School attack in Pakistan

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:52 pm



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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by adna_mumin » Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:43 am

No human being will be able to stop their tears on this.
Brother Ghulam Mohammad - these pictures are just unbearable.

Feel very much for the poor parents of these young buds.

Ironic that the very next day the root cause of this problem clearly comes to the fore - the Pakistan court granting bail to Mumbai 26/11 accused Lakhvi is proof that Pakistan state IS the problem.

My good brothers and sisters of Pakistan - you HAVE to come out on streets and not go back without causing a sea change in your entire rotten state that you call a country. The country you call home is a blot on the map of South Asia and the world itself.

For Muslims, i see a lot of messages in social media say how awful they feel and how heavy those janaza would be.
  • We have to clean up these filth of society.
    Do not let them get away with tarnishing the name of our faith. Make them pay for it.
    Get them arrested.
    Report these scumbags where you see the hint.
    Help your country, whichever it is - you are actually doing yourself a favor.
Or continue to suffer, the same harsh deaths.

Unable to write/think with cohesion.

dil par ek vazan sa hai

ki aise waqt me hum jiye ki jisme aisa bhi hua
kaisi namaaz aur kaisi hogi inki dua

nahi samajh sakega insaan magar

ki kyun maa shaam ko dekhti rahi apne bachhon ki raah
aur maalum hua ki shaher me ek dhamaka hua

What evil must have befallen these terrorists that they would do something like this? Perhaps they lost their own children in some army op... even then!

These are precisely those times when Mahatma Gandhi is sorely missed. His message of non-violence and his ability to halt a bloody riot by appealing with a fast-unto-death is just what can save this massacre of human lives. This vicious circle has no end unless a true "leader" is born.

Going by the past history of 67 years, sadly the chances of that happening in Pakistan look grim :-( Oh, and it is Islamic Republic of Pakistan? What of the teachings of Islam, you hypocrites? Muslim, my foot!

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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by JC » Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:13 pm

Adna_Mumin, good post!

Show me a Muslim who is not hypocrite ............ we are comparatively, as individuals and as various sects and nations.

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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by JC » Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:16 pm

Just an update - Lakhvi was not released and he has been booked under other laws ........... the govt will appeal against bail in superior courts. ... -under-mpo

ghulam muhammed
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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:22 pm

Isn't it ironic and also worth pondering that the dastardly attack on school children took place immediately after the announcement of Malala receiving the Nobel prize.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Dec 20, 2014 6:42 pm

We Indians and a few members on this forum are expressing their anguish and opposition to the bail granted to Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi who is the alleged mastermind of 26/11terrorist attacks in Mumbai. This needs to be rightly condemned but ever wondered as to how many Indians have expressed the same concern when the Indian courts granted bail to Maya Kodnani ??

Even Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister has condemned Lakhvi's bail orders. He has called it a blow to humanity. Likewise Maya Kodnani was sentenced to 28 years in the killings of 95 people, mostly women and children in 2002 at Naroda Patia in Ahmedabad. Kodnani appealed in the Gujarat High Court and she was granted bail, suspending her conviction. The matter was referred to the Supreme Court on grounds that it is unprecedented for a murder conviction to be stayed and bail granted. This occurred on December 12 of this year. The bench was adjourned for five days. Kodnani's lawyers went back to the High Court, which noted that the word " convicted " had crept into the order by a typo mistake. The Supreme Court accepted this argument and Kodnani remains out on bail.

What does all this signify ? Note that Kodnani was made a Minister of Child and Women's welfare by Narendra Modi after the Naroda Patia killings. Would Narendra Modi describe it as a blow to humanity ? Are we not justified in stating that the judiciary in Gujarat is substantially communalised ?

As far as the Lakhvi case is concerned, even the uproar in the Indian parliament is just a "political" act/show. Lakhvi has not even been freed from detention. And the government of Pakistan announced immediately after the grant of bail that it would appeal against it.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:42 pm

Don’t Cry For Them

What possible sin could children have committed that you would need prayers for forgiveness?

By the time you read this despatch, the funeral processions would have been over. Small-sized coffins for the primary section children; normal size for high school.

Water would have been sprinkled over the graves, the flowers arranged. Mothers would be inconsolable—kissing the photographs of children they had sent to school in the morning in green coats or green jerseys, the girls in green chadars, after burying whom the menfolk have returned home....

When the weather gets icy cold, mothers anyway worry more about children catching a chill than their studies. Perhaps they are calling these children martyrs. Martyrs go straight to heaven so perhaps we can console ourselves that the Peshawar cold would not be reaching their graves.

In Peshawar, an extremely important and raucous meeting would have been convened, in which extremely strong words would have been used to condemn this massacre.

Perhaps the name of the Taliban would be invoked or epithets such as ‘enemy of the nation’ bandied about to describe them and the resolve to annihilate them reiterated. Certainly, in this extremely important gathering, extremely important decisions would be taken. And of course at its commencement, prayers would be offered for the souls of the departed.

I think these prayers are unnecessary.

What possible sin could children studying for their matric exam or in middle school or in primary classes have committed that you would need prayers for forgiveness?

Maybe someone owed the canteenwallah 20 rupees. Maybe someone helped his classmate cheat in an exam. Maybe someone played umpire in a cricket match and not given his friend ‘out’. Maybe someone took a soft loan from another and denied having done so. Maybe someone stood up in class and mimicked the teacher. Maybe an errant child locked himself in the bathroom and smoked his first cigarette.

I heard in the news that at the time the green coats and green jerseys and green chadars were sprayed with drops of blood, a farewell for the matric students was in progress. Maybe someone sang an inappropriate song there.

It will be winter vacations next week. Maybe many kids had planned to spend their holidays with relatives. Maybe they had planned on all-nighters watching films or chatting on the Internet.

Indeed, what possible crime could 16-year-olds have committed for which this country’s political and military leadership should need to raise its hand in prayer?

Maybe one friend had promised another that they would meet after the holidays. Now one of them might not return because he is lying in a very cold grave deep under the Peshawar soil. A classroom where there are no class fellows and where the bell never rings to announce the end of school.

Hence my ardent request to Pakistan’s political and military leadership not to worry overmuch about the afterlife of these children. When they do raise their hands in prayer tomorrow, they should do so for their own deliverance and, in doing so, look at their own hands carefully, to see if they are not stained with blood. ... hem/292909

ghulam muhammed
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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:51 pm

20 questions we should be asking after the Peshawar massacre ... r-massacre

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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by SBM » Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:20 pm

“All it takes for evil to prevail is for people of goodwill to remain silent,” said Rabbi Solomon Schiff of the Miami-Dade County Community Relations Board. “We are not going to remain silent, we going to scream from the rooftops that we will not tolerate terrorism, bigotry, hatred and beheadings.”

Members of Christian, Islam and other faiths also spoke and echoed Schiff’s message of peace. In addition, others in attendance expressed solidarity with the victims of the tragedy.

“When I saw the news my heart tore apart,” Shahida Shakir, 60, of Miami Shores said to the crowd of onlookers. “I pray tonight that this evil in the world will go, and be replaced with peace in the world.”

One of the first people to arrive at the vigil was Narinder Jolly, 68, who said he cried when he heard news of the massacre ... c837affa-2

ghulam muhammed
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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:58 pm


Aali Waqar Shezada Saheb Ali Asghar BS Kalimuddin DM meetings with Pakistan president and members of parliament in Islamabad and Rawalpindi

27th Safar, 1436
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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:10 am ... 653941.cms

The United States may well have subscribed to Pakistan's policy of "bad terrorists" (from its Afghan front, who mostly attack Pakistan and US) versus "good terrorists" (from West Punjab, who mostly attack India).

A defence authorization bill signed by President Barack Obama last week that provides for $1 billion in aid to Pakistan in 2015 conditions it on Islamabad taking steps to disrupt the Haqqani Network and eliminating safe havens of al-Qaida and Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.

However, it makes no mention of the Punjab-centric terror groups such as the Laskar-e-Taiba (LeT) aka Jamaat-ul-Dawa (JuD), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) and others that are considered proxies of the Pakistani state.

A review of the 1640-page text of S.1847, formally known as the Carl Levin and Howard P 'Buck' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015, shows US emphasis on calling Pakistan to account for terrorist activity on its western flank, mainly through the Taliban, which impacts the US drawdown in Afghanistan.

READ ALSO: US announces $10 million bounty on Lashkar chief's head

It makes the $1 billion US aid contingent on Pakistan taking steps that have "demonstrated a commitment to ensuring that North Waziristan does not return to being a safe haven for the Haqqani network." It also seeks a description of any strategic security objectives that the US and Pakistan have agreed to pursue and an assessment of the effectiveness of any US security assistance to Pakistan to achieve such strategic objectives.

Lashkar-e-Taiba chief and 26/11 Mumbai attacks mastermind Hafiz Saeed continues to roam freely in Pakistan and is also allowed to hold anti-India rallies in cities across the country.

But missing from the legislation is any concern, let alone any conditions, about Pakistan's fostering of the Punjabi terror groups such as LeT that not only attacked Mumbai on 26/11 (an incident in which six Americans were also killed), but also the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, a sectarian outfit that has killed hundreds of Pakistani Shias.

Both groups are patronized by Pakistan's military and political establishments, which derive their power from the country's heartland of west Punjab, much like the terror groups themselves.

A charitable explanation for the legislative oversight (or lack of it) maybe to take into account the broad and fleeting reference to "other militant extremist groups" in the text of the legislation. But in a remarkable coincidence, the Pakistan establishment began freeing its so-called "good terrorists" from Punjab even as President Obama signed the defense authorization bill on December 19. The easing up also followed the Pakistani army chief Gen Raheel Sharif's visit to Washington DC last month.

READ ALSO: Pakistan running special trains for Hafiz Saeed

In a series of moves demonstrating the Pakistani establishment was easing up on its own terrorist proxies in return for acting on US concerns, the Pakistani courts first released 26/11 planner Zaki-ur Lakhvi from prison, temporarily holding him back following Indian outrage; Islamabad then dawdled over filing replies in court in the case against JuD chief Hafiz Mohammad Saeed and his deputy Hafiz Abdur Rehman Makki, saying it is yet to get response to its questions from the US; most recently, it released LeJ head Malik Ishaq, who is accused of scores of sectarian murders inside Pakistan, before extending his incarceration for two weeks following outrage within Pakistan.

All this time, it has made a big to-do over the Peshawar school attack being a turning point in its fight against terrorism, hanging some half dozen "bad terrorists" from the Taliban stock while taking the heat off Punjab-based terrorist groups. The country's ruling Punjabi elite, including the Prime Minister and the Army chief, have made grandiose statements about how Pakistan owes it to future generations to fight terrorism and how the days of terrorists are numbered etc.

Blood on the floor of the Peshawar school that Pakistani Taliban attacked and killed over 140 people including over 130 students.

In a speech earlier this week, Prime Minister Sharif promised to take action against all terrorist groups, including those from Punjab. He also promised to take measures against media sources that "empower terrorism."

But in a review of the Pakistani media, Tufail Ahmed, an analyst with the Washington-based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), found that even as there was an upsurge in sentiment against jihadists in Pakistan's small liberal press (read by outsiders and elites), the larger, more powerful urdu media was blaming India and its intelligence agency RAW for the Peshawar bombing.

READ ALSO: Pakistani forces kill key planner of Peshawar school massacre

"Like in the Fall of Dhaka, India is involved in the Peshawar tragedy ..." the Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed, a darling of the Pakistani establishment, was quoted as saying: "The killers of innocent children in Peshawar do not have any connection to jihad ..."

File photo of Pakistani Taliban at a hideout in North Waziristan.

Several US and Pakistani experts such as Georgetown University's Christine Fair and Hudson Institute's Hussain Haqqani have called out Islamabad's bluff, including its serial hoodwinking of Washington.

In a rude reminder of Pakistan's long history of sheltering terrorists, Bloomberg New Service this week ran a lengthy story about the country hiding Dawood Ibrahim, the Indian fugitive accused in the Mumbai serial bomb attack in 1993, under the headline "Pakistan's Secret Guest: Why Neighbors Doubt Terrorism Fight."

READ ALSO: 26/11 probe cops feel let down by Pakistan over Lakhvi issue

But all this has made no impression on the Congress or the state department that continues to dole out American tax-payer money to Pakistan without it stamping out ALL its terrorist groups. Many scholars are now warning that the Pakistan is losing an opportunity to squarely tackle terrorism by acting selectively against terrorists from K-P but not the terror groups based in the Punjab that the Pakistani establishment uses for its proxy war against India.

File photo of Pakistani soldiers during an operation in North Waziristan.

"It is highly unlikely that the quality of leadership has the intellectual or the historical vision to reverse the tide," the Pakistani columnist Raza Rumi wrote in a bleak commentary this week about the establishment's selective fight against terrorism, warning that until fight is more broad-based, the "Gojras, Meena Bazaars and Data Darbars will be bombed and children in Peshawar and elsewhere will remain vulnerable to ideologies of violence."

Neither the US Congress nor the administration appears particularly concerned or cognizant about it, going by the text of S.1847.

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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by topiwala » Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:27 pm

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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by SBM » Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:28 pm

topiwala wrote:See these wahhabis also do tatoo: ... ities.html
I think you need to remove your topi to understand that article,
They were trying to prove that those attackers were NOT Muslims but may by of other religion since they had Tattoo. So if you were trying to prove that they were WAHABIs you proved yourself as an IDIOT by posting this article

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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by JC » Sun Dec 28, 2014 5:34 pm

SBM wrote:
topiwala wrote:See these wahhabis also do tatoo: ... ities.html
I think you need to remove your topi to understand that article,
They were trying to prove that those attackers were NOT Muslims but may by of other religion since they had Tattoo. So if you were trying to prove that they were WAHABIs you proved yourself as an IDIOT by posting this article
Please Bro let him KEEP his TOPI on .................. we do not want more like him ............ :wink:

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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by adna_mumin » Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:38 pm

Why do we need an incident as terrible as this to realize after every thing else is done and dusted each one is a human being.
A request from India to Pakistan citizens to claim your country back. If you let status quo prevail and nurse guns for India, these guns are going to turn towards you one day, actually not one day - they ALREADY HAVE. PLEASE.

A very emotional coverage of the Peshawar massacre by Zee News/ARY

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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by think » Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:18 am

Bohri mullas and zadas are given audience by the greedy politicians because of the free bies they give to them. The zadas get importance from the ignorant. This zada meeting a pakistani politician is just for show. The bohri"s should add 2plus 2. why is a so called religious leader hob knobbing with a pakistani politician.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: School attack in Pakistan


Post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:47 pm

Al-Qaida 'bursting with pain' over Pakistan school attack

PESHAWAR: Al-Qaida's regional branch on Sunday said its hearts were "bursting with pain" over the Taliban's massacre at a Pakistan school and urged the militants to target only security forces.

The attack on Tuesday killed 149 people - mostly children - in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar.

"Our hearts are bursting with pain and grief over this incident," Osama Mehmood, spokesman for al-Qaida South Asia chapter said in a four-page emailed statement.

"There is no doubt that the list of crimes and atrocities of the Pakistani army has crossed the limit and it is true that this army is ahead of everyone in America's slavery and genocide of Muslims ... but it does not mean that we should seek revenge from oppressed Muslims," Mehmood said.

"The guns that we have taken up against Allah's enemy America and its pet rulers and slave army should not be aimed towards children, women and our Muslim people," he added.

Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri announced the creation of the new South Asia branch in September to "wage jihad" in Myanmar, Bangladesh and India.

The Afghan Taliban, who are loosely affiliated with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), have also condemned the attack, saying killing innocent children was against Islam.

Pakistan described the bloody rampage as its own "mini 9/11", saying it was a game changer in its fight against terror.

The army has been waging a major offensive against longstanding Taliban and other militant strongholds in the restive tribal areas on the Afghan border for the last six months. ... =TOI_AShow