Reflections on the 1st Waaz Mubarak, 2nd Moharram 1426H

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Reflections on the 1st Waaz Mubarak, 2nd Moharram 1426H


Unread post by idiot_bohra » Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:59 pm

Hi friends,
I am going to be taking the official refelections on the happening wayaz in surat and post my thoughts.

Here is the refelection, and my refelection on this will follow in another post.

The backdrop of Aqa Moula's Takht Mubarak features the aayat:
"And give glad tidings to Mumineen that Allah has given them immense virtue."
"Fazlan kabeera", the last words of the aayat translate as immense virtue.

The Fazle Kabeer for Mumineen stems from the zikr, matam and tears on Imam Husain (AS).

Bushra is for those Mumineen who remember and mourn Imam Husain (AS) and it is with this knowledge of bushra that Mumineen congregating for Ashara Mubaraka have such joyous faces.

Our faces reflect the great joy and happiness exhibited by the 72 shohada who accompanied Imam Husain (AS) to Karbala. As they arrived and as the days passed, instead of their faces paling and withering due to the heat, hunger and thirst, they grew fresher and happier in anticipation of shahadat - the ultimate victory. They were like bridegrooms who had emerged bedecked in sehras.

We have not been so fortunate as to have been at Karbala, yet the vast bounty of Imam Husain (AS) and his Dai; Aqa Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS) is such that our commemoration of the shahadat here and now allows us to be counted amongst the Shohada.

The poet Ibn al-Habariya came to Karbala and arriving there regretted that he had not been there during the battle. "Had I been at Karbala I would have battled your enemies but I was not so fortunate. However, why should I not sacrifice and dedicate myself by shedding tears of grief."

This spirit is to be found in Rasuallah's hadith which adorns either side of the takht. "They that cry, cause to cry, or even make an effort to cry on my son Husain, for them Jannat is assured."

This bushra, fazle kabeer is ever constant because it stems from the Khamsat At'haar, the Panjatan Paak (AS). They are five in number, Mohammed, Ali,
Fatema, Hasan, Husain (AS). The number five is ever constant – its multiples always ending in five as far as one can count. Eg 5 x 5 = 25, 25 x 5 = 125, 125 x 5 = 625 and so on.

Similarly the qualities and the shanaat of Khamsat At'haar (AS) perpetuated by the succession of Aimmat Tahereen (AS) and Doat Mutlaqeen (RA).

Molana Ali (AS) said to his shi'a, "Rejoice (take bisharat)! When Rasulallah (SA) passed away, he was indeed pleased with you.

This pleasure is reflected in Molana's affectionate gaze upon the Mumineen assembled before him and those assembled in majalis across the world with his raza mubarak.

In the battle of "Seif ul Bahr", when victory was attained there was plentiful booty to be shared and everyone was ecstatic. Salman al-Farsi (RA) exclaimed, "You are happy today, yet a happier day will come when you accompany the youth of Ahle Bait in Jihad. Zohair bin Qayn (RA) had heard these words. When he met Imam Husain (AS) en route to Karbala he parted company with his companions and divorced his wife – in order to accompany Imam Husain (AS).

Today, Huzurala (TUS) noted that Mumineen had come for Ashara Mubaraka having downed the shutters of their shops, taken qardhan, even sold off their valuables in order to attend this miqaat. Huzurala (TUS) urged all Mumineen to show the same spirit, to break routines to participate in the remembrance of Imam Husain (AS) promising all those who did so that Imam Husain (AS) would ensure their rizq (livelihoods). Imam Husain (AS), after all, is the one who gave 7 children to a man who had no children at all in his destiny – Imam Husain (AS) could change destiny itself.

At one point Huzurala (TUS) prayed for us as he always does, "May a Mumin always be happy and content, knowing no grief except for the grief of Imam Husain (AS)."

It is a remarkable dua, one that promises happiness at all times since a Mumin's ultimate joy comes from his grief for Imam Husain (AS). As Molana quoted from his qasida mubaraka which adorns the 1st level tutak;

"And the matam (of Imam Husain) is the meaning of repentance (nadamat), Since it is the means of salvation from this world (Hayula)."

May Allah t'aala preserve our beloved Aqamola (TUS) in 'fazle kabeer' until qiyamat.


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Re: Reflections on the 1st Waaz Mubarak, 2nd Moharram 1426H


Unread post by idiot_bohra » Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:37 pm

The backdrop of Aqa Moula's Takht Mubarak features the aayat:
"And give glad tidings to Mumineen that Allah has given them immense virtue."
"Fazlan kabeera", the last words of the aayat translate as immense virtue.
Indeed Allah has given all human beings immense virtue. It is for us to use, develop and bring out that virtue. Great is Allah and great are his works, let man not take pride in false virtues that he has not, rather, let him humbly seek to become like his creator who is the source of all virtue.
The Fazle Kabeer for Mumineen stems from the zikr, matam and tears on Imam Husain (AS).
Matam is Biddat. In fact invoking anyone besides Allah is Shirk, its Haram. Oh what evil people do in the name of god!
Bushra is for those Mumineen who remember and mourn Imam Husain (AS) and it is with this knowledge of bushra that Mumineen congregating for Ashara Mubaraka have such joyous faces.
Ignorance has many faces.
Our faces reflect the great joy and happiness exhibited by the 72 shohada who accompanied Imam Husain (AS) to Karbala. As they arrived and as the days passed, instead of their faces paling and withering due to the heat, hunger and thirst, they grew fresher and happier in anticipation of shahadat - the ultimate victory. They were like bridegrooms who had emerged bedecked in sehras.
You do not know those faces. Imam Husain may well be amused by your assumptions. Poetic liberty is granted but to so distort the truth that in one seen you portray the crying, dying, thirsting ahlebait, deserving our pity, (that is why you want us to cry isn’t it) and in another seen you say they are all happy. Well if they are happy then I too am happy for them, don't ask me to cry for them.
We have not been so fortunate as to have been at Karbala, yet the vast bounty of Imam Husain (AS) and his Dai; Aqa Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS) is such that our commemoration of the shahadat here and now allows us to be counted amongst the Shohada.

The poet Ibn al-Habariya came to Karbala and arriving there regretted that he had not been there during the battle. "Had I been at Karbala I would have battled your enemies but I was not so fortunate. However, why should I not sacrifice and dedicate myself by shedding tears of grief."
Their good deeds (amal) are with them and our good deeds are with us. Neither are they accountable for us nor we for them. If we would have lived in the time of imam husain, to answer the call to fight for him would have been relevant to us, but it is not relevant today. To cry over an event of history is to belittle their sacrifice. Get over it and make good of what is left of your time on earth rather than crying over spilt milk. Neither was that milk your's nor were you responsible for what happened, make good of your time in life and pray to allaha that he may shine the light of his guidance in your heart.
This spirit is to be found in Rasuallah's hadith which adorns either side of the takht. "They that cry, cause to cry, or even make an effort to cry on my son Husain, for them Jannat is assured."
Your jannat is too crowded a place for me, sorry I have to let it pass, your jannat is so suffocating that I would choke at the thought of it. You must be having many jannats by now and still you keep crying, I see that you are very greedy to get more and more jannats in your pocket, do take care that you do not loose them to have to come again next year to shed those tears and to buy jannat all over again. Will the expert cryer please stand up ?
This bushra, fazle kabeer is ever constant because it stems from the Khamsat At'haar, the Panjatan Paak (AS). They are five in number, Mohammed, Ali,
Fatema, Hasan, Husain (AS). The number five is ever constant – its multiples always ending in five as far as one can count. Eg 5 x 5 = 25, 25 x 5 = 125, 125 x 5 = 625 and so on.
What does that prove ? Because 5 cannot be destroyed there are 5 panjatans, why not 0 or 9 ? Why are there 7 nabis and not 5, surely allah knew that 7 could be destroyed easily ! These are just intellectual arguments that take you away from the truth. They have nothing to do with your relationship with your creator. No one will be able to intercede for you, no even moula himself. He that claims that he will raise you from hell fire by raising his sleeve and putting down his hand into the fire to save you, let him fear allah for making false claims.
Similarly the qualities and the shanaat of Khamsat At'haar (AS) perpetuated by the succession of Aimmat Tahereen (AS) and Doat Mutlaqeen (RA).

Molana Ali (AS) said to his shi'a, "Rejoice (take bisharat)! When Rasulallah (SA) passed away, he was indeed pleased with you.
More history, useless and meaningless to our present times.
This pleasure is reflected in Molana's affectionate gaze upon the Mumineen assembled before him and those assembled in majalis across the world with his raza mubarak.
Affectionate gaze ! Like Hitler looking down upon his army of headless soldiers ! I know what you mean. No man of god would encourage such personality worship. Every true saint in history has shunned riches, and invariably directed the devotion of their followers away from themselves and towards god. True spirituality needs no approval of thousands of followers, true spirituality does not bind the spirit and enslave the soul, instead it librates the mind and provides freedom to humanity from limiting dogmatic beliefs.
In the battle of "Seif ul Bahr", when victory was attained there was plentiful booty to be shared and everyone was ecstatic. Salman al-Farsi (RA) exclaimed, "You are happy today, yet a happier day will come when you accompany the youth of Ahle Bait in Jihad. Zohair bin Qayn (RA) had heard these words. When he met Imam Husain (AS) en route to Karbala he parted company with his companions and divorced his wife – in order to accompany Imam Husain (AS).

Today, Huzurala (TUS) noted that Mumineen had come for Ashara Mubaraka having downed the shutters of their shops, taken qardhan, even sold off their valuables in order to attend this miqaat. Huzurala (TUS) urged all Mumineen to show the same spirit, to break routines to participate in the remembrance of Imam Husain (AS) promising all those who did so that Imam Husain (AS) would ensure their rizq (livelihoods). Imam Husain (AS), after all, is the one who gave 7 children to a man who had no children at all in his destiny – Imam Husain (AS) could change destiny itself.
O ye thirsty folks, if only you could find the fountain of all fulfillment within your own selves you would not need to go hither and yon in search of happiness. Better for you to pray to your creator, the almighty Allah, rather than to any else.
At one point Huzurala (TUS) prayed for us as he always does, "May a Mumin always be happy and content, knowing no grief except for the grief of Imam Husain (AS)."

It is a remarkable dua, one that promises happiness at all times since a Mumin's ultimate joy comes from his grief for Imam Husain (AS).
Do you think that now that he has prayed for you, you need not worry about anything else, and thou shall live happily ever after ? You are still thirsty and the effects of your deeds still rests with none but your own self.
As Molana quoted from his qasida mubaraka which adorns the 1st level tutak;

"And the matam (of Imam Husain) is the meaning of repentance (nadamat), Since it is the means of salvation from this world (Hayula)."
Matam is shirk, biddat.
May Allah t'aala preserve our beloved Aqamola (TUS) in 'fazle kabeer' until qiyamat.

All men must die and so will you, what matters is how you live your life, it matters not for any else but your own soul. May the light of Allah shine in our hearts.

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Re: Reflections on the 1st Waaz Mubarak, 2nd Moharram 1426H


Unread post by porus » Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:20 am

The number five is ever constant – its multiples always ending in five as far as one can count. Eg 5 x 5 = 25, 25 x 5 = 125, 125 x 5 = 625 and so on.
oh, so mystical! and Baatin, to boot!!

Actually, 25 has the same property, ever constant. :)

25 x 25 = 625, 625 x 25 = 15625, 15625 x 25 = 390625 and so on.

Zero (0) is even more mystical. Any of its multiple is zero, indeed.

I notice Bohras now write 786/110/52 at the head of their communications. In ancient Jewish and Muslim numerology, which, for Bohras is divine, 786 is Bismillah and 110 is Ali. Guess what 52 is? No prizes. But, unfortunately, 52 does not accord with their divine numerology. How sad!

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Re: Reflections on the 1st Waaz Mubarak, 2nd Moharram 1426H


Unread post by porus » Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:47 am

For sake of completeness, the entire sequence of numbers where the first term is 5 and where every succeeding term is the square of the previous term has the same property.

Thus, the sequence 5, 25, 625, 390625 and so on are all mystical numbers. There is no end to them.

I leave you all to come up with a Batin explanation.

For those down to earth, numbers are no more mystical than an Amil's thigh, which is the seat of Jannat, by raza.

A number is a name given to the quantity of widgets or whatever that were kept in a King's treasury in ancient times before the evolution of mathematical processing techniques.

Excellent introduction to numbers is from Bertrand Russell in his "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy". Read and really get enlightened, about numbers I mean, and say goodbye to this mystical BS.

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Re: Reflections on the 1st Waaz Mubarak, 2nd Moharram 1426H


Unread post by Muslim » Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:00 am

The number 6 has the same property, its multiples always ending in six as far as one can count:
6 x 6 = 36, 36 x 6 = 216, 216 x 6 = 1296, etc