Sticky: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:02 pm

since there are no clear guidelines concerning misaq during 'succession war', it would have been more advisable if they had linked taking misaq for the fraud mufatlal with compulsory khatna.

lest anyone object to a repeat khatna with a repeat misaq, and the resultant depletion of and reduction in manhood, please honestly reflect. what difference would it make? the abdes are emasculated and turned into napunsaks anyways.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by Saleemullah » Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:08 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:This is Kothar


The followers follow the leader. When leader himself never set precedence how these Amils could set such precedence. Let me share you some more pieces of information with people on board.

Shiekh Zohair was made Amil of Toronto Jamaat despite the fact that he is not from Bait-e-Zainee (Syedna’s family). Guess what was the reason behind giving him Amalat of such a lucrative station! He saved the life of one of Syedna’s son while that idiot killed an innocent villager while he was on hunting spree (of course by making prompt moves and bribing in Bhai Engineer’s words govt. within govt. people). The latest news is he has bought a villa worth of 10 million rupees in a posh Bombay locality (because he stayed for 4 full years).

Another example: In 1997 when Syedna visited Bangkok Jamaat (last visited by his father in 1953) the then Amil of Bangkok Jamaat, Shiekh Saifuddin plundered the Jamaat’s funds [about 2 million US $ donated by one philanthropist lady to Jamaat] to make arrangements for Syedna and kins. When 3 days shopping/pleasure trip was over, people asked for accounts. He posted accounts on the Masjid’s notice board (remember where doing and talking about business is HARAM). People rejected his accounts and asked Shiekh Saifuddin to give HISAB of every single penny he spent for. He obviously failed to produce. He flew overnight to an undisclosed location after closing Darul Imarat without letting anyone know after getting continuous threats from jamaat members. Shiekh Moiz (Wali Mullah) flew to Bombay with all details. For sure, he was hidden under the umbrella of corrupt Kotharis and never brought to justice as of to date.

These are not only examples. Jamaat’s history is full of such examples. All these amils are equally corrupt. They all receive their share in the loot in the name of Wajeebats. What else you could expect? The worst part is we people are still in deep slumber and when it will be broken perhaps when it would be too late.
True very true

Hadees Rasulallah (SAW)

Jis Qoum ka sardaar badkaar ho us qoum ko har waqt apni tabahi ke liye tayyar rehna chahiye.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by Saleemullah » Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:33 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:Look at the difference:

Just two examples of Taher Saifuddin Maula :-

1) After the humiliating defeat in the Chandabhoy Galla Case, Taher Saifuddin Maula went to Surat but he managed a murderous attack on Ebrahimji Adamji Peerbhoy and when Ebrahinji was admitted in Cama Hospital he sent flowers and wished him well as a childhood friend.

2) When Amtullah bai, the daughter-in-law of Sir Adamji died on 12th July 1930, Taher Saifuddin Maula refused her burial in the Bohra Kabrastan at Charni Road, then her body was buried in the nearby plot behind Sir Adamji Peerbhoy Sanatorium owned by Sir Adamji's family. Taher Saifuddin Maula sent four Bohra fanatics in the dead of night who dug her grave and threw the naked body on the footpath in front of the Sanatorium. Bombay Samachar wrote a front page Editorial with the photograph of the body lying on the footpath. Morarji Desai who was the Home Minister of Bombay Province then was first person to see it. So he moved a motion in the assembly for prevention of excommunication stating that "Bohra Mullaji's powers are "Monstrous" (Shaitanic).

Three examples of Burhanuddin Maula:-

1) In June 1966 he went to Karachi and sent his men to kill Mulla Abbas Aurangabadi who entred in his house, tied him with a chair and burnt him alive by pouring petrol on his body in broad day light. Mulla Abass died in the Karachi's Civil Hospital next day after giving his dying declaration naming Burhanuddin Maula and his brother Yusuf Najmuddin as conspirators.

2) On 1st March 1973 the innocent women of Udaipur were molested and dishonoured in his presence. They were shouting Maula Bachao, Maula Bachao" but he kept smiling. That resulted in the mass revolt against Burhanuddin Maula in Udaipur.

3) Burhanuddin Maula traveled from Indore to Mumbai in the same air-craft in which Asghar Ali Engineer had boarded from Bhopal after addressing a Police workshop on communal harmony. One Amil Husain Bhai Saheb was abusing Mr. Engineer throughout the journey but Burhanuddin Maula said nothing. When he arrived at Mumbai airport he got down from the air-craft on wheel chair surrounded by his strongmen. But after he came out, he told the Bohras waiting at airport that “Maloon” Engineer pushed him while getting down. Then the agitated crowd threw stones at Asghar Ali Engineer and beat him up. The airport police was surprised, as reported in the newspapers that in a place like airport how the Bohras managed to gather so many stones.

Thereafter Burhanuddin Maula's goon ransacked Asghar Ali's locked house and office and threw his books on the road. Again as per newspapers report one Police inspector from Santacruz Police station was quoted as saying "These Bohras have thrown out the copies of Quran too. Is Mr. Engineer's Quran different then dharmguru's Quran?

Well Said Brother Ghulam Muhammed i agree to each and every point which you mentioned here.
And i want to add that this bohra group is not ready to see anything apart from their So called Maulas farmaan.
Who teaches them only and only blind faith thats it.
Now they are least bothered about the Quran and they say that their maula is Quran E natiq which is totally a false statement.
So in this situation we really cant expect anything sensible from this guys who are nothing but mere puppets and brain washed of syedna & his family.
They will keep on doing such things to show their love towards their Maula. whether it be anything Like you mentioned throwing Quran.
They dont care about Allah, Nabi, Wasi or Imam for them Only Dai is substitute for each and every Rutba. They give more importance to Their Maulas salgirah then Miladun nabi. They dont even Know When is the Milad of imam Husain (A.S) But even their small kids are aware of the milad of Maula.
So these are all things which has now gone beyond the limits now i dont understand which kind of muslim sect is this I.E. bohras.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:54 pm

Saleemullah wrote:... i dont understand which kind of muslim sect is this I.E. bohras.
of course you cannot understand. who said that mufaddali bohras are 'muslims'?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:13 pm

Abdes False Claims That Bohras Are "Non-Violent",

In 1918 Mulla Ghazanfarali was beaten up in Saifee Daras, Surat.

Sheikh Ishaqali was battered and thrown into the gutter.

Tayebbhai Thanawalla who had been a witness in the Chandabhai Gulla case was assaulted and his ears were cut off
The culprit in this case was caught and was sentenced to three years imprisonment.

In 1920 the homes of Sheikh Faizullahbhai Hamdani and Sheikh Ismailbhai Luqmani were invaded by a mob. They pelted stones and threatened to set fire simply because they had performed the 'nikaah' of Hatimbhai, son of Sheikh Faizullahbhai, with the daughter of Sheikh Ismailbhai without the consent of Saifuddin Sahib. In fact he had withheld his consent because both of these dignitaries had given witness against him in the Chandabhai Gulla case.

Stones and mud were thrown at the coffin of Sharafali Mamooji. It was he who, in conjunction with Karimbhoy Sir Adamji, had demanded the account of the Gulla placed at the Chandabhai shrine. Ibrahim Sir Adamji was brutally assaulted by hired goondas but luckily he survived. The goondas were Muhammadali Hakimji, Roshanali Muhammadali Rangwalla and Ismail Tayebali. They were apprehended and each of them was sentenced to imprisonment with hard labor and a fine of Rs 1,000. The servant of Fazalbhai Hakimuddin named Jaafar was murdered because he was an eye witness to certain criminal incidents.

Abdul Qadir, son in law of Saifuddin Sahib was a persona non grata and met with his death under suspicious circumstances. Saifuddin Sahib chose another son in law who was already married and who loved his wife dearly. Subsequently he was forced to divorce his first wife from whom he had a young son who used to visit his father frequently. One day the young boy was missing and after a search his body was recovered from the water reservoir inside the house. A charge of murder against the step mother of the son in law was registered in the magistrate's court in Surat but no conviction was made. No one knows why.

The grave of Alibhai Sir Adamji's wife in Charni Road cemetery was dug up and the freshly buried body of the deceased lady was removed and thrown on the public road in the early hours of the morning. It appears the case was suppressed with the aid of very large bribes. This heinous crime was perpetrated by four persons one of whom was Roshanali Muhammadali. After a number of years he felt remorse and he visited Ibrahim Sir Adamji whom he had assaulted previously and sought his forgiveness for the crimes he had committed. He used to say to him, "I worshipped Syedna as God and it was he who prompted us to commit this sacrilege of exhuming the body of the deceased. We had such blind faith in him that we would have done anything for him." Roshanali was very good at reciting 'marsiyas' and he used to attend Muharram majIises organized at the residence of Adamji Sons.

In Mumbai during the year 1945 acid was thrown on the face of Mulla Abbas Aurangabadi who was running a paper called 'Munsif' in which he used to expose the evil deeds committed by the priest class as a whole. As a result he lost one of his eyes and had to make frequent visits to the hospital for skin grafting on the face.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:17 pm

The Prophet of Islam v/s The so called Dai of Islam.

What do the abdes and their master Burhanudin saab have to say about the simple life lead by the greatest soul on this earth, the Holy Prophet Rasul Allah s.a.w. whom they claim to follow and whose great religion they are misusing for their paltry materialistic worldly gains. Are they worthy of calling themselves the mumineens (believers of Rasul Allah s.a.w.) ? I provide below a partial glimpse of the life of our Holy Prophet s.a.w. :-

If we compare the life of Muhammad s.a.w. before his mission as a prophet and his life after he began his mission as a prophet, we will conclude that it is beyond reason to think that Muhammad s.a.w. was a false prophet, who claimed prophethood to attain material gains, greatness, glory, or power.

Before his mission as a prophet, Muhammad s.a.w. had no financial worries. As a successful and reputed merchant, Muhammad s.a.w. drew a satisfactory and comfortable income. After his mission as a prophet and because of it, he became worse off materially. To clarify this more, let us browse the following sayings on his life:

Aa’isha, Muhammad s.a.w. wife, said, “O my nephew, we would sight three new moons in two months without lighting a fire (to cook a meal) in the Prophet’s houses.” Her nephew asked, “O Aunt, what sustained you?” She said, “The two black things, dates and water, but the Prophet had some Ansar neighbors who had milk-giving she-camels and they used to send the Prophet some of its milk.”

Sahl Ibn Sa’ad, one of Muhammad s.a.w. companions, said, “The Prophet of God did not see bread made from fine flour from the time God sent him (as a prophet) until he died.”

Aa’isha, Muhammad s.a.w. wife, said, “The mattress of the Prophet , on which he slept, was made of leather stuffed with the fiber of the date-palm tree.”

Amr Ibn Al-Hareth, one of Muhammad s.a.w. companions, said that when the Prophet died, he left neither money nor anything else except his white riding mule, his arms, and a piece of land which he left to charity.

Muhammad s.a.w. lived this hard life till he died although the Muslim treasury was at his disposal, the greater part of the Arabian Peninsula was Muslim before he died, and the Muslims were victorious after eighteen years of his mission.

Is it possible that Muhammad s.a.w. might have claimed prophethood in order to attain status, greatness, and power? The desire to enjoy status and power is usually associated with good food, fancy clothing, monumental palaces, colorful guards, and indisputable authority. Do any of these indicators apply to Muhammad s.a.w.? A few glimpses of his life that may help answer this question follow.

Despite his responsibilities as a prophet, a teacher, a statesman, and a judge, Muhammad s.a.w. used to milk his goat, mend his clothes, repair his shoes, help with the household work, and visit poor people when they got sick. He also helped his companions in digging a trench by moving sand with them. His life was an amazing model of simplicity and humbleness.

Muhammad’s followers loved him, respected him, and trusted him to an amazing extent. Yet he continued to emphasize that deification should be directed to God and not to him personally. Anas, one of Muhammad s.a.w. companions, said that there was no person whom they loved more than the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w., yet when he came to them, they did not stand up for him because he hated their standing up for him, as other people do with their great people.

Long before there was any prospect of success for Islam and at the outset of a long and painful era of torture, suffering, and persecution of Muhammad s.a.w. and his followers, he received an interesting offer. An envoy of the pagan leaders, Otba, came to him saying, “...If you want money, we will collect enough money for you so that you will be the richest one of us. If you want leadership, we will take you as our leader and never decide on any matter without your approval. If you want a kingdom, we will crown you king over us...” Only one concession was required from Muhammad s.a.w. in return for that, to give up calling people to Islam and worshipping God alone without any partner. Wouldn’t this offer be tempting to one pursuing worldly benefit? Was Muhammad s.a.w. hesitant when the offer was made? Did he turn it down as a bargaining strategy leaving the door open for a better offer? The following was his answer: {In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful} And he recited to Otba the verses of the Quran 41:1-38.11 The Following are some of these verses:

A revelation from (God), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful; a Book whereof the verses are explained in detail; a Quran in Arabic, for people who know, giving good news and warning, yet most of them turn away, so they do not listen. (Quran, 41:2-4)

On another occasion and in response to his uncle’s plea to stop calling people to Islam, Muhammad’s answer was as decisive and sincere: {I swear by the name of God, O Uncle!, that if they place the sun in my right-hand and the moon in my left-hand in return for giving up this matter (calling people to Islam), I will never desist until either God makes it triumph or I perish defending it.}

Muhammad s.a.w. and his few followers did not only suffer from persecution for thirteen years but the unbelievers even tried to kill Muhammad s.a.w. several times. On one occasion they attempted to kill him by dropping a large boulder, which could barely be lifted, on his head. Another time they tried to kill him by poisoning his food. What could justify such a life of suffering and sacrifice even after he was fully triumphant over his adversaries? What could explain the humbleness and nobility which he demonstrated in his most glorious moments when he insisted that success is due only to God’s help and not to his own genius? Are these the characteristics of a power-hungry or a self-centered man?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:34 pm

Pious Baloney from Pompous Qasr e Aali

by Kaka Akela

Tue Jan 10, 2012

This month's Nasime Sahar lists 62 qasr e aali did vaez khidmat (substitute looted for khidmat here) in 62 big monied towns in India, Pakistan, Dubai, Kuwait and other middle eastern countries and in London & USA, this does not include the Bait e zaini looters or jamea brainwashed looters. Some of these Qasr e Aalis are not even 20 years old yet what knowledge can they impart, even if they imparted some knowledge (from their father's awraaq or papers/notes) they do not have the capacity to relate this knowledge with the real world living experiences because of their young age. the sole purpose of sending them for vaez is to keep the money within the family and people be damned.

By the time you add the qasr e aali and bait e zaini bhiasahebs the percentage goes up to 50% of all the jamaats in the whole world since there are about 500 jamaats total. some these bait e zaini B S are professionals,engineers and doctors and have never gone to Jamea to learn anything about deen, all they know is duniya and how to live luxuriously with pompousness and acting holy as they part people from their money. God help us, Now.

Our religion has become so fraught with cronyism that we have forgotton Allah's instruction in Quran e Majeed," akramokum indallah e atqaakum", which means those with greater taqwa are closer to Allah. 15-16 year old children of the zaadas sitting on takhats and leading namaaz and 70-80 year olds and Jamea graduates who passed jamea with distintion are sitting below them with folded hands and knees is a mockery of ilm and knowledge. while these 15-16 year olds are still learning from the very same Jamea graduates at home and these Jamea graduates are writing their bayaan materials and practicing them at home. In olden days people with ilm & knowledge were highly respected and given high position but now they are abused and employed as servants and baby sitters in Saifee mahal for zaada children and grand children. They have abused one of daaim (out of the 7 daaim) of valaayat so bad that the common bohra cannot tell valaayat of who??? It used to be valaayat of Allah, Rasul, Imam, Dai (in other words an ulul amar), but now it is demanded that valaayat of any qasr e aali or biat e zaini is part of imaan.

Alvazarath us Saifiyah has now become the "Big Brother" watching over every momin's activity and sitting in their Ivory Towers and issuing farmans on behalf of the Dai when we know that the Dai hasn't said anything about it. But farmans keep coming even when Dai is in coma with a stroke. it seems like the tail is swinging the dog around.

It is so confusing for the commoners to understand what is " Dawat e Hadiyah", sometimes it is used as a private ownership of Syedna and his family, like the properties they own in all upscale areas of various towns and beautiful vacation spots and other residential areas producing income on which they pay no taxes as Dawat e Hadiyah is a religious non-profit organiztion, and on the other hand the Dawat e Hadiyah is used as a bait ul maal of olden times, we all are asked to pay our wajibaat checks to Dawat e Hadiyah, so everyone is kept confused and they hide behind whatever suits them at the moment to our queries. Zaadas and their children and other qasr e aali B S go to choice locations (read money producing) for 10 days of ashra vaez but they stay on and on for months to enjoy ziafats at exorbitant costs to momeneen and they grant many sharafs of titles etc to make more and more money. Each qasr e Aali has started to act as a mini Dai now due to Dai's infirmity, they all now demand burhani guards, burhani bands Rasm e saifee and all other amenities that were reserved for the Dai. Our religion has been turned into a very profitable business under the garb of religiosity, it is 20 % religion and 80% business. It is so sad that people are blinded with the qasr eaali jhaak jamag and can not see the deception through this fog.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:01 pm

Syedna's Life and Actions are as per the Sunnah of Prophet (s.a.w.).

Abdes stereotype defence of their master's extravagant lifestyle has always been as :-

"Sayednas life & action are as per sunnah of prophet mohammed (saw) & duats of earlier time.... is living a life of comfort and luxury a crime?"

A hilarious and sarcastic yet thought provoking reply of Bro. AlZulfiqar was :-

You are absolutely correct! The prophet lived a life of great pomp and ceremony. He was always escorted wherever he went with atleast 40 sword men on horseback and another 20 warriors on camels and elephants. They provided him security and impressed and awed his enemies. He loved to meet with foreign dignitaries, powerful tribal leaders, heads of state and even tyrants and mercilessly cruel dictators and getting awarded fancy titles by them. He proudly accepted sajdas from his followers and demanded they refer to themselves as abdemuhammad. He collected cash, gold and precious stones and gifts from his followers and never accounted for them. He bullied anyone who demanded transparency and excommunicated them summarily. His word was law and he soon became the emperor of a vast empire, his daughters were referred to as shehzaadi fatema etc and his son-in-law and cousin Ali, as Shehzaada al haddul Anjabul Islam Ali ibne Abutalib. the Rasul lived in and owned huge and ornate palaces where hundreds of slaves waited on him and foot.

But by far his greatest pleasure was when he went on hunting trips with his most dearest loved ones. He was known far and wide for his amazing prowess in bringing down huge and fierce wild animals with a single well-aimed poison-tipped arrow shot straight into their heart.

The Rasul also gladly let out space in his hundreds of properties to jews who lent big sums of money at exorbitantly high rates of interest to the Arab followers of the Rasul. He also owned inns and hostelries on caravan routes where liquor was served to all and sundry.

Once his position as Rasul was firmly established, he never allowed his followers to touch his hand or his person, unless they gave him fakhir najwas and treated him like the emperor he was. He took extreme pains to assidously cultivate all his super rich and influential followers while avoiding his poorest and most deprived followers, never once visiting them or understanding their misery and pain.

And Ali? Well, his sons and daughters were known as Shehzaada Hassan and Hussain, Shehzaadi Zainab and so on. they were provided a life of great grandeur and luxury. They were never allowed to mingle with the filthy desert nomads and commoners and shielded from any violent confontations with the enemies of islam. In fact, Ali believed in compromising with them, appeasing them, bribing them with large sums of money from the baitulmaal and honoring them with extravagant banquets in his house. He set examples of such behaviour for his Shias and instructed them to sell their souls if neccessary to the devil himself if so required.

Ali loved madehs written in his honor and when his shias bowed to him and called themselves abdeali. He usually sat on thrones high above his beloved shias and lectured them on mourning 24/7 for the Rasul and his own wife Fatema, martyred at the hands of his enemies. He set the precedent for many innovative ways of doing maatam, viz. maatam on eid, maatam at weddings, maatam in rhythm and the 100 hour maatam, maatam being dedicated to making him well and for improving his health and strength, and finally maatam in between prayers. He would have invented many more ingenious methods of maatam, unfortunately his life was cut short due to being physically inactive and not participating in any battles for islam.

Even Shehzaada Hussain ran from his enemies, he called for a meeting with Yazid and wined and dined him, winning a great victory and reprieve for his shias. He rewarded yazid, shimr and other laeens with purses full of gold and shawls of camel wool and silk. Of course he went for this meeting alone, he was a shrewd and worldly man. He strictly commanded his family and army to stay away to avoid getting harmed or slaughtered. With this cunning, he spared his loved ones, esp. the womenfolk from public disgrace and ridicule. Hussain was a classic politician and strategist, all this sword fighting and engaging in physical combat business was not his cup of qahwa. All he needed was his skills at oratory. Once he climbed up a pulpit, shias ate out of his hands. This Hussain did with great efficacy. He travelled in huge caravans, lecturing people in every town and village, anointing the wealthy and powerful with titles and receiving huge sums in return which he used most cleverly for his vast family, family that otherwise would have got needlessly slaughtered at kerbala. see his cunning?

Hussain and Hassan being shrewd leaders, never ever referred to their mother Fatema and never mourned for her. She was a great embarassment to the boys, and it was felt wise to throw a blanket of secrecy on her name and life.

It is most gratifying to see how the past 2 syednas have faithfully followed the life and examples set by the Panjatan Paak, esp the Seerat e Nabi and Sunnah of Rasul. as a bohra i am so extremely proud that "Sayednas life & action are as per sunnah of prophet mohammed (saw).."

Every muslim leader should follow his example.

I know that many of you must have found my reply quite shocking, even offensive and blasphemous, when I used the names of Islam's Prophet, of Ali and the Panjatan Pak to drive home my point.

I would normally apologise if I have transgressed, I am man enough to do so. If anyone has to apologise, it should be abdes who justify Syedna's and his parasitic family's lifestyle by boasting that he is actually following the sunnah of the Prophet of Islam. I am merely holding up a mirror to their outrageous statements when they claim that the so-called 'royal family' are adherents of the lifestyle, morals and integrity of the Panjatan Paak.

Sometimes a kick in the teeth works when all else fails. It is not my intention, I repeat, to malign the lives and principles upheld by the holiest figures of Islam, I would be sorry if I did, but let me clarify, its the hypocrites, liars and retards who mock when they dare to compare them with syedna and his ayyash family.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by asad » Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:26 pm


This thread should be posted as a sticky on the main page. Br. GM has painstakingly searched and posted the best of the forum on this thread.

Thanks Br. GM for all your efforts, you have made life easy for any newcomer to this Forum.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:00 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:Syedna's Life and Actions are as per the Sunnah of Prophet (s.a.w.).
Abdes stereotype defence of their master's extravagant lifestyle has always been as :-
"Sayednas life & action are as per sunnah of prophet mohammed (saw) & duats of earlier time.... is living a life of comfort and luxury a crime?"
A hilarious and sarcastic yet thought provoking reply of Bro. AlZulfiqar was :-
Hard hitting but beautifully written .. hats off to you AZ. I read it for the first time so thanks to GM for posting this again.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:48 pm

New Fatwa: Those who do not pay wajebat are Kafirs
Pune Camp Amil Abde Ali refuses the burial of Mr. Firoz Bandookwala

By.S. Insaf. Aug 20, 2008.

Mr. Firoz Bandookwala residing at 14, East Street - Pune 411001 died in hospital on 14th August 2008. Amil Abdeali refused his burial and his son Idris sitting beside him declared that since Firoz Bandookwala failed to pay wajebat he is Kafir and go and burn his body.

Elderly Firoz bhai's wife had died and buried in their plot for 10 in Pune kabrastan. His two sons had settled down in USA. So he was living in Pune all alone. Since he was unwell since last one year he could not go to the Amil and pay his wajebat. Ultimately he died in the hospital.

Bohras in Jamaat and in his neighborhood remained unconcerned but one Sunni Muslim social worker, Mr. Yasin Khan immediately rushed to the hospital. He got Firoz bhai's body claiming it as "unclaimed" and along with other Muslims buried him in Sunni Muslim Kabrastan after namaze-janaza.

On third day after Zohar prayer the Amil Abde ali told the Bohras "Look what happened to nahanjar Firoz! If any one stop coming to me and refuse to pay wajebat he/she will meet the same fate."

This Amil Abde Ali is known as "Jallad" (hangman) in Pune as he very arrogant, shameless and greedy and spares no one. He rolls in luxury in a posh bungalow known as "Saifee Mahal" in Pune and runs the business of selling and buying old cars and trades in diamonds. He has not been transferred from Pune inspite of several complaints from the harassed Bohras. He is a close relation of Sayedna Burhanuddin and hence unabashedly ruling Pune since last 22 years. Before him his father, Hatim Bhaisaheb was the Amil of Pune and the people still remember that kind-hearted gentleman.

This Amil Abde ali is a shining example of stinking corruption in Sayedna Burhanuddin Saheb's administration.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by haqniwaat » Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:34 pm

Abde Ali Nooruddin is the brother of Dr. Moiz Nooruddin, Syedna Burhanuddin's RA son-in-law [DELETED]

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:48 pm

haqniwaat wrote:Abde Ali Nooruddin is the brother of Dr. Moiz Nooruddin, Syedna Burhanuddin's RA son-in-law
Birds of the same feather...........

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:44 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:... Hatim Bhaisaheb was the Amil of Pune and the people still remember that kind-hearted gentleman[/b].
kind hearted gentleman my foot! he was a coward and of meek character. it was during his amalat that the [DELETED] ismail, brother of smb, unleashed the reign of terror in poona. all sorts of unsavory accusations were made against fine upstanding bohras and this ismail went on a rampage of threats, baraats, abuse and insults. amil hatim could have corrected him and stopped him, but the kayar that he was, he let the tamasha continue until of course ismail shot himself in the foot and had to flee.

amil hatim was such a chor, that he actually swallowed the amounts that he had borrowed from some prominent bohras after they were excommunicated. it is the decency of these individuals that they did not proceed against him criminally inspite of holding promissory notes from this chor hatim. he was constantly looking for ways to fleece the community and would actually pass remarks like. 'kem tame ek tarikhe salaam karwaane naa aaya?" a true beggar!

he would send his assistant mulla burhanuddin to bohra businesses dealing in medicines, groceries, hardware, etc etc to make purchases for him and then never settle the bill. he would visit bohra doctors, dentists, diagnostic clinics etc and get everything done for 0 rs. sab kuch apne baap ka maal.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Dec 07, 2014 5:56 pm

A Manifesto on behalf of the Dawoodi Bohra Community

Signed by two internationally recognized Bohra scholars
Ismail K. Poonawala | Abbas H. Hamdani

Succession disputes, i.e., claims and counter-claims, are a familiar theme in Islamic history. As soon as the Prophet breathed his last in 10 H./632 C. E., the Muslim community was divided on the question of his succession as the leader of the community or of the proto-Islamic Medinan state that had evolved during the last years of the Prophet’s life. In contra distinction to the Sunnis the Shia asserted Ali’s succession both in political as well as in religious spheres. This had grave consequences, at least in theory, such as over the interpretation of the shari’a (religious regulations laid down in the Qur’an and the Sunna) or its alteration if necessary.

Any radical interpretation of the shari’a remained merely at the theoretical level; but, from time to time, antinomian tendencies did surface. The Shii theory of the Imamate with the principle of a clear designation of the (spiritual guide) successor (commonly called al-nass) had crystalized during the lifetime of the Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq. However, soon after the latter’s death in 148 H./765 C.E. his sons claimed the imamate for themselves. Because of this his followers were divided and they came to be known as the Twelvers/Imamis and the Ismailis respectively. This chasm has persisted to this day. It is a fact of history that the Shia, especially the Imamis and Ismailis, despite the principle of nass (designation of the successor), themselves divided several times over throughout their long history. Just to cite one example, the major split among the Ismailis (also called Fatimids) occurred following the death of the imam-caliph al-Mustansir (d. 487 H./1094 C.E.) that greatly weakened the Fatimid empire. It was the origin of the Musta’li-Tayyibi daʿwa (which later on became known as the Bohras) and the Nizari (known as Aga Khani) communities of today.

The chain of the da'is (da’i muṭlaq - with full authority) in Yemen starting with Sayyidna Dhu’ayb in 526 H./1130-32 C.E. and continuing in India, was also not spared of this cancer. In short, the Musta’li-Tayyibi community was split into Sulaymanis, Dawudis and Alawis over the very same issue of succession. Another serious crisis that threatened the Dawudi community occurred in 1256 H./1840 C.E. when the 46th da’i Sayyidna Muhammad Badruddin died without nominating his successor. The four prominent masha’ikh (scholars) of the time led by Abd-e Ali Imaduddin kept the information from the community (for the benefit of its unity), met privately and decided to nominate Abdul Qadir Najmuddin, the then holder of the rank of mukasir as nazim, an adjuster, for administrative purposes only. It was agreed that he would abstain from claiming the spiritual position of the da’i and it title da’i mutlaq. Without going into the ugly details as to how authoritarian rule was imposed on the community by Sayyidna Tahir Saifuddin and his successor Sayyidna Muhammad Burhanuddin, it should be reiterated that Yusuf Najmuddin, the son of Tahir Saifuddin, publicly acknowledged in an interview published in the Karachi English daily the Dawn that his father was simply a da’i nazim.

We the undersigned are intimately familiar with the literature and tradition of the Musta’li-Tayyibi da’wa, and are therefore speaking from a position of authority on the matter of succession and various other issues. There is a formidable extant literature outlining the role and duties of a da’i, from three important periods of Ismaili history: the pre-Fatimid, the Fatimid, and post-Fatimid (Tayyibi) periods. This literature (is edited & translated) defines the refines the da’wa organization’s role and leadership over these critical phases of its evolution, i.e., before the Imam’s appearance, during their rule in the Fatimid period, and after their presence in the period when the Tayyibi da’wa was established. What this literature emphasizes and justifies is a distinctly spiritual role for the da’is in their capacity as most knowledgeable. Therefore, able to interpret the imam’s tradition for the guidance of the community and the administrative duties involved in providing social welfare and officiating over social rites (birth, marriage, and death) of the communal members.

The British colonial period led to another phase in the evolution of the da’wa. It was radically different than the previous ones, and involved a fundamental paradigm shift. Whereas before, the da’wa served an imam in hiding (pre-Fatimid), or a living imam (Fatimid), or an absent imam (Tayyibi phase) through the traditions of the Ahl al-Bayt left behind, in the mid-19th century the da’wa under Abdul Qadir Najmduddin assumes a role no longer subservient to the hidden imam, rather the da’wa stands in for the imam, arrogating unprecedented powers to himself. This transformation was achieved with the tacit cooperation of British colonial authorities and upheld in colonial courts as legal. The obvious reason was that the British sought to maintain control of the various communities in the Indian subcontinent through the indirect rule of “native leaders/princes.” Our da’is were thus given princely titles, state privileges, and occasionally subsidies to enforce obedience to colonial authorities by their communal members.

What is striking is that the relationship of mutual benefit that had developed between the colonial authorites and the da’i’s family continued post-independence by Tahir Saifuddin and his son Muhammad Burhanuddin. Strangely enough it was upheld by the Indian Republic. Several colonial laws have remained on the books, the most contentious having to do with communal law. Both the above da’is were happy to exploit the nervousness of the Indian government in countering religious minorities despite many attempts by individuals from the community to appeal directly to the State as enfranchised citizens whose rights under the law were being violated by their communal leaders. The hesitation by the Indian State, and “ignorance combined with blind faith” of the community regarding their own religious tradition have conspired to bring about the idiotic importance of the succession crisis faced by the community today.

Egregious usurpations of enormous powers have enabled this family to function as pseudo-imams, and as a state within a state. Morarji Desai, the chief minister of Bombay and then the Prime Minister of India, was the first to use this expression for the Bohra Mullaji. Hence, the various permissions and fees that amount to a separate legal regime, and taxation administration oftentimes in direct contravention of Islamic principles and of state law and taxation regarding freedoms of behavior and declaration of charitable contributions, and hence the use of excommunication a punishment, in the same manner that a state judges certain crimes to constitute treason, jail or kill individuals so deemed.

According to reliable reports in English newspapers and various rumors and gossip circulating on social media and internet, the community is made to believe that Khuzemabhai Qutbuddin is a liberal while al-Mufaddalbhai Saifuddin is an authoritarian autocrat. In our view this is merely a smoke-screen and the contestants have not come out with any clear manifesto supporting such claims.

The central message of the Qur’an is socio-economic justice which is bluntly violated by the Bohra religious establishment. It would be helpful if the effort to counter the trend set up by Nujmuddin, whose descendants are currently vying for power began the process of arrogating unprecedented powers to himself, by first marginalizing the scholarly elites of the community whose historical role had been to vet the most knowledgeable for the position of the da’i. His successors continued this effort, and through seminal court cases, such as the Chandabhai Gulla Case and the Burhanpur Dargah Case, argued that they had sole and non-transparent control over communal properties and funds. Thus equipped with both money and legal justification, the da’is were able to monopolize knowledge, preoccupy the community with new rituals, obligations, and realign the community away from learning and trade. For example, Mufaddal has put “roti-making” and the pursuit of professions that while profitable enough to tax would not allow the growth of financial empires that would allow Bohras to challenge the resources of the da’i’s family or kothar (administration which resembles medieval fiefdom).

It really does not matter who the da’i-nazim is, but what is important is that a new charter about his (after the precedent established by Sayyida Arwa, founder of the Tayyibi da’wa in Yemen) jurisdiction, as it were, needs to written. Therefore, for the future prosperity and progress of the Bohra community we cannot support either candidate for the position of a nazim unless they pledge publicly the following short list of overdue reforms in social and religious spheres. These demands and forcible collection of all the taxes are fully documented and enumerated in the Nathwani and Tewatia Commission Reports. We think that the following should be kept in mind.

•that he is only a Nazim Da’i (administrator) and not a Da’i Mutlaq (with full powers)

•that he is prepared to accept all past and future charities as waqf properties of the community with an independent authority and financial transparency, and that he should not claim to be the sole trustee as claimed by Sayyedna Tahir Saifuddin and his successor;

•that he would accept democratic constitution of all the local jamats and for the Central Jamat Board to be elected directly by the community, and that this body should be consulted by him in all matters affecting the welfare of the community;

•that he will abolish all non-Islamic collection of taxes called wajebat and several other taxes at the time of death, such as ruku’ chiththi (recommendation letter that the deceased has paid all his dues and should be welcomed to paradise), etc.;

•that there should be no baraat (excommunication) of an individual member or a family of the community, which is a form of religious tyranny… membership of a community is a voluntary thing;

•that he will put an end to conferring honorary titles based solely on payment of large sums of money;

•that he should abolish restrictions on dress, both for men and women;

•that there should be no payment of so-called deposits for men to grow beards;

•that the crude rules of iddat be reformed bringing it in accord with the Islamic principle;

•that there should be an end to feminine khatna (circumcission) which is a form of female genital mutilation is therefore un-Islamic;

•that a council of scholars and a database of da’wa literature be established; the community scholars should have easy access to da’wa collection of manuscripts both in Surat and Mumbai and that it is a community property; acquisition of religious knowledge is not a monopoly of the clergy or a specific group; all the manuscripts need to be properly catalogued and special steps be taken for their preservation;

•that a fund/trust be set to support future generation of young Bohras pursuing the study of Tayyibi Ismailism and related fields, or to pursue legal advocacy and revision of detrimental statues and laws that serve as justification for the da’is hold on power;

•that reforms in the educational institutions (madrasas, and the seminary at Surat) should be carried out and for that purpose a committee of highly qualified scholars be established;

•that the custom imposed by Tahir Saifuddin to obtain raza (permission) for each and every petty matter is against the teachings of Islam and should be abolished;

•that he should declare his predecessors’ claim to have authority over the jan (soul) or mal (property) of a member of the community as totally against the basic Islamic teachings and bring it to an end;

•that he should be easily accessible to any member of the community and listen to his/her complaint and access should not be controlled by a coterie of henchmen around him, in short, there should not be either an iron or bamboo curtain around him;

•that efforts should be directed towards building a civil society that not only includes the admirable charitable, educational, and social welfare organizations, but also an alternative religious or scholarly elite to prevent the attrition of Bohras to other branches of Islam, and provide the progressive spiritual guidance that is sorely needed.

All the above are basic human rights and supported by the long tradition or sunna and many precedents of the Dawudi Tayyibi Ismaili da'wa. They should constitute the charter of the community and constitution of its organization or da'wa. A duly elected Central Council should be authorized to add more stipulations as it deems fit. As nazim, the Da'i should provide enlightened spiritual (rather than religio-political) leadership, based on knowledge acknowledged by the scholars of the community, communal harmony, and tolerance within the community. He or she (in keeping with the precedent set by the founder of the Tayyib Ismaili da'wa, Sayyida Arwa) should furthermore seek the acceptance rather segregation of the community from non-Ismaili Muslim and non-Muslim communities, and the states which govern them, which should be allowed to govern members of the community directly as individuals rather through the da'wa as it currently functions as a state within a state.

January 28, 2014
Signed by
Professor Emeritus Ismail K. Poonawala,
Professor of Arabic & Islamic Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Professor Emeritus Abbas H. Hamdani,
Professor of Near Eastern History, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA

A Manifesto on behalf of the Dawoodi Bohra Community

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Dec 07, 2014 6:14 pm

The Dai & Hidden Imam: Lets Look At It Thru Bohra Doctrines

The issue of doing away with Daiship is hotly debated and even the PDB is of the opinion that the same should not be dispensed with as it clashes with bohra doctrines. Many average e-jamat bohras as well as PDB members on a personal level are fed up with the very system and doctrine and want a drastic change without changing the due process. Hence let us debate the issue in a manner in which bohra tenets are not affected but at the same time the much needed revamp takes place. The only way is to expose the flaws vehemently and educate the masses and let them then decide for themselves.

The post of a Dai is very fundamental for bohras as they believe that the community always needs a religious and spiritual guide. In a way they are right in their basics as in every sphere of life one always needs a guide, a teacher, a rehber, there is a well known saying “Bin guru gyan nahi”. One needs a teacher in school and colleges as in the absence of which one cannot graduate just by reading the elementary books which are freely available off the shelf in many bookstores. One needs to follow the due process of getting enrolled in a recognised school/college and take lessons from an appointed teacher. The same goes well with religion, if Allah (swt) wanted to give His message directly to his creation then it was no difficult task for Him as He can do EVERYTHING as NOTHING is impossible for Him. He could have even gathered His subjects on a mountain top and given His message directly without using a Humanbeing. Is ANYTHING ever impossible for Him ?? Yet He chose to pass on His message through His Messengers as He wanted to create a system and a proper channel. Hence let us not debate on the issue of the necessity of having a spiritual guide but rather concentrate on the guide himself.

It is not wrong to have a leader but it is very wrong to have a wrong and corrupt leader. In worldly matters one weighs each and every pros and cons when it comes to chosing a teacher, a professor or even a spouse but why are people lethargic and indifferent when it comes to chosing a spiritual guide ??? Why doesn’t he/she realise the importance of this guide as he plays the most crucial role in shaping his/her Aakherat ?? It means that people don’t give importance to Aakherat and their tall claims of being answerable to Allah (swt) on the day of judgement are nothing but mere lip service.

As per bohra doctrines the Dai needs to be appointed by a hidden Imam but it seems that nowadays he is more “Self appointed”. How then could one explain the nuss of the 52nd Dai which was conferred on him almost 25 years before the death of 51st Dai ? Did the hidden Imam appoint him so well in advance ?? If so, then why ? Is there any such precedent in bohra history ? Was the due process of having neutral witnesses followed in case of the 53rd Nass ? Why were mazun and Mukasir not present as witnesses ? (Members are free to contradict this aspect with sound arguments).

Does the 51st, 52nd and 53rd Dai fulfil the criteria as required as per the bohra literatures ? After reading Daimul Islam and other bohra literatures one can easily conclude that they act totally contrary to what is required of them. They contravene every possible tenet as prescribed in bohra theology.

Their greed, lust for power and the sole focus on themselves thereby bypassing the true torchbearers of Islam and reducing boharaism to a cult is very well documented on this forum and elsewhere.

As per Bohra doctrines :-
Does any bohra doctrine lay stress on the importance of zaadas and zaadis ?
Does it permit their interference in dawat matters ?
Does it allow qadambosi of the so called royals ?
Does it allow the Dai’s extended family to live on money extorted from the subjects ?
Does it give powers to the Dai to sanctify a Masjid after extorting tonnes of money from his subjects ?
Does it allow the Dai to act as a “Kafan Chor” wherein he has the power to give permission for a burial only after extorting huge sums of money from the family of the deceased ?
Does any bohra doctrine permit him to visit his followers residence ONLY after he gets salams running into lacs and crores ?
Does any bohra doctrine prohibit the Dai from giving accounts of the monies received in various forms and titles ?
The list is endless.

Hence if the Dai fails to deliver in almost every aspect then is it possible that he could have been appointed by an Imam who is from the progeny of Ahle Bayt ? The Ahle Bayts are known for their impeccable character and are the true torchbearers of Islam and to perceive that someone from the lineage of Mola Ali (a.s.) could appoint persons of such questionable character not only amounts to insulting the Imam but even his forefathers right upto Mola Ali (a.s.). How can bohras not get this basic fact right ? How can they follow someone who leads them astray in the name of Imam ? How can they claim to love Panjatan Pak (a.s.) and then believe that an Imam from their progeny could ever hand over the reigns of dawat to people of highly questionable characters ?

Hence even if we don’t negate the necessity of a hidden Imam then too is it ever possible that an Imam could allow the religion of his forefathers to be interpreted by someone who preaches shirk, unislamic acts and hatred for the Ummah ??

Its high time that bohras start to ponder over these basic fundamentals and chose a righteous leader who truly follows and preaches Islam as prescribed by Rasul Allah (s.a.w.). Its high time that bohras start looking outside their tiny pond and look at Allah’s religion from its true perspectives and not get swayed away with the pomp and glitter surrounding their leader.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:08 pm

Excerpts from an article which appeared in Tehelka magazine on 2nd July 2008 :-

"A glimpse into how the Syedna operates his empire is possible from a UK government inquiry into the Dawat-e-Hadiya trust, of which he is the sole trustee. In July 2001, Charity Commission UK began investigating this public trust with an annual turnover of £2 million (approximately Rs 15 crore). The commission found that of six nominees appointed to administer the trust, four were Syedna’s sons. It ordered them to pay Rs 3 crore back to the trust because the Syedna and the nominees had made payments to themselves, violating their fiduciary responsibilities."

"A mail circulated prior to Syedna’s visit to California in May asked every household to pay $14,000 ( Rs 5.6 lakh) for the Syedna’s youngest son to inaugurate a mosque in Los Angeles."

Tanzanian government expelled the Syedna for his alleged complicity in transferring money out of that country in 1967, and nine years later when Sheikh Abdul Qayum Kaderbhoy, the Bohra priest in Sri Lanka, was caught smuggling jewels in his robes by the Sri Lankan government.

“The priest charges Rs 2-10 lakh for permission for burial in Bohra cemeteries even when the land is leased from the municipal corporation. The Bohras cannot have what the Constitution allows them because we need the Syedna’s permission for everything,”

“The Syedna insists that all mosques and communal property be vested in him rather than waqf boards. Last September, through an RTI, we found that he and his coterie submitted a forged certificate in 2000 to the municipal corporation to get permits for new properties,” says Yusuf Ali RG, a reformist whose father defied the Syedna. The family has been socially boycotted on the Syedna’s orders since.

Taxes and control of finances of charities or trusts form the financial basis of the Syedna’s empire. The 1979 commission, led by retired judges NP Nathwani and VM Tarkunde, pointed out, “All trust properties of the community are at the Syedna’s disposal, whether he is legally the sole trustee or not. Thus, he can take decisions as to the application of the income of any trust for such purposes as he considers charitable. Any person challenging his decision has to face the consequences.”

THE COMMISSION’S estimate (in 1979) was that trusts the Syedna controlled in Maharashtra alone were worth Rs 50 crore. It recommended that these trusts be regulated by laws similar to those which govern other Muslim trusts such as the Dargah Khwaja Sahab Act. Norman Contractor, a Dawoodi Bohra businessman and reformist who died in 1983, alleged that the Syedna and his family were embezzling charity funds. Reformists requested the Central government to probe financial details of two trusts headed by the Sydena — Dawat-e-Hadiya and the Syedna Taher Saifuddin Memorial Foundation — in 1977, alleging the priest was investing in industries that followers were then forced to buy shares in.

“In private, income tax authorities told us they cannot investigate this, given the pressure from higher authorities,” says Saifuddin Insaf, general secretary of the Dawoodi Bohras’ Central Board.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:45 pm

Some more info on the Chandabhoy Galla Case by S. Insaf :-

Late Syedna Taher Saifuddin saab, in order to build his own financial empire, indulged in much more commercial ventures and politics then his successor. But all that he kept confined to his own family except involving rich and influential Bohras to purchase shares of his commercial establishments. Unlike Bhendi Bazar development project in which hundreds of rich and poor Bohras and other Muslims are affected.

There were many remarkable documents that were produced during the proceedings of “Chandabhoy Galla Case in order to setoff Mullaji Taher Saifuddin Saheb’s unusual claims of 1) Sole or absolute owner of Bohra community’s properties as Dai and 2) Not accountable to any one accept Imam in hiding and 3) Being infallible (that as Dai he can make no mistake). In one such document it was revealed that in 1908, when he just 19 years old and he was living at Surat and he was nominated as next Dai, he came down to Bombay, stayed in Sir Adamji Peerbhoy Sanatorium. In Bombay he proposed to form a company to be called as “Chandabhoy Seth’s Company” which was to take over Chandabhoy Gulla and property in rupees three and half lakhs (to be paid from the Gulla surplus). In the name of then Mullaji Abdulla Badruddin Saheb he said that the noble cause of the said Company would be to take up to build a Mosque and Mausoleum of Chandabhoy. (Ex. A.K.). Mullaji Taher Saifuddin Saheb had signed the Company’s documents as “manager”. (Ex. E.N. 5). Fortunately for the reason not very clear the proposal could not take any shape.

Till then the “Badri Mahal” building and Dargah of Chandabhoy in the basement of the building were in ownership of a Dawoodi Bohra widow, Vazirbai Aakbotwala, who created a wakf of the property there after.

On Mullaji Saheb appealing in the name of “building Mosque and Mausoleum” and exploiting the religious sentiments of Bohra devotees, the Justice Martin’s remark was remarkable. He had said in the open court: “This illustrates how Religion and Business may be combined in this community.”

Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb’s ambitions thus were clear even before he assumed the office of Dai. Exploit religious sentiments of Bohras, control over community’s properties in the self-claimed title of “Sole Trustee”, collect funds from the community in the name of development of these properties and become their owner after their renovation removing the original names and calling them “Saifee”, and then taking credits for overall development in the community.

I am aware that whatever innovations are taking place in the community today, Syedna Taher Saifuddin was their initiator. I only want to emphasis on the speed with which things are worsening and the community taken for granted.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:16 pm

Sir Adamji Peerbhai

Sir Adamjee Peerbhai concentrated on the welfare work both for his own community and for general public. The amount he had spent in 19th Century must be multiplied several times to get the figure at today’s value as in those days Rs. 5 to 10 used to be the monthly income for an average decent family.

1) He distributed under his own supervision food grains worth Rs 4 lakh in 1877 among the draught affected people of Kathiwar.
2) He was illiterate but he established 27 schools and he used to spend Rs 12000 to 13000 annually to run these schools.
3) He built Rabat (rest houses) at Karbala, Mecca and Madina and he used to spend annually Rs 13000 to provide free food and the facilities to the Bohra pilgrims.
4) He built a huge sanatorium along with a mosque at the Charni Road Bombay in 1885 at the cost of Rs 3.5 lakhs. This sanatorium served as a rest house for sick persons and pilgrims for several years. He also used to run a school for Bohra orphans and a dispensary for immediate medical help here.
5) Thousands of people were affected by a devastating fire in 1886 at Burhanpur. He spent Rs 60,000 on the relief work.
6) In 1885 he started an orphanage in Kathiyawar for the Bohras on which he used to spend Rs 30,000 to 35,000 annually.
7) There was an acute draught situation in Yemen and he donated 2000 pound sterling for the relief of the affected Bohras.
8) There was again a draught in Gujarat in the year 1897 and he sent relief material worth Rs 1 lakh.
9) He also built a hospital for medical treatment of the children spending Rs 4 lakhs.
10) He donated Rs 5 lakh to establish Prince of Wails Science Institute at Alighar University.
Development of Matheran in Bombay and running a mini train there was his achievement.

It is important to note here that he paid for all these charities and development from his own hard-earned money and never collected a single paisa from the community. Sir Adamji Peerbhoy’s honesty, integrity and hard work were highly valued by the government officers.

In recognition of his splendid social welfare work he was amply awarded and recognised:

1) Title of Justice of Peace (J.P.)
2) He was made first Sheriff of Bombay in 1897.
3) The 49th Dai, Sayedna Mohammed Burhanuddin conferred title of `Rafiuddin’ on him.
4) In 1900 he was honoured by the title of `Qaisare-Hind'.
5) In 1907 he was made a knight and given the title of `Sir’ by the British Government.
6) Though an illiterate, Sir Adamji was honoured by Mohammedan Educational Conference to be its first president.

He died on 11th August 1913. The Times of India on his death wrote in a front-page editorial on 13th August 1913: “His wealth was made entirely by his own energy and persevering enterprise. He started life next to none. But as he accumulated the earnest of a hard life he showed in a marked degree that trait, which is fortunately characteristic of the modern Indian Capitalist, of generosity in devoting a portion of it to the amelioration of the lot of his fellow men … Moslems will remember him for his benefactions to their communal interests and all India is indebted to him for the splendid contribution which he made for the prosecution of scientific study at Aligarh. Government marked publicly their sense of his worth when they recommended him for Knighthood and now that he is gone we may think of him as a faithful citizen whose example it behooves his successors to emulate.”

The over ambitious and scheming Sayedna Taher Saifuddin right from beginning had started amassing wealth by hook or crook and built his own financial empire. Sir Adamji’s sons were well educated and emulated their father in public and charitable activities. Therefore Sayedna Taher Saifuddin did not take very kindly to Sir Adamji's sons activities as Sir Adamji’s and his son’s philanthropic activities far exceeded his. With Chandabhoy Galla case the Sayedna considered them as his rivals and tried to defame and alienate Sir Adamji Peerbhoy’s name. First he caught hold of ‘Peerbhoy Palace’ at Malabar Hills Bombay and converted it into Saifee Mahal, then Bohra Rabats at Karbala, Mecca and Medina, then Matheran and now Sir Adamji Peerbhoy Sanatorium, on which is now built “Saifee Hospital” on Sir Adamji Peerbhoy Sanatorium Trust’s land.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:18 pm


Only Allah is All-Knower and Aimighty. Not even a Prophet, Imam or Dai. They are all mortal beings. Since I am a part of the reform movement I try to know the truth visa-vis Kothar's propaganda.

The members of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy family whom I know personally:-
That Allah has ruined the sons of Adamji Peerbhoy as they dared to oppose 51st Dai, Sayedna Taher Saifuddin, this propaganda is false and mischievous and to mislead the community. How can Allah who is merciful and compassionate and who has sent Qur’an with the sole purpose of radical restructuring the existing society free of injustices, exploitation and oppression, ever be against those persons who have fought against the oppressive and unjust policies of Sayedna Taher Saifuddin?

I can say this because I have personally met many members of the Peerbhoy family. I have found them quite rich, wealth-wise and property-wise even today.

I have seen their various bungalows and business establishments in India in places like Dhoraji, Matheran, Neral, Breach Candy, Gamdevi, Lohar Chawl and Churchgate. I have also met few members in Canada and USA. I have not gone to Pakistan where some of the Peerbhoy family members live in Karachi and Haiderabad.

Some of them are known as “Peerbhoy”, “Bootwalas” and “Merchant”.

I had also had the privilege of meeting Sir Adamji’s last surviving son, Mohammad Peerbhoy. He had come from Karachi and was staying with Adamji P. Peerbhoy, charter accountant at Forjett Street in Bombay.

And last two surviving daughters Rehmat bai Jani, wife of Jafar bhai Jani and Fatima bai Hathiari. They both used to stay in ‘Shanta Niketan” at Gamdevi, Bombay. Rehmat bai Jani’s son Mansoor Jani fought the famous “Sir Adamji Peerbhoy Sanatorium Case” along with Advocate Abid Merchant for more then 30 years with their own expenses which was more than a crore and half rupees, against powerful Sayedna’s establishment which wanted to demolish it and construct a commercial complex on its land. The entire credit for the huge commercial hospital that we see today in the name of “Saifee Hospital” and retaining Sir Adamji's sanatorium and his grave in the compound of the sanatorium goes to these two well-wishers of the community and humanity.

Rehmat bai Jani owns Sir Adamji’s Charlotte Bungalow at Matheran, a huge hardware shop in the name of “Jivaji Esaji Hardware Mart” in Lohar Chawl Bombay and various other properties in Neral, Kalina, Kurla.

Her daughter Mehfooza is running a charitable institute at Worli Bombay in the name of “Baap noo Ghar” and Mehfooza Bahen’s husband Saifuddin Haideri owns a Aluminum Factory and they stay in the posh area of Breach Candy at Bombay.

Akhtar P. Peerbhoy has a charter accountant firm at Marine lines Bombay and he runs a scholarship trust for college students in the name of “Chhaberia Caritable Trust" besides managing “Sir Adamji Peerbhoy Rafiuddin Yatimkhana” at Dharol.

Mustafa P. Peerbhoy owns a big store in the fort area in Bombay in the name of “Munnu’s Jeens”.

Husain Abdul Husain Peerbhoy owns two hotels, Green Hill and Wayfare at Matheran besides running a school in Neral in the name of “Sir Adamji Peerbhoy English School”.

Likewise Ishaq Haveliwala family (Owners of “Orient Apparels” at Churchgate Bombay), Zarina Hathiari, Lukmanji Bootwala family (London, Canada), Akber Abdul Husain Peerbhoy (owner of Khatija lodge at Matheran), Arif P. Peerbhoy (Owner of a charter accountant firm), Adamji Peerbhoy (Babu bhai), Hatim Merchant family (Owns a legal firm), Mohammad Ali Merchant (Lawyer), Gulam Husain Bootwala family etc are various other members of the Sir’s family.

Since the members of the Peerbhoy family have remained quite well-off since beginning there was no reason for any one of them to go back to Sayedna’s fold.

The family members in Bombay have their own Graveyard known as “Peerbhoy Kabrastan" adjacent to Bohra Naryalwadi Kabrastan

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:08 pm

How Much Money Have The Bohra Dais Looted From Their Followers

By Ghulam Muhammed.

The looting of Bohra’s hard earned money by the Mafias of Saifee Mahal has been the most talked about subject amongst Bohras and although the majority are deadly against this loot which is done in the garb of religion but sadly there is hardly anyone who could raise his voice against this extortion and put a permanent end to it. The amount of money that the clergy has looted is PHENOMENAL and there are many speculations with regard to the exact amount as these are never accounted, there is no transparency nor any records of it are made public. Let us try to guestimate the loot done in the past 50 years alone based on very CONSERVATIVE figures :-


1. WAJEBAT – Lets take the Bohra population at 10 lakhs only, which means that if the average number of persons per family is 5 then there could be 2 lakh Bohra families worldwide. The amount extorted widely ranges between Rs.552/- (the poor bohras living in shanties who live below poverty line) to a whooping Rs.21 crore (the ultra rich NRIs). We could put the average amount per family @ Rs.25,000/- X 2 lakh families = Rs.500 crores. Hence the amount extorted over a period of 50 years could safely be Rs.25,000 CRORES !

2. GALLAS AT VARIOUS DARGAHS – The amount collected at Raudat Tahera would safely be Rs.5 crores per month X 12 months = Rs.60 Crores. Hence the amount collected over a period of 50 years could be Rs.3,000 CRORES. This is again bound to increase substantially as one more Dai is now buried here.

The amount collected at Burhanpur Dargah which again is frequented by Bohras almost 365 days would safely be Rs.3 crores per month X 12 months = Rs.36 crores, Amount collected in 50 years could be Rs.1,750 CRORES.

The amount collected at Galiakot Dargah which again is very popular would safely be Rs.2 crores monthly x 12 = Rs.24 crores, Amount collected in 50 years could be Rs.1,250 CRORES.

There are other widely visited Dargahs in Ahmedabad, Jamnagar, Surat, Ujjain, Mandvi, Hasanpir, Morbi, Rampura, Dongaon, Umreth, Amreli, etc etc. and the amount collected here overall could be not less then 5 crores X 12 months = Rs.60 crores, Amount collected in 50 years could be Rs.3,000 CRORES.

3. FAKE TITLES - This is another lucrative business which is booming throughout the year. Bohras flock to get titles of Sheikhs, Mullas, NKDs, MKDs which are referred to as Hadiyats and Mafsusiyats and which have been cunningly made to look as Status Symbols. There could be no less then 50,000 Bohras adorning such titles, the selling price of which also widely ranges from Rs.2.52 lakhs to Rs.1.52 crores (A relative of mine purchased this title for Rs.27 lakhs some 12 years back). It was said that during the recent visit of Muffy to Dahod, he managed to sell this title to a gullible abde for Rs.1.05 crores. The amount looted in this scam could be no less then Rs.25,000 Crores over a period of 50 years.

4. ZIYAFATS – This too is one more business which is booming throughout the year. During the last visit of the 52nd Dai with Muffy to Pune, Marathon Ziyafats numbering almost 100 were held in the city. The total number of Ziafats ‘Officially’ put on Kothar’s websites held in just 6 MONTHS were 260 for Dai and 250 for Muffy. Here too, the amount widely ranges from Rs.2.52 lakhs to Rs.1.52 crores. There could be no less than 50,000 Ziyafats in 50 years and the amount extorted could be not less then Rs.25,000 CRORES.

5. BETHAKS AND QADAMBOSIS – Thousands of Bohras flock for this ‘azeem us shaan sharaf’ wherein the time given to an individual is less than 30 seconds as thousands of other bakras are waiting to get slaughtered and each session lasts approximately 2 hours only. To get an idea of the fees charged for this ‘sharaf’, one can look at the Pune visit of the Dai and his Mansoos wherein Rs.5,200/- was charged for every individual and there were daily sessions for a period of almost 25 days. These sessions are held at every city that the Dai visits and the amount looted could be anyones guess !

6. KAFAN CHOR SCHEME – No dead body is allowed to be buried in their Qabrastan unless money is paid for burial although the Government provides land for burials and cremation FREE of charge. In Mumbai, the Naryalwadi qabrastan is like the Manhattan in USA where property prices are the highest. One of my relative had paid Rs.2.52 lakhs for getting his mother buried here and that too 15 years back.

7. MOHURRUM TAMASHA BUSINESS – This happens once every year but the money collected is astronomical. The Dai had taken a fee of Rs.40 crore for delivering a vayez in Sri Lanka some 8/10 years back, so now with inflation at its peak one can imagine what could be the current rate for delivering sermons of Imam Hussain (a.s.). The rich NRI bohras are lured into visiting the venue by offering them accommodation at 5 star hotels at very concessional rates which are negotiated by the Dai’s PR team with the hotel management. These rich NRIs then give crores of dollars/pounds in the garb of ‘Imam Hussain (a.s.) nu jaman and Vayez no intezaam’ and are also thrust upon fake titles sold at lakhs of rupees coupled with ziyafats (which too are heavily charged) which starts immediately after Ashura. Then there is the ‘Chammar’ scheme wherein an individual gets the sharaf of waiving a fur like flag over the Dai’s head which is similar to how Maharajas like Akbar were pampered during their sabhas. A bohra hardly gets a few minutes to do Chammar as other bakras are waiting in queue to get slaughtered, a bohra had paid Rs.7.52 lakhs for Chammar some 10 years back at Mohurrum vayez in Mumbai. This is how “Gham e Hussain” is observed by the clergy !!

8. MASJID WAKF – No Bohra Masjid gets its religious sanctity unless the property is transferred to the Dai and for which he charges an amount equivalent to the cost of Masjid from the local Jamat. A glaring example was the Santa Cruz Masjid built by the eminent builder, Siraj Lokhandwala who couldn’t convince Bohras into praying in it because the Dai refused to give the religious sanctity unless crores were paid to him. Ultimately the locals had to cough up the amount after which the Dai gave his nod. There are hundreds of Masjids across the world and the amount collected out of it could again be anyones guess. The jamatkhanas present in these Masjids which are used for wedding receptions etc. again assures a steady income, many Masjids have commercial space on the ground floors which are either rented or sold at market price.

9. THE GOLD SCAM – Gold is being collected from Bohras since almost 40 years for the so called ‘Zari’ to be built around the shrine of Molatena Fatema tus Zehra (a.s.) and given the emotional attachment to it, Bohras have been donating generously for over 40 years. The amount of gold collected till date could be conservatively put at not less than 2 tonnes and as per the present market rate it would be worth around Rs.6,000 CRORES !! It is astonishing that the gullible abdes don’t realise a simple fact that the Wahabi regime in Saudi Arabia who have been demolishing graves and holy sites left, right and centre would ever permit any shrine to be even covered, least of all adorned with a gold zari. Kothar always knew that this project would be a failure right from inception but were confident that abdes could be fooled into parting with their gold.

10. SAIFEE HOSPITAL SCAM – Funds were being collected under this scheme since almost 30 years or more and during some period it was even a part of wajebat, which means a compulsory donation. The amount collected under this scam was enough to construct a 100 hospitals which can be gauged from the fact that just one abde, Mustafa Dahodwala gave a donation of Rs.52 crores. The hospital which was allegedly constructed for helping Bohras doesn’t provide them any free treatment but is in fact considered to be one of the most expensive hospitals of Mumbai. Hence the amount of funds collected and the regular income derived from it could again be anyones guess.

11. DAI’S VISITS TO VARIOUS CITIES – The Dai makes it a point to visit cities having bohra population at regular intervals. The burden on the local Bohras can be gauged from the fact that Muffy’s last visit to Chennai (Only 5 days) earned him Rs.40 crores. It is said that his visit to Dahod fetched him a whooping Rs.400 crores as there was an entry fee of Rs.2,700 and Rs.5,200 even for his vayez. He saw to it that every rich Dahodwala residing anywhere in the world were present during his visit due to which he was able to thrust upon them a number of fake titles, attend number of ziafats and extort enormous amounts under various schemes. The 52nd Dai’s visit to Pune alongwith Muffy made him richer by another Rs.550 crores which he made in flat 25 days under the able and ruthless extortionist Amil, Abdeali. The 100th Milad fetched him another Rs.500 crores in Surat.

12. REAL ESTATE – The large tracts of land and other commercial establishments owned by them could be worth around Rs.50,000 crores. The Saifee Mahal itself would be worth not less then Rs.5,000 Crores as the going rate of flats in Malabar Hill hovers around Rs.1 lakh per sq ft and Saifee Mahal is spread over acres of land. Badri Mahal is again in the heart of the commercial part of the city and which could easily fetch them Rs.2,000 crores. Kothar also owns ‘Novartis House’ at Annie Beasent Rd, Worli, Mumbai which is leased to the pharma giant and this building consisting of 8 floors could again fetch them not less then Rs.1,000 crores (A residential flat adjacent to Novartis House in the building ‘Samudra Mahal’ was recently sold @ Rs.1.25 lakh per sq ft and which was perceived to be the costliest flat ever sold in the history of Mumbai). When Amabani’s house, ‘Antila’ could be worth Rs.4,500 crores (It consists of only 1 building) then imagine what could be the worth of Saifee Mahal !! There are hundreds of such buildings in Mumbai alone so the number of properties in other Indian cities like Surat, Ahmedabad, Pune etc etc and the vast tracts of land owned by them in other countries like USA, UK, Egypt, Yemen, Dubai, Kuwait, Iraq etc etc could again be anyones guess.

It is high time that Bohras woke up from their deep sleep and realise that they have been feeding this monster since years which has spread its tentacles firmly on their lives, strangling them to death. Bohras have been splurging their hard earned money on the ones who have been manipulating them and their faith and using the money for their own ayyashis by living an opulent lifestyle which could put even the Roman kings to shame. Bohras have been snatching the rightful share of their own children and instead of securing the children and their own lives, they have been draining down the wealth given to them by Allah (swt)…… As the saying goes “Baccha na mooh thi nivalo chhini ne aapo”.

Bohras think that by giving their wealth to these so called God’s representatives they are spending it in the way of Allah (swt), how stupid is this logic ! Its high time they take a clue from the movie ‘OMG Oh My God’. Does Allah GIVE you wealth or does He NEED your wealth ? He is the GIVER and not the TAKER ! Do Panjatan Pak (a.s.) who have lived their entire lives in austerity would ever want Gold Zaris to be built on their shrines after their death ? They have shunned the worldly luxuries all through their lives and the Dai wants you to believe that they would be glad if their shrines were adorned with Gold and precious stones instead of spending the money on the poor and needy. How stupid can this community be !

The above estimates are made on a very conservative basis as the loot could be much more then anticipated.

Even if 10% of the ill-gotten wealth is properly spent on the needy, there wont be a single poor bohra left in the community. Do we have a single hospital which gives FREE treatment to Bohras ? Do we have a single school or college of international standards where education is imparted FREE to bohras ? Do we have a single housing colony anywhere in the world where poor Bohras are given houses FREE or even at cost price ? Do we have a single home for the aged where elderly Bohras who have been illtreated by their children can spend the rest of their lives comfortably ? Do we have a single orphanage which gives shelter and education to poor Bohra orphans ?

Hence, it doesn’t require rocket science to figure out that the massive wealth looted from Bohras are used ONLY to fund the extravagant lifestyle of the mafias of Saifee Mahal which not only enriches these select few but also makes them arrogant and ruthless to the core. It helps them in buying out any dissidents or politicians who dare raise their voice against this loot thereby crushing any revolt with money or muscle power which is bought with the billions at their disposal.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:51 pm

By Saifuddin Insaf.

Normally Bohras do not come out in open defiance unless they are hurt by some incident beyond their resistant power.
People like me and Asghar Ali are reformist by conviction not by compulsion. My late father often used to ask me "Upno soo bagadiyoo che ke too mukhalifat par utri aaviyo che?" (What wrong they have done to us that you are bent upon opposing them?). He was so afraid like other Bohra that he never use to name them.

When after the long association with Kothar and Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb I decided to break out I had to face a great deal both physically, mentally and professionally. When in 1965 I joined Godrej and Boyce co. and when I was still in probation period a big bunch of papers were sent to my management including my police records of being in police custody protesting at various functions of Sayedna to impress my management that I was a Street Agitator and hence would be dangerous for them. Fortunately my directors themselves were reformists in their Parsee community. My managing director called me in his cabin and said while handing over those papers, "Tell Insaf, what is a street agitator? In your Sayedna's family, my neighbour at Malabar Hill do people protest by holding flags in their hand and parading inside their Mahal going from one room to other?"

So brother according to me NO gradual change is possible without mental and physical onslaught. Just stop giving them any money and stop acting as per their dictates and be ready for all sorts of mental and physical assaults. So we drive our inspiration from heroes like Imam Husain and Gandhi and continue our struggle.

For your information, initially there were planned physical attacks on me (attacks on Asghar Ali still continues as he is the biggest damager of exploitative system of Kothar exposing them continuously on international platforms) and I had no support from my large family except by elder brother Dr.Haider Ali Insaf.

But wait. Now of course the situation is different. It is Kothar who wants to compromise with dissidents at any cost as long as it keeps on receiving money from them. One good example is of Mr. Zainuddin Vali of Godhra. He went in Salam on his own conditions, like he would keep contacts with his reformist friends, whenever in Godhra even person like Asghar ali and Insaf would stay with him in his own house, he will have the right to openly criticise wrongdoings of Kothar and he will not grow beard and wear Bohra dress and his wife and other women of house will not wear Rida. He was taken in misaq, though he keeps on writing openly in Bombay Samachar and Bohra Chronicle against Kothar. He shares the same platform in public meetings with Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer. The Kothar is happy to see that a wealthy person like Vali is with them. That’s all.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:30 pm

Revolt in Toronto Jamaat by Bohri Women

by mumineen on Thu Sep 14, 2006

From: Dawoodi Bohra Women in Toronto
Date: September 12, 2006

We are asking you to come and witness some of the un-islamic events committed by our priest in our mosque on 8929 Bayview Avenue.

For over a decade, we, the Bohra women, have been praying in this mosque. We go on a first come forst served basis, read Koran and wait for our priest to lead the prayers. This has been the norm since the mosque was constructed.

Now our current priest, who is from India, and not a Canadian Citizen, has started taking bribes, such as 2 plasma TVs and huge amounts of monies from new members of our community, and is being dictated by these people to not allow us inside the mosque. Our priest is in agreement with these people that the spots that we were praying upon, should be gambled away.

We are no longer allowed in the mosque to pray. If we even attempt to sit in our spot, we will be forcibly thrown out. We are asked randomly to pay huge amounts of money, just to be members of this community. At the moment, our priest is asking for $21,000 as a donation. By the 22nd of Ramadhan, we will have to fork out $5,000 per family. There is so much pressure to pay this money that we cannot concentrate in our prayers in the Holy month of Ramadhan.

Every night in Ramadhan, we are hammered through the sermons to pay huge amounts of money to the priest. Then there will be individual meetings where each member will be forced out of his wits to make donations. If we don't pay this money, we will not be allowed in the mosque to pray. We have decided to tape some of these meetings so that you can air them on your channels. We need to expose these people who are not doing their duty as a priest, and other office bearers, but extorting money and bribes, left, right and centre.

There is rampant corruption and suppression.

We are asking you to help us expose these people. We will take audio and video footage of all the conversations so that you can air the same on your TV channel(s). We are also asking you to visit us on Friday, September 22nd at the Mosque on 8929 Bayview Avenue, from 5pm to 7:30pm and tape live, and see for yourself how we are thrown out of our mosque.

We will also take pictures of the fights that will occur in the mosque.

Thank you,

Dawoodi Bohra Womenmumineen

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:55 am

Was there any impact after this?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:45 pm

Sacrilegous Revisionism by Kothari Bohras !!

1. The following is the daily Tasbeeh and Dua and its English translations recited after every Fardh during the Holy month of Ramadhan. Allah'humma Haza Shahro Ramazaan Al-lazi on'zela fi hi Quran Hudal'lin-naase va Ba'iyenaa't-im-minal huda val furq'aan Allah'humma Barik lana fi Shahre-Ramazaan Va A'Inna Alai-he va-takab'balho minna, In-naka Ala Kulle Sha'in Qadir O Allah this is the month of Ramadhan in which was revealed the Quran as a guidance to people with clear signs and arguments. O Allah increase Thy blessings upon us during this month, help us to observe its requirements and accept our Prayers and supplications. Indeed Thou has power over everything.

La-ilaha I'llall'ah, Astagfirullah, Allah'humma inni As-Alokal Janna'h, Va A'auzo beka min'an ' Naar There is no God other than Allah. I seek forgiveness from Allah. I ask Thee O Allah to include me among those deserving paradise and to deliver me from Fire (of hell).

2. In its posting to the "'Dawoodi BohraNet'" on Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:24:58 +0300 by one Abde Syedna(TUS) Huzefa M Fakhruddin Darolywala Kuwait by its blatant and sacrilegious revisionism has posted the following. Clearly the prayers and supplications to Almighty Allah has been changed to mean Aqua Moula Dai Burhanuddin Saheb. Hitherto the fundamentalists claimed that the Dai is the Imam on earth. Now they are emulating the Muqqadas Moula who claimed under Oath in the famous Chandabhai Gala Case that for all purposes he was Bohra's God on Earth. Even the collections of Vajebaat is rationalised and supplanted as "to observe its requirements". Moulana is also compared to the Holy Quran; and he will accept all our prayers and supplications during the Holy Month. Astaghfirullah!!

3. Here is the text of the letter. Compare the highlighted version to the one above which is the literal Arabic translations: Baad Afzalus Salaam,
After offering Al Sajadaat of "Shukr" in Hazrat Aaliyah, Imamiyah, Nooraniyah, Qudsaniyah, we mumineen of Kuwait, received the Barakaat of Lailatul Qadr, before it comes. Aqa Moula (TUS) accepted the Araz of mumineen of Kuwait. It was the Azeem Ehsaan of Al-Haddul Anjabul-Asad Wal Farkatul Azhar wal Qauqab-ul-Anwar Syedi Taha Bhaisaheb Bin Shehzada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin, and strong efforts and hard work by our Aamilsaheb Shabbir Bhaisaheb Nomani and Moawin AamilSaheb Taher Bhaisaheb Vaziri, that, this was possible. Lailatul Qadr is "Khair" than 1000 months, and we mumineen, got the "sawaab" of thousands of months of Namaaz, by praying behind Aqa Moula (TUS). Also Tana'z-Zalol Mala'ekato-----Ye Raat ma Malaekat ne utaraa KAUN? Aqa Moula (TUS) ne Kuwait na mumineen na Darmiyaan Utaraa. Min Kulle Amrin Salaam-----there is Peace in every 'Amar'. He'ya Hat'ta Mat'La-il Fajr-----till morning. i.e. This Barakaat will remain till the morning of Qayamat, Nasalo me ye Didar ni Barakaat Baaki Rehse.

Moula (TUS) gave us the Sharaf of Lailatul Jumo'a and it is said that "Farishta" do Nida on this night that "O' Khair na Talab Karnar Aage Aawo, ane Shar na Talab Karnar Dur thao" So this "Farishta" was amongst us, during that night, showering Barakaat every seconds. The Dua which we recite (Allah'humma haza Shahro Ramazaan.....) after every Faraz, during this Holy month, really came true for the mumineen of Kuwait. How ? The Dua is as : Allah'humma Haza Shahro Ramazaan (Ya'Allah, this is the holy month of Ramazaan) Al-lazi on'zela fi hi Quran (Hamara Darmiyaan Quran-e-Natiq (Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS)) ne utara) Hudal'lin-naase va Ba'iyenaa't-im-minal huda val furq'aan (To give Hidayat to mumineen and separate truth from falsehood) Allah'humma Barik lana fi Shahre-Ramazaan (Moula (TUS) Blessed us in this month, by doing Dua for all mumineen who already gave and will give Vajebaat in this month. BARIK LANA, "Khuda Mumineen ne ghani Barakat Aapjo") Va A'Inna Alai-he va-takab'balho minna, In-naka Ala Kulle Sha'in Qadir (Moula (TUS) accepted our Ibadat of Namaaz, Roza and Vajebaat.) La-ilaha I'llall'ah, Astagfirullah, Allah'humma inni As-Alokal Janna'h, Va A'auzo beka min'an ' Naar (Moula (TUS) Forgave all our sins, by coming in this Daska of Maghferat and we asked for Jannat, which Aqa Moula (TUS) gave us by doing Bayaan and Buka'a of Aqa Hussain (AS)-------Ek Aan'so na Badal Aan'th(Eight) Jannat. Jannat Aapi Jhannam si Bachavi Lidha.) Moula (TUS) granted us this Azeem Neamat, Qab-las'Suwaal.

There were also Araz from other Bilaads, but Aqa Moula(TUS) granted the sharaf to mumineen of Kuwait, So how much shukr is Laazim to our Kuwait mumineen, that, even if we made 'jooti' for our Moula (TUS) from our skin, one-tenth of one-tenth of one-tenth shukr bhi Adaa na kari Sake. In His Bayaan, Aqa Moula (TUS) ye Farmayu, that "I remembered mumineen in Ziarat of Aqa Hussain (AS) and when I will go from here to Mumbai, I will remember all of you in Ziarat of Bawaji Saheb Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA)". So If Moula (TUS) never forget us in any of His prayers and Ziarat, So how we mumineen forget Him in our Dua. In every Sajdaa we gave, we should always pray to Allah that, May Allah give Aqa Moula(TUS) long and healthy life, at this age of 89, till the Day of Qayamat(AMEEN).

Abde Syedna(TUS)
Huzefa M Fakhruddin Darolywala

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:21 pm

Reformists Challenge Religious ‘Charter of Slavery’

By K. Itarwala

The Dawoodi Bohras are a tightly-knit and rigidly controlled community, one of the many splinter groups of the Mustalian branch of the Ismaili Shias. The rigid priestly hierarchy of the Bohras is headed by the dai-e mutlaq, also known as Syedna or Maula (‘lord’), who exercises a total control on every aspect of life of his followers. The present Syedna, Mohammad Burhanuddin, is based in Mumbai, from where he controls the Bohra faithful across the world through an elaborate network of local agents or amils. This week he celebrates his 100th birthday, and lavish celebrations are being organized all across India and other parts of the world where Bohras live to mark the occasion.

But there is a darker side to this story. For some decades now, voices of dissent and protest within the Bohra community have been mounting against the Syedna. They accuse him of dictatorial ways and of levying numerous hefty taxes on his followers and thereby becoming, quite literally, one of the richest religious leaders in the world. They also charge him with enforcing various un-Islamic practices geared to promoting his personality cult. One target of the Bohra reformists is the oath of allegiance to the Syedna, the mithaq, which, they argue, is routinely used to stifle dissent and impose the Syedna’s total control over the Bohras.

Every Bohra is expected to give the mithaq to the Syedna, in the presence of his local amil, between the age of 13 and 15. Any violation of the mithaq results in immediate expulsion from the community, in which case no other Bohra, not even close relatives, can have any social relations with such a person, who is treated as an apostate or mudai. He or she can be readmitted into the Bohra fold only after apologizing to the Syedna and renewing the mithaq.

Some years ago, a Commission headed by Justice N.P.Nathwani was appointed to investigate the complaints of the Bohra reformists. The Commission had dragged out several skeletons from the Syedna’s cupboard. It revealed out that the Syedna and his family of several hundred members had amassed enormous wealth by taxing his followers, wielding, for this purpose, the mithaq as a weapon to reduce the Bohras into virtual slavery. Indeed, as numerous reformists attending the Udaipur convention stressed, so abject is the surrender of the Bohras to the Syedna that they willingly call themselves abd-e syedna or ‘slaves of the Syedna’.

Bohra reformists claim that although the mithaq was a traditional Bohra practice, crucial changes had been made in it by the present Syedna’s father and predecessor, Tahir Saifuddin, in order to further reinforce his control over the Bohras. They point out that this continues unchanged under the present Syedna, Burhanuddin.

The Bohras believe in a series of 21 imams, the last of who, Imam Tayyeb, is said to have insistituted the post of dai-e mutlaq or ‘summoner to the faith with absolute powers’ to control the community. Originally, the Bohras were required to give mithaq only to the imam, but, the Nathwani Commission report noted, Tahir Saifuddin had modified the words of the mithaq to add the dai along with the imam and demand that every Bohra should ‘fully obey’ the imam and the dai as well. Accordingly, the modified mithaq required every Bohra to solemnly promise that he would ‘accept and follow’ every order of the dai, and to recognize that if he refused, he would ‘become a sinner’. ‘You should help the dai. In everything you should follow the dai’s orders, and you must also abstain from everything that he orders you to abstain from,’ the modified mithaq reads. ‘You should love him who is beloved of the dai, and be the enemy of the dai’s enemy. You should fight against he whom the dai wages war,’ it goes on. ‘He who disobeys the dai is outside the fold of the faith, and you should have no relations with him, even if he is a close relative […] because the enemy of the dai is your enemy.’ The mithaq continues, ‘You should willingly sacrifice your life and wealth for the dai. You should fully serve the dai with your life and wealth.’ These words of abject and complete surrender to the Syedna are read out by his local agent, the amil, generally a priest, and the Bohra girl or boy giving the mithaq is meant to answer in the affirmative to each such statement.

Not content with this, the modified mithaq goes even further in reinforcing the Syedna’s total control over his followers by providing him a semi-divine status that, Bohra reformists point out, is wholly un-Islamic and unambiguously opposed to Quranic teachings. Thus, Bohra boys and girls giving the mithaq are required to declare their assent to the following statement: ‘The dai is the lord (malik) of your life […] He whom the dai wishes to raise he will, and he will cause to fall whom he wants to. He gives to whom he wills and denies to whom he wills. He rewards whom he wants and punishes whom he wants. He can be happy with whom he wills and angry with whom he wills. You must consider this to be a source of joy for you.’ And to all this, the Bohra initiate must humbly answer ‘yes’.

In giving the mithaq, the Nathwani Commission report revealed, a Bohra must consent to yet another draconian condition that forms an integral part of the mithaq—that if he dares to violate the mithaq his ‘entire property, house, vessels, jewellery, vehicles, horses, cattle, servants—men and women—and other worldly possessions’ would become ‘illegal’ for him, and even that all his property ‘can be looted’. If he is married, his wife is no longer his, and their marriage is automatically dissolved. ‘Even if the violator of the mithaq walks [to Arabia] barefoot and performs the hajj 30 times, God will not forgivehim for this sin, nor will He accept his hajj […] Violators of themithaq will be cursed by God in the same way as God cursed Iblis [Satan], who was turned out of heaven and sent to hell.’

Bohras who defy the Syedna are promised eternal torment in hell. He who violates the mithaq, the Bohras are forced to believe, ‘will, after his death, be presented before God as a kafir and an apostate and will be thrown into hell.’ ‘Without loyalty to the mithaq’, they are told, ‘a soul cannot gain freedom, for there is no way to salvation other than by abiding by the conditions of the mithaq.’

Detailing the various rules of the Bohra mithaq, the Nathwani Commission report termed it as a ghulami namah or a veritable ‘a charter of slavery’ invented in order to coerce the Bohras into blind obedience to the Syedna not just in religious matters but in every other aspect of life. It even suggested that the mithaq was designed and used to force the Bohras to become slaves of the Syedna, rather than of God. ‘In this conception,’ it commented, ‘God is not above the dai because it is written in the mithaq that if one disobeys the dai, God would not forgive him, but that if he renews the mithaq, then God will.’

‘It is difficult to understand how any self-respecting person can take such an oath or how a person not yet a mature adult can fully abide by it,’ the report of the Commission went on. It declared that the terms of the mithaq were an insult to all human rights and very obviously violated both the law of the land and God’s law. Accordingly, it recommended that the untrammeled power of the Syedna to declare baraat or excommunicate Bohras for violating the mithaq be controlled. Following this, reformist Bohras sought legal action in this regard, but, in true Indian style, the matter continues to languish in the courts, thus allowing the Syedna to continue unhindered with his dictatorial rule over his ‘slaves’.

Undeterred by the demands of the reformists that Syedna Burhanuddin mend his draconian ways, festivities marking his centenary are now in full-swing across the world, in every town where Bohras live. The Syedna’s well-oiled propaganda machine, reformist critics claim, is working overtime to project him in the media as a pious do-gooder. In his birthday celebrations, that are to last full forty days, political ‘leaders’ of other communities are being hosted at lavish parties, bending backwards to shower praises on him, their eyes on Bohra votes and the enormous economic clout that the Syedna, fattened on the taxes he levies on his ‘slaves’, wields.

K. Itarwla is a columnist.

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon May 11, 2015 6:23 pm

How the 51st Dai was undermined by his sons

by Fazlehusein Kapasi, UK

Late Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin claimed his father, the 51st Dai, did not know about the Fatemid tradition

The year 1967 was a memorable year for Bohras in East Africa. That was the year when plans hatched by late Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin and his brother late Yusuf Najmuddin were finally enacted. That was the year when they would replace the 1955 Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat of East Africa Constitution with their own. The 1955 Constitution was developed with consultations with Syedna Taher Saifuddin and was adopted at meeting of East African Jamaats on 17 April 1955 in Dar-es-Salaam. The Constitution was subsequently sanctioned by Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb (A.Q.) as 51st Dai-el-Mutlaq. In the preamble to the 1967 Constitution, it states:

“In the year 1959 His Holiness Dr. Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb (A.Q.) as 51st Dai-el-Mutlaq and Head of the Dawoodi Bohra community had been graciously pleased in the exercise of the authority of his august office to establish the East African Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat Central Council and provided for its functioning a Constitution.”

This statement clearly shows that the 51st Dai, Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb, agreed with the constitution, welcomed it and gave the East African Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat Central Council his blessings to adopt it.

In 1967 Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s two sons, the 52nd Dai, late Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin and Yusuf Najmuddin were zealous in their pursuit to grab all the community assets in East Africa. To do this they needed to replace the 1955 Constitution with their own. The actual transcriptions of the same preamble states:

“In his desire to provide a proper means to promote, foster, further and aid the fulfilment of the philosophy and guidance of His Holiness the 51st Dai-el-Mutlaq, foster the awakened zeal for the faith and the Dawat that moves the followers of East Africa to consolidate the gains, to better protect the Dawat and the Momineen from activities prejudicial and contrary to the Shariat and the Dawat, further strengthen the unity of purpose and to lead Momineen onwards by improving, systematising and strengthening the existing organisations and institutions, His Holiness, the Dai-el-Mutlaq deems it opportune, necessary, fit and proper that the Dawoodi Bohra Jamaats of East Africa should be governed by a fresh code of rules and regulations. In the context His Holiness the Dai-el-Mutlaq has borne in mind the resolution of the East African Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat Central Council carried at its meeting held in Mombasa on 19th day of June 1966 and reading:

“This meeting of the Central Council strongly feels that the present Constitution of the Jamaat Corporations of East Africa do not fully represent the traditions and heritage of the Fatemi Faith and do not give expression to the feelings, aspirations and sentiments of the Bohra Community of East Africa. Be it therefore resolved that Huzurali Moulana Dr. Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb (T.U.S.) be humbly requested to graciously give his guidance and incorporate such changes as he may deem fit and proper in the context”.

"Now Know Ye and these presents witness that in the premises His Holiness the 52nd Dai-el-Mutlaq directs that the Constitution governing the various Dawoodi Bohra Jamaats shall be deemed to have been revoked and repealed and is hereby revoked and repealed and the Constitution hereinafter appearing shall be deemed to be the Constitution applicable to the various Dawoodi Bohra Jamaats and operative with effect from the date and in the manner prescribed in the Directive of His Holiness the 52nd Dai-el-Mutlaq dated 16th day of Moharram 1387 corresponding to the 25th April 1967.”

This was a shocking admission. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin was admitting that his father, the 51st Dai, did not know about Bohra tradition and Bohra heritage. Furthermore, Syedna Taher Saifuddin was, according to Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, ignorant about the Fatemid faith, its traditions and about the aspirations of the community and hence had led the community astray by agreeing to the 1955 Constitution which is why it had to be replaced.

If that is the case, Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s appointment of the Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin as Dai must also have been flawed. A man considered ignorant of his faith, heritage and tradition cannot be expected to make an informed decision about the spiritual leadership of the community.

Either Syedna Taher Saifuddin was ignorant and unfit to be the Dai, or Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin broke the terms of his own Misaq by denouncing his predecessor. If Syedna Taher Saifuddin was unfit as a Dai then so must be his appointment of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin. If Syedna Taher Saifuddin was wise and fit then his denunciator must be unfit.

Neither of the two present claimants can expect any esteem, authority, legitimacy or inheritance of communal assets as they both claim to have been appointed by a person whose own legitimacy and credentials are questionable

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by Mkenya » Tue May 12, 2015 5:50 pm

I lived through the infamous period of 1955 and 1967. Yusuf Najmudin set in motion a vendetta on Bohra pioneers like the Karimjees, Sachaks, Nooranis in Tanzania, Karimbhai Abdulhusein family, Mamujis in Kenya and Amarbhai and others in Uganda with the sole purpose of seizing of community real estate. A wave of hysteria took over the community in that not only those families but hundreds of their employees were coerced to leave their jobs. YN proclaimed a 'Day of Grief' on a falsified allegation that one of the sons of Karimbhai Anjarwalla had used abusive words in relation to the Dai. Such venom was seeded in the Bohra psyche that a few hoodlums in Tanzania desecrated the headstones of some of the deceased families.

Today the present Dai, his family and others within that fold have secured their livelihood for posterity. To debate the legitimacy and succession of Dais is a moot point. Progressives like us are chasing a fast moving target only to be blinded by the dust of its wake. We can continue to do what we do best; to be vigilant of trespassing, publicise abusive deeds, two-faced political grandstanding, monarchic lifestyles, and so on.

Both SMS and SQS are progenies of deceit, inbreeding, familial alliances and so is their parentage.

It is a momentous time of my life when I am witnessing all this drama. Like they say: .... the show goes on ...'.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Wed May 13, 2015 2:34 am

is maria karimjee, writer, journalist and blogger from karachi related to abdulhusein karimjee which ur mentioning from tanzania?
according to her own statement her father did adultery and was not a such a noble person as ur making out to be

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by Mkenya » Wed May 13, 2015 3:56 pm


I do not know of Maria Karimjee nor her father Abdulhusein Karimjee.

The family which I mentioned was headed by two brothers, namely Tayabali and Karimbhai. They were originally from Anjar. Seth Karimbhai, as he was respectfully addressed, was a pioneer in the establishment and betterment of the Bohra community in Mombasa and by extention the whole of East Africa. He was always in the forefront of initiating and contributing financially projects like Jamaat halls, mosques, purchase of revenue properties the income of which was directed to widows, orphans, scholarships, etc. His ran a wholesale mercantile business. His oldest son Huseinbhai had a pencil manufacturing factory; his second oldest son Saifudin was a successful lawyer and a member of Kenyan Parliament.

The above is a brief explanation of how 'noble' this family is and was. You may link this information with what you have and make your own deductions or connections. Please do note that a fraility of human nature does not diminish or undervalue a persons noble deeds. And who are we to judge them.

Talking of alleged adultery I would be amiss if I do not draw your attention to illicit affairs, some well publicised, of the zadas and zadis.