China, again, bans Muslims from fasting during Ramadan

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ghulam muhammed
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China, again, bans Muslims from fasting during Ramadan


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:40 pm

China, again, bans Muslims from fasting during Ramadan, say Uighur community

Beijing: Some local governments in China’s unruly far western region of Xinjiang are stepping up controls on the Islamic faith followed by the Uighur people ahead of Ramadan, including making officials swear they will not fast during the holy month, the Dawn website reported.

The month of Ramadan, which begins this week, is a sensitive time in Xinjiang following an uptick in deadly attacks blamed by Beijing on Islamist militants over the past three years in which hundreds have died.

In recent days, state media and government websites in Xinjiang have published stories and official notices demanding that party members, civil servants, students and teachers in particular do not observe Ramadan, something that happened last year, too.

In Jinghe county near the Kazakh border, food safety officials decided last week that they would “guide and encourage” halal restaurants to stay open as normal during Ramadan, the government said on its website.

Those that do stay open would get fewer visits from food safety inspectors, it added. Other government institutions have given similar instructions.

In Maralbexi county, where 21 died in violent unrest in 2013, party officials had to give verbal as well as written assurances “guaranteeing they have no faith, will not attend religious activities and will lead the way in not fasting over Ramadan”, state media said.

Exiled Uighur groups and human rights activists say the government’s repressive policies in Xinjiang, including restrictions on religious practices, have provoked unrest, allegations denied by Beijing.

“China is increasing its bans and monitoring as Ramadan approaches. The faith of the Uighurs has been highly politicised, and the increase in controls could cause sharp resistance,” Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the exiled Uighur group, the World Uyghur Congress, said in a statement.

The government there has always denied trying to curb fasting, though officials and people younger than 18 are banned from participating in religious activities.

On Sunday, Xinjiang’s Communist Party chief Zhang Chunxian warned that the region’s stability faced “sustained pressure” from religious extremists.

China’s Communist Party says it protects freedom of religion, but it maintains a tight grip on religious activities and allows only officially recognized religious institutions to operate.

China has around 20 million Muslims spread throughout the country, only a portion of which are Uighur, a Turkic-language speaking group that calls Xinjiang home.—-AB/IINA ... community/

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Re: China, again, bans Muslims from fasting during Ramadan


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue May 31, 2016 3:55 am

Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed rejects Beijing’s call to prevent practice of Islam in China

Outlawed Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed has rejected Beijing's call to prevent the practice of Islam in China. At a recently held 'Second National Conference on Religion' in the Chinese capital, President Xi Jinping cautioned citizens to be vigilant against Islamic tendencies, such as Halal products. Addressing a congregation in Lahore, Saeed announced his plans to meet the Chinese ambassador in Islamabad to lodge his protest.
His past congregations have targeted mainly India, USA, Israel and other Western countries. Saeed's tirade, his first against China, is unusual given Sino-Pakistan all-weather friendship. "By uttering such statements, China is hurting its time-tested relations with the people of Pakistan," said Saeed.
Beijing had reportedly asked those living in Xinjiang province to shun Islam and to stick to China's state policy of "Marxist Atheism". Saeed said the statement by Chinese leadership was a "challenge to the Islamic way of life" and called upon the Sharif government to "show some courage and direct China to stay away from hurting Islamic sentiments".
At the conference, senior Communist Party officials strongly backed Jinping's statement. They made it clear that Halal products will remain banned in China as these "promote religious segregation". ... 514754.cms

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Re: China, again, bans Muslims from fasting during Ramadan


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:38 am

China defends crackdown against Islamic militants in Xinjiang

China on Thursday said it will not allow any foreign organisation or individual to interfere in its religious affair

Religious extremists, in the name of religion, spread radical and extremist views and take extremist means to try to establish a theocracy

Religious extremism is by nature "anti-human, anti-society, anti-civilisation and anti-religion ... 552078.cms

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Re: China, again, bans Muslims from fasting during Ramadan


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:44 pm

The last century, before Islam became the villain, communism, was the enemy. These same statements were made against the communist states by the west. Only those with single digit IQs and complete lack of common sense will take these statements at any value and choose to repeat them.

Dua for Momeen
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Re: China, again, bans Muslims from fasting during Ramadan


Unread post by Dua for Momeen » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:08 pm

stupid decision.

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Re: China, again, bans Muslims from fasting during Ramadan


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:01 am

China restricts Ramzan fasting in Muslim region

Chinese officials have restricted civil servants, students and children in a mainly Muslim region from fasting during Ramzan,

"Party members, cadres, civil servants, students and minors must not fast for Ramzan and must not take part in religious activities," ... 624775.cms