Excerpts of the Dars

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Excerpts of the Dars


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:56 am

“Seeking knowledge is mandatory upon every Muslim men and women.” Rasoolullaah (saws) says in his Hadees-e-Nabawi that, “Seek knowledge from Cradle to the Grave.” Food and water are the means for our physical survival but the ‘Ilm (knowledge) of Shari’at is essential for our spiritual sustenance as it is the food and water of our soul, without which our soul fails to attain the purpose of its existence in the body. Knowledge of Allaah spread in this world through the Ambiyaa and Awsiyaa (as) who were guided by Him. This knowledge was then carried over, in its original form to A’immat-e-Taahereen (as) and will continue to exist in this world in Imaam uz-Zamaan (as) and his Du’aat till the Last Day. We are blessed that we have got the water of this divine knowledge through Du’aat ul-Akrameen (aq).

Arabic is the language of Allaah, His Angels and Ambiyaa (as). Allaah revealed the verses of Qur’an on Rasoolullaah (saws) in Arabic language. Hence it is essential for us to recite the Qur’an in Arabic. We should not rely on the translation of the Qur’an for reciting it. Qur’an is the word of Allaah and there is nobody in this world except the one who is guided by the knowledge of A’immat-e-Tahereen (as), who can translate or interpret it correctly because for translating or interpreting a divine word, one should have a divine guidance and knowledge. All the tall claims made by the translators throughout the world are baseless and groundless. Forget about the long verses of the Qur’an, just the three letters of “Alif Laam Meem” will wash off all the meanings and interpretations because for such difficult things they say that only the learned men or “Raasekhoona fil ilm” knows its correct interpretation. All misfortune to those blind eyes who unfortunately misinterpret the words “Raasekhoona fil ilm” as a common aalim. But the fact is that theyare none others but the ones who possess the true divine knowledge – A’immat-e-Taahereen (as) – the aal and itrat (progeny) of Rasoolullaah (saws).

Allaah Ta’aala says in the Qur’an in Surat ul-Feel about how He sent the birds in flocks (Tayran Abaabeel) over the army of Elephants (Ashaab ul-Feel) to strike them with the stones of Sijjeel. What importance do these verses bear that Allaah mentioned in the Qur’an about this incidence when the King of Yemen, Abraha sent his army of Elephants to Makkah to destroy the Ka’batullaah? Our A’immat-e-Taahereen (as) interprets the hidden meaning of this Surah that Abaabeel (flock of birds) are the pious Imaams (as); stones of Sijjeel is the knowledge of Allaah; and the army of elephants is untruth and ignorance. Hence when the ignorance and untruth tried to over power the truth (Ka’batullaah), Allaah sent A’immat-e-Taahereen (as) with the weapon of His knowledge and ordered them to strike the untruth and ignorance and protect the truth.

The names of the sons of Maulaatana Faatimah (as) which Rasoolullaah (saws) kept as it was commanded by Allaah through Jibra’eel (as) are based on three letters, Haa-seen-noon, which means beauty, virtuousness and purity. May it be Imaam Hasan (as), Imaam Husain (as) or Mohsin (as) or their progeny, the meaning of their names was reflected in the way they led their lives. We have inherited the beauty and virtuousness of both the worlds (in this life and after death) through their guidance. Their existence in this world is the perpetual blessing of Allaah for us.

“Ad-deeno kullohu mohabbatun”, religion is love in every sense. Imaam Ja’far us-Saadiq (as) says that, mumineen who have love for us in this world are like shining stars which beautifies the dark night. The dark night is like the people in this world who do not have the brilliance of our love in their hearts.