An open letter to Bohras

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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An open letter to Bohras


Unread post by babdeen » Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:40 pm

I post the attached letter from a California Bohra:

An Open leletter to Bohras

Dear Bohra brothers, sisters: many salams

You have probably seen the Kapadvanj crude speech by a bhai saheb upon SKQ’s death, celebratory dancing in Surat and Karachi and seen the barbaric celebrations of burning effigy in London. The fact is such things have been going on for last 80-90 years. Just about every day a Bohra is subjected to tyranny and barbaric behavior by these Kothari barbarians and their appointed thugs. They burned Mulla Aurangabadi, a renowned Bohra scholar, to death in front of his two daughters and wife for holding Imam Hussain majlis without raza from STS. Such barbaric behavior is in their DNA. There is no reason to be surprised just because they are doing that to one of their own. None of these things represent Bohra way of life. So, I suggest we condemn and disown them.

My sympathies are with SKQ family for the tragic behavior they are experiencing from their own extended family. I am pleased that thousands of progressive and open minded Bohras have denounced the barbaric behavior by so called royal family which claims to be in charge of Bohra religion and way of life. Another good sign is that scores of Muffadal participants have conveyed their dismay.

So, I take this opportunity to address the subject of united Bohra community and call for a decent religious leader. Timing is ripe. Such horrible acts are often the catalyst for change. This can be “Berlin wall” event for Bohras. All we need to do is to appeal to the better angels in every Bohra to step away from STS family and their barbaric ways. The mosque you attend belongs to Allah and not to them. Without community that is a building. You don’t need appointed aamil from Mumbai to pray and socialize with like minded Bohras. Anyone who acts in an un-Islamic manner, tell him to stop and send them back.

Like many of you, I had some hopes pinned on reforms via Fatemi dawat. The irony is all attempts to influence SKQ dawat over last two years met with mixed response. Their focus was on the legal battle for title and perhaps on control of resources. Their inability to embrace needed quantum change, cast a doubt on their willingness to clean up the mess. Here is my open message to SKQ children, the newly appointed Dai STF and all Bohra aamils across the globe.

(1) Over past 90 years Dais have made lots of mistakes. Please acknowledge them and pledge to correct them. No one is infallible. Rasullaha said I am one of you. So, you can be Dai if you are one of us.
(2) Stop promising Jannat through Dai’s daman. That has no basis in Islam. We know what our holy book says and we know what will get us there.
(3) Denounce money greed and serve the community the way Islam teaches us. A transparent accounting of dues collected is a must given the history of looting by kothar.
(4) Take pride in our honest, educated community and let the best and the brightest among us lead the community to new heights in education, health, scientific discovery and welfare.
(5) Stop controlling every aspect of people’s life. If religion is your expertise, stick to it. Like satirist BAB Deen says and I quote with some correction to address it to you:
(Quote Begin)
Your children are yours (Dai will not BS you to control next generation)
Your wealth & paychecks are yours ( Dai should be humble and live modestly)
Cook and eat what you want (catering is not kothar expertise)
Your wife is too smart for making roti (buy roti from desi store). Let her be a doctor.
Diversify your wardrobe (Jannat is colorful – not all white).
(Quote end)

So, the choice is yours. Embrace change and choose a progressive path and let the chips fall where they may. I am willing to bet, you will get more decent people to support and work with you. Or follow the path Dais have used over last 90 years to destroy our community. I hope having experienced the barbaric behaviors from your half cousins, STF will chart bold, new course. It is going to be a difficult journey but a righteous one. So, Let’s say Ya Ali madad and start.
Oostur Raza

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Re: An open letter to Bohras


Unread post by think » Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:00 pm

well written but only for those who can reads and understand. what about the masses of unread bohras in the small villages and towns of india , pakistan, Africa, Yemen etc. Now a days if one can understand the typical bohra mind, if one has a big dukaan and plenty of money with a flowing beard and the special feta of sheikh, he is all educated and people kiss his hand and he in turn kisses the hand of the amil of the town. you can look around and find plenty of such kind with fake money bought mulla and sheikh degrees. how in the world would you pass your message to such a group of people and make them understand. Muffy has it made with these trype of mumineen. His lectures and actions are not for the educated but for the dumb and dumber.

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Re: An open letter to Bohras


Unread post by Ozdundee » Tue Apr 12, 2016 6:22 pm

I am still in shock and awe of display of pure hate from brothers, half brothers and siblings towards each other. I did not know so much anger was bottled up.and why ? Because one wanted a title and one wanted to grab it so to be called a diai. I know they had major issues but wow to level of effigy burning vile messages. What next ? Limitless bottom !

At present protect the kids and say these are not what a dignified family does in life or death. Automatic they will ask then who to follow.. .......

Not to forget at what point ones rituals are so neccessary once the spirit or soul has left the body some of the actions should have been left in private.

I Rizwan
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Re: An open letter to Bohras


Unread post by I Rizwan » Tue Apr 12, 2016 11:57 pm

(1) Over past 90 years Dais have made lots of mistakes. Please acknowledge them and pledge to correct them. No one is infallible. Rasullaha said I am one of you. So, you can be Dai if you are one of us.
(2) Stop promising Jannat through Dai’s daman. That has no basis in Islam. We know what our holy book says and we know what will get us there.
We really hope STF will read this letter and take appropriate step.

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Re: An open letter to Bohras


Unread post by james » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:25 pm

I Rizwan wrote:
(1) Over past 90 years Dais have made lots of mistakes. Please acknowledge them and pledge to correct them. No one is infallible. Rasullaha said I am one of you. So, you can be Dai if you are one of us.
(2) Stop promising Jannat through Dai’s daman. That has no basis in Islam. We know what our holy book says and we know what will get us there.
We really hope STF will read this letter and take appropriate step.
We as in you,incredible,iamacooolguy,Aminullah and a multitude of trollfest usernames? :mrgreen:

I Rizwan
Posts: 301
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:33 am

Re: An open letter to Bohras


Unread post by I Rizwan » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:29 pm

We as in you,incredible,iamacooolguy,Aminullah and a multitude of trollfest usernames?
dont know about others, but for me "we" as in dawoodi bohras who are looking for sincerity from leadership. :idea: