Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?

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Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by Safiuddin » Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:55 pm

Anyone know what has happened to Mr Burhanuddin?
Have only heard about hundreds of Nikahs. . .where is
he these days?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:40 pm

As per the kothar sponsored zeninfosys website, the current 'muqam' of Burhanuddin saab is in Mumbai. No other news of his activities as all the kothar sponsored sites are full of news of the would be 53rd dai only. A massive PRO machinery is working overtime to project the 53rd dai in all its glory thereby slowly but steadily erasing the memory of his father.

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by student » Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:34 am

syedna saheb knew this,he knew how faithful his kids are this is the only reason he waited till the last minute to announce his successor.because he knew once the DAI ship is gone to another candidate he wont let syedna saheb stand any where.

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by fearAllah » Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:59 am

One of the sheikh/chamcha in Temple last night informed us that Burhanuddin is hosipitalized in Saifee hospital undergoing medication, dont know if thats absolutely true...

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by aqs » Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:56 am

fearAllah wrote:One of the sheikh/chamcha in Temple last night informed us that Burhanuddin is hosipitalized in Saifee hospital undergoing medication, dont know if thats absolutely true...
Fear Allah,

shouldnt visiting a temple make you a kaafir. Or you had some ulterior motive behind visiting the place.

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by SBM » Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:40 am

One of the sheikh/chamcha in Temple last night
Any place where Allah's name is called and where Salats are offered could not be called temple. may be a Mussallah or Markaz
but you should consider what you call your self. Fear Allah please do fear Allah when you start using these kinds of words unless
You are the follower of Nation of Islam who calls their place of worship as Temples.

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by fearAllah » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:23 am

aqs wrote:
fearAllah wrote:One of the sheikh/chamcha in Temple last night informed us that Burhanuddin is hosipitalized in Saifee hospital undergoing medication, dont know if thats absolutely true...
Fear Allah,

shouldnt visiting a temple make you a kaafir. Or you had some ulterior motive behind visiting the place.
I am doing Tuqqiya my friend

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by fearAllah » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:30 am

omabharti wrote:
One of the sheikh/chamcha in Temple last night
Any place where Allah's name is called and where Salats are offered could not be called temple. may be a Mussallah or Markaz
but you should consider what you call your self. Fear Allah please do fear Allah when you start using these kinds of words unless
You are the follower of Nation of Islam who calls their place of worship as Temples.
Salat to Allah or Salat to Burhanuddin with that 2 rakats for him and his father? what about putting screens and watching videos of him in that place? what about singing madehs and bhajans of burhanudin's praise? Have you heard us singing hyms praising Allah? What about paying money to secure masela place? what about kicking out follower of Allah after his visit? (the criteria is that you have to worship burhanuddin first otherwise please dont come back to pray), what about wadhawu rasam their perfom like hindus inside the mosque?

So how can this be a place of Allah's worship then? If you are offended with the word "Temple" bro then maybe i will call it "Burhanddin house" next time...
Last edited by fearAllah on Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by aqs » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:33 am

fearAllah wrote:
aqs wrote: Fear Allah,

shouldnt visiting a temple make you a kaafir. Or you had some ulterior motive behind visiting the place.
I am doing Tuqqiya my friend
Fear Allah
if you dont mind and its not too personal can you elaborate on your taqiyat. I can understand that you might be forced by your family to attend functions against your wishes but how far do you go in taqiyat. Do you offer salaat with other DB's behind their aamil because according to your ideology he is the tool of kothar or a part of corrupt regime and that makes him evil too. So offering salaat behind someone whom you believe to be corrupt and evil should not be counted, what do you say

and moreover Taqiyat is the tool of Shias which they bring out for convenience or when cornered. If you are still a shia then its ok otherwise the thoughts you display have overtones of Salafism so call of taqiyat will not suit you

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by fearAllah » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:58 am


I am not comparing myself to anyone but i perform taquiya in the same way Moualana Ali did, he also used to pray behind the first 3 caliphs, i am not going to quit my community but rather help kick the culprits out who have hijacked our islamic community and turning it into a idolating cult, there are thousands like me in our community and we have a mission too, just because of few hundred bhagwans/qasre-alis we are not going to quit rather kick those bhagwans out for good.

And i do not consider us bohoras as Shi'a anymore as if we did we would be having a leader in Moualana Ali, Hassan, Hussein and Imams (and early Dais too) footsteps living a simple, just and fair life by earning/making their own living but in our case we have leader living more like Moulana Ali's enemy Muawiya, extravagant life by exploiting and oppressing people money in the name of religion. To add, our leaders are very fond of hunting and so was Yazid, which means brother Ashura/Qayamat is very near thats for sure.

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:22 am

The tool used by Sunnis is called "Chadar". This is better than "taqiya". A chadar can cover your body and deeds and intentions from head to toe. We can easily hide behind a "Chadar".
and moreover Taqiyat is the tool of Shias which they bring out for convenience or when cornered.
:) Actually it is a tool used by all pretty much all of us when cornered. It is a god given gift to all of us cowards!!

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by shabbir4u » Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:15 pm

Safiuddin wrote:Anyone know what has happened to Mr Burhanuddin?
Have only heard about hundreds of Nikahs. . .where is
he these days?

Why u worried about Aqa Maula? just chill dude..

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by stranger » Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:08 pm

I am not comparing myself to anyone but i perform taquiya in the same way Moualana Ali did, he also used to pray behind the first 3 caliphs,
Everytime you post, you compare yourself some pious personality. :roll: think twice before making such statement.
i am not going to quit my community but rather help kick the culprits out who have hijacked our islamic community and turning it into a idolating cult, there are thousands like me in our community and we have a mission too, just because of few hundred bhagwans/qasre-alis we are not going to quit rather kick those bhagwans out for good.
mission ??? my foot :evil: you don't even have guts to stand out with your true identity and express your belief. .keep doing so called ''taquiya '' :mrgreen:
And i do not consider us bohoras as Shi'a anymore as if we did we would be having a leader in Moualana Ali, Hassan, Hussein and Imams (and early Dais too) footsteps living a simple, just and fair life by earning/making their own living but in our case we have leader living more like Moulana Ali's enemy Muawiya, extravagant life by exploiting and oppressing people money in the name of religion. To add, our leaders are very fond of hunting and so was Yazid, which means brother Ashura/Qayamat is very near thats for sure.
Do yo behaves and act like a true follower of Prophet (saw) and Ali (a.s.) ?

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by Safiuddin » Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:37 pm


thankx for the update. student, I agree with you. That's really why he
never named a successor. Had Burhanuddin called the succession quite some time
ago, he would have been left out. I say, that's a really sick thing that they're doing.

For days on end they cheer and pray for virtually no one but burhanuddin - and now a 180 degree about face?
Bohris are THIS fickle? In a month or two they've virtually stopped all mention of the dai.
Now it's all Mufaddal Glorious Mister, etc, etc. etc.
These people are really without any scruples or integrity.
It's quite a shame really, many Bohris I know are the sweetest, most generous people that you'll ever meet.
and they're also some of the shrewdest people I've met.
Why on earth they've become stuck believing Burhanuddin and Ilk, I can't comprehend.

@shabbir4you: Return to my post and read it - again. Did I express any "worries" or concerns about Burhanuddin?
If i did, :lol: could you please point those words out for me?

Muslim First
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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by Muslim First » Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:51 am

I am not comparing myself to anyone but i perform taquiya in the same way Moualana Ali did, he also used to pray behind the first 3 caliphs,
Any proof that Ali RA performed taquiya when he prayed behind the first 3 caliphs? Hadith in his own words not usual shia lie.

Muslim First
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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by Muslim First » Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:55 am

Do you offer salaat with other DB's behind their aamil because according to your ideology he is the tool of kothar or a part of corrupt regime
Don't you do same when you offer prayer behind Mecca's Imaam?

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by aqs » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:28 am

Muslim First wrote:
Do you offer salaat with other DB's behind their aamil because according to your ideology he is the tool of kothar or a part of corrupt regime
Don't you do same when you offer prayer behind Mecca's Imaam?
Br. Its too long a topic though which can be discussed but will never bring out any fruitful result except division in Ummah. So better we continue with our tariqah then point out each others flaw.

Ramdaan kareem

Muslim First
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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by Muslim First » Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:01 am

Br. Its too long a topic though which can be discussed but will never bring out any fruitful result except division in Ummah. So better we continue with our tariqah then point out each others flaw.
Your response is a copout.

Show me a single Hadith that prevents you from praying behind a Muslim regardless of tariqah.

Ramdaan kareem

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:09 am

Muslim First wrote:
Br. Its too long a topic though which can be discussed but will never bring out any fruitful result except division in Ummah. So better we continue with our tariqah then point out each others flaw.
Your response is a copout.

Show me a single Hadith that prevents you from praying behind a Muslim regardless of tariqah.

Ramdaan kareem
read here moron,

According to a narration from Ibn Abbas (ra), Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) stated: “Choose your imam from among those who are (khayr) beneficial. The reason for this is that the imam are in a way the representatives (and delegates) between you and your Rabb.” (Daraqutni; Shawkani, Naylu'l-Awtar, 3/184)

and definately no bandiya is khair lol

Muslim First
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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by Muslim First » Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:28 am

Chahe kitne saal doom gaad do, Kutte ki doom Banki ke banki

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:52 am

Muslim First wrote:Chahe kitne saal doom gaad do, Kutte ki doom Banki ke banki
u asked for hadith i posted bhaag bhaag bose D K bhaaag :mrgreen:

those who have heard this song carefully knows what I mean.....


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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:04 am

Bro Muslim First,

Several people have advised you not to indulge this vile piece of crap. I would ask you again. Please do not respond to his posts. I would ask Admin to look at his posts and warn him or ban him. From his posts you can see that he doesn't even respect his own mother.

Every idiot abde can quote hadith, but they obviously haven't understood any. All they have understood is these songs posted on youtube.

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:09 am

anajmi wrote:Bro Muslim First,

Several people have advised you not to indulge this vile piece of crap. I would ask you again. Please do not respond to his posts. I would ask Admin to look at his posts and warn him or ban him. From his posts you can see that he doesn't even respect his own mother.

Every idiot abde can quote hadith, but they obviously haven't understood any. All they have understood is these songs posted on youtube.

yes i urge all bandiyas to respect there own mother and stop bastardizing own blood by doing nifaaq and not giving rights of ahlul bayt. :wink:

but still i dont have much hope from miya bhai's

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:12 am

Correct. We all have to watch bose d k on youtube. That is how followers of ahlul bayt are giving rights of ahlul bayt.

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:13 am

anajmi wrote:Correct. We all have to watch bose d k on youtube. That is how followers of ahlul bayt are giving rights of ahlul bayt.

yup thats the crap your deserve bose D K

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:18 am

And the ahlul bayt deserve people like you?

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:20 am

anajmi wrote:And the ahlul bayt deserve people like you?
tabarra against tyrants is not a yes

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:23 am

Correct. That is how Imam Hussain did tabarra against Yazid. He called him dirty names from songs in youtube. This is the kind of followers the ahlul bayt have.

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:30 am

anajmi wrote:Correct. That is how Imam Hussain did tabarra against Yazid. He called him dirty names from songs in youtube. This is the kind of followers the ahlul bayt have.
anajmi first try and look in ur own girebaan,u are like a barking dog,u are visiting this site from years barking against ahlul bayt,imamain,and DAI,but when some body answers you in your own tone you start complaining?

i remember you even tried to defend yazid on this forum who is killer of imam hussain(s),all the abuse in this world is nothing for pigs like you.

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Re: Any news about Mr. Burhanuddin?


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:34 am

You are absolutely right. I am just showing everyone on this board that followers of ahlul bayt can be dogs and pigs just like everyone else and you are a perfect example. Ahlul Bayt haven't taught anything special to people like you.