali had written in his house." In April 1977 a body called 'Nathwani Commission' was appointed at the instance of Citizens for Democracy to investigate into the alleged atrocities committed by the Dawoodi Bohra administration (Kothar) upon the reformists and their families and the imposition of social boycott (baraat) which was worse than excommunication. There was no intention at all to interfere in religion or to challenge any of the Dawoodi Bohra tenets.The members of this commission were N arendra Nathwani and V M Tarkunde both judges of Mumbai high court, Professor Aloo Dastoor, Dr Moin Shakir, Aalam Khundmiri, Professor of Us mania University and Chandrakant Daru. The first sitting of the commission was held on 28 J amaadil Awwal 1398 Hijri (30 April 1978 AD) injustice Nathwani's bungalow in Malabar Hill, Mumbai. The complainants were required to answer in writing or in person 24 questions on citizens rights and human rights, 13 questions on social boycott (baraat), 18 questions on salaam, gifts etc and some miscellaneous questions. None of them related to religious beliefs ofthe persons. Despite the attempts of Kothar to stop the hearing it went on smoothly. It was due to the unceasing efforts of Nomanbhai Contractor and Dr Asgharali Engineer that the commission was able to complete its work successfully. Similar sittings were also held in other major cities and a report of over 200 pages was published by the commission in April 1979 AD (1399 Hijri). A summary of the recommendations proposed by the commission in their own words is as follows:
"Our enquiry has shown that there is large-scale infringement of civil liberties and human rights of reformist Bohras at the hands of the priestly class and that those who fail to obey the orders of the Syedna and his Aamils, even in purely secular matters, are subjected to Baraa C resulting in complete social boycott, mental torture and frequent physical assaults. The Meesaaq (the oath of unquestioning obedience to the Head Priest) which every Bohra is required to give before he or she attains the age of majority, is used as the main instrument for keeping the entire community under the subjugation of the Syedna and his nominees. On the threat of Baraat (social boycott) and the resulting grave disabilities, Bohras are prevented from reading periodicals which are censored by the Syedna (such as the Bombay Samachar, the Blitz and the Bohra Bulletin); from establishing charitable institutions like orphanages, dispensaries, libraries etc without the prior permission of the Syedna except by submitting to such conditions as he may impose; from contesting elections to municipal and legislative bodies without securing beforehand the blessings of the Syedna; and above all, from having any social contact with a person subjected to Baraat, even if the person is one's husband, wife, mother, sister, father or son. The weapon of Baraat has been used to compel a husband to divorce his wife, a son to disown his father, a mother to refuse to see her son, and a brother or sister to desist from attending the marriage of his or her sister or brother. An ex-communicated member becomes virtually an untouchable in the community, and besides being isolated from his friends and nearest relatives, is unable to attend and offer prayers at the Bohra mosque. Even death does not release him from the taboo, for the dead body is not allowed to be buried at the community's common burial ground. Bohra] amaats in India and abroad are not allowed to frame their own rules and regulations, but are subjected to authoritarian constitutions granting absolute power to the Syedna and his nominees. Millions of rupees are collected every year from Bohras in India and abroad as customary taxes and N azranas by the Syedna and his nominees, but the Syedna is not accountable for them to anyone. The Syedna also claims to be the owner of all the Bohra mosques and the sole trustee of all Bohra trusts, and where the accounts of any of these trusts are audited, the work is done by a firm composed of some members of the Bohra community who are also bound by the Meesaaq given by them to the Syedna. For obvious reasons, it is almost impossible to improve this situation by organising a reform movement from within the Bohra community. Any person who fails to obey implicitly the orders of the Syedna and his Aaamils commits a breach of his Meesaaq and is liable to be subjected to Baraat or social boycott. The consequence is that although a large number of Bohras resent the disabilities imposed upon them by the priestly class, they are unwilling to give any public expression to their resentment. We thus found that although a systematic public campaign was organised in the Bohra community to condemn our Commission and to put a stop to its enquiry, quite a few of the campaigners wanted us to carry on the work. While the majority of dissenters are thus unwilling to express their opposition to priestly domination, those who have the courage to do so are unable to carry on a reform movement from within the community.

He also presented for the tomb of Hazrat Zainab silver Zarih the cost of which was met out of public donations. But he earned the title 'Vishahun NeeI' (the sash or band of the Nile) from President Sadat for these donations. Several lakhs of rupees were collected from the community for building a Zarih for Hazrat Abbas. When Burhanuddin Sahib went to Karbala and wished to place the Zarih in position it was discovered that the Zarih was too small and would not fit over the grave. He therefore suggested that the covering over the grave should be trimmed to accommodate the Zarih. The chief caretaker was persuaded to call several engineers to do the job but they all refused saying that they could not and would not do such alteration. One of the most famous engineers from Iran was then called for. But he also refused as he considered it a sacrilege. In the end the Iraqi authorities decided to reject the Zarih offered by Burhanuddin Sahib and installed one of their own. In 1979 Burhanuddin Sahib traveled with a retinue of about 21 persons in the famous ship Elizabeth II spending approximately 53,000 rupees per head. The voyage covered places like Colombo, Singapore and Hong Kong where huge collections were made by way of 'salaam' from the faithful. It is common knowledge that on a ship of this kind entertainment and facilities which are considered 'haraam' in our Shariah are available. Burhanuddin Sahib is said to be very fond of being photographed specially with dignitaries. His photos appear in newspapers and magazines and even on calendars. Once the Urdu paper 'Blitz' published his photograph where he is seen standing in a queue behind Rafique Zakaria waiting to shake hands with Queen Elizabeth of England. The magazine 'Naseeme Sahar' published a photo showing Burhanuddin Sahib sitting in front of the Queen with folded hands. The desire for pictures is so great that Burhanuddin Sahib has exceeded even his father in expecting every household to keep his picture and that of his father without fail. By some their pictures are kept even in the Quran in the chapter Ya seen. It would not be inappropriate at this point to mention an episode from the life of Prophet Muhammad (SA). Once the angels came to the house of the Prophet and found that there was a curtain hanging on the door. The angels hesitated and did not enter the house. The reason for this hesitation was that there were pictures on the curtain. Immediately the Prophet removed the curtain and the angels entered. A number of projects and schemes were announced by Burhanuddin Sahib some of which were never completed, some never even started, but he never failed to collect funds from the faithful. Some of them are listed below:
1. "In order to give better training to pupils in Jaamia Saifiyah teachers will be invited from Egypt." This did not materialize.
2. "Magazines will be issued regularly." Four or five issues came out and then it stopped altogether.
3. "Special attention will be paid to the education of girls." This came into force after a period of 10 years and then not more than 10 girls were able to derive benefit.
4. "A 14 storey building will be constructed next to Jaamia Saifiyah for the pupils." The foundation stone was laid but the building never came up.
5. "A 30 lakh rupees worth of technical college and a 21 lakh rupees worth of Arabic Islamic Academy in Mumbai and 2 lakh rupees worth of high school in Surat will be established." People are waiting to see them.
6. "There will be a provident fund for teachers." So far this has not been provided.
7 "Nahjul Balaagha will be translated into Gujarati and will be published together with a number of other religious books." This has not been done.
8. "To send first class pupils to Jaame Azhar in Cairo or to Muslim Aligarh University." As far as known no pupil has been given this opportunity.
9. In 1979 Burhanuddin Sahib announced the opening of a bank in Mumbai where all transactions would be without interest. All the faithful were told to withdraw their deposits from the Mercantile Cooperative Bank, Mumbai which was the only bank started by the community members, specially Zainul Aabedin Rangoonwalla who was one of the pioneers in establishing this bank and raising it to a high standard in the banking world. Its Dawoodi Bohra employees were coerced to resign from their jobs in the bank as it was dealing in interest. In May 1982 goondas were posted around the bank picketing and coaxing the faithful not to have any transactions with the bank. Nothing however became of the interest free bank promised by Burhanuddin Sahib.It is believed that apart from collecting funds under some pretext or the other Burhanuddin Sahib derives from the community as 'waajebaat' an income of about 12 crore rupees every year. The question is how and where this amount is spent. Many industrial and commercial organizations in India are owned or controlled by Burhanuddin Sahib and his brothers. Some of them worth mentioning are Sultan Brothers and His Holiness Dr Syedna Tahir Saifuddin Memorial Foundation. Burhanuddin Sahib's brothers Yousuf Najmuddin, Shabbir Nuruddin and Qasim Hakimuddin were among the directors of these companies. Sultan Brothers built the 5 star hotel in Mumbai named Ambassador Hotel. For years the family of Saifuddin Sahib enjoyed the income from that hotel where drinking of alcohol was a common sight and all kinds of things prohibited by Shariah were happeneing in it. This hotel was ultimately sold reputedly for rupees 65 lakhs to Rama N arang, a smuggler, who paid rupees 30 lakhs in black money thus evading the stamp duty to the Government on transfer, according to a report published in the paper 'Blitz'. In order to divert the attention of the faithful from the success of the 1982 International Dawoodi Bohra Conference in Mumbai it was widely publicized that water had appeared in the 'Rawdhate Taahirah' and that this was one of the many miracles of late Saifuddin Sahib. There is nothing unusual in this because leakage of water can sometimes occur from the cooling system. During the Ramadhan of 1978 some of the Dawoodi members in Mombasa, East Africa were prevented from entering the local mosque simply because they had criticised some of the mal-practices of the Mullaji Burhanuddin Sahib and his deputies and therefore were considered as his enemies. As soon as news of this incident reached London some of the reformists approached Mufti Abdul Baqui for a ruling ('fatwa'). The Mufti gave the following 'fatwa' on 21 August 1978 (17 Ramadhan 1398 Hijri):
'Unlike other buildings or properties a mosque stands out as a unique structure because of its special significance and use as a place of worship. It belongs to Allah and cannot be owned by an individual or group of individuals. The use of the mosque is governed by the laws of Allah that is the laws of Shariah and no other law can prevail in the mosque. It can neither be sold nor purchased by an individual or an institution for its own purposes. It is unlawful to carryon any business within its precincts. Those who prevent people from entering the mosque for prayers are the greatest tyrants ('zaalim'). The doors of mosques should not be kept closed unless there is danger of theft. '
Another 'fatwa' was obtained on 14July 1979 (19 Shaabaan 1399 Hijri) by Sheikh Salehbhai Moosaji of Colombo from the Board of Fatwas of Jaame Azhar, Cairo. It is reproduced below:
Q.l. Does Islam permit a man or woman to worship by prostration anyone whatever his dignity and to kiss his feet?
Islam does not allow any Muslim to perform 'sajdah' (prostration) before anyone other than Allah or to kiss anybody's feet.
Does Islam permit 'baraat' or social ostracism on any Muslim?
A. Islam does not allow any Muslim whatever his social or religious status may be to order any other Muslim to obey his commands blindly. This is in contravention of the commands of Allah. The Prophet said, "No obedience to the created if it means disobedience to Allah."If anyone boycotts a Muslim and calls upon other Muslims to do so, that is to refrain from dealing with him or prevent him from entering a mosque, he commits a great sin.
A. Q.3. Does Islam permit the high priest to take 'meesaaq' or oath of allegiance from believers in his own name?
B. A. No human being has the right to take such an undertaking from anyone.
Q.4. Does Islam allow Sheikhs and leaders to own mosques and waqf properties and thereby hold the power to prevent a Muslim from entering a mosque?
A. Mosques and waqf properties cannot be owned by an individual or institution and no one has a right to prevent anyone from entering them. These are the properties of Allah and can be used by any Muslim without any distinction.
Q.5. Can a sum of money big or small be charged to a man (rich or poor) to ensure his and his relatives' entry into paradise?
A. This is a despicable act of monks and priests who sell a place in paradise to those who can afford to pay a sum of money. These people will receive severe punishment on the day of judgment. Allah will reward everyone according to his deeds and not according to how much money he pays to purchae a share in paradise.
Q.6. Can a muslim dignitary order another Muslim to divorce his wife and boycott his parents and on refusal be prevented from entering paradise?
A. The Prophet said that among all permitted things the most hateful to Allah is 'divorce'. Allah commands the muslims to protect and show kindness to wives and parents. If anyone goes against this he disobeys Allah. Yet another 'fatwa' was obtained by Fidahusein Adamali of Nairobi, East Africa from the Ministry of Justice, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1977 (27 Jamaadil Awwal1399 Hijri). The following are the summarized questions and answers:
Q.l. The Bohra Mullaji insists upon his followers to perform 'sajdah' for him every time they visit him. Was there such practice in the days of the Prophet or the guided caliphs?
A. The 'sajdah' is a form of worship commanded by Allah for Him only and should therefore be offered to none other than Allah. The followers of Mullaji are worshipping him and ascribing a partner to Allah and having their own God above Allah. His ordering the followers to do this or his tacit agreement to it makes him a tyrant (taaghoot).
Q.2. Is it permitted in Islam for women to kiss the hands and feet of Mullaji and other male members of his family?
A. In Islam this is not allowed. No such practice existed in the time. Prophet or the guided caliphs. When the believing women would come to the Prophet to give the pledge of faith and loyalty,he would take the pledge verbally and never touch or shake hands with them. The kissing of hands and feet of Mullaji and others by the women amounts to 'shirk' and is an unpardonable sin.
Q.3. The Mullaji claims that he is the master of the souls of all the followers. Can such a claim be justified?
A. This is false and absurd. It is Allah alone Who is the owner of all the souls because it is He Who has created them.
Q.4. The Mullaji claims that he is the owner of all properties of religious trusts and that he does not have to render account because he is God on earth. Can he make such a claim?
A. The properties of religious trusts cannot be owned. What is owned is the benefit of their yield. The Mullaji does not own any trust property nor is he entitled to any yield except what has been earmarked for him, if he deserves it. Every person must render account of how he uses the trust property according to the Holy Book, the tradition of the Prophet and the general agreement of the Muslim ummah. The Mullaji's claim that he is God on earth is a flagrant infidelity and he will be treated as 'taaghoot'.
Q.5. The Mullaji claims that he has the right to declare the cancellation of people's sins and to apply social boycott against those who oppose any of his actions. Can we accept this claim?
A. The Mullaji is indirectly claiming divinity for himself which is no more than infidelity. In fact he should accept the advice of people if it is for improvement and for the benefit of all instead of applying social boycott against them.Q.6. Does Islam permit religious persecution? The Bohras are Muslims believing in the glorious Quran and the teachings of Islam. Can persecution be justified against them?
A. Islam does not sanction the persecution of Muslims with sincere belief in the Quran and the tradition of the Holy Prophet. The Mullaji's agreement to persecution amounts to infidelity.

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by incredible » Sun May 09, 2010 11:18 pm

this guy is so full of venom against duat i am sure he is hatefull to even islaam, any ways lots of crap and lies in artical makes it dump in recycle bin lol

Posts: 1388
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:01 am

Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by Smart » Sun May 09, 2010 11:47 pm

Instead of laughing it off and ridiculing it, why not take some effort and counter it. Maybe, that requires intellectual depth.

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Joined: Tue Dec 12, 2000 5:01 am

Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by mumin » Mon May 10, 2010 2:51 pm

some of the facts are my personal eyewitness and is unrefutable.
1.dai saifuddin did have a discolored skin. I have done salam to him at his last trip to Karachi and have seen his face as close as one can get. Have also served his thal during ziafat at our residence and yes his skin was discolored.
2. At the time of Dai saifuddin saheb taking the oath of daiship in Bombay there was great concern and the local newspapers were full of articles that stated that "NAS" was not bestowed on saifuddin saheb because the dai before him who was to pronounce the successor was poisoned the night before.
3.we all are aware that there is no bohra orphanage .
4. once, the present dai visited karachi and had a program to conduct prayers at every mosque. This particular day he had come to conduct prayers in a mosque away from town. Karachites know the local lizard called (chipkali). That evening when the Dai entered the qibla of the masjid to conduct evening prayers , a chipkali came on to his clothes. He abandoned the prayers and walked out of the mosque, indicating to the people gathered there that he had benn made napak (no longer in wazu) by the chipkali and would have to go home. the people then prayed under the local amil.
5. It is no big secret that there is no transparency in our accounts. No balance sheet or account is published for the local bohra to be informed as to where the wajebat money and other donations are being spent.

Dispute it if you dare but in your heart you know that is the way it is.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by Al Zulfiqar » Mon May 10, 2010 3:08 pm

incredible wrote:this guy is so full of venom against duat i am sure he is hatefull to even islaam, any ways lots of crap and lies in artical makes it dump in recycle bin lol
this article does not become lies and crap because of your utterances. who are you? just an insignificant abde khaal donor, a single-celled amoeba. try sending it to the recycle bin. even your tyrants in saifee mahal have tried and failed.

if you have the guts, refute the article with facts and figures, not hot air. file a case for libel and slander against the writer and this site as rania has threatened, but she ran away after i challenged her..

asli sher taaboot ke bhediyon se nahi dartey..

Posts: 848
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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by aqs » Tue May 11, 2010 2:43 am

@Saeed Al Khair,

The whole article is hearsay to say the least, its based on lines such as "people saw" or "people said" and nothing is substantiated with any proof, and by your writing skill why do i get a feeling that you are a very old member of this forum and have got quite a name for being a spin doctor.

have you written this or its some one else, please quote the source of this article, who is this "Al Alim"

Posts: 1314
Joined: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:00 am

Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by profastian » Tue May 11, 2010 3:32 am

King,9A SG_1


if (strcmpi(data.at(y).c_str(),columns.at(x).at(y).c_str()) !=0)
mumin wrote:some of the facts are my personal eyewitness and is unrefutable.
1.dai saifuddin did have a discolored skin. I have done salam to him at his last trip to Karachi and have seen his face as close as one can get. Have also served his thal during ziafat at our residence and yes his skin was discolored.
Its your word against thousands. And you being a habitual liar. Your word accounts for nothing.

2. At the time of Dai saifuddin saheb taking the oath of daiship in Bombay there was great concern and the local newspapers were full of articles that stated that "NAS" was not bestowed on saifuddin saheb because the dai before him who was to pronounce the successor was poisoned the night before.
Ok, so you believe whatever any local newspaper print. God you are an idiot.

3.we all are aware that there is no bohra orphanage .

4. once, the present dai visited karachi and had a program to conduct prayers at every mosque. This particular day he had come to conduct prayers in a mosque away from town. Karachites know the local lizard called (chipkali). That evening when the Dai entered the qibla of the masjid to conduct evening prayers , a chipkali came on to his clothes. He abandoned the prayers and walked out of the mosque, indicating to the people gathered there that he had benn made napak (no longer in wazu) by the chipkali and would have to go home. the people then prayed under the local amil.
So? Ofcourse a chipkali will make you napaak and would break the wazoo. And we muslims dont pray without wazoo.

5. It is no big secret that there is no transparency in our accounts. No balance sheet or account is published for the local bohra to be informed as to where the wajebat money and other donations are being spent.
There is no need for any transparency. The bohra who pay dont demand any transparency. So on what account are you wahabis asking for transparency.

Dispute it if you dare but in your heart you know that is the way it is.

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by guy_sam2005 » Tue May 11, 2010 3:39 am

Smart wrote:^
Instead of laughing it off and ridiculing it, why not take some effort and counter it. Maybe, that requires intellectual depth.
yes it requires intelectual depth in imagination.....

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by rania » Tue May 11, 2010 3:46 am

Smart wrote:^
Instead of laughing it off and ridiculing it, why not take some effort and counter it. Maybe, that requires intellectual depth.
I do not know which world you live in , but on Planet Earth if you are making accusations they should be followed by Proof and Factual Evidence.Hearsay is laughed off in the Court of Law.

It is upto the accuser to provide proofs substantiating his claims instead of the victim to counter it or prove it !

Now imagine , someone labeling you as a ' Rapist ' or of any other crime , ( Nothing personal though ) and you laughing it off and that person telling you to counter it.You do get an idea on how stupid it sounds ? :mrgreen:

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by rania » Tue May 11, 2010 3:54 am

mumin wrote:
5. It is no big secret that there is no transparency in our accounts. No balance sheet or account is published for the local bohra to be informed as to where the wajebat money and other donations are being spent.

Dispute it if you dare but in your heart you know that is the way it is.
Your last sentence is very apologetic.It is almost if you are begging everyone to not reply to your post because if they do disagree with you , they still have to know it in their heart to be the way like you have portrayed it to be !

I will give you a very simple solution for your 5th point.Remember to absorb it well.

There was never any transparency in our accounts and there never will be.You want to give money , you give and no questions asked.The Bohras are quite happy with this and trust the Syedna to do whatever he wishes with the money as the money becomes his when it is given !

Now if you do not want to give , then don't give.Simples , it is not as if the Police are going to jail you or freeze your assets for not giving Wajebat !

Now if you already don't give Wajebat , then why are you even bothering ? Imagine the Indians asking the Chinese to show their balance sheet. :mrgreen:

If it is not your money it doesn't concern you , What part of this simple logic you cannot understand ? :lol:

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by rania » Tue May 11, 2010 4:04 am

Al Zulfiqar wrote:
incredible wrote:this guy is so full of venom against duat i am sure he is hatefull to even islaam, any ways lots of crap and lies in artical makes it dump in recycle bin lol
this article does not become lies and crap because of your utterances. who are you? just an insignificant abde khaal donor, a single-celled amoeba. try sending it to the recycle bin. even your tyrants in saifee mahal have tried and failed.

if you have the guts, refute the article with facts and figures, not hot air. file a case for libel and slander against the writer and this site as rania has threatened, but she ran away after i challenged her..

asli sher taaboot ke bhediyon se nahi dartey..
I would advise you to purchase reading glasses.

I have not threatened nor have I ran away.I do not know about you but I am not glued here every moment of my life.I do have a real life.Do not be surprised , you are nothing like me.The thought of having a fulfilling life must be alien to you. :mrgreen:

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by DBohra » Tue May 11, 2010 5:17 am

lots of weasel words used in the above article seems to me that this article has been written by a very old hand of this forum and not someone new.

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by ozmujaheed » Tue May 11, 2010 8:43 am

I am not surprised by the moral issues and arrogance that surrounded the 2 Diais, they were imitating the Maharajas

Pleasant to have read, no wonder we will never discuss this as it is implicating the whole establishment

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by accountability » Tue May 11, 2010 1:23 pm

All the above posts in response to the article seems to be written in haste. They all had almost the same language and tone. Except Ozmujaheed. It showed a kind of nervousness.

All the contents of this article is well known to the visitors of this site, it has been appended time and again, only the author has been a bit detailed about them.Chanda bhai gulla case and justice martin's decision is well if you dig in the archives of mumbai courts you may easily find the documents. Same with all other cases which have been mentioned, they are all well documented.

Syedna Saheb's mother Hussaina I sahiba is never mentioned by syedna saheb in his sermons. He has mentioned so many times his wife but never his mother. I have never seen a photo of any of the royalty visiting the grave of Hussaina I sahiba.
Mia Saheb Sayedi Ismail bhaisaheb was Husaina I-saheba's brother and his son Dr. Ahmed Lukmani wasin London. Syedi Ismail bhai saheb left our community, it is a well known fact, his son left our community also a known fact. Ahmed Lukmani expired recently, none of the royal family member attended his funeral. He was the first cousin of Syedna saheb. Also a known fact. Taizoon bhai saheb is living in US but does not attend our jamat also a fact. He was outcasted, because he hosted Mazoon saheb's son Tahir bhai saheb.
You guys have so little knowledge about our community, just simply brain washed.

Sajid Zafar
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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by Sajid Zafar » Tue May 11, 2010 1:55 pm

Saeed al Khair Bhai:

Thanks for making efforts to put all these facts straight (though in past people across this board have posted some of these facts in bits and pieces). Anyway, Like Father, Like Son. Our community to not going to change even Burhanuddin dies and hence forth will be replaced by in line waiting Quaid Johar or Mofadal. It will change only if we change ourselves and challange these thugs authority or renegade our faith.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue May 11, 2010 3:02 pm

rania wrote: I do not know about you but I am not glued here every moment of my life.I do have a real life.Do not be surprised , you are nothing like me.The thought of having a fulfilling life must be alien to you. :mrgreen:
rania, of course i am not surprised that you are totally unlike me. in fact i wud be degrading myself if i was anything like u. i live a free life, not an enslaved one like yours, where you sing ghanu jeevo, talk of donating your khaal for jootis and sajda tujhe vajib hai crap.

your real life consists in narrating false miracles and kissing the feet of a cult leader like a mushriq. all you have is only hot air and more hot air. you threaten to file suit for libel and slander, but run away like a typical abde/amte coward when challenged. what the syedna and his parasitic family would not dare to do, you rush foolishly into? i say, bring it on... put your money where your stinking mouth is... but i forget, you have given every last cent to your haqiqi kaaba.. :lol:

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by profastian » Wed May 12, 2010 2:30 am

Sajid Zafar wrote:Saeed al Khair Bhai:
It will change only if we change ourselves and challange these thugs authority or renegade our faith.
Regenade your faith.. what a joke. Any one who calls the DAI a thug has already renegaded the Bohra Faith.

Sajid Zafar
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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by Sajid Zafar » Wed May 12, 2010 1:47 pm


We are shia-ismaili-mustalian, while this dai is a usurper. He has made our faith his "Bab ki Jageer". His only motive is to control the bohra masses and accumulate as much wealth as he can.He claims himself god on earth. How can he claim to guide his followers to Jannah when even his place is assured in hell. But all these doesn't matter to you and blind folded Abdes as you guys see what you want to see, not what the reality and truth is.

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by Zeal » Wed May 12, 2010 2:11 pm

Bro Saeed Al Khair,
A very good article and thanks for taking the effort!

Profastian, aqs,rania, guy etc ....just take some time to read it , and if you do that with an unbiased mind ,you'll realize that not all can be just written out of nothing, then go and do your own research , and if you find discrepancies in it, why not discuss it here point to point .

I am sure there are people on this forum like Saeed and S Insaf and few more who can reply without getting abusive!

Give it a try!

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by profastian » Thu May 13, 2010 3:51 am

Zeal wrote:Bro Saeed Al Khair,
A very good article and thanks for taking the effort!

Profastian, aqs,rania, guy etc ....just take some time to read it , and if you do that with an unbiased mind ,you'll realize that not all can be just written out of nothing, then go and do your own research , and if you find discrepancies in it, why not discuss it here point to point .

I am sure there are people on this forum like Saeed and S Insaf and few more who can reply without getting abusive!

Give it a try!
My dear friend. First let them prove authenticity of the claims in this article. If they find me some then surely I will point out the million discrepancies in it. Otherwise, their is no use wasting my time.
Such articles appear everyday in some trashy tabloids. And we know how true they are.

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by Smart » Thu May 13, 2010 7:28 am

I am sure the news of the various mojizas are all authentic. The syedna teaching mathematics, physics etc. in vaez is all authentic. Nasim-e-sahar and Badre-Muneer are all respectable and give only authentic information. Most reasonable people agree with you that the archives of the High Court are yellow journalism, the proceeding of the commission of enquiries headed by senior justices have the credibility of a tabloid.

Great ! Still learning from you, oh great professor of mathematics. Please keep up the good work... Khuda tamne jazaa-e-khair ata karse. ghanu jeevo, ghanu jeevo.

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by profastian » Thu May 13, 2010 8:47 am

Smart wrote:^
I am sure the news of the various mojizas are all authentic. The syedna teaching mathematics, physics etc. in vaez is all authentic. Nasim-e-sahar and Badre-Muneer are all respectable and give only authentic information. Most reasonable people agree with you that the archives of the High Court are yellow journalism, the proceeding of the commission of enquiries headed by senior justices have the credibility of a tabloid.

Great ! Still learning from you, oh great professor of mathematics. Please keep up the good work... Khuda tamne jazaa-e-khair ata karse. ghanu jeevo, ghanu jeevo.
Thanks for your good wishes :lol:

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by Al Zulfiqar » Thu May 13, 2010 9:55 am

profastian wrote:
My dear friend. First let them prove authenticity of the claims in this article. If they find me some then surely I will point out the million discrepancies in it. Otherwise, their is no use wasting my time.
Such articles appear everyday in some trashy tabloids. And we know how true they are

as an abde naukar, bonded labourer of syedna and his h'zaadas, it is your job to find out and disprove the authenticity of such wild claims. it is now your religious duty to get the best possible lawyers and file a suit against saeed al khair for defamation, slander, libel and damaging the interests of the allah-na-dai syednas.

instead of wasting your very valuable time arguing here (which you could have better spent in singing ghanu jeevo and sajda tujhe vajib hai and doing maatam), file this case directly with the supreme court. if you dont have the monetary resources, ask the syedna or his family to help you, or better still let them file the case themselves. its high time you taught such upstarts a lesson not to mess with your saheb e zaman..

all the best my dear abde..

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by mumin » Thu May 13, 2010 10:36 am

rania. the so called wajebat is not the Dai's pocket money. the kothar has cunningly fooled the innoscent into thinking that it is a compulsory requirement in Islam. by calling it wajib.sabil is collected to run the local jamaats day to day expenses and transparancy in this regard has to be. If, I give zakat to the dai instead of helping the poor and needy then he can do whatever he wants . Allah will ask him about it. I can give the dai a present but if i am forced to give him a ptesent then it is not a present any more , it is forceful taking in the disguise of najwah.
have you ever seen the dai go to a poor mumins apartment?

Saeed al Khair
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Method to eleminate Shirk from Bohras


Post by Saeed al Khair » Thu May 13, 2010 10:42 am

Method to eleminate Shirk from Bohras

To eliminate the Shirk from community of the Dawoodi Bohras, it is necessary to send as much as possible audio/video of the Dai/his sons including Batil Khurafaat of Madeh and Taswwuraat to Muslim Ulemas, media and religious institutions around the Muslim world, which enlighten them what Kufur and Shirk-e-Azim Bohra clergy is preaching.

Send them also printed literature, issued by Al Vazaratus Saifiya, Amil & Jamia Saifiya, which shows Mushrik Aqaid of the Dawoodi Bohra community.

This is the only method to remove the veil from the ugly face of the Bohra clergy. Do this job at least on your city level and join the movement.

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by FormerDW » Thu May 13, 2010 10:53 am

to: incrdible, aqs,rania and Dbohra,
I can vouch for the incident which happened in Kampala in 1963/64.
There is a lot more going in Ortho Dawoodi Bohra which we all know about but deny it. It is very sad indeed.

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Re: Method to eleminate Shirk from Bohras


Post by profastian » Thu May 13, 2010 11:17 am

Saeed al Khair wrote:Method to eleminate Shirk from Bohras

To eliminate the Shirk from community of the Dawoodi Bohras, it is necessary to send as much as possible audio/video of the Dai/his sons including Batil Khurafaat of Madeh and Taswwuraat to Muslim Ulemas, media and religious institutions around the Muslim world, which enlighten them what Kufur and Shirk-e-Azim Bohra clergy is preaching.

Send them also printed literature, issued by Al Vazaratus Saifiya, Amil & Jamia Saifiya, which shows Mushrik Aqaid of the Dawoodi Bohra community.

This is the only method to remove the veil from the ugly face of the Bohra clergy. Do this job at least on your city level and join the movement.
Name one Khurafaat. BTW how can any aalim judge the content of the ultimate aamil.

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by Smart » Thu May 13, 2010 1:26 pm

You missed the sarcasm, in my earlier post.

Who is the ultimate aalim? Your dai?

Please, not all readers of this forum are brained washed abdes. Most sensible people would take it with a pinch of salt, I would rather do with a big sackful of it. I can accept the dai as a religious leader, but to make tall claims about his having all the knowledge in the world is too tall. Only kids below the age of 5 will accept such fairy tales as true.

If he really has such a lot of knowledge, a lot of money will come his way, without he even asking for it. Why does then he and his establishment have to run an extortion racket, looting poor widows and jobless people too?

This is a question I have asked earlier too, but it seems you have skirted it. Let us see now, what your response is.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Method to eleminate Shirk from Bohras


Post by Al Zulfiqar » Thu May 13, 2010 5:32 pm

profastian wrote:
Name one Khurafaat.

you keep repeating this line, 'show me the proof', so often that it is becoming comical..

here is an example. tomorrow a gang of bohra bunaiyyat members beat you up black and blue, give you a black eye, dislodge some of your teeth, shuffle up your features a bit and break a few of your ribs. (god forbid such a thing ever happens to you, we wish you a long life, ghanu jeevo!), and then they proudly crow about it, will you ask them for proof???

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Re: Tarikh of STS & SMB By Al Aalim


Post by profastian » Fri May 14, 2010 4:13 am

The one whose nick is an oxymoron wrote:@profastian,
You missed the sarcasm, in my earlier post.

Who is the ultimate aalim? Your dai?

Please, not all readers of this forum are brained washed abdes. Most sensible people would take it with a pinch of salt, I would rather do with a big sackful of it. I can accept the dai as a religious leader, but to make tall claims about his having all the knowledge in the world is too tall. Only kids below the age of 5 will accept such fairy tales as true.

If he really has such a lot of knowledge, a lot of money will come his way, without he even asking for it. Why does then he and his establishment have to run an extortion racket, looting poor widows and jobless people too?

This is a question I have asked earlier too, but it seems you have skirted it. Let us see now, what your response is.
Told you dude, he doesn't mean the money. BTW, what is the link of knowledge and money any way. Just shows your materialistic mentality.
Do you believe that Prohpet had all the knowledge? If you do, then by your logic ,all the world's money should have come his way. And as he was the most generous, the Muslims in his
time wud all have been prosperous. No need of Zakat, then.