for zakir naik fans

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I Rizwan
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for zakir naik fans


Unread post by I Rizwan » Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:58 am


many muslim young kids get attracted by this dhongi baba zakir naik, who is none but wahabi idiot, stay away from his lectures.


Mr Naik has controversially urged 'all Muslims to be terrorists'
He is banned in UK and Canada for hate speech aimed at other religions
Another Dhaka terrorist followed 2 suspected ISIS recruiters on Twitter
After it was reported that two of the seven terrorists who hacked to death 20 people at a Dhaka cafe on Friday were inspired by controversial Indian cleric Zakir Naik, the government today said "we don't ban individuals, we ban organisations." ... rt-1428151

I Rizwan
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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by I Rizwan » Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:59 am

Memorizing Quran is not enough, one must understand its intrinsic meaning to become a better muslim.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Jul 10, 2016 2:46 am

That Zakir Naik can influence Islamists to kill means terrorists are only the hands.
The inspiration is religion.
The brain is likes of Naik

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:19 am

*Dr. Zakir Naik hits back to Media from Saudi. (Published on 07/July/2016)*

Watch related videos below:

*Dr zakir Naik Exposes The Media On The Bangladesh Terrorist Attacks*

*Dr Zakir Naik's response To Media On The Bangladesh Terrorist Attacks*

*Bangladeshis Stand In Support of Dr. Zakir Naik*

*Dr. Zakir Naik condemns Bangladesh Terrorist Attacks*

*Dr. Zakir Naik's view on ISIS killing innocent Human Beings*

Dr. Zakir Naik's response to a question asked by a Non-Muslim by name Elvis in his Malaysia tour dated April 2016, *"How do you view ISIS?"*
Dr. Zakir Naik's response is a tight slap to those who are busy tarnishing his image in media with their blatant lies & corrupt minds, saying he is supporting or encouraging Terrorism & also banned in Malaysia.

*Spread & share the truth to as many as you can, coz remaining silent against the lies, falsehood & attrocities is against the teachings of Islam. A true believer has to always support and stand for only truth*

*Apne liye to Insaan kya Janwar bhi jeete hain, kaum ke liye bhi jeena chahiye*
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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:15 am

zakir naik tells in a interivew,
muslims should not allow other people to propagate their religion,
but does brazenly in other peoples country.
Zakir Naik tells Pakistani TV channel.mp4
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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:31 am

He is right. He doesn't want people to go to hell for following other religions. God says in the Quran - No religion other than Islam will be accepted from you. And I am talking about the actual Quran, not your bikini interpretation.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:19 am

what does ur actual quran says about hypocrites living off kuffars money instead of shifting to muslim land and earing halal money?

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:30 am

he is falling in his own trap in the video.
he says we can invite technocrats to teach maths and science, but not deen,
bcoz we know 2+2 = 4 and not 3 or 6.
if we think critically, actually it is reverse.
to know 2+2 =4, u have to know maths and science, which he accepts muslims doesnt know,
so to teach them, they have to import people knowing it.
simple isnt it--but not for followers of taimiyaa ideology

yes in quaran it is said no religion will be accepted accept islam, but not wahabism that is the difference
between ur actually so called quran and bikini interpretation.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:44 am

your actual quran teaches u 2+2 = 3 or 6.
no wonder u follow taimiya ideology.
it is for brain dead people only, whose numbers are increasing day by day.
my bikini interpretated quran teaches me 2+2 = 4.
guess who is right? that is if u have any brain left to think?
but hey why to think--already ur going to jannah for bikini wearing 72 hoors

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:52 am

half chaddis and fascist also think their quran,geeta bible blah blah is only real and accepted to GOD.
guess they are not so firm in their faith, otherwise they would not allow people to worship allah(fake according to them)
and would not allow anyone to escape from riots like u did

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:29 pm

what does ur actual quran says about hypocrites living off kuffars money instead of shifting to muslim land and earing halal money?
Learn from the life of the prophet(saw). He lived in the land of the kuffar for 50 years and did business with them, before he was forced to move to Medina.
he says we can invite technocrats to teach maths and science, but not deen,
He is right. Wrong Math won't burn you in hell forever. It will just keep you ignorant in this Duniya. So if someone knows Math better than you, learn from them. But the wrong Deen will burn you in hell forever.
half chaddis and fascist also think their quran,geeta bible blah blah is only real and accepted to GOD.
guess they are not so firm in their faith, otherwise they would not allow people to worship allah(fake according to them)
and would not allow anyone to escape from riots like u did
Again, learn from the life of the prophet Muhammad(saw). He was persecuted by the idol worshippers of his time. They wouldn't allow him to worship Allah and the prophet (saw) had to escape with his life to a better place. Today, the muslims are too many in number and other than a few cowards and half chaddi supporters, they are ready to fight and die. That is why they aren't treated as badly as they would be otherwise.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:51 am

today nobody persecutes muslims.
there are many mosques in infidel land.
but the reverse is not true.
prophet escaped coz he was not allowed to worship.
today muslims dont allow to worship and propagate others religion in thier land.
today who is not allowing to worship whom and who should escape and wage war against whom for allowing to worship their god?

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:09 am

Since Islam is the true religion it is for the good of the people. If you want Hindu temples in Muslim land than you are not only a Muslim who worships idol's but a full fledged Hindu. Which isn't bad. We have a Hindu baba chanting Ya Ali all the time. You can follow him.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:03 am

why u care who i am?
according u i am already going to hell?
so why care who i am or where i am going?
the point is muslims dont allow temples , so why u want them to give space to u
why ccrying about babri, persecution bombarment of muslims blah blah.
they are actually calling u to right path(according to them) to stop worshipping some imaginery invisible idol up in the sky.
poor u --u cannot understand--so they have to do riots in which u make great escape and again go to infidel lands only instead of
ur pure muslim land.
either ur faith is not strong and pure otherwise u would have escaped to either of one 56 pure countries.
but hey allahs land is wasey--pity u could find only infidels land
dont tell me about prophet--he migrated to helpers as there was no muslim land then, but u have option of 56 to choose from.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:48 pm

Actually those 56 countries were previously non-muslim lands. If muslims had followed your idiotic logic, there wouldn't be 56 muslim lands. The goal of the true muslim should be to increase that number to 196. And who will do that? A half chaddi sympathizer like you?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:11 pm

Shia group announces Rs 15 lakh bounty on preacher Zakir Naik’s head

A Shia group that calls itself the Hussaini Tigers has placed a Rs 15-lakh bounty on the head of controversial TV evangelist Zakir Naik.

“He (Naik) is a ‘khalnayak’ (villain). He has insulted the Prophet of Islam and whosoever kills him would be rewarded not only in life [and beyond]...but would also get cash reward from us,” Syed Kalbe Hussain Naqvi, the president of the outfit, said in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

Naqvi is son of senior vice-president of the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board and prominent cleric Syed Kalbe Sadiq.
“Naik is a ‘kafir’ (heathen). He has insulted the Prophet and radical clerics are defending him saying he has no connection with the terrorists,” Naqvi said.

The bounty announced by the Shia leader amounts to criminal intimidation, an offence under Section 506 of the Indian Penal Code that carries a maximum seven-year jail term. Though several political and religious leaders have made similar statements in the past, few were penalised under the law. ... ANnkL.html

ghulam muhammed
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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:29 pm

Zakir Naik pleads innocence, accuses media of ulterior motives

Pleading innocence that he never encouraged terrorism, controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik on Friday alleged that the Indian media started trying him just because one of the Bangladesh newspapers reported that one of the terrorists involved in the Dhaka cafe attack was inspired by him.

"I am seeing that there is an India media cry on me just because a report came in one of the Bangladesh newspapers 'The Daily Star' that one of the terrorists who was involved in the attack was inspired by me, and the media trial started. On July 29, the newspaper corrected themselves that they never said that Dr Zakir inspired him and Dr Zakir did not inspire any terrorist to kill innocent people," Naik told a press conference in Mumbai via Skype from Medina.

He said that his answers were altered and misguided people, adding those who did that shall be held responsible.

"Media for ulterior motives change meaning of my statements," he said.

Naik said he condemns all terror attacks anywhere in world and will speak for hours if needed.

"Suicide bombings where innocents are killed is 'haraam'. But as tactic of war it is permitted say many scholars," said Naik, who began his press conference by condemning the France terror attack.

He said, "Verse 32 in Chapter 5 of the Quran says killing innocents is crime. No scripture other than the Quran says one innocent killed is killing of the humanity."

"Knowingly I have never met any terrorist, but if some people stand next to me to take photographs, I smile. I don't know who they are? I am a messenger of peace. I do not criticise any sect of Islam, I may disagree on interpretations," he said.

Meanwhile, there was utter chaos during the press conference after Naik accused a reporter of Zee News of not having 'tameez' (discipline) after he posed a question to the controversial Islamic preacher.

He said he has replies to all allegations made on TV, adding they are available on pen drives for reporters.

"I challenge you to show me any unedited answer of mine where I have not condemned suicide bombing of the kind that is happening. Why are you relying on a doctored clip or an answer which is out of context? I challenge you to show my any unedited clip," said Naik.

Naik claimed that no official or government authority has approached him with any question, adding that he has no problem with the Indian government or police so far.

"I will cooperate 100 percent with any government authority, which wants to speak with me," he said.

He claimed that Peace TV had in 2008 applied for downlinking permission, which was denied by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry.

"The only reason I can think of why I&B Ministry had not given permission to Peace TV for downlinking in India is because it is a Muslim channel," he added. (ANI) ... 00387.html

ghulam muhammed
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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:56 pm

Video 1 - defending Bin Laden & saying all Muslims must be terrorists:
From 6.18 secs:*

“If bin Laden is fighting enemies of Islam, I am for him. If he is terrorizing America—the terrorist, biggest terrorist—I am with him. Every Muslim should be a terrorist. The thing is that if he is terrorizing the terrorist, he is following Islam. Whether he is or not, I don’t know, but you as Muslims know that, without checking up, laying allegations is also wrong,” Naik said in this speech.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:53 am

The preacher from hell: Zakir Naik negates every pluralist cultural component of our existence‏

In an ideal situation Indian Muslims should navigate the world, heads held high, knowing they are participants in the cultural landscape of the region. Be it architecture, music, language, literature or poetry, over centuries individuals who happened to be Muslims have given us so many strands that contribute to our culture, nationhood and identity.

A preacher like Zakir Naik negates every pluralist cultural component of our existence and promotes a version of Islam that is an arid desert of dreary habit. It is an Islam that mocks other faiths even as it seeks to purge every local strand out of Islamic practice in India

To put the message of Naik on speed dial, music means you go to hell, dargah worship also hell, participating in non-Muslim festivals, hell again. Also, a disobedient wife could be beaten, first lightly, as if “with a toothbrush” and not on the face “where you could leave marks”.

he’s almost like an agony aunt of Islam.

Frankly there is nothing enlightened emerging from Islamic religious scholarship within India, one more reason why a mediocre peddler of half truths like Naik could get such a following because he mounts a show. ... existence/

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Jul 16, 2016 11:46 am

Zakir Naik has been saying the same thing for decades. When someone commits a crime, you don't wait for decades before bringing them to justice. Zakir Naik wasn't committing any crime. He was just saying things that people didn't like. And the half chaddis hated him for it. And so did other half chaddi supporting muslims. Some hated him for quoting the vedas and others hated him for saying Yazid (ra). Why isn't he supposed to say Yazid (ra)? Is everybody supposed to hate Yazid just like you do? Of course not. Your hatred should be sufficient for you. The hatred for Zakir Naik is not because he is wrong but because he might be right and the rest are all screwed if he is. So they have been waiting for an opportunity against him and they got it when some how they established a connection between some criminal in Dhaka and a like he posted for Zakir Naik's videos.

Is that the best you fools could do? The entire machinery of a country hates a man and they need this flimsy excuse to persecute him? No wonder some muslims have decided to become half chaddi supporters cause they know even if they dream of becoming a true muslim, the government is going to come after you and they are big cowards to do anything about it.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:45 am

anajmi wrote:, the government is going to come after you and they are big cowards to do anything about it.
uncowardice lies in fleeing away right?
according to which burqa clad sunnah?

hatred for him is not only bcoz of he says yazid ra?
do u beleive he was in league of 4 rightly guided caliph?
actually he becoming a caliph was also not according to ur 2 caliph laid down procedure.
either u believe the 4 caliph or yazid.
forget karbala, he has stated he took revenge of badr and his great grandfathers who died in badr will be pleased with him today seeing his revenge. is this blashphemy according to u?
sunni scholar tahir ul qadri has refuted all his sayings.
which one do u believe?

and no hatered for ZN is not only for this.
he does not incite directly, but he poisons the mind of the people. by his excluvist ideology.
he does not want other people to propagate thier ideas.
u may agree with him, but it is not allowed in secular country till it becomes a muslim land.
and till it becomes dont blubble

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:47 am

anajmi wrote:. Your hatred should be sufficient for you. .
similarly your hatred for anybody not agreeing to ur views should be sufficient for u only.
dont try to propagate it especially in secular country.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:20 am

anajmi wrote: but because he might be right and the rest are all screwed if he is.
i like that
atleast u said he MIGHT be right--ur also confused if he is or not.
and we will be screwed IF he is.
who will judge this IF--burqa shrouded--in which we cannot see except black or bikini interpretated -in which everything is visible naked?

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:17 am

You don't understand plain English do you? People hate him because they think he might be right and that they are screwed if he is. I know for sure he is right. That is why I don't hate him. And remember the prophet (saw) wasn't a coward when he left mecca to go to Medina fearing for his life. That is the command of Allah.

And I am glad you guys haven't been able to post a single lie from Zakir Naik. Not one. You keep referring to this scholar and that scholar, I am sure you are capable of A little copy and paste. Try to paste some of that here.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:30 am

biggest lie of his is he calls himself messenger of peace.
messenger of peace do not prohibit other people to propagate their ideas, when he himself wants to have the right do the same.
this is against natural course of justice. but this is hard to understand who wants people from other parts of world to come and teach him
2+2 =4

ghulam muhammed
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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:35 pm

Mahesh Bhatt Full Support To Dr Zakir Naik In India

ghulam muhammed
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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:44 pm

Ban Dr. zakir Naik ???

Question to PM on Sadhvi's comment on Zakir Naik

ghulam muhammed
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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jul 18, 2016 7:20 pm

Comedian Sadhvi Prachi: Zakir Naik ke Sar per 50 Lac Inaam!!

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:20 pm

Now Asaduddin Owaisi is also helping ISIS!!! Anyone who speaks the truth against the half chaddis becomes an ISIS supporter.

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Re: for zakir naik fans


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:55 am

since when did u start believing politicians?
he also speaks only truth like ZN?
he takes part in democratic process which is haraam according to ZN.
he believes in constituion or atleast says so, which is again haraam according to ZN, as for him only constitution is his version of quran (everytime he gives hawala of indian constitution, for supporting ZN also he gives hawala of
constituion as freedom of beleif is mentioned in it. pity he has to take support of haraam things to defend halal).
so who is speaking the only truth? get ur confusion cleared first.
but for that u must know 2+2 = 4 and for that u need to invite infidels to teach u.