Poverty in Ahmedabad

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Doctor » Sun May 27, 2012 7:31 am

Qalu inna lillah he wa inna ilayhe razeoon.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Hussain_KSA » Sun May 27, 2012 8:06 am

Inna lillah e wa inna ilahi rajeoon. May her soul rest in peace.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue May 29, 2012 4:42 am

Dear Bohraji

Please accept my sincere appreciation of your effortss. I suggest you share the activities of your group and volunteers who are at ground level doing khidmat of distribution. Anonymity can be maintained, to whatever acceptable level. Sharing updates on forum will help people understand how its working, encourage them to come forward and also attract suggestions and participation. Remove doubts from the minds (if any)

We have been discussing about a food package. Lets discuss what are the contents of this package deemed as basic necessity and provide a constructive suggestion for more improvement.

I request you to provide a list of basics with quantity and cost and we can add/minus as deemed appropriate. However please note, its only a discussion for better understanding. The real decision to compile the food package remains with the ground level khidmatguzaar who are doing the main task, purchase and distribution. (May Allah reward all participants happiness and prosperity)

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by stranger » Tue May 29, 2012 5:24 am

Inna lillah e wa inna ilahi rajeoon. May her soul rest in peace.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Tue May 29, 2012 6:03 am

@ Humanbeing,
Salaam Alaikum.
Thank you for your appreciation.Our core group consists of 11 people (all relatives) from 4 different cities.We have been doing this for more than a year now.We started with 6 and each individual would do a sadaqa of RS 10 each daily.With this RS 60 we would buy something (atta,rice,dal,salt,eggs.chicken,etc) and give it to a needy mumin.Soon other relatives joined and we were able to collect RS 100 each day.This way our food packets increase.ON some days perhaps once in 3 months we would do a sadaqa of a goat as well.
Once we had RS 100 per day at our disposal,our food packets contained more things.My wife and I would go to the new Reliance store that is for wholesale only and buy the best products at the lowest rates.Once we got reliance brand salt packets at rs 4 a kilo and bought lots of them.Reliance usually has special offers sometimes and we buy those items.We would usually buy different dals (500 gms or 1000gms) They sell packed stuff so we would buy that only.We would also buy glucose biscuits,tea packets of different sizes,1 liter oil pouches.Once we got rice at a low rate so we boght 2 kilo packets.We would usually buy 3 months worth of goods and take them all in a rickshaw to our place.Once there we would calculate and mix and match so that each packet is worth around RS 100.I would tape together the packets and they would be ready for distribution.
We would then take the packets in a rickshaw ant take it to another members house who was in the Bohra Mohalla and some packets would be kept with us.Now the distribution began with carefull coordination of one packet a day only.
Then I wrote about this on the forum and a few people showed interest and even fewer contributed.We have now expanded our help so taht a widow is able to send her 2 small children to school and she has some basic grocerie.A few old peole have been able to get money for immediate medical needs and ofcourse the packets are being given out.This time the packets have 1 liter oil pouch and 500gms rice.Just last week someone donated RS 3000 and we will be ble to add a tea packet to the parcel as well.Now that I am in another city,the purchase is carried out by my wife and she cannot always go to the Reliance super store as it is far.She was able to get good prices with a kirana shop nearby and so we chose to buy the rice and oil from him and he gave free delivery.
There are only two people at ground level.These two ladies are doing the bulk of the work and at the same time looking after the family and household chores.The rest of the members contribute financially only.
Now with me not there things are a bit difficult but my wife has assured me that the work will go on.
Many members of the forum can surely give something.I can also put the donor in direct contact with the recepeint and they can verify themselves.
The recepeints dont even know my name!So complete secrecy is maintained.
I dont know why,but many on the forum beleive that poverty amongst Bohras does not exist.Thank God for the Thali system,but people need more than a meal a day.There are bohras who work in factories in Vatva,ahmedabad,there are people earning less than rs 2000 a month and supporting families.There are women who are working as kaam wali Bais,and yes they are all orthodox dawoodi Bohras.
I would also like to thank the Admin and a few forum members ,without whose help we would have seen two small children being removed from school as their widowed mother could no longer pay the rickshaw and tuition fees.
May Allah convince at leats another person by reading this and agree to donate.Even RS 100 will make a difference.Just PM me .

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:56 am

Salaam Alaikum.
After posting the last message we have had 2 more people joining the group.
All the details of the money received are with the Admin and 3 other forum members and all hose who ahve contributed have been told how the money is or will be used.
One Bhai has asked me to put the entire hisaab of teh funds received on the forum instead of PM.This will take a few weeks as I am alone oand I have also asked the two overseers but we are all busy.However I will do it soon Inshallah.We want to give out sugar and milk pouches as well with the tea.A mumin bhai had suggested that we give powdered milk, but people are not comfortable using it .However we may tie up with the dudh wala and arrange a milk pouch(500ml) to be delivered daily atleast in Ramadan so a basic meal of tea and biscuits can be had for sehri.Let us see now,This will be possible if we have enough funds and the ground workers should also agree as in the end they do the dirty work of managing the distribution.As because of the heat the bhai also sugessted to give away cooling hair oil.Now this will also be decided by the people who distribute.RS 3000 has been given to another member as he gets requests for medicine money.All these are bohras and too poor to buy medicines.And rest assured ,money is used metciously.
Something great happend.A young Mumin Bhai who was against me and who lives in Ahmedabad has now turned over a new leaf and wants to help.He wants to contribute RS 10 per day and he is only 21 years old wit a new job of a few thousand rupees.He was opposed to trhis ,but now he has realised that there are Bohras in Ahmedabad who require urgent help. will talk to him tonight perhaps and ask him to post first hand reveiws about our less fortunate bretheren.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:05 am

Mashallah Br. Bohraji for all the wonderful work
May Allah reward you and all those who are contributing for this wonderful cause. Ramadan is going to upon us Inshallah and what a wonderful time
to help any Muslim/Mumin. Please continue with whatever we can.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:19 am

Dear SBM,
Thank you for your kind words and CONSTANT encouragement,
There are so many people to thank for.The most difficult and the toughest work is being done at ground level.The distributors have to make choices and calculations.And of course the kind people on the forum who have given their hard earned money.Jus a few days ago a gentleman from another city in Gujarat contributed RS 1000! Mashallah.We have bought 60 tea packets and I will let you now in time where this RS 1000 will be used.
I came to know last week that a lot of people need help for ediicines as well.Inshallah,one person ,one famly at a time.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:30 pm

Although the below mentioned article has got nothing to do with bohras and poverty in Ahmedabad but nevertheless it is worth reading :-

They hand over Re. 1 and buy another day of survival

The poor can buy a meal for Re. 1 at the Nahars' garment shop

Sixty-five-year-old Gollappa Patil clutches his cracked aluminium plate and waits for his turn to be served. He stands in a queue, along with others like him who have been abandoned or are destitute. They quietly collect four jowar rotis and some curry and rice in broken plates or polythene bags and hand over Re. 1.

By handing over that coin, they are not just buying food, but another day of survival.

For four decades

For four decades, this nondescript garment shop in Kabraji Bazaar of the city has been providing meals to poor and homeless people at an unimaginably low price.

Hemant Nahar, the proprietor of the shop, personally serves the food every day between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Began in 1972

It was his father, Nathilal Nahar, who began the altruistic action of serving food to those in need in 1972 after there was a severe drought in the district. “My father could not bear to see people dying of starvation and so decided to provide food to people at the lowest price possible. In later days, many people belonging to the Jain community began giving donations,” says Mr. Hemant Nahar. Mr. Hemant Nahar has continued the good work after his father passed away two years ago.

For a mere 10 paisa

He says that back in his father's time, food was sold for a mere 10 paisa. The money was collected to pay the salary of the cook or to pay the flour mill. It was later increased after the 10 paisa coin was withdrawn from circulation.

He says that when they first started serving food at the shop, over 100 people would come and buy food. However, now only around 50 people come to the shop to buy food every day.

He says that many people donate jowar and vegetables. “Some people also provide donations, which is again used to pay the salary of the cooks.”

“Till a few years ago, we were collecting 50 paisa, but after the 50 paisa coin was withdrawn from circulation, we increased the price to Re. 1,” he says.

Sometimes people who are unable to pay Re. 1 are given food for free.

Mr. Hemant Nahar says that feeding the poor and needy gives him spiritual satisfaction.

Persons interested in helping Mr. Nahar can call on 08352-250114.

http://www.thehindu.com/news/states/kar ... &css=print

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:19 am

Salaam Alaikum to all.
This message is specially to the donors.
I have compiled a list of all the donors and the amount donated.However I do not have a detailed account of the money spent.That Is taking time as I had mentioned about the death of our main distributor and she was handling the cash.It is absurd to bother her family with the accounts as tehy are too busy in receiving condolences and rituals following death.However I should get it by the next weekend Inshallah.The distribution of food packets including the new tea packets is going on smoothly and also the family with kids is being taken care of,by way of rickshaw and tuition fees and uniforms,500ml milk packet and boost powder,etc..Plus rs 3000 kept by another distributor for adhoc medical expences is also taken care of.We want to now prepare for Ramadan.
I will publish the list of the donors with the amount donated soon.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:25 am

Dear Donors to this cause.
Please send the amount that you have donated to the below email account.This way I can just double check and get the proper hisaab.This is a humble request and will make my job a lot easier.Thank you all.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:26 am

Dear Bohraji and others
Asalam U Alekum
Inshallah Ramadan is going to upon us soon and while we are eagerly waiting for arrival so we can fulfill our obligation and enjoy the bounties of Almighty Allah there are people form our community (regardless of their allegiance) who may feel dejected that they may not even have enough to have proper Suhur and Iftar as well new clothes for their children to look forward for Ramadan and Eid.
Thank you

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by abde53 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:09 am

SBM bhai
even though I may not agree with your progressive views but I will say Aamin to your post. May our shafiq Bawa TUS and his Mansoos Syedi Wa Maulai Muffadal BS gets the news of good work done by Bohraji Bhai who is an active member of our fold and get shafayat for his concerns
i salute you SBM bhai and Bohraji bhai for doing what you are doing, May Allah with wasila of our shafiq Bawa TUS and Syedi Muffadal BS reward you for the good work

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:23 am

Dear Abde Bhai,
Thankyou for your wishes and concerns.
I am just a person who has brought the situation to your notice.It is the donors of this forum and people on the ground level who do the hard work that have to be really thanked.
Alhamdolillah,another young man from Ahmedabd and also fro the forum has been inspired and will soon start his own group of helpers .He has already pledged RS 300 every month and I have asked him to start by helping the poorest in his Mohalla.RS 300 in Ahmedabad can pay for a months fee in Jamali School.Buy tea and sugar for a month for a small family and RS 450 wil buy 30 milk pouches of 500ml.This will be good enough for an old couple to take care of their daily tea.
This young gentleman will really bring about changes as he will rope in youg people like himself with a new zest and they will be more innovative. May God bless him and bless you.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by ahmedplumber » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:13 am

Dear all donors,

kindly send an email with the details of your donations that you have made to the below-mentioned ids.

if incase you have made more than 2, kindly give details like date and amount please.

please mail this to the following 3 ids


we already have the details of 3 members, the rest are requested to revert at the earliest please


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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:17 am

Dear Donors,
Ahmed bhai is helping us so that there is trancparency.A appeal to all those who have donated for the cause.Please send details like date and amount to the emeials mentioned by Ahmed Bhai.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by ahmedplumber » Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:44 am

A gentle reminder to all donors to kindly send in the details of their donations once more.

Once again, if you have made more than 1 donation, please mention the amount and the dates

please mail the details to


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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:01 am

Salaam Alaikum.
There is a dawoodi bohra gentleman in Ahmedabad of modest means.Bohras go to him for medical help ranging from medicines to surgeries.Other bohras donate to him and he uses the money for the medical bills that the poor bring it to him.RS 3000 from the fund has been given to him so that he may use it as he finds it neceassary,I do not want to name the Gentleman to protect the privacy of our team members working at ground level.However the identity has been revealed to Mustafanalwalla,sbm,admin and HUssain _ksa as they are the overseers and transparency is kept.
There is USD 775 in the paypal account till now that the admin has kindly set up.We are collecting this money for Ramadan and as of now we have still not encashed it as Ramadan planning is yet to be done.The distributors still ahve not met for the new purchase and once that is done I will let you know .The packets are being distributed as usual.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:23 am

Salaam Alaikum,
Amongst the family where the food packet is a given There is one family with a child in the 10th standard and the monthly income of only RS 4000.This family(Pucca orthodox dawoodi Bohra) appealed to us for help to pay for the extra tuitions for the child.A gentleman from this forum instructed an NGO to get in touch with us for this child.The NGO did a proper case study and last week deposited a cheque of rs 7000 to pay for the childs education.May the gentleman and all those involved in this be rewarded for ever and ever.
The RS 3000 given last week to a gentleman ( whom we will address as X Kaka ) has used the money for various surgeries and medical expenses.We will be getting details from him.X kaka goes out of his way to help sick bohras and helps pay for surgeries like cataract etc.Another RS 3000 will be given to him today as there are more people who need help with health issues.We have also asked him to list out the surgeries and the costs taht are immediately needed.Another Rs 1000 will be given for an old non bohra Muslim man who is in the hospital on his death bed.His daughter works for bohri families as a maid.They are really poor and I request you to utter a prayer for their well being.
Ramadan is near,but dear readers,surgeries and deseases do not wait.Please do your best . Even Rs 100 can make a BIG difference.Do not be put off by a small thinking of affordability.No amount is small.
Ramadan is near but surgeries and sickness do not wait.

Rabeha Solar
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hey philanthropist bohraji


Unread post by Rabeha Solar » Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:47 am

hey bohraji, right now I am in Ahmedabad, give me your address let me come and meet you and see how many bohra families u really know who need help, lets help them together.
let me see how many familes are really getting help from your side.


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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by abde53 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:43 am

Rabeha Bahi
Nice to see some one coming to help Mumineen in Ahmedabad and elsewhere, Bhai Rabieha, do you really need to meet Bohraji, Bohraji has mentioned so many times in this forum that he works in Gulf Region and he has worked with many people to help. If you really want to help poor Mumineen why do not you visit the places mentioned by Bohraji directly and help the people there. He mentioned about some one needing Tuition and Bohraji arranged thru NGO to get that Momeen all the necessary help
Bhai Rabeha I hope you can take this upon yourself and start helping people instead of waiting for Bohraji to meet with you.
May Allah give our Shafiq Bawa TUS long life and may our manssos Syedi wa Maulai Muffadal BS live ta qayamat

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:44 am

Dear Rabeha Solar Bhai,
Salaam Alaikum,
Thank you for your offer for help. I am not in Ahmedabad.It is a few people who are doing the ground work.I will not disclose my or their identity as we are all sabeel paying card holders and I am the only one who visits this site and am able send them the money so that they may help.
However since you are already there, you can help.Please go to Saifee society in Saraspur.It is just besides the Roza.Behind the last row of houses ,there is a hidden row where bohras have built illegal shanties.They need help.Once you are in Karanj (The site where Mola Qutbuddin Shaheed was matyred) near the three gates.Go towards the Mother Teresa square,you will find Bera bakery and Samosa Shop.An old Bohra Kakaji sells some wares on a rekri(Thela).He wears a bohri cap and you will recognise him.He is needy and he needs help.Also there are people living in the compound of Molai Yusuf Saaheb or Molai Dawood Saaheb.Please check out one or another.Bohras are living there in very poor conditions.
Outside the main Roza ,there is an old Kaka on a handicap chair,he needs help.
Outside the Roza,there is a line of Ricshaws.all driven by Bohras.Please talk to them .They will open up to you slowly and you will know about their poverty.
There are many bohra women ,working as bais (maids).Find out about them,they can surely do with some help.
Go to the Bohra school ,Jamali School and find out about poor kids who can use new school supplies,uniforms or other necessities.In Jamalpur there is the Bohra run "Raj Hospital" I am sure you can help them in many ways.
It is really good to know that you want to help and I am sure that many will benefit. may you speed up uour work.

Rabeha Solar
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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Rabeha Solar » Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:28 am

thanx for the info, what ever help will go from my side will be with RAZA and proper channel :)

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:25 am

Rabeha Solar wrote:thanx for the info, what ever help will go from my side will be with RAZA and proper channel :)
And I hope you will update us about the work you did and number of families you helped,
I thought that Sharia teaches us that when we help some one our left hand should not know the right hand SO WHY THIS RAZA CHAKKAR IN HELPING THE POOR MUMINEEN and would you clarify what is the proper channel and why this was not done so far....

Please do update us about the kind of help you extended and the time frame you plan to take care of people mentioned by Bohraji

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Humsafar » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:36 am

Rabeha Solar wrote:thanx for the info, what ever help will go from my side will be with RAZA and proper channel :)
Idiot, it is the "raza and proper channel" that has created this problem in the first place.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by rethink » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:56 am

The reaction is weird. The bottom line is the Rabeha Solar is ready to help. Why are people raking up issues for "raza and proper channel" ?? may be he will be able to bring more help with his "raza and proper channel" that is what is the purpose for this thread on this forum isn't it?

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:21 pm

rethink wrote:The reaction is weird. The bottom line is the Rabeha Solar is ready to help. Why are people raking up issues for "raza and proper channel" ?? may be he will be able to bring more help with his "raza and proper channel" that is what is the purpose for this thread on this forum isn't it?
No it is not weird reaction, RS did ask to meet with Bohraji and find out who are the families being helped while this work has been going on for a period and many have already benefited, many members from both side of spectrum has already contributed without asking to meet personally with Bohraji or his intention or mentioning about RAZA and proper channel. So you see that I am little skeptical of RS's intention,

Rabeha Solar
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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Rabeha Solar » Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:01 pm

SBM wrote:
Rabeha Solar wrote:thanx for the info, what ever help will go from my side will be with RAZA and proper channel :)
And I hope you will update us about the work you did and number of families you helped,
I thought that Sharia teaches us that when we help some one our left hand should not know the right hand SO WHY THIS RAZA CHAKKAR IN HELPING THE POOR MUMINEEN and would you clarify what is the proper channel and why this was not done so far....

Please do update us about the kind of help you extended and the time frame you plan to take care of people mentioned by Bohraji
this is not been taught to us :D we have been taught help in such a way that even left hand should not know what help right hand did.

Rabeha Solar
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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Rabeha Solar » Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:06 pm

amazingly yesterday i met a person who was workin hard for his daily need, I inquired are u getting any help from molana(tus)? or any momeenin? and I also asked him would he like to take help from people who are against syedna(tus).

this is what he reply....

"syedna(tus) ye hamara waaste ghanu kidhu che, ghar apu che, bimaari maa dawa bhi pohchavi che, momeenin pun madad kare che, pun hame em nai chahta ke koi ni madad par hame jiviye, hamara mola ni dua hamara saathe che hame zaroor agal wadhisu, molana dushmano par khuda ni lanat, e logo thi madad to dur pun pani bhi haraam che."

statement from this gentleman shows momeenin of Ahmedabad are full of dignity and they have trust on Allah and his waliullah....
Last edited by Rabeha Solar on Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:11 pm

Rabeha Solar wrote:amazingly yesterday i met a person who was workin hard for his daily need, I inquired are u getting any help from molana(tus)? or any momeenin? and I also asked him would he like to take help from people who are against syedna(tus).

this is what he reply....

"syedna(tus) ye hamara waaste ghanu kidhu che, ghar apu che, bimaari maa dawa bhi pohchavi che, momeenin pun madad kare che, pun hame em nai chahta ke koi ni madad par hame jiviye, hamara mola ni dua hamara saathe che hame zaroor agal wadhisu, molana dushmano par khuda ni lanat, e logo thi madad to dur pun pani bhi haraam che."
That is what exactly I expected from you, I hope Rethink will rethink his assessment about this so called helping hand :twisted: