Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:01 pm

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:but in maharashtra since long back from 40 yrs it has been taught.
Thanks for confirming that history was distorted by your Shiv Sainik friends since 40 years and thats exactly what I had said ! He died in 1680 which means that the history known to people for more then 300 years was twisted and distorted by your mentor Bal Thackerey when he started getting powerful.
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:and yes shivaji has many muslims in his army. in fact his close bodyguard was also muslim.
I agree with that but does that make him what he is projected as by your Shiv Sainik friends ? Even Aurangzeb had many Hindus and Shias in important positions in army so will you stop your hatred for him just by virtue of he being a Sunni Muslim ? In fact he even got his son married to a Shia woman.

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:18 pm

r u nuts?
bal thackrey was not all powerful 40 yrs back.
history was taught since long back.
and it was congress and british who prepared that.

anyway do u think aurangzeb was gud just coz he was muslim?

then why hate others?
they are too doing the same thing

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:27 pm

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:r u nuts?
bal thackrey was not all powerful 40 yrs back.

It seems you are nuts !! Do you know when he had carried the campaign of "Lungi hatao Mumbai bachao" and instigated riots against Keralite muslims ? Do you think he could do it if he wasn't powerful enough ?
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:history was taught since long back.
and it was congress and british who prepared that.

So now in order to defend your icon Shivaji you question historical literatures which although were prepared by a mix breed of writers were according to you the handiwork of British and Congress.... first you blame the left party and now British/Congress, what next ???
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:anyway do u think aurangzeb was gud just coz he was muslim?
I never said so but according to you Shivaji is the epitome of honesty and virtue only because he is a Hindu as anything that is HINDU especially anyone with "Half Chaddi" carrying Bhagwa (Saffron) flags is a better person then any given Muslim living in any part of the world !!

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by Conscíous » Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:41 pm

anajmi wrote:The Saudis need to be held accountable like other countries are held accountable. Israel and America are pretty good examples to follow. Saudi Arabia needs to follow in their footsteps. They should hold an internal investigation and then declare themselves innocent of these war crimes. Or maybe send some low level soldier to jail in front of the media and then release him on appeal.
No one cares about those other countries apart from a wahabbi himself, whom will try to shift attention from his barbarian mates.. We are more interested in those savage, subhuman wahabbi rodents..

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:30 pm

I know you don't care cause you are too stupid to care.

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by Conscíous » Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:12 am

Since you care so much for your monkey mates, you should run and buy a one way ticket to Saudi Arab and help them with your high IQ.. Maybe you might save some of them from turning into fertiliser by the Sandal wearing Houthi :mrgreen:

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:14 am

If stupidity were a weapon, you would be able to defeat the Saudis single handedly. And barefoot!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by Conscíous » Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:28 pm

Haha.. No need for that.. By the looks of everything the wahabbis are doing in Yeman and elsewhere.. its quite obvious, they are already doing a good job defeating themselves :wink:

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:50 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:r u nuts?
bal thackrey was not all powerful 40 yrs back.

It seems you are nuts !! Do you know when he had carried the campaign of "Lungi hatao Mumbai bachao" and instigated riots against Keralite muslims ? Do you think he could do it if he wasn't powerful enough ?
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:history was taught since long back.
and it was congress and british who prepared that.

So now in order to defend your icon Shivaji you question historical literatures which although were prepared by a mix breed of writers were according to you the handiwork of British and Congress.... first you blame the left party and now British/Congress, what next ???
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:anyway do u think aurangzeb was gud just coz he was muslim?
I never said so but according to you Shivaji is the epitome of honesty and virtue only because he is a Hindu as anything that is HINDU especially anyone with "Half Chaddi" carrying Bhagwa (Saffron) flags is a better person then any given Muslim living in any part of the world !!

yaar bro gm
get out and get some life bro
bal thackrey instigated riots, what it has to do with changing text books, i mean he was not in power.
changing book requries to be in power and that happened recently.
all the so called fascist came in power recently , and till now all the peace loving ppl were only in power and that did very gud job of it
by making india so progressive.
i am not in favour of shivsena or anybody.
or against muslim or for hindu
this hindu - muslim divide is for u as is well seen from ur post.
for this u have twisted history also as seen from above. as pahadi chua was taught in gujrat and not in maharashtra. and that was before half chaddi came in power--so though u may live in mumbai, but may have taken education in gujrat.

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Saudi-Based Cleric Shanqiti: Muslim Men May Enjoy the Company of up to 19,604 Women in Paradise


Unread post by Conscíous » Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:17 pm

Saudi-Based Cleric Shanqiti: Muslim Men May Enjoy the Company of up to 19,604 Women in Paradise

Listening to (2min video) of this moronic wahabbi/salafi rodent,, one can only imagine what kind thoughts this backwards monkey saudis retards have on women in general :roll: And when this rodents say Muslims, he´s talking about his monkey men (saudis retards).
Last edited by Conscíous on Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:04 pm

Memri tv is a zionist undertaking responsible for spreading lies. And if there are no lies to spread they create them. This guy is probably just a prop.

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by Conscíous » Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:17 pm

Your still here :roll: ?? I thought you were leaving for saudi Arab to help your retard wahabbi rodents to win the war in Yemen :lol: ??
anajmi wrote:Memri tv is a zionist undertaking responsible for spreading lies. And if there are no lies to spread they create them. This guy is probably just a prop.
Ya, ya,, We have heard that song before about everything is the Zionist and the jews and Americans propaganda/fault and your monkey wahabbi mates are so civilised, full of humanity and compassion right :mrgreen: ??

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:50 pm

I dont support the Saudis. But you support the houthis. And you are still here? Shame on you. If you dont have sandals, i can loan you mine. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by Conscíous » Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:47 pm

anajmi wrote:I dont support the Saudis. But you support the houthis. And you are still here? Shame on you. If you dont have sandals, i can loan you mine. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Yes you do and you follow the same medieval ideology and the PROFF IS ALLOVER THIS FORUM you gutless lying wahabbi ..
You are always the first one to defend and later shifting attention from your barbaric wahabbi mates by blaming the Zionist, the jews, Americans and god knows whom else ..
And the way you interpret the Quran is also typical wahabbi style, you coward monkey..

You are an intolerant, arrogant, rude and take pleasure to ridicule everyone on this forum whom disagrees with your views, you narrow minded rodent, which is also typical sign of a wahabbi rat..
Why are you all of sudden denying what EVERYONE ALLREADY KNOWS ABOUT YOU??

I guess, this is also typical of a wahabbi to deny and be a coward, just like your deluded monkey mates in the saudi arab,..
Get a life and a JOB you worthless, deluded lowlife!!
Or at list go and fight and defend your monkey wahabbi mates, before the sandel wearing houthis turn your beloved wahabbi retards into a fertiliser just like hezbollah is doing in syira and in Irak..

Only a jobless person like you has so much time to study the Quran and wast time on this forum and Im sure they are other forums as well, were you are doing time pass by sharing your extreme views.. ,

No one likes you apart from a few, whom like to have you as a side kick, just for entertainment you deluded scum of the earth..

Now go and cry to the Admin which you are very good at.. and ask she/him to delete my comment because you can't handle my truth, you moronic coward wahabbi fanatic!!

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:37 pm

So, let me ask you the same question again. I do not support the Saudis but you support the houthis. So what are you still doing here you shameless coward? If you do not have sandals, i can loan you mine. :P :P .

But on one condition, if you loose even one of them, I will beat you with my other sandals. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Saudi Cleric: "We Arabs are backward, but we don't know it".


Unread post by Conscíous » Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:08 am

Saudi Cleric: "We Arabs are backward, but we don't know it".


WOW.. One of the very few wahabbis morons I've heard, that isn't a retard and had something sensibly to reflect on there own monkey subhumans..
Im pretty sure, he kept saying Arabs and not wahabbis retards, because he doesn't want to end up in chop, chop Square :P

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by SBM » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:21 am

Only a jobless person like you has so much time to study the Quran and wast time on this forum and Im sure they are other forums as well, were you are doing time pass by sharing your extreme views
.. ,
Atleast a jobless person reads the Quran, a noble work-- while Conscious listens to Memri TV -an anti Islamic propaganda machine and then posts here seems like he is also unemployed or a planted agent by Zionist group

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:57 am

I looked at that video that the fool posted and it is pretty interesting. It looks like some of the Arabs are realizing that they are useless. They don't make anything which is a good point made by I think the host. He says that they are dependent on the west for everything. What have we given to the world asks the host. The other guy says Oil and the religion of Islam. The host says Oil came from Allah. And we need the west to extract it for us. Some in Saudi Arabia are definitely waking up. I hope and pray to Allah that the rest of them do too!!

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Blowing up clandestine wahhabi/salafi prayer house


Unread post by Conscíous » Sun May 01, 2016 4:16 pm

Illegal Wahhabi prayer hall blown up in Russia after police find explosives inside.

Explosives found in an illegal wahhabi prayer hall near the Russian city of Samara was eliminated right inside the building. Bomb disposal team deemed it too dangerous to take the explosives out.
The video of the controlled explosion shows a considerable part of the building being destroyed in the blast.

The house was used for gatherings of Salafis, followers of an ultra-conservative movement within Sunni Islam, and it was not registered with the regional Muslim community as an official house of worship.

Inside the house, the FSB’s special forces detained 53 young men, at least one of whom was promoting the Islamic State terror group online.
According to an FSB source, the arrests made at the illegal prayer hall triggered a series of house raids, which helped uncover more explosives, handguns, grenades and ammo.

The same source said other known members of that particular Salafi community are currently fighting in Syria for the jihadists.

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Saudi Arabia Pretending to Be ISIS Terrorism’s Victim: Analyst


Unread post by Conscíous » Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:13 pm

Saudi Arabia Pretending to Be ISIS Terrorism’s Victim: Analyst
Saudi Arabia along with Turkey, Israel and the US created ISIS as a “propaganda weapon” against Islam and a “paramilitary force” to destabilize the Middle East, author and Islamic scholar in Madison Kevin Barrett told Press TV.

“The rulers of Saudi Arabia have actually helped foster the creation of ISIS and this whole tendency of extremist ultra-Salafist or Wahhabist kinds of terrorism. In fact ISIS was created as really a weapon against the government of Syria and the government of Iraq,” he stated.

The analyst added that the “biggest source of funding” for the Wahhabist terrorism exemplified by ISIS is in fact Saudi Arabia.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Barrett said attacking the Mosque of the Holy Prophet in Medina at the end of Ramadan was completely an “anti-Islamic act.”

The people who are carrying out these attacks are “psychotic,” he said, adding that they are reacting to the “breakdown of values” in the modern world and the Saudi royal family is complicit in it.

“Although the royal family is not at the same level as these absolutely nihilistic and psychotic terrorists who are acting in such completely un-Islamic ways, yet they have paved the way for this,” he said.

Jihad Mouracadeh, a Middle East expert in Beirut, said the ISIS terrorist group is the enemy of the entire world and all countries should be worried about the recent bombings.

“I think the whole world has to worry about it because if you look at the recent blasts from Lebanon to Istanbul, to Bangladesh, to Indonesia, to Saudi Arabia and those who were arrested in Kuwait, it is all over the world, so it is not only Saudi Arabia who has to worry about it,” he stated.

He said Saudi Arabia is not behind the “creation of ISIS,” adding that it is “incorrect to say the Saudis are promoting this kind of philosophy.”

Mouracadeh added that ISIS as a “geographical entity” was diminishing very quickly due to its recent losses in Syria and Iraq and its Plan B was to wreak havoc wherever it could.

ISIS and other violent Takfiri groups follow an extremist branch of the Wahhabi ideology which is preached and promoted in Saudi Arabia.

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by Conscíous » Tue Jul 12, 2016 4:25 pm

Saudi Prince Nawaf al-Saud in #Turkey with his family&friends, while women aren't allowed 2 drive in his country.


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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:51 am

coward ZN didnt return to india and enjoying hospitality of ayyash saudi royals which he himself and other followers of him
on this board accuse them of not following true islam---so much for standing up for truth and dying for islam

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:45 pm

We get this story from the seerah of prophet Muhammad(saw) that after he returned from Taif, it wasn't possible for him to return to Mecca without tribal protection. He was given protection by a non-muslim named Mut'im bin 'Adi.

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:06 am

non muslims are always better than munafiq(saudi-wahabis).
there are chance of them to come to straight path unlike munafiqs.
prophet feared from munafiqs--so took refuge from non muslims.
ZN was well protected till now in non muslim half chaddi fascist land.
even now non-muslim half chaddi fascist govt is giving protection to his home and office.

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:12 am

So which one are you? A munafiq or a non-muslim? His home and office needs protection from whom?

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:54 am

i am a muslim if u care.
his home and office needs protection from both sena members and other muslims who dont believe in him.

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:52 pm

So, it's a good thing he is in Saudi.

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The US Congress has officially released the secretive 28 pages of a 9/11 investigation that allegedly involve Saudi Arab


Unread post by Conscíous » Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:05 pm

The US Congress has officially released the secretive 28 pages of a 9/11 investigation that allegedly involve Saudi Arabia's role in the terrorist attack.

The pages have been made public by the House Intelligence Committee after intense pressure from the families of 9/11 victims and Congressional lawmakers.

"Releasing the contents of the 28 pages will answer some of the many questions that remain," said Democratic Representative Stephen Lynch, one of the most vocal advocates for the pages' release. "It may help us at least hold those who are responsible accountable."

continue reading here: http://sputniknews.com/us/20160715/1043 ... lease.html

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:11 pm

"It may help us at least hold those who are responsible accountable."
Then what the f..k were you doing for the last 15 years?

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Re: Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:03 am

anajmi wrote:So, it's a good thing he is in Saudi.
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