Protests in India

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Protests in India


Unread post by SBM » Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:48 am

Published in Miami Herald on 12/26/19

The world ignores India’s nationalist government

The government of Narendra Modi, a right-wing Hindu nationalist who was re-elected last year, has enacted a National Citizen Register for all Indian citizens. It may look simple and great, but a country whose ruling party believes in a national puritanical state for a secular India reminds minorities of Hitler’s registration of Jews.
Recently, the party enacted an amendment that allows all minorities from neighboring countries to become Indian citizens, with the exception of Muslims — a reminder of President Trump’s Muslim ban.
India’s constitution is secular and guarantees equal treatment to all regardless of faith. But this new act is isolating minorities and denying them citizenship or other rights. Once again, a blind eye has been turned on the events happening in the world’s largest democracy, and religious zealots are ready to implement ethnic cleansing.
More than four months ago, Kashmir Province was totally isolated, with no internet or freedom for its citizens to move around. Indian citizens are denied entry to Kashmir. U.S. lawmakers also have been denied entry to witness human-rights violations. India’s Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar canceled a meeting with senior members of Congress because the government did not want U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal in the meeting. Jayapal is of Indian heritage and Hindu faith and has criticized the Kashmir moves. This is nothing short of ethnic cleansing of Muslim and Dalit minorities. The same tactics were used in 1933 by Hitler, and in the 1990s by Radovan Karadzic on Bosnian and Croat Muslims.
Indian media have been muzzled, and voices of reason suppressed by extremists. It’s time for our Congress to investigate human-rights violations in India before it is too late.

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Re: Protests in India


Unread post by SBM » Thu Dec 26, 2019 10:02 am

Op Ed in NDTV by US Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal ... topstories

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Re: Protests in India


Unread post by Mkenya » Fri Dec 27, 2019 10:58 am

SBM Bhai: Agree; the same tactics were used by Hitler and Karadzic. Congress has been relegated to inconsequence. Its heydays are over. BJP has full control on the judiciary. Any investigations of human-right violations are destined to fail before they start. To point at one incidence; a car with Rahul and his sister, on their way to meet victims of riots, was turned back by the police at a checkpoint.

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Re: Protests in India


Unread post by Mkenya » Fri Dec 27, 2019 12:09 pm

A modern-day Hindu is a unifying force that unites Hindus from Sabarimala to Ayodhya — from Patel to Kapu to Jaat to Kashmiri Pandits — unification is the key element of a modern-day Hindu. This is the foe that Muslims and others must confront in its quest for justice.

But, and it is a big BUT, Muslims will never be united. Muslims are not even agreed on how many pillars does its faith have. Bohras have seven and the Sunnis have five. Muslims could not even put together a ragtag joint deputation on Babri Masjid. We even differ, for our self-interest, on the history of Islam.

The horrors of daily killings in the Middle East have become the backdrop of Islam's laid-back existence. The so called Islamic leaders, including our own, are nothing but megalomaniacs. Friday Khutbas, exhorting the past glory of Islam have become self-serving hot air.

Whereas Waaz and Maatam should be rallying calls, SMS and his coterie, display theatrical acts of crying. Even if a spark is ignited after the majlis our Mumineen would be wiped out before they rise. One has to witness the military drills and discipline of Shiv Sena on the grounds of Ahmedabad, Andheri, Chennai and so on.

The future is bleak for Muslims.

Posts: 547
Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:16 am

Re: Protests in India


Unread post by Mkenya » Fri Dec 27, 2019 12:10 pm

A modern-day Hindu is a unifying force that unites Hindus from Sabarimala to Ayodhya — from Patel to Kapu to Jaat to Kashmiri Pandits — unification is the key element of a modern-day Hindu. This is the foe that Muslims and others must confront in its quest for justice.

But, and it is a big BUT, Muslims will never be united. Muslims are not even agreed on how many pillars does its faith have. Bohras have seven and the Sunnis have five. Muslims could not even put together a ragtag joint deputation on Babri Masjid. We even differ, for our self-interest, on the history of Islam.

The horrors of daily killings in the Middle East have become the backdrop of Islam's laid-back existence. The so called Islamic leaders, including our own, are nothing but megalomaniacs. Friday Khutbas, exhorting the past glory of Islam have become self-serving hot air.

Whereas Waaz and Maatam should be rallying calls, SMS and his coterie, display theatrical acts of crying. Even if a spark is ignited after the majlis our Mumineen would be wiped out before they rise. One has to witness the military drills and discipline of Shiv Sena on the grounds of Ahmedabad, Andheri, Chennai and so on.

The future is bleak for Muslims.