And when it is said to them, create not disorder on the eart

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: And when it is said to them, create not disorder on the


Unread post by accountability » Fri May 28, 2010 2:12 pm

Why are people so scared about reform, i am not linguist but so far as I understand reform is to change for better. If it is so, then what is much ado about it. In arabic reform is islah, the literal meaning of islah as put forward by Sh: Saeed of Jamia Azhar.
Islah literally translated in English means purification. As in any language, word for word translation cannot justify the essence of the meaning between languages. Islah also denotes the meaning of repair or fix. A more detailed analysis also reveals the meaning of reform. So in essence Islah means to purify by fixing or reforming.
If this is the translation of Islah then muslehoon are not bad people. They should be applauded for being muslehoon or refromists.

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Re: And when it is said to them, create not disorder on the


Unread post by porus » Fri May 28, 2010 3:09 pm

accountability wrote: ..... muslehoon are not bad people. They should be applauded for being muslehoon or reformists.
Finally, a very sensible post.

The ayat 2:11 is not condemning reformists at all. It is actually pointing out that munafiqeen are lying when they claim to be reformists.

Islah can also mean peace-making. In this sense, Quran is saying that their (munafiqeen's) claim to be peace-makers is also false.

Like someone said on this forum, it is best not to respond to hecklers. Unless you have something meaningful to contribute to further the discussion, it is best to restrain the knee-jerk urge to take to your keyboard.

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Re: And when it is said to them, create not disorder on the


Unread post by SBM » Sat May 29, 2010 3:06 pm

anajmi on Fri May 28, 2010 3:09 pm
This will put a lot of bullshit being circulated on this forum to a rest.

Can I ask - circulated by whom?? :mrgreen:
Br. Anjami
Did you receive your reply to the above inquiry?

Posts: 156
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Re: And when it is said to them, create not disorder on the


Unread post by rania » Sat May 29, 2010 3:12 pm

anajmi wrote:
This will put a lot of bullshit being circulated on this forum to a rest.
Can I ask - circulated by whom?? :mrgreen:
What is your point exactly ?

If you have a problem with the wording of it , Yes I agree I could have worded it better ! :)

Posts: 156
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Re: And when it is said to them, create not disorder on the


Unread post by rania » Sat May 29, 2010 3:16 pm

omabharti wrote:
anajmi on Fri May 28, 2010 3:09 pm

Can I ask - circulated by whom?? :mrgreen:
Br. Anjami
Did you receive your reply to the above inquiry?
Shame , you have to do the bidding of others. What are your fees for bringing up posts which are not replied to ?

I have some favors to ask. If you do the job nicely the first time around , I may hire you !

Can you please go to the first page of this thread and look that anajmi has not replied to some of my posts addressed to him ? I got a feeling he is not a man enough to do so , so I didn't ask him again.

Can you please go look into one of the cracking posts I did in reply to S.Insaf's laughable post of comparing the numbers of Bohra's population and population of the world !

And can you please tell me what happened next when you saw some Bhaisaheb slapping some elderly woman in Badri Mahal ?

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Re: And when it is said to them, create not disorder on the


Unread post by SBM » Sat May 29, 2010 3:51 pm

In another thread
rania on Sat May 29, 2010 7:16 pm
omabharti wrote:
anajmi on Fri May 28, 2010 3:09 pm
This will put a lot of bullshit being circulated on this forum to a rest.
Can I ask - circulated by whom?? :mrgreen:
Br. Anjami
Did you receive your reply to the above inquiry?
Shame , you have to do the bidding of others. What are your fees for bringing up posts which are not replied to ?

In reply to above
rania on Sat May 29, 2010 6:45 pm

omabharti wrote:Guy Sam
I used to respect your postings but it seems that you have fallen into total disarray
Cry me a river FFS !
Probably guy_sam will be relieved that you have stopped respecting him , Imagine how scary it must be for someone to be told that he is respected by a hypocritical Sarah Palin fantasist ! :roll:
So how come you were bidding for Guy_Sam Are you her Amte or her ran_ia?...

Posts: 156
Joined: Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:52 pm

Re: And when it is said to them, create not disorder on the


Unread post by rania » Sat May 29, 2010 4:00 pm

Omabharti you said little coward , like a retard you have to insert blanks between words like ' PIMP ' :mrgreen:

It is one thing to reply to your whinging but quite another to bump up posts which others have not replied to ! :roll:

Why don't you reply to the other points I have raised ? Why don't you tell everyone what happened next when some Bhaisaheb slapped an elderly lady in Badri Mahal ?

Postal Script : Anyone can connect the fine lines of omabharti's obsession . Prostitute+Pimp+Sarah Palin= A very sad individual void of any social life. In other words I present to you the Hypocritical Omabharti !

Edited to Add : Omabharti did indeed first posted ' Are you her amte or is he your ' P_ _ P ' ! And now he has changed it to ' Ran_ia '

I would have quoted his long extremely boring quote but I have been warned by the Owner of the forum to not do such a thing.Because of this , omabharti the coward was able to backtrack ! :wink: