If you ever wonder ...

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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If you ever wonder ...


Post by jinx » Mon Oct 14, 2002 5:14 am

Have you ever wondered what sort of person would become a Dai in the traditional set environment? Ponder upon the quotes below and compare them to Sayedna Burhannudin, Khotars, and his Amils to get at the root of the Evil Empire.

1. The Ismaili missionary (Dai) is expected to be a shrewd man to handle the dawaa while portraying to have a kindly, compassionate and an exemplary life so as to attract people.
- As can be seen from our Dai Burhannudin, we can observe the versatility of his character. To his Abdes/Amte he looks to be a Holy pious Man while in the eyes of the world he seems to be very shrewd man who handled his community with iron fist and on top of that running an efficient propaganda machinery.

2. The Dai will be given a good deal of authority over his flock and this authority would deem to be from the Imam himself.
- I guess this is self-evident

3. In order to preaches the Bohras Doctrine; the Dai would build up his reputation for piety and intellectual excellence
- This too is self-evident

4. Gradually the Dai would gather round him Bohras who seems most apt to receive his doctrine and embark upon awarding the power and his authority to those who deem trustworthy to dawaat
- Well...if you look at all the Amils and most of his family members who are in the Dawat Business... most of them are in powerful position… who form the think tank of Dai

5.The Dai would lead up to these ideas cautiously and obliquely, always ready to change the subject if people grew suspicious or hostile. Dai would speak of religion as a hidden science, and would ask questions such as: Why are there seven cervical and twelve dorsal vertebrae? Why has the face seven apertures but the rest of the body only two? (These questions were designed to focus the listeners' minds on the idea that the universe is a magnified man and Man is the universe In miniature; the number seven is particularly important in the Ismaili scheme)
- Bingo! There you go...Bohras tawil and magical interpretations

6.As his audience began to respond, the Dai would grow bolder and begin to hint that spiritual salvation depended on pondering these matters and reaching a true understanding of them.
- I guess this explains why Bohras are very sure their Dai Burhanuddin holds the key to Janant

<B>Now..Tell me ..Don’t Sayedna Burhannudin, Khotars and his agent cleverly follow this doctrine of deceptions? </B>

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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by nausicaa » Mon Oct 14, 2002 9:20 pm

This is a general list of characteristics possessed by most cult leaders.

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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by jinx » Tue Oct 15, 2002 2:35 am

I took that from some books that talk about Ismaili missionary characteristics

Hey Nausicaa
How do you explain to cultist that they have been brainwashed? You can’t talk logically or sensibly to those who have never been exposed to these 2 words.

Shouldn’t there be law that says Brainwashing is illegal?

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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by nausicaa » Tue Oct 15, 2002 3:19 am

In general, you cannot convince a cultist by arguing with them that they are wrong or misguided. Cults brainwash people in elaborate ways to break down their sense of self. A person after being in one for long simply cannot conceive a life outside it. As far as brainwashing being illegal, I am not sure how you would define a concept as nebulous as brainwashing. Even teaching someone new skills, or military indoctrination could be considered mild forms of brainwashing.


The key word is CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL by Submitting to the Leadership - Leaders tend to be the absolute end, looked to as prophets of God, as specially anointed apostles, or just a strong, controlling, manipulative personality who demands submission even if he changes his views or conflicts occur in doctrine or behavior. They can be looked on as God Himself. To obey a leader and their teaching is equal to obeying God.

It can take time for them to gain power over the new convert, but it will eventually be there. Control is usually overwhelming and can cover most aspects of the followers' lives: Dress codes, activities, finances, time, possessions and relationships.

The methods of control which are used is usually FEAR of displeasing God the leader or both. Fear of rejection, punishment, losing ones salvation, missing the rapture, going to hell.

Intimidation and accusation are the most often used. For example, any questioning of authority is treated as rebellion, and not trusting. They suppress questions and conform to the groups behavior.

A DOUBLE STANDARD: There is one standard for the followers and another for the leaders can do almost anything wrong while others will be rebuked and made examples of if they do the same things.

TAKES LICENSE WITH GOD'S WORD:. The Scripture is not rightly divided. Private revelations and interpretations are added to the Word, and sometimes substitute it.

ISOLATION: Information control is practiced where members of the group are not allowed or discouraged to have contact with outside family members, other ministries or Christians that could influence them.

AN "US AGAINST THEM" ATTITUDE AND PHILOSOPHY: Anyone who challenges the cult's doctrine is automatically branded as an enemy which is usually anyone who disagrees. The cultists feel that they are being persecuted unfairly.

MOTIVATIONAL TEACHING: Techniques designed to stimulate emotions, usually employing loud speaking or music with group participation, group dynamics are used to influence responses.(Matam sessions)

REVELATION KNOWLEDGE: Emotions, intuitions, revelations and mystical insights are promoted over the objective word.

BRAINWASHING: New inductees are brainwashed increment by increment, until the convert identifies with the Church and its leaders and ties with family society are broken. Certain techniques used for what is called thought reform and mind conditioning. Members are kept under physical, mental and emotional pressure they can become too fatigued to resist or think for themselves, or they become to busy as they can comply with all the groups activities.

DISTORTED TITHING OR EXCESSIVE GIVING: Certain members Keep track of your commitment of what your to give. they may have you write down what you can give and keep you to the obligation. More and more money is needed to attain higher degrees of spirituality (word faith, International churches of Christ), or complete submission to God requires one to give up everything to the group or leader for the cause. Give to get back from God, the more you give the more God will give back.

TOTAL COMMITMENT: is expected of the followers to the leader(s). Their commitment requires that property and money be given in the hands of the leader(s).

INDIVIDUALITY IS SACRIFICED FOR THE GROUP: The group's concerns supersede an individual's goals, needs, aspirations, Conformity is the key. The end Justifies the Means - Any action or behavior is justifiable as long as it furthers the group's goals. To lie to others outside the group is ok since they are serving Satan.

CURSES and THREATS: Are put on those who leave the group or oppose them afterwards . They are told their is no where else to go. Threats are made subtly or to their face. Once one is in their is no easy way out. the hardest part is when friends and family are involved. One will often have to give up their friendships and fight for their family.

The Bohra leadership satisfies pretty much all of the above.

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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by huzaif » Thu Oct 17, 2002 3:30 am


Stop the nonsense you are posting.
You are evil from top to bottom.
I swear by Allah that you will be subjected to a horrible punishment in hell and you will not find any helper. Your great friend Engineer too will burn in such intensity that neither of you will be able to be stop shouting for help.
Death has still not been revealed to you.
You can still change.
Maulana Ali (AS) says - "I wonder at the man who when the door of forgiveness is open does not repent."
We are here due to our sins. THis world is not a nice place. We have to obtain forgiveness from Allah and go back to our Watan e Kadeem.

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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by nausicaa » Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:39 am

Why does jinx have to get all the curses? I am feeling so left out :(

Muslim First
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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by Muslim First » Fri Oct 18, 2002 10:05 am

I must protest nausiccca

I am also receiptant of a curse. I am going to stop walking as pr Huzaif in one year.


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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by porus » Fri Oct 18, 2002 11:42 am


He actually spells it 'nausicaa'.

Intriguing name! I thought it ought to be 'nausiccaa'. Then it is an anagram of 'caucasian'.

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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by nausicaa » Mon Oct 21, 2002 1:22 am

Nausicaa is a characer in a Japanese comic book/movie series (Nausicaa of the valley of the winds). No major reasons behind the name.


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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by raheel » Sun Oct 27, 2002 6:35 am

Actually huzaif the thing is that these so called reformists are burning in the fire of jealosy.
So you can imagine..

abde sayedna tus

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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by huzaif » Mon Oct 28, 2002 3:04 am


Have u ever seen the depth of love and respect that mumineen have for their Maula(tus)? No leader in this entire world is the recipient of such a deep love. Obviously, people like you are jealous that you do not have such a charismatic leader to follow. Your silly dilly Engineer is nothing more than a nincompoop. May he die the death of a vulture and may he never find peace whether it be in this world or the next.

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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by nausicaa » Mon Oct 28, 2002 7:56 am


Yes, I've seen the fanaticism and closed mindedness he and his minions are capable of invoking in his followers. I've known several leaders being the recipient of this kind of 'love'. Sun Myung Moon, Jim Jones, David Koresh, and Joseph Rutherford come to mind. And though Engineer is an important part of the progressive movement no one reveres him like he is a spiritual leader, or at least no one I am aware of. He also dosen't use community property for personal junkets to hunt animals.


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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by huzaif » Fri Nov 08, 2002 5:39 am


It is a fact that you have let doubt get the better of faith. That is why your personality is filled with doubt. It is easy to question and doubt. It doesn't require any brains. Just simply oppose whatever is going on.
However, leading a life of faith in Allah is tough. Faith is built step by step and requires a high degree of patience. It is your inability to undergo this rigorous process which is why you are preferring to becoming a doubter in Aqa Maula(tus). In other words a hypocrite. I urge you to read the Quran and see the punishment for the hypocrites. Even your clothes will start trembling.

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Re: If you ever wonder ...


Post by nausicaa » Sat Nov 09, 2002 4:40 am

I have read the Quran and the description of the hell therein . Its not all that spectacular. I have read more troubling torture descriptions in BDSM literature. To some extent Islamic (and Christian) description of hell is what puts me off those religions. The amount of joy God seems to take in giving pain to his own children is scary.

Here is a passage:

As for the disbelievers, they know at the moment of death that they are destined for Hell. The angels beat them up on the faces and rear ends (8:50 & 47:27), order them to evict their souls (6:93), then "snatch their souls" (79:1). The Quran teaches that the disbelievers go through 2 deaths (2:28 & 40:11). They will be put to death - a state of nothingness during which they see Hell day and night in a continuous nightmare that lasts until the Day of Judgment (40:46). Hell is not yet in existence (40:46, 89:23).
